Of Souldust and Starlight

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Of Souldust and Starlight Page 8

by J. C. Hart

  "Oh," she said, her gut clenching, her hand shaking as she reached out. Her fingers touched the amulet and a wave of rage crashed over her. Rage and abandonment. She let go, her fingers stinging, her breath punching out of her.

  That wasn't Kyle's emotion, which meant it must be Anahera's. He'd left it there as a clue, which meant that he was with them, even if he wasn't here.

  Steeling herself she reached out again, this time grabbing the necklace fully, the metal of it stinging her hand as she closed her eyes and let the visions wash over her.

  So much pain. So much that Sam could almost forgive Anahera for the damage she'd done. She could see images: Anahera, young, grieving the loss of her parents, a mother who'd walked away, shut her out, ignored her, and her father, dead on the ground, the feeling of guilt so overwhelming it was surprising she recovered. Anahera in her early twenties, finding young men to take control of, to use to fill the void her parents had left behind. And there, the key to it all, the transfer of souls. When Anahera took, she gave of herself, and there was barely anything left of her now.

  Sam dropped the amulet. It plummeted, clattering to the floor. She breathed deep, trying to bring herself back to the present, trying to reclaim the anger she felt at this woman for all the harm she'd done. But she couldn't. Not in that moment. It was tempered by her new knowledge, by her hurt for Anahera.

  After a few minutes she reached out and picked up the ring Kyle had left for her, his sadness, his love, washed through her, and she gasped, the strength of it more than she'd ever hoped for. He really loved her, even though he didn't know how it was possible.

  Samantha, I'm sorry I have to leave you like this—I don't want to but she threatened to end your life for good if I didn't go back and I can't put you in harm's way again. I'll try and stop her, I'll try with everything I've got. Love Kyle.

  She sighed, letting the note slip from her fingers. She still held the ring though, the metal warm from her touch. Sam unclasped the necklace she wore and threaded the ring onto the chain. He might be gone, but there was still hope.

  She knew Anahera's secret now—Anahera was fragmented and broken, she was desperate for the approval of her father and would do anything to bring him back—and Sam would use it against her. She just had to get the gods on standby, and her friends, and together they would force this threat from the Bay once and for all.


  Kyle gripped the arms of the chair and clenched his teeth together as another wave of pain coursed through him.

  "When are you going to be done punishing me, Ana," he whispered. "I came back."

  "You came back for her, not for me. There's a difference. And besides I only said I wouldn't kill her, I said nothing about what I'd do to you." She raised an eyebrow, then leaned in close and pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek. "I'm sorry, Kyle. I really am. I don't want to hurt you but you hurt me, and fairs fair." She cocked her head to one side as she stared into his eyes. "You're so beautiful, did you know that? Your soul keeps me warm at night, and I always hoped that when you got it back you'd find a way to love me the way I love you."

  He let out a course laugh. "You don't love me, Ana. You don't love anyone."

  She reeled back. "You're wrong. I love. I love you. I loved my parents..." She bit her lip, her eyes suddenly full of tears.

  Even after all these years he couldn't predict her, but the longer he worked for her the more unhinged she seemed to become. She took a deep breath and sighed as she sat down on his lap. He couldn't move to protest as she wrapped one of his arms around her.

  "You know I'm doing this all for them? Well, for him. My father. I know he loved me once, and I know this is what he's always wanted—revenge on his brothers, the destruction of the other gods. I thought... I thought if I could give him what he wanted he'd come back to me. He'd forgive me for killing him. I didn't mean to. I really didn't." She curled into his chest, sobs wracking her body, her hot tears soaking through his shirt.

  He'd never heard this before, but understanding was beginning to dawn on him. The way she'd only taken the souls of men, had them care for her, protect her, do her bidding. She was trying to fill the void, using her power to make sure no one ever abandoned her again.

  Until him. Of course it had to be him, rocking the boat. He'd never been fantastic at toeing the line. And now that he thought about it, he was the only one she really let close—the only one she’d taken to bed.

  He caressed her back, comforting her until she quieted. "Ana, I don't think anything is going to bring him back. The gods are slumbering, I heard Samantha say. Her father—"

  "What, her father still talks to her, does he? Well, isn't that lovely." Anahera made a gagging noise.

  "No, that's the thing. The only time she's spoken to him was when he intervened to save her. He's been absent her whole life. Don't you think that means something? If these other godchildren have no contact with their fathers then it's not personal. It can't be personal. Maybe Tū just...maybe he's slumbering. Like the rest of them." He waited as she absorbed her words, hoping they might go some way to calming her.

  "He's the god of men, Kyle, of war. He still has power, he still has anger and rage, and he still wants his brothers dead. I know it." Though she said the words with force he could hear the slight waver in her voice, as though for the first time maybe she wasn't so sure about that. "If I hadn't lost control..." Her voice dropping to a whisper. "Wasn't I angry enough for him? How could I be so disappointing? I have to prove to him that I'm worthy. If I can kill his brothers then he'll come back."

  "Ana," he said softly. "You don't know that. You haven't done anything you can't walk away from, you could leave here, find a new path. You don't need him."

  She pushed his arm aside and stood, glaring at him. "You know nothing, Kyle. Nothing. Not of me, or my father."

  "Ana." He reached for her hand, captured it. He knew he could only do that because she allowed him to. "I've known you for over a decade, I know that you can do whatever you set your mind to, but I worry about what might happen to you if you stay here. I know they won't stand for whatever you have planned. You're outnumbered, and this is their turf. Leave, I'll go with you. We'll go together."

  She dropped his hand and leaned forward, placing her hands on the armrest. "Together? Really?" She arched her eyebrow and licked her lips. "Why don't you kiss me then? Kiss me like you love me."

  "Ana..." His stomach clenched, the pain wracking him again and making the world disappear.

  Her words came through the fugue of pain. "I know you don't. You'd only come with me to make me disappear. To keep her safe. Your precious Samantha."

  He screamed, the pain too much to take. She released her hold on his body, and moved back as he fell forward, crumpling to a ball on the floor. The agony clutched his chest, raked his gut, clawed at his throat. He gagged, but there was nothing to bring up. Finally she released him and he panted, his cheek pressed against the carpet, a small comfort to him now.

  "I don't want your pity. I just wanted you to want me the same way I want you. You don't get it, do you! It's all her fault." Anahera paced away from him and then back, muttering about Samantha.

  Clearly her grand design had fallen apart in the light of some competition. Not that it was any competition—he couldn't ignore the way he felt for Sam, it had been coded in his very essence, a love that returned time and again, life after life if she were to be believed. And he did. How could he not? There was no other explanation for the way he felt.

  There had been no question that he'd return to Anahera's side, because he would do anything to keep Sam safe.

  "I did what you asked, Ana. I came home. I came back to you. This is what you wanted. Isn't it?" He took in a heaving breath and tried to sit, using the couch to drag himself off the floor.

  "Oh Kyle." She looked down on him now, pity, regret in her eyes. "I don't really want to hurt you, I just... You hurt me so much." She looked like she might cry, but then she sniffed a
nd shook her head, snapping out of it. "I'll get you something to drink, and something for the pain. I really am sorry, but you need to learn to do what you're told."

  He bit back the words he wanted to say, because they weren't going to do any good. She was so changeable, but she couldn't have it both ways; he couldn't be her slave and love her freely. It just didn't work like that.

  He groaned again, wincing as he pulled himself back into the chair. It had been his favourite spot to relax in before Anahera arrived in town, and now it was the site of his greatest pain. He just didn't trust himself to make it any further.

  Anahera came back to him, pushing some pills into his hand and waiting patiently while he put them in his mouth before handing him the glass.

  "You'll feel better in no time," she said, a smile gracing her lips.

  He swallowed the water and handed the glass back to her, pressing his lips together, not trusting himself. And then a flutter of movement caught his eye out the window. Someone was coming up the path, long blonde hair, graceful walk. Sam.

  His heart thudded, so loud that he thought Anahera would hear it, but she was still focused on him. He caught her gaze and gave her a little smile. "Thank you," he said. "I know I'm not the man you want me to be, but all I can do is try."

  "You've always been so loyal. It kills me that I can't trust you now. Not one single word out of that pretty mouth of yours."

  Sam was almost to the door, he could feel her through the wood, and then her face was in the window.

  "Kiss me, Ana. I need you." He made his voice husky, low, filled it with the desire he felt for Samantha. He caught her gaze for a second before Anahera leaned down and pressed her lips against his. He wanted to puke, but he opened his mouth, flicked his tongue against hers, twisted his fingers into her hair to pull her closer.

  It broke his heart and he hoped Anahera interpreted the shiver running through his body as desire, not the revulsion he truly felt. If it meant Sam would leave then he would do this. This and more. He had to keep her safe.

  The door crashed open, slamming against the wall. Anahera pulled away, her lips twisting in a vicious grin. "Just the woman I wanted to see," she said, placing her hands on her hips. "Did you enjoy that little show? It was all for you, don't worry. He's got it bad and I think you're the only woman he wants now. He's cast me off like I'm scum. But I'm not quite ready to let him go."

  Sam stood in the doorway, her chest heaving like she was struggling to get air. If he'd been stronger he'd have got up and crossed to her, but all he could do was throw her a pleading look.

  "Please, Sam. You need to go," he said.

  But she wasn't looking at him, she was looking at Anahera.

  "I've got an offer for you," Sam said. "I think you're going to want to hear it."

  "Now this should be interesting," Anahera replied. "Why don't you shut the door and we'll see what you've got to say."

  Kyle shook his head, willed Samantha to just walk away. But she reached for the door and swung it closed.


  She couldn't look at him. Didn't want to see the sorrow in his eyes. Couldn't focus on the bad taste in her mouth after watching him kiss Anahera like that, even if she knew it was to try and push her away.

  She would not be pushed. He didn't get to decide what was best for her; no one did.

  "I know what you want," Sam said as she moved toward them. She hadn't got a good look at Anahera when the woman had shot her; she was more beautiful in person than in her memories, though there was a wild look in her eyes now.

  "I want to kill your father and uncles," Anahera replied, her lips stretching into a peaceful grin.

  "No, no that's not it. Not really." Sam shook her head. She was in the living area now, on the rug. Kyle was so close she could just about reach out and touch him. But she didn't. This wasn't about him, not really. He was a distraction she couldn't afford. She kept her eyes on Anahera. "You want to reconnect with your father, don't you?" She kept her voice calm, kind even.

  So many emotions flickered across Anahera's face: grief, indignation, longing, until she finally straightened her features and squared her shoulders. "Maybe," was all she said, as though it was the last thing on her mind. "I think I'd rather watch you all lose your father's instead."

  "Come on, Anahera. You don't have to lie to me. You can stop lying to yourself. I know." Sam took another step closer, and now she did reach out, but not to Kyle; her full focus was on Anahera.

  "You don't know anything!" Anahera threw her arms in the air. "You come in here thinking you're so smart, but you're not because if you were smart you wouldn't have come." She shook her head, pursing her lips. "Stupid woman."

  Sam breathed slowly, trying not to let Anahera’s behaviour spin her out. She had to stay calm, collected. Even if she knew now that she wasn't the one in control.

  "What happened to make his body die?"

  Anahera stiffened.

  "I'm so sorry you had to go through that," Sam said.

  Anahera's eyes flashed with rage. "You pity me?" She raised an eyebrow and then glanced at Kyle. "I hear that your father wasn't around a lot either."

  "Yeah, but he was never there." She could see Anahera's lips twitching so she said, "I can help you get Tū back though. I know that's what you want."

  Anahera froze. Sam's heart thudded so hard as she waited for Anahera to respond. So much rode on this; her safety, Kyle's, the whole Bay. Anahera was a ticking time-bomb and it felt like she might go off any minute. If she could just defuse her...

  "I'll hear your terms," Anahera said, shrugging as if it didn't really matter.

  "You give Kyle his soul back, and I'll help you bring back Tū. I know how to contact Hine-nui-te-pō, I know how to get her to help."

  "Oh no, no no no, that's not how this works. A soul for a soul, Samantha. I can't just give away my power base and not replenish it."

  "If I do this, make this trade—"

  "Sam, you can't do it. Please, you can't," Kyle said.

  The desperation in his voice broke her and she finally looked at him.

  "I have to save you, and if this is the only way..."

  "I'm not worth it, Sam. I know you love me but it's not worth it. I'm just a human, you're the child of a god. Don't give her that. Please?" He lifted his arm, though obviously that pained him. She clasped his hand, giving it a squeeze.

  "I do love you, and I'm not letting it end like this." She leaned down and kissed his fingers before letting them drop and refocusing on Anahera.

  The woman was watching them with a strange expression on her face, as if tenderness, sacrifice, was an alien concept. "So?" Anahera asked. "Will you accept the trade?"

  "As Kyle has just pointed out, my soul is a lot more powerful than his. He has no magic of his own, only what you've imbued in him." Sam smiled. "My magic? It's strong, a direct link to the gods. If I make this trade, I need something else thrown in. You have to leave the Bay for good and never return. You're to drop this vendetta you have and move on."

  Anahera shook her head. "No. I can't—I won't do that. This is the only thing I have and I'm not giving up on it. I've spent my life trying to find this place, trying to figure out a way inside, planning all the ways I could torture the gods, pick them off one by one..." She gazed out the window and then snapped back to Sam. "If you can bring him back, then I'll leave the Bay for good. And if you're lying to me then I'll have your soul and the Bay."

  Sam didn't believe for a minute that Anahera would leave, but this was the only way to line things up, to make it sound like she'd thought this through and thought she was getting a bargain. "First, let Kyle go. Give him back his soul."

  "No, a soul for a soul."

  Sam drew her hair back and tied it into a ponytail, making the movements long and slow, biding her time. Then she sighed. "I'm beginning to think you don't really want this. I mean, apparently everything you've done has been for him, and yet you won't do what it takes to get him back."
She shrugged. "It's okay. I get it. It's got to be a little scary after all these years. Who knows what he might say? Maybe he won't forgive you, maybe nothing you've done has been enough."

  "I am not afraid," Anahera said. She moved across the rug, coming right up to Sam. "I'm never afraid."

  Sam was. This close she could see all the details of Anahera's eyes, slightly bloodshot, pupils pinpoints of darkness. There was madness there, and Sam was starting to think she had bitten off more than she could chew, she was expecting a somewhat rational creature, but instead she'd found Anahera.

  She should have realized how broken this woman was from her memories, but the reality was somehow worse. Of course Anahera wouldn't see herself as broken. How stupid had Sam been?

  "Okay. Let's do this then." Sam swallowed, her throat dry and scratchy.

  Anahera left the room only to return dragging a long black body-bag. Anahera unzipped it and the stench of rot rolled out.

  "Oh my god," Samantha gasped, she tried not to gag, not wanting to set the woman off.

  "I preserved him as best I could, but it's been years..." Anahera sighed as she trailed her fingers down the cheek of the corpse.

  "That's Tū?" Sam asked. She edged a little closer, wanting to get a look at the god who had caused them so much trouble. Though it wasn't really his fault that Anahera had come, and she had to wonder just what had gone on. Tū looked like an average man, lovely dark skin, curiously well preserved for the length of time he must have been dead. Anahera must have worked some magic to make it last this long, but the effects weren't perfect if that smell was anything to go by. Even now she had to wonder whether this corpse could be reanimated.

  Anahera reached into the bag and pulled out a slim wooden box. She set it on Tū's chest and opened it carefully before withdrawing a thin blade. It glimmered in the light, and despite its beauty Sam's breath caught in her throat in fear.

  "What are you doing with that?" Sam asked, her voice catching.


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