Maureen's Choice

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Maureen's Choice Page 8

by Charles Arnold

  Robert grunted and came in her mouth. She milked his cock while drawing her cheeks in and sucking him dry. His jism was thick and hot. She held him in her mouth until his prick subsided. Looking up at him, her lips puffy and wet, she asked, “Did you like it, Robert? Was I good?”

  He shook his head, “You got a mouth made for sucking cock.”

  Gently she put his prick back in his pants and zipped him up. “You’re the second person to tell me that today,” she said. “But my mouth’s only for black cock,” she added.

  He chuckled, “You got that right.” He stood. “Is there a cold beer in the refrigerator?”

  She rose and led him to the kitchen. He sat at the table and drank out of the bottle. Sam’s dirty dishes were still in the sink. Robert looked around and noticed the toys on the counter. “That’s a cool lookin teddy bear,” he said.

  Maureen glanced at it and felt a sudden terrible sadness sweep over her. “It’s Sara’s. She’s had it a long time. It’s her favorite toy.”

  Robert drummed his fingers on the table. “I got a sister who got a kid, a little girl name of Shauna. She’d like to have a bear like that.”

  Quickly Maureen said, “I can tell you where we got it. It was expensive but if you want one for your niece, I’ll help pay for it.” She moved over to stand in front of the toys.

  “I wasn’t thinkin about buyin one. I was thinkin you would like to give me your kid’s teddy bear.”

  “Oh, Robert, I couldn’t do that. I mean Sara loves it. She takes it everywhere except to school. She sleeps with it at night. Let me buy one. We can get it on the way to Travis’s.”

  Robert frowned, “Like I said, I don’t want to buy one.” He paused staring at her, “You wearin that necklace and ankle bracelet that tell me you is a white woman for blacks. Now I’m telling you it’s an honor to be what you is. Don’t you think it’s an honor to serve the black man?”

  Maureen tried to hold back the tears but they ran down her cheeks. “Yes, I think it’s an honor to serve the black man.”

  “And servin the black man means you do whatever the black man tells you to do. Ain’t that right?”

  “Yes Robert, but….”

  He cut her off, “This black man is saying for you to give me that fuckin teddy bear and for you to say you want my little niece Shauna to have it.”

  Maureen brushed the tears from her face and picked up the teddy bear. She handed it to Robert. “I’d like you to have this to give to your sister’s little girl, Shauna,” she said.

  Robert finished his beer and belched. “I spect Shauna be happy with a present from Uncle Robert.” He looked at his watch. Fix up your face. Don’t want to keep Travis waitin.”

  She put on her make-up and carried her small suitcase out to the cab. Robert threw the teddy bear into the front seat. Maureen noticed the neighbors watching. “Do you want me in the front or the back?” she asked.

  “You already paid for the trip so I guess you sit in back,” he said.

  As she closed the door he leaned over the seat, “You ain’t forgot how to sit when you is with a black brother, has you?”

  “No, Robert, I haven’t forgotten.” She pulled her dress back over her thighs and spread her legs.

  Robert looked in the rearview mirror, “Ah,” he sighed, “sweet white pussy all shaved and wet. Ain’t I right, Mrs. O’Donnel? Ain’t you wet?”

  “Yes, I’m wet, I’m very wet.”

  “And who is that pretty white cunt getting all hot and wet for?”

  “For Travis.”

  “Your cunt belong to Travis?

  “Yes, it belongs to Travis. I belong to Travis.”

  Twenty minutes later they pulled up in front of Travis’s dilapidated house. As she reached the sagging porch she turned to look back at the cab. Robert waved to her with Sara’s teddy bear.

  Chapter Six

  Maureen’s homecoming was not at all what she’d expected. There’s a commonly held belief that people don’t change. That may be true but there are exceptions and Travis was one of them. Much to his own amazement, Travis had fallen in love with her, at least to the extent it was possible for a man like him to love anyone. The Captain was grateful to have Eileen so he agreed to give what he considered his share of Maureen to Travis. He also included Travis in more of his business dealings. Money was no longer an issue. Maureen and Travis rented a new apartment on the respectable edge of Riverton.

  Occasionally a very important client would come to town and request an accomplished young white woman. Although Travis didn’t like it, he acceded to the Captain’s orders that Maureen be sent to the wealthy client.

  Maureen knew that Eileen stayed with Dexter Wells, but couldn’t find out under what conditions and, because of her own guilt, never tried very hard. Maureen’s initial obsession with Travis had been sexual. She had also discovered her submissive nature, her masochistic need to be dominated. Now, in her relationship with Travis, a new even more powerful component was quickly developing. She’d begun to love him, love him deeply. Even more astonishing was the fact that Travis, who had never been in love, was feeling it for the first time.

  One afternoon five months after Maureen had left her husband and children, Travis received a phone call that upset him so much he threw the phone against the wall. Maureen rushed in from the kitchen. “My God, honey, what’s the matter?” She’d never seen him like this.

  He sat on the couch holding his head in his hands, “Goddamn that son-of-a-bitch,” he growled. “Of all the fuckin crazy bastards in the fucked up world, he has to say yes to that tub of fuckin slime!”

  Maureen sat next to him and patted his hand. “Trav, honey, what is it? Who are you talking about.”

  He turned to look at her, “Dex, Goddamn Dex, has rented you out to that fuckin Big Daddy!”

  She didn’t know whether he was going to start breaking furniture or cry. “Please, Travis, calm down. It’s part of the arrangement. You know that. I’ve had to…to do other rich clients from time to time. It doesn’t mean anything. Some new clothes and a night in a hotel room.” She took his massive head between her hands, “It’s just sex, honey. Maybe even kinky sex, but it doesn’t have anything to do with what we have.”

  “It ain’t just a night, Maureen. It’s a week, maybe more, at that fat fuck’s estate in Miami.”

  Maureen’s face turned pale. “There has to be a mistake. Who did you talk to? I’ve never had to go out of town. Never had to spend more than a night.” She remembered Big Daddy had said something to her at Dex’s about seeing her again.

  Travis looked directly at her. She could see he was hurt and angry. “Big Daddy is probably the richest black man in the country. He got his start twenty years ago dealin drugs. Now, he’s more or less legit. He owns a major share of the three biggest gambling casinos in Connecticut. He owns guys like Dex in every big town east of the fuckin Mississippi. The fuck must be worth billions!” He paused and shook his head. “There’s other stuff, just rumors, but it’s bad stuff. I don’t want you goin there.”

  Maureen stood up, “And Dexter has...has…”

  “Yeah, he owes whatever he got to Big Daddy. He does whatever Big Daddy tells him to do. If he don’t he’s not only out of a job, he gets taken out of the fuckin world, just like Sam. Dex is givin you to fuckin Big Daddy for a week.”

  “But can’t we go to Dexter? Can’t we persuade him to send someone else? How about the new girl, Caroline?”

  Travis shook his head, “It’s a done deal. Dex said Big Daddy seen you that night with Sam.” He looked away from her. “Dex says Big Daddy told him you’re a damn pretty white bitch, but maybe you need some special trainin. He says maybe you ain’t been humbled enough.” He pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her. “I got a bad feelin about this. I don’t want you to go.”

  She had never seen him like this and it made her feel, for the first time, that her decision might have been the right one after all. “I can refuse. We can go somewher
e together.”

  He smiled down at her. “Wish it was that easy. Nobody fucks with Big Daddy, if you know what I mean.”

  “It’s settled then, honey. I’ll go and stay a week and do what I have to do and then rush home to you. Big Daddy will be satisfied. We can get on with our lives.”

  Two days later Maureen was met at the Miami airport by a uniformed driver holding a card with her name on it. He picked up her luggage and escorted her to a black limousine parked at the curb.

  A half hour later they pulled into a long circular driveway flanked by towering palm trees and up to the portico of an oceanfront mansion that was the largest private residence Maureen had ever seen. She was met by a black maid who introduced herself as Trisha and black male servant. The male took her single suitcase while the maid led Maureen into the house.

  It was oddly quiet. Maureen’s heels clicked on the marble floor of the huge vestibule. She followed Trisha up the sweeping grand staircase to the second floor. Even though it was a bright afternoon, the wall sconces were lit. Between each was a niche containing a beautiful white marble figure of a nude woman. Maureen’s room was at the end of one of several halls that branched off the second floor balcony.

  The room was luxuriously furnished with a huge king sized bed, several overstuffed chairs, a large mirrored makeup table with a velvet bench. The floor here was covered with thick plush carpet. The room had its own marble bath with a Jacuzzi tub and a separate shower. The windows looked out on a wide expanse of carefully tended gardens that stretched to the edge of the azure blue ocean. She noticed that the tall windows were barred. She’d never imagined such luxury.

  Trisha opened the closet doors to reveal a long rack of dresses and, on wire shelves, at least ten pairs of shoes, all, of course, with spike high heels and most designed to bare the foot. She turned to the young woman who was about to leave, “Uh, Trisha, what about my suitcase?”

  “You won’t need it. Big Daddy got your sizes and all you’re going to need is in the closet here. There’s cosmetics and perfume in the dressing table.” She pointed to the bed. “I laid out what you’re to wear to dinner. You can shower. I’ll be back at seven o’clock to help you dress and apply your makeup. Dinner is at eight.” She pulled the heavy door closed behind her. Maureen heard a key turn in the lock.

  She sat on the bed and dug a photograph of Travis out of her purse. Just looking at him made her hot. She wished she had a picture of his stiff black cock. The gown next to her was made of gold lame’ netting. It would be skin-tight. The stilettos were little more than five inch heels and straps. Of course there was no bra or panties. She comforted herself with the hope that Dexter had given her to this Big Daddy person for only a week.

  She tried to sleep but couldn’t. At six o’clock she took a long leisurely shower. On the vanity there were fancy bottles of very expensive perfumed oils. There was also a big selection of various colored nail polishes. But she’d had her fingernails and toes done just before leaving Ohio. She rubbed her pale body vigorously with a musky scented oil. She tugged on the revealing gown. One side was split along the entire length of her leg. She slid her feet into the heels and recalled buying her first pair of “fuck-me” shoes for the initial meeting with Travis. That had been just a little over six months ago. It was impossible to imagine how dramatically her life had changed.

  At exactly seven o’clock a key turned in the lock and Trisha entered. The maid, Trisha, never smiled and spoke only when necessary. It was clear she had no wish to be Maureen’s friend. Maureen sat quietly at the dressing table while Trisha expertly applied her lipstick and gloss and mascara. She then brushed Maureen’s hair until it shown. She indicated Maureen was to stand and walk. Nodding her approval she said, “Big Daddy will like.”

  Big Daddy was as she’d remembered him: grossly fat, blacker than any other black man she’d ever seen, a wide smile stretching his thick lips exposing large white teeth. The smile, however, stopped short of his eyes. They were hard, calculating, mean; the eyes of a man without a conscience. No one else was at the table although three places had been set with polished silver and fine china. Big Danny gestured toward the chair on his left. “Welcome, Mrs. O’Donnel,” he said. “I trust you find your quarters satisfactory?”

  Even after all she’d been through, she still found herself blushing in the presence of men who could easily see she wore nothing under her dress or gown. “Yes,” she said, “They’re very nice.” She sat down and tried to move her chair slightly away from him. He placed his heavy hand on her arm and shook his head. She nodded, “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “Why do you think I sent for you?” He stared at her over the rim of his wine glass. His eyes burned into her.

  Trying to keep the fear out of her voice, she replied, “I…I…I’m not sure. Perhaps when we met at Dex’s found me attractive?”

  “That’s correct. Attractive and, shall we say, available?” He put down his glass and smiled as he saw the color rise to her cheeks again. “You were available that night, weren’t you, Mrs. O’Donnel?”

  She looked away then back at him, “Yes, I was available.”

  “And that’s still the case is it not? You’re still available?”

  She bowed her head, “Yes, I’m still available.”

  “To anyone?”

  “No, not to anyone. Only to….to the black men Mr. Wells and Travis give me to.”

  “And Mr. Wells and Travis have given you to me, at least for awhile. Isn’t that right?”

  She forced herself to look at him, “Yes, they’ve given me to you.”

  “Tell me, what exactly does it mean when you’re given to a black man?”

  She knew he was toying with her, making her say things that both humiliated and excited her. She was sure Dex had told him how saying the words affected her. She wanted to stare back at him, wanted to show him she wasn’t intimidated, but she looked away. “It means that the man I’m given to can do whatever he wants to me.”

  “And you will…?”

  She looked down at her place. “I’ll do what I’m told.”

  He nodded, “I see you aren’t wearing the necklace and ankle bracelet you wore at Dexter’s.”

  Instinctively her hand touched her neck, “Travis said I could take them off.”

  He leaned toward her, “How is it now with you and Travis?”

  She spoke before thinking, “He’s changed. We’ve both changed.” She forced a smile, “I guess you could say we’ve sort of fallen in love.”

  He filled her glass with a dark red wine and waited until she drank. “I didn’t think Travis was capable of what you call love.” He grinned at her. “But strange things happen every day don’t they?”

  She cursed herself for having mentioned the astonishing change that had occurred in Travis. He was supposed to be the tough guy, the guy with no feelings, the strong armed thug. “Well, maybe he hasn’t changed that much,” she knew her feeble attempt to undo what she’d said wasn’t working.

  Big Daddy sat back and observed her, “You were right the first time,” he said evenly. “I’ve been receiving reports. I remind you Mrs. O’Donnel, I run a huge operation and you and Travis are a part of that operation. A small part, but a part nonetheless. The way to keep an operation like mine, profitable, is to pay attention to the details. You and your pimp falling is love is not part of the deal. That makes him jealous and you non-productive.”

  She could feel his anger building. She sat with her head bowed like a schoolgirl being chastened by the principal. “I understand,” she said, not looking up.

  “I don’t think you do understand.” He leaned across the table and placed a huge hand over hers and squeezed until she thought he might break some bones. She cried out. He eased off the pressure but kept his hand covering hers. “You are a whore, Mrs. O’Donnel. You’re a very expensive whore, but a whore all the same. Travis is your pimp. He arranges for you to fuck and suck for money. He collects the money, gives you
a share and the rest goes to him, to Dex, and to me.” He squeezed her hand hard causing her to wince. “That’s how it was. You were a white whore for blacks and your black pimp. There wasn’t no room for love in such an arrangement.”

  Why was he using the past tense? Nothing had changed. Fearfully, she looked up at him, “But I couldn’t…I mean Travis and me, he’s the only reason I….”

  He released her hand and leaned back in his chair, “So, the reports I’ve been getting are correct. You may be under the illusion that you belong to Travis and Dex. The truth is you belong to me. Travis and Dex belong to me. Stupid Travis has taken my property. That’s what you are, my property. He’s taken my property out of whoring so he can have her to himself. He should know better.”

  “Please,” she began to protest.

  He cut her off, “This is a business deal. You left your husband and kids because you got a thing for big black cock. There’s more white wives like you than you can imagine. You’re one of the lucky ones. You got what you want, or maybe what you need. It’s all about fucking and sucking, Mrs. O’Donnel. It ain’t about love.” She sat in silence while he sipped his wine. He put down his glass and folded his hands across his expansive stomach. “Do you know what happened to your old friend Sam?” he asked.

  “He’s dead. He was killed.”


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