The Rules of the Game (D'Arth Series Book 1)

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The Rules of the Game (D'Arth Series Book 1) Page 9

by Camille Oster

  Somehow, in her distraction, he’d slid her dress off her shoulders and he was playing with the strap of her bra, running his fingers along the edge before pulling it over her shoulders. Her breath felt heavy, waiting to be touched as her breasts were being revealed like a gift. He skimmed along the bottom edge of her bra until he found the little clasp in the front that held it together. She felt the release of it as it fell away. The slow smile on his lips made her stomach absolutely flip.

  Something shifted in him and he lifted her to him. The feeling of skin to skin was divine, and she sighed with the overwhelming sensation. On some level, it felt as if she was coming home. He laid her down on the bed and she waited for the weight of him coming down on her. Again he made her wait as he ran his hands down her front, over her breast then continuing down her waist, before leaning down and claiming one of her nipples. Jane felt the warm merciless teasing of the sensitive bud all the way down her belly. She was powerless to it, wanting to escape and to intensify it at the same time.

  His hands ran along her side, wrapping around to the back of her thighs as she parted and gave him better access. She wanted him inside her. She saw his broad shoulders when she looked down as he treated her other nipple to the same ruthless teasing. Heat pooled in her core and all she could do was wait.

  Finally he shifted back and slowly pulled her underwear down her thighs. His tip was at her entrance and she moved her hips trying to get him farther inside. He paused for a moment and she gritted her teeth in frustration. He did like to draw it out; she was on the absolute last of her control. Then he started pushing inside and she just let the sensations flood her, the feeling of fullness as he pushed deeper into her. She had never really gloried at how wonderful a thing this was before, and this teasing was completely undoing her.

  He exhaled as his hips joined hers, seemingly glorying in the sensation. Jane urged him to move, to do something about this painful tension that held her captive. He pulled back and pushed into her again and it was too much to bear. She knew her body was ready for release already and she tried to slow it down, but it was overtaking her. Long strokes kept the waves coming relentlessly, until he started speeding up, pushing into her with more intensity. Tension built again, until the point where he ground hard into her, sending her over the edge into pure, undiluted pleasure.

  He collapsed on her, breathing heavily, then rolled off her onto his back. Jane struggled to get control of her breath, feeling like there wasn’t enough oxygen in the world for her needs at that moment. That was by far the most intense orgasm she’d ever had. Her body felt almost boneless; she couldn’t move even if she wanted to, devoid of tension or any other niggles in her body, and sleep was calling her. She couldn’t help it—the release, the alcohol and the lack of sleep were now taking their toll with a vengeance. She drifted off in a state of perfect bliss.


  The sun was bright when she woke up the next morning. It took her a few seconds to realise that she wasn’t alone, and even longer to realise that even though this looked just like her room, it wasn’t. Her eyes shot over to the sleeping form next to her; his face was towards the wall on the other side of the room. A sheet covered his lower half, leaving the top for her leisurely perusal. He looked even better in daylight, his broad chest rising gently as he slept. She couldn’t believe that she’d spent the night with him. She desperately wanted to lift the sheet and look at the rest of him, but she didn’t dare.

  He twitched a bit, then slowly started to move—he was waking up. His head came around and he opened his eyes to look at her. Smiling, he rolled on his side, and Jane sighed a deep relief. She didn’t know what she’d do if she’d seen a look of horror on his face. But there was no look of horror; in fact, he was looking over her half naked body.

  “It seems we became much better acquainted last night,” he said with his sleep coarsened voice.

  “It appears so,” she said and tucked her hands under her head.

  “And even now, you have left me in quite a state.”

  “Is that so?”

  “I’m not sure I can get out of bed like this,” he said teasingly.

  “That must be terrible for you,” she responded with mock sympathy. He was apparently taking none of her faux sympathy and grabbed her, pulling her to him.

  “Now let’s see what we can do about this sorry state.” He pulled her into a kiss, rolling her on top of him. She could feel that he was right; he was completely hard and she teased him slightly with a roll of her hips, making him groan. Her own heat flared immediately, and she relished the feeling of control she had. Leaning down, she kissed the skin of his chest, giving him the same treatment he’d given her the previous night. She kept going until he was completely at the mercy to her touches, tensing where her lips and tongue teased him.

  She couldn’t keep it up, so she pushed herself up and lowered herself down on him, letting him fill her again in the glorious way she hadn’t quite experienced with her previous partners. There hadn’t been very many, but she’d always been fraught with self-consciousness and nervousness. For some reason, she didn’t feel it now. He watched her as she moved on him, and she felt beautiful as he tensed under her ministrations, eventually arching up into his release. Her own followed in quick succession, unsure whether it was the friction to her over-sensitised insides or the innate sexiness of watching him find his release that did it, probably a combination of both.

  Lying down in the bed, she watched as he got out and headed to the bathroom, where she heard the unmistakable sound of the shower coming on. She pulled the sheet over her and wondered what she should do. Maybe she should dress.

  “Can you order some breakfast?” he said from the bathroom. “I’m famished.”

  “Sure,” she answered back, guessing that meant she was staying for a little longer. After calling room service, she lay back in bed while she listened to him step into the shower. She needed a shower herself, but she wanted to get back to her own room for that, where she had a fresh change of clothes and clean underwear. Right now, she had to put something on as room service was being delivered.

  She pulled on her dress and tucked her underwear into one of the pockets. Taking a seat at one of the two chairs around the small table, she waited. It only took a few minutes before room service came and Damon was just finishing shaving. She let the man with the trolley in and stood by as he set the meal up on the small table before retreating.

  “What did you get me?” he asked as he entered the room. He was dressed.

  “An English breakfast.”

  “Excellent. Just what I need.” He sat down and started eating while Jane began on her scrambled eggs on toast. She started feeling more and more awkward. She hadn’t had a lot of these mornings after and she couldn’t help but feel awkward.

  “I have to see the boys off. They’re flying back shortly,” he said and Jane nodded.

  “Are you going into the office?”

  “For a bit, you should go do something. Take your phone with you, in case we need to respond to additional requests for information.”

  “Will they have time to go through it in such detail?”

  “No, they’ll just do a check to ensure we have covered the main information they want, and they will let us know if anything is missing in accordance with their expectations. We did a pretty thorough job, but you never know.”

  He finished quickly, then got up and grabbed his suit jacket. “I’ll give you a call later this afternoon. We should go to dinner.”

  “Sure,” she said, not quite knowing what to do. Should she be getting up, giving him a kiss goodbye? She didn’t get a chance to; he gave her a wink and then left. A wink—she wasn’t sure what a wink meant, but they were having dinner that evening.

  Letting herself out of his room, she walked towards the elevator. She felt naughty, walking back to her room from a man’s, in her dress from the previous evening and no underwear on. She would skip seeing the boys off; she certainly
wasn’t going to go down to the lobby looking like this. Luckily she didn’t wear a lot of makeup, so it wouldn’t be smeared all over her face. She reminded herself to thank Angelica for insisting they have an eye lash tint done one lunch time. She’d never seen the point, but now, sneaking back after a night of debauchery, it had its uses.

  She prayed to the universe that no one she knew would be in the elevator and her luck held. She made it back to her room completely unobserved, not knowing what she would have said if someone had seen her. There would be no explanation that would convince them of anything other than her spending the night with Damon.

  Hopping in the shower, she lathered herself clean, then padded out to her room in the fluffy hotel bathrobe. She had a whole day in front of her with nothing planned. She didn’t know what to do with herself.

  After taking in the headlines, she dressed and went downstairs to get a taxi, which dropped her off on Orchard Road, where there seemed to be more shopping that she’d ever need. She walked through stores and just observed the life around her; the clothes shopping had one big drawback. The clothes were generally suited to the local women, who tended to be shorter in stature. None of the pants fit, but there were always shirts.

  In the end, she ended up sitting in a café having lunch while watching people walk past. Her mother would absolutely love it here, being more of a shopper than Jane had ever aspired to be. Maybe they should come back here together for a holiday sometime.


  Damon sat in the empty meeting room going through his emails. He was having trouble concentrating—his mind was screaming at him, sending warning bells cutting through his conscious thoughts. He’d had Jane Burrows last night. It had been extremely gratifying; her responsiveness was absolutely resolute, and her tight body had teased him into the uncontrolled frenzy he’d feared. He didn’t regret the memories of it, but he wasn’t sure he would have done it had he not been sleep-deprived and lulled by alcohol.

  She wasn’t the type of girl he normally slept with—being the type who was looking for a relationship and someone they could introduce to their parents. He was definitely not that, which was why he contained himself to girls who generally wanted something more superficial from him—sex was just part and parcel of the bargain.

  Jane wasn’t that kind of girl; he was pretty sure she wasn’t interested in being seen in the society pages, or angling for a promotion—at least he hadn’t gotten that vibe off her, which made things a lot more difficult. He needed to ensure that she knew full and well that there wasn’t going to be a relationship between them when they got back home. This was just a fling, one they both enjoyed.

  He decided the safest course would be to inform her of this, however bluntly necessary to get the message across, and most importantly, to not sleep with her again. Not only did he not want to give her the wrong impression, he could also get way too addicted to that sex. The previous evening had been something else, something that was to be savoured. It might steal his drive to accomplish anything if he was ridden like that every morning. There was danger in the kind of thing she did to him.

  No, he had to ensure he didn’t do it again. She was a big girl; she couldn’t be completely ignorant of how these things worked. If she was, she would find out in short order.

  Chapter 9

  Damon had taken her to a restaurant in China Town. They were walking along the street after the taxi had dropped them off.

  “Now I warn you, it’s not much to look at, but the food is absolutely spectacular. Places like these have specialties and the one we’re going to, is known for their duck. It is absolutely laden with garlic, so it’s not something to be eaten ahead of a meeting. Luckily we have no meetings tomorrow. Well, unless something is wrong with the bid, but it’s worth the risk.”

  “Sounds intriguing,” Jane said. She’d wanted to wear jeans tonight and had pulled out the pair she’d packed, but she’d taken a step outside earlier and gone right back upstairs to change into the lilac cotton dress she’d bought. She would be extremely uncomfortable all night if she’d worn the jeans. They were perfectly fine for the Singaporeans, it seemed, but her body couldn’t cope with the heavy constrictive material in this climate.

  Damon looked perfect as he always did. He had on the gray pants from his suit without the jacket, and a dark shirt. All his clothes fit him so well, she wasn’t sure how to describe the difference between what others wore and how he wore clothes. Maybe his clothes were specifically made for him. They showed off his body really well, and Jane would catch herself looking at him.

  She still couldn’t believe she’d been with him the previous night. It had, by far, been the most spectacular sex she’d ever had. In hindsight, she wasn’t sure she would label her previous experience as sex—more like awkward fumbling in comparison.

  She hadn’t gone anywhere near questioning it or what it meant; she was just grateful that she’d had the experience. It was interesting that he’d taken her out tonight again. She wondered if that meant he had expectations for that night. She wouldn’t mind if he did. Then again, maybe he was taking her for a garlic-infested dinner to discourage any re-enactment of the previous evening.

  They took seats in a really run-down restaurant. He was right, the restaurant itself looked like it should be shut down by the health authorities, just like the seafood restaurant they’d been to a few nights back. Everything was made of cheap plastic and their table was out on the road and covered by a dirty awning.

  “They do approach things differently, don’t they?” she said.

  “They see the value in the food more than the surroundings.”

  “So what’s on the inside is more important that what’s on the outside.”

  “In a matter of speaking.”

  “Well, it is a value I generally prescribe to,” she said. “I wholeheartedly encourage it.”

  “So you don’t mind the humble surroundings?”

  “If you’re right about the food, I don’t really care. How do you find places like this?”

  “I take recommendations from our Singaporean colleagues; they always know the good places.”

  “I am beginning to suspect you’re a bit of an explorer,” she said.

  “I like trying new things.”

  Jane wondered if she was a new thing he was trying, reinforcing to herself that she didn’t want to dig into what had happened, she just had a feeling there would be unpleasantness if she did. She convinced herself that she was just going to take it as one of those things that happened—mostly to other people, but this once, it had happened to her. This fairly naughty thing, with a man who was completely out of her league. She had no illusions about that.

  The food arrived almost immediately, then suddenly there were dishes covering their section of the large round table. Jane had no idea how to eat it, but she let Damon direct her, wrapping the delicious smelling meat into these wrappers.

  The taste was exquisite, the succulent meat melting in her mouth. She nodded her approval. “Exploring really has its reward. I’m so glad you brought me here.”

  He smiled and took a large bite out of his wrapped duck.


  Damon watched his dinner companion nimbly trying to keep her wrapper contained as she took a bite. It was clear that she enjoyed the food; she was intently focused on it. He’d never considered that eating with your fingers could be sexy, but watching her, it definitely was. Her slender fingers supported the food as she took bites out of it.

  The girls he normally dated wouldn’t be caught dead in a place like this, fearing the lack of luxuries would infect their expensive Prada heels. They were also dressed to perfection, tanned and sparkling. Jane Burrows was nothing like them; her skin was alabaster and dewy. He remembered seeing the contrast last night of his much darker hand on her pale skin—the thought sent a jolt down to his groin.

  She was just so damned artless; he didn’t quite know what to do with it. So intent on her food, she wasn’t even noti
cing him studying her. Pale skin gave away to the dusky pink of her lips, lips that were bare and kissable. Then he watched as the stray bit of juice was retrieved by her small tongue. He was getting completely turned on and he couldn’t quite explain why.

  Looking away, he’d sworn to himself that he was not going to repeat the conclusion to the previous night, but she wasn’t making it easy for him. Partially for the reason that she was completely unaware of what she was doing. She was nowhere near trying to coax him with stares, smiles and light touches.

  “I’m not sure I can take any more,” she said and leaned back in her chair. “I might actually pop. That was awesome. What other treasures have you got hidden away?”

  “Quite a few,” he said, referring to more than just the edible. He was flirting with her—he’d sworn he wouldn’t, but he was. He really wanted to feel those slender fingers of hers touching and exploring. “Should we go?”


  “Maybe we can walk. It’s a bit of a walk, but not a difficult one,” he suggested—more for the reason of not being stuck in a small taxi with her heading towards privacy and beds. Even some sedate exercise might work through some of the tension—get him past this desire that was infusing all of his senses. He paid for the dinner while she waited on the street outside.

  The breeze was playing lightly with her hair and the skirt of her dress. An urge to kiss her speared through him as she stood there waiting for him, but he refused to succumb to the impulse. It was not in his best interest to mess around with her further; it would only create complications. A one night stand was just that if it lasted one night, two nights was getting into different territory, and he categorically didn’t want her thinking in that direction. The last think he wanted was to have to put up with an angry, sulky colleague—upset because the fling they’d had didn’t signify something more.

  “So, have you ever sailed further afield?” she asked as they started walking.


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