Fallen Heirs : A Dark High School Bully Romance (Windsor Academy Book 3)

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Fallen Heirs : A Dark High School Bully Romance (Windsor Academy Book 3) Page 11

by Laura Lee

  “Uh... because I need money.” I give him a duh look. “I’ve been looking for a while, but this is the first place that’s called. I think my limited availability with school isn’t helping.”

  Kingston takes a large gulp of juice. “Jazz, if you need money, I have plenty.”

  “I’m perfectly aware, Kingston, but you’re also not responsible for me.” I take a bite of my eggs, moaning as the flavors explode on my tongue. I don’t know what he does to make eggs taste so good, but the boy can cook.

  He scoffs. “The fuck I’m not.”

  I point my fork at him. “Don’t go getting all alpha male on me again. You should know me well enough to know that I don’t accept charity.”

  “It’s not charity, Jazz. I want to take care of you, and I have the means. It’s as simple as that.”

  “And I want to be the one to take care of myself and my sister. It’s as simple as that.”

  “Stubborn ass woman,” he mumbles.

  “Quit bitching and finish eating before we’re late for school.”

  “You’re really testing my nerves right now.” Kingston glares at me as he chews.

  “What are you gonna do? Spank me?” I wiggle my brows. “Because I might be into that.”

  His fork clanks against the plate as he drops it. “That’s it. Now, you’re really asking for it.”

  I hop out of my chair and push it down as I run away. I make it no more than ten feet before Kingston’s strong arms are banding around me, lifting me into the air. He tosses me onto the bed, face down, ass up. I shiver when he flips my uniform skirt up to my waist, rubbing his hands over my newly exposed skin. I’m wearing a thong today, so there’s a lot of exposed skin back there.

  “Fuck, you have a beautiful ass.” Kingston’s large hands flex, gripping my butt cheeks.

  I wiggle my butt. “I thought you were going to spank me? Or was that all a bunch of—”


  I squeal from the surprise when the crack of Kingston’s hand meets my flesh. I moan when he rubs the same spot right before he does it again to the other cheek.

  “Shit,” I pant.

  “Too much?” This time, when he soothes my warming skin, he dips a finger between my thighs, stroking my clit over my panties.

  “Nuh-uh.” I shake my head emphatically. “It’s hot.”

  Kingston groans. “We’re definitely going to be late now.”

  “I’m okay with that.”


  “Where were you two this morning?” Ainsley grills Kingston and me as soon as we sit down at the lunch table.

  My cheeks heat. “We, uh... I accidentally turned the alarm off.”

  “You’re a shit liar, baby girl.” Bentley laughs before shoving a bunch of fries in his mouth.

  I kick him in the shin, which only makes him laugh harder. “Shut up.”

  “Anyway...” I direct my attention back to Ainsley. “I finally got called in for a job interview. It’s at that coffee shop we went to last week.”

  “Nice.” Ainsley steals one of Bentley’s fries and takes a bite.

  “Why do you need a job?” Bentley asks.

  “That’s what I said!” Kingston feels the need to add.

  I slam my hand over my boyfriend’s mouth. “Because I need the money, and no, I’m not going to just let this jackass bankroll me.” Kingston licks my palm. “Ewww!”

  He laughs when I wipe the slobber on his pants. “What’s wrong? You normally love it when I drag my tongue d—”

  I pinch his lips together. “Don’t even.”

  “Nice one, dawg.” Bentley reaches over my head to high-five Kingston.

  I rub my temples and groan. “Why do I even bother?”

  Ainsley flicks her finger between Bent and her twin. “With those two, I have no idea.”

  Kingston narrows his eyes in Reed’s direction. “Don’t act like he’s Mr. Innocent.”

  “Oh, trust me, I know he’s not.” Ainsley giggles when Kingston makes a face.

  Reed smirks and plants a kiss on the side of her head, which makes Ainsley sigh wistfully as she leans into him.

  I point at them. “You two are adorbs.”

  “Maybe one of these days, I won’t be a fifth wheel,” Bentley complains.

  “Aw, baby, you can play with my balls any time you want.” Kingston coos. “Just name the time and place.”

  Bentley flips him off. “Fuck you, dude.”

  I scoot out of the way when Kingston pulls Bentley into a headlock. The boys are so busy wrestling, they don’t notice Headmaster Davis approach our table until he speaks.

  “Enough, you two.” He waits for the guys to break apart before he turns toward me. “Miss Callahan, I’d like to see you in my office, please.”

  “Right now?”

  “Right now.” Kingston stands when I do, but Headmaster Davis holds his hand up. “Alone, Mr. Davenport. This doesn’t concern you.”

  I’ll be fine, I mouth to Kingston as I follow the headmaster out of the dining room.

  “What’s this about?”

  His beady eyes narrow over his shoulder. “You’ll find out when we get to my office.”

  We walk into the administration office and through the door leading to Headmaster Davis’ personal office.

  He pulls out a chair before rounding the desk to take his own. “Have a seat, Miss Callahan.”

  I do as he says and wait expectantly. I’ve learned over the years to never speak unless spoken to when dealing with authorities. Too many people incriminate themselves with nervous chatter. Not that I have anything to be concerned about, but considering I have no idea why I’m here, I’d rather be safe than sorry.

  “Do you have any idea why I called you in here today?”

  I shake my head. “None.”

  Headmaster Davis steeples his bony fingers. “Your attendance has been quite concerning lately. You do realize class participation accounts for thirty percent of your grade, do you not? I’m under the impression that graduating is of the utmost importance to you. Is that accurate?”

  I frown. “I’ve missed a few classes since the beginning of the year. I don’t understand how that’s concerning considering we’re into December.”

  His lips curve into a cruel smirk. “Actually, according to my records, you’ve missed several weeks of class already.”

  My jaw drops. “Are you referring to the time I was hospitalized and subsequently healing from significant injuries? The same time period in which I kept up with all of my assignments?”

  “That, among others,” he confirms. “Like, this morning. Your first and second-period teachers marked you absent. Care to explain?”

  I fold my arms over my chest. “I slept in.”

  He raises his eyebrows. “And did Mr. Davenport sleep in as well?”

  “Excuse me?!” I glare. “What exactly are you insinuating, Mr. Davis?”

  “You will address me as Headmaster Davis, young lady, and I’m not insinuating anything. I was simply asking a question.”

  “Well, you’ll have to ask Mr. Davenport about his whereabouts because I can only speak for myself.”

  He considers that for a moment. “Very well. Now, normal protocol dictates that I call a student’s parents whenever they’re marked unexcused from a class. However... there are other ways you can make up for it.”

  “Such as?”

  “Such as... earning extra credit. Some students opt to help out in the office after school. Filing things for me and such.”

  “What’s my other option?”

  “There is no other option.”

  I stand up. “Well, I guess you’re going to have to go ahead and call my so-called father. Anything else? I’d like to finish eating before the period is over.”

  His eyes narrow. “That will be all, Miss Callahan.”

  I give him a flippant wave as I exit the office. Kingston is waiting for me as I step into the hall, fully working the broody boy angle.

��What was that about?”

  “He wanted to give me shit about my attendance. Threatened to call Charles. I told him to have at it.”

  He scowls. “Because you missed a couple of classes this morning?”

  I roll my eyes. “No, apparently, the headmaster has an issue with me missing weeks of classes. You know, when I was in recovery.”

  “Fucker,” he mutters.


  Kingston extends his hand. “You wanna finish eating?”

  “What’s the alternative?”

  He pulls me into him and whispers against the shell of my ear, “You can let me eat you. I may have made a copy of Bentley’s master key. I’m sure there’s plenty of empty classrooms right now, and it’ll definitely help get your mind off your conversation with Headmaster Douche.”

  “Option two. Let’s go with that.”

  I’m laughing as he drags me down the hall into the first darkened room we find. It happens to be a science classroom, so instead of individual desks, rectangular tables are spread throughout the room.

  “Perfect.” Kingston’s white teeth flash in the shadows as he pats the hard surface. “Hop up.”

  I use a stool to boost myself up until my ass is parked on the table. “Now, what?”

  Kingston flattens his hand in the middle of my chest and presses down. “Now, lie back and relax.”

  He plants himself on the same stool I used and yanks my legs until they’re propped over his shoulder.

  “We don’t want to be late for Lit, so this is going to be fast.”

  I barely have time to process Kingston’s statement before he’s pulling my panties aside and swiping his tongue right down my center. My back bows as he eats me out, hard and fast until I’m pressing my lips together, trying to stifle my screams. When he’s done, he uses the little sink off to the side to clean up, helps me off the table, and leads me to the door, just as the bell is ringing.

  “Perfect timing. I’m pretty sure that’s the fastest I’ve ever made you come.” He plants a kiss on the tip of my nose and pulls back with a smile. “Although, if you ever want to set a new record, you just let me know.”

  I press my lips against his. “I love you.”

  Kingston smiles. “Say it again.”

  “I.” Kiss. “Love.” Kiss. “You.”

  Kingston fists my hair as he ravages my mouth until we’re both panting, wanting more. “Damn it, we need to get out there. You go first. My goddamn dick won’t go down with you in the room.”

  I laugh. “See you in there.”

  Thankfully, our next class is only two doors down, so I make it with plenty of time. However, Kingston is a good ten minutes late, and based on the lazy smile he’s sporting as he walks through the door, I’m guessing he had to take matters into his own hands to make his boner go away. I squirm, rubbing my thighs together as our eyes meet, and I see his lust-fueled gaze. God, what is it about Kingston Davenport that turns me into a puddle of thirsty girl goo? It’s like all common sense flies out the window when he gives me that look. I have to pointedly ignore him through the rest of the class so I can actually focus on what our teacher is saying.



  “Rafe is thrilled with the audio you got.”


  “Yeah,” John confirms. “Have you talked to your dad since?”

  “No, he never came home that night, as far as I know, and he skipped town the next day. When I called his office, his secretary told me he’d be out the entire week.”

  “Did she say where he went this time?”

  “Miami, supposedly revisiting some high-dollar clients, but who knows if that’s true.”

  “If he gives you anything else, or invites you somewhere, call me right away. In the meantime, I’ll keep an eye on the Callahans.”

  “Will do. Thanks, John.”

  “Your PI?” Jazz slides into the seat of my car and buckles up.

  “Yeah. How’d the interview go?”

  “Really well.” She smiles. “He offered me the job on the spot. He was even cool when I told him about Sundays with Belle and didn’t have a problem with me having those days off, provided I don’t mind working after school. He wants me to start this Saturday.”

  “That’s great.” I shift into gear and pull out of the coffeehouse’s parking lot.

  “Why does your tone sound like it’s anything but great?”

  I quickly glance her way. “Because I still don’t like the idea.”

  “Kingston, don’t be like that.”

  “I can’t help it. Maybe I’m a selfish ass, but your working means I have less time with you, and it also means I can’t keep an eye on you. I’m pretty sure your boss would have an issue with me hanging out there every time you have a shift.”

  “You absolutely cannot do that.” Jesus, I can feel her glare burning into the side of my face.

  “Relax, all right? I’m not an idiot.”

  “It’ll be fine. I know things are crazy right now, but what’s the worst that can happen in a public place? It’s not like they’re going to leave me to run the shop by myself.”

  I shake my head. “I still don’t like it.”

  “Well, too bad.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I know. You’re going to do whatever you want anyway, so I might as well accept it.”

  “I’m glad you’re finally catching up.”

  I give her a dirty look out of the corner of my eye. “No need to be a smartass, Jazz. You won this round.” I reach out to grab the tip of her tongue when she sticks it out at me. “Rest that tongue for later.”

  I don’t need to look at her to know her eyes are rolling. “You wish.”

  I shrug. “Not going to deny that.”

  “Hey, you feel like swinging by Ainsley’s studio since it’s right up the road?”

  “We can do that.”

  I pull into the shopping plaza where my sister’s dance studio is located and find a parking spot. When Jazz and I make our way inside, it’s apparent classes are in session. The lobby is filled with parents peering through the large observation windows, oohing and aahing over little kids dressed in pink leotards and tutus.

  “Her first class doesn’t start until five, so she’s probably back in the private studio warming up.” Jazz points down a hallway.

  “I didn’t realize you had her schedule memorized.”

  “It’s not hard when you pay attention.”

  Hell, even I have no clue which class Ains takes when. I just know she spends half of her life in this studio. Sure enough, when we get to the back end of the building, there’s a single door with a small window, and my sister is inside dancing her heart out in front of a wall of mirrors. Unsurprisingly, Reed is inside, sitting against the back wall, watching her. When Ainsley sees us peeking through the window, she motions for us to come inside as well.

  “Damn, the soundproofing is legit,” I observe as we open the door, and music I hadn’t heard before now pours through the overhead speakers.

  Reed and I fist bump as Jazz and I slide down the wall next to him.

  Ainsley pauses the music, wiping droplets of sweat away from her forehead with a small towel. “Hey, guys. What are you doing here?”

  “I just finished my interview down the street and wanted to pop in on the way home.”

  “How’d it go?” my sister asks.

  Jazz smiles. “I start this Saturday.”

  Reed gives me a look, and I mouth, later.

  “Nice!” Ainsley opens her arms. “An air hug will have to suffice unless you want to get all sweaty and gross.”

  Jazz wrinkles her cute little nose. “The air hug’s fine.”

  Ainsley’s eyes find mine. “You haven’t stepped foot in this place for years. Who knew it’d take another girl to get you to start taking an interest in my life?”

  I give her the finger. “Screw you. Just because I don’t watch you dance a million hours per week doesn’t mean I’
m not interested in your life. I’ve never missed a single recital, have I?”

  Ainsley’s studio isn’t large enough to hold recitals, so they rent out the auditorium at this private university nearby.

  Jazz’s head turns toward me. “You haven’t? Really?”

  “Really,” my sister confirms. “He’s been to every single one since we were six.”

  I shrug like it’s no big deal. “Who else is going to show? It’s not like my dad or any of his wives care.”

  Jazz punches me in the arm. “Ass.”

  I rub the spot she hit. “What? I’m not saying anything that isn’t true.”

  “Well, you could be a little less callous about it,” Jazz chastises.

  “It’s fine, Jazz. I’m used to it.” Ainsley takes a big chug of water before setting the bottle down on a stool. “Kingston’s not trying to be a dick. It just comes naturally to him.”

  Reed and Jazz both laugh at that.

  “Yeah, yeah.” I wave my hand. “Are you going to impress us with your skills, or what?”

  My sister beams. “You bet your ass I am. You wanna see the lyrical routine I’m working on for the next recital?”

  “Duh,” Jazz sasses.

  Ainsley laughs and cues up the music before walking to the center of the room. The moment she gets into position, I swear to Christ, the air in the room shifts. When Dua Lipa’s “Homesick” starts playing, my tiny sister, who weighs maybe a buck-oh-five soaking wet, becomes larger than life. She floats across the small space in a series of kicks and leaps, long, graceful lines and complicated spirals that she makes look absolutely effortless. There’s not a single doubt in my mind that this is what she was born to do.

  I glance over and see Jazz and Reed watching Ains with the same rapt attention. She has that effect on you when she’s on a stage, or this case, in a studio. Ainsley doesn’t simply dance—she mesmerizes. Jazz looks like she’s about to cry, and my best friend couldn’t possibly look more in love. Fuck. I really didn’t stand a chance of keeping them apart, did I?

  Reed’s one of the most stand-up guys I know. He’s my brother in almost every sense of the word, but Ainsley’s my other half. You don’t get much closer than when you share a womb with someone. If Reed ever hurt my sister, I’d have to drop him from my life, and that’s something I never want to do. I guess at this point, I just have to hope that neither one of them fucks it up.


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