Give Way

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Give Way Page 4

by Valentine Wheeler

  “I’ve been thinking about it since I dropped off that tub of packages,” Awais said. “I wanted to see you like this from the minute I looked up at you.”

  “God,” said Kevin. “I didn’t know.”

  Awais looked up, resting his chin against Kevin’s waistband. “Didn’t know what?”

  The sight of that beautiful, bearded face so close to his cock nearly undid him. “How much I wanted you. Fuck.”

  “Wanted me how?”

  “Any way I can get you.” His palm caressed Awais’s cheek, the other hand still tugging his hair. “God, you look good like that.”

  He really, really did. His hair standing up every which way, his eyes bright, Awais bent his face down and nuzzled at the juncture between Kevin’s groin and thigh. Kevin couldn’t help it; his hips thrust upward of their own accord, his cock rubbing through cotton against Awais’s cheek. He could feel Awais’s smile against his skin as he tugged the waistband down to the base of Kevin’s cock.

  “Eager,” said Awais, reaching under him to slide the boxer briefs off. “I like that about you.”

  “I’m usually very smooth,” said Kevin, breathless. “Most people don’t get this experience.”

  “I’m a lucky man then,” said Awais, and in a swift motion tugged the elastic below Kevin’s balls, letting his cock spring free.

  “You’re not the one—oh, fuck—about to get blown,” said Kevin. “So, I’d say I’m the lucky one here.”

  Awais grinned, showing his even white teeth. They glinted in the dim light of the bedroom. “You won’t be making jokes in a minute.” He pushed himself up on one elbow, curling the other hand around Kevin’s cock.

  Kevin let out a low groan, shuddering at the hot feel of his fingers wrapped firm around him. He hadn’t been this turned on in years. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this way. Maybe never. Maybe not since high school.

  And then Awais bent and wrapped his lips around the head of Kevin’s cock and he gasped, fingers tightening in his hair. He bobbed his head, taking nearly all of Kevin in, his mouth hot and tight and wet around him.

  He wasn’t going to last long. He was nearly sixty years old, and he was going to come after thirty seconds. He tugged at Awais’s hair until he lifted back up. Kevin groaned at the sight of him, lips swollen and wet. “What? No good?”

  Kevin laughed. It came out strangled and weird. “Uh, no. No, definitely good. Too good. Get up here, please,” he choked out.

  Awais grinned and crawled up, following the tugging of Kevin’s hands against his shoulders. Kevin was shocked to see he was still wearing his pants.

  “Get these off,” Kevin ordered, pushing himself upright. Awais raised his hips as Kevin fumbled the buckle of his belt open, yanking it free, then pulled open his button fly. Awais grinned as Kevin swore under his breath, trying to shove Awais’s pants off him without letting him move away.

  Finally they were both naked. He tugged Awais down beside him and rolled to straddle him, knees resting on either side of his hips, cocks inches apart. Then he paused for a moment to look at the man spread out under him.

  Awais’s hands rested on Kevin’s waist, fingers stroking softly along Kevin’s hipbones and leaving trails of sparking sensation behind them. His neck was long and his beard neat, a sharp line under his jaw with smooth skin below. Slim, muscled shoulders, shown off by the way he’d tucked his hands behind his head, obviously enjoying being observed. Thick hair over a chest of wiry muscle with small, peaked dark nipples. A flat stomach with hair a little sparser and then a thick tangle surrounding his cock, which stood out from his body, curving up nearly to Kevin’s own.

  Kevin reached down and rubbed his thumb against the head. He hadn’t touched a cock besides his own in at least thirty years. Probably more. Not since high school and the kind of locker room nonsense he’d left behind in the seventies.

  Awais shivered, the muscles in his hips and ass quivering against Kevin’s thighs. Kevin stroked him once, enjoying the softness of his skin and the hardness underneath. He was so fucking turned on.

  “Can I?” he asked belatedly.

  “Whatever you want,” said Awais, thrusting into his touch now. “Whatever you want, Kevin. Yeah.”

  Kevin leaned forward, his bare stomach brushing against Awais’s own. His cock was pressed between them, his knuckles brushing it as he ran his hand up and down Awais’s. Not toward any goal, not yet—just exploring, feeling the skin and letting his body acclimate to its new position. His balls brushed against something hot and soft and he realized that was Awais’s sac, pressing against his own. He shuddered and pressed his mouth to Awais’s collarbone, then rested his forehead on Awais's shoulder. He stared down into the dim, hot space between them, at their bodies bare and close. He couldn’t believe how hot it looked. He’d never imagined—

  Awais ran his fingers across Kevin’s waist, hot and firm. Kevin shivered. He had imagined, in idle moments, what another person’s cock would feel like against his hand. He’d wondered what a hairy chest would feel like, pressed against his own. He’d always had to force himself to stop staring at men with thick pelts of hair across their pectorals and stomachs in locker rooms and at beaches. He’d always justified it as jealousy, since he’d never been able to grow more than a few scraggly hairs across his pecs. But he’d known it wasn’t, really.

  He rolled on his side, lying beside Awais, and gave into temptation, burying his fingers in the hair between Awais’s pectorals and letting his hand drift farther down, feeling the soft texture of the strands above his trembling abdominal muscles. The hair changed texture slowly, fading from a soft and sleek trail below his navel to a coarser tangle in his groin and spreading over his thighs. Kevin kept moving down, letting his hand curl lightly around Awais’s cock and pump it once, then sliding farther down to brush the pads of his fingers over Awais’s balls.

  “You’re a tease,” said Awais, voice a little hoarse. “Fuck, Kevin, I want to touch you. Can I touch you?”

  “Yeah,” said Kevin. “God, you’re hot.”

  “I want to mess that perfect hair up,” said Awais. “I want to make you a mess.”

  “I’m already a mess,” gasped Kevin as Awais rolled over him, sitting up on his heels to straddle Kevin’s hips. Their cocks brushed and sweat gathered slickly between their thighs. Kevin reached out to curl his palms around Awais’s hips, tugging him forward a little until his cock brushed Awais’s stomach again, then flexed his hips to thrust upward. His cock twitched against the soft bulge of Awais’s belly, leaving a slick trail in the dark hair, and Kevin groaned.

  “Here,” said Awais. “Let me.” He leaned forward a little and gathered both cocks in his hand, bracing himself on the mattress beside Kevin’s ribs. His thumb pressed into Kevin’s side and brushed against his skin comfortingly. “Okay?”

  Kevin nodded, not trusting his voice.

  Awais thrust his hips forward. Pleasure blossomed in Kevin’s cock and low in his abdomen at the feeling of Awais’s hand, and his cock, and his balls where they slid against Kevin’s own. He groaned and thrust back, meeting the rhythm that Awais set.

  “Wait,” he said suddenly, throwing out a hand to grope in his nightstand drawer. “Lube.”

  “You’re a fucking genius,” said Awais, bending down and kissing him, not stopping his hand. He took the bottle Kevin thrust at him and flipped the cap open one-handed, then drizzled it over their joined cocks. The cold lube made Kevin gasp and shudder and moan, the change in temperature and the sudden, glorious slickness almost unbearable. He lost himself in the rocking motion, kissing Awais, mouth open, wet and filthy.

  The pleasure built in him quickly, his hips jerking, and he pulled back from Awais’s lips to breathe, “I’m going to come—”

  “Yeah,” said Awais. “Oh, fuck, Kevin.”

  Kevin’s head dropped back, abs clenching, as the orgasm rolled through him, whiting out everything for a moment. Dimly, he felt the splatter against his stomach, h
ot and wet, and he opened his eyes in time to see Awais release Kevin’s softening cock and thrust into his own lube- and come-covered hand a few times, then drop forward onto his elbows over Kevin, shuddering. More heat spurted against Kevin’s belly, slick come mingling with sweat. Awais’s steamy breaths against Kevin’s neck, little gasping moans that Kevin found unbearably hot. He reached up tentatively, curling his arms around Awais’s shoulders and stroking his back as he shivered with the aftershocks.

  They stayed like that for a long moment, Awais’s knees pressed against Kevin’s sides, his elbows resting on either side of Kevin’s shoulders, his face buried against Kevin’s neck. Finally he took a deep breath and lifted to roll to the side, landing on his back with his arm and side pressed tightly against Kevin’s own.

  “Well,” he said. “That was a much nicer evening than I was planning on.”

  Kevin laughed. “Yeah, me too.” His eyes were already drifting shut. He groped over the edge of the bed with the arm not against Awais and found his undershirt, using it to wipe at Awais’s belly, then his own. He was shocked by the amount of come there, spattered nearly to his nipples. But he supposed he usually only dealt with his own. And he usually wasn’t that astonishingly turned on.

  “You all right?” asked Awais, his voice sleepy.

  “I’m more than all right,” said Kevin, honestly.

  “Good.” Awais rolled on his side. “Is this okay?”


  Awais draped an arm over Kevin’s chest, resting his head on the pillow beside him. “I can get dressed and go if you need me to.”

  “What? No.” Kevin’s eyes popped back open, and he turned his head to look at Awais. His eyes were closed, but Kevin could see a little bit of tension seeping back into his face and shoulders. “Stay,” he said firmly. “Sleep.”

  “Mmkay,” said Awais, the stress fading quickly. “Night.”

  “Good night.” Kevin watched him slide into sleep easily, and then let the warmth of Awais’s body and the loose, euphoric feeling in his chest lull him to sleep.


  Kevin awoke and noticed three things before he opened his eyes: warm sunlight streaming through the window onto his face, the ringing of a telephone somewhere in his apartment, and a warm, breathing weight pressed all along his back—including one particularly warm, pressing spot against his lower back. He rubbed a hand over his face, rocking back against that hardness for a moment and letting it rub between his cheeks. It felt good. He hadn’t woken up with someone in—he couldn’t even say how long.

  The night before came back in waves of memory, disjointed and out of order: the bar, kissing outside, stumbling into the apartment and pulling Awais down on the bed. The moment of hesitance when he pulled Awais’s shirt from where it was tucked into his jeans, and the tactile feel of his thick pelt of chest hair between his fingers. Their bodies moving together, mouths joined. Awais sliding down his body, a warm mouth—

  The phone rang again and Kevin groaned. Behind him, Awais made a snuffling, confused noise.

  “Shh,” said Kevin quietly. “I’ve got it. Don’t get up.” He reluctantly pulled himself from Awais’s warm arm and warmer groin and clambered out of bed, stretching to shake the kinks from his spine. His muscles hurt in a pleasant, post-exertion way, his thighs and shoulders aching as he fumbled on his bathrobe from the hook on the back of the bedroom door. His phone was still in his pants pocket, and he grabbed it, closing the door behind him and collapsing on the couch, bringing it to his ear.

  Marianne’s crisp voice sounded immediately. “Hey, Kevin.”

  “Marianne! What’s going on? Is it the kids?” She never called him this early.

  “No,” she said. “I just wanted to tell you about meeting with Lila. Is this a bad time?”

  He glanced up at the kitchen clock. Okay, maybe it wasn’t too early for her to call—nearly eleven. “Uh, no,” he replied. “So you officially hired her?”

  “Yes, but I’d like your input. I can head over in a couple minutes, if you’re decent. I’ll make you coffee and bring over those scones you like with the cranberries in them.”

  He sat up straight, panic shooting through him. He was naked under his bathrobe, the whole bedroom reeked of sex, and there was a naked man in his bedroom. “No! No, I’ll come by. Is this afternoon okay?”

  “Kevin?” Marianne asked. He didn’t like her tone.

  “Yes, Marianne?” he asked. How did she always do this?

  “Do you have someone over there?” There was the tiniest note of glee in her voice.


  “A special visitor? You picked up some lonely single lady on a Friday night, didn’t you?”

  “No!” It was true. He definitely hadn’t picked up a lady. He felt his stomach spark with the memory of Awais, pressed against him moments ago, hardness against Kevin’s back. “No I didn’t! No ladies here, nope.” He winced. Protesting too much, and all that.

  “Oh, come on.” He was in for it now. “Kevin?”


  “Did you pick someone up last night and have them spend the night?”

  Kevin couldn’t answer. He couldn’t. It was—it was too fresh, too new. Even telling Marianne would make it some kind of real.

  “Oh my god. Kevin, did you pick up a guy last night?”

  Marianne always knew how to wait him out. The seconds ticked by.

  Finally he blurted, “Maybe.” There. Not too much information. She was curious, but she wouldn’t press him. She knew him too well for that.

  “All right. Well, I’m happy you had a nice evening.” She paused. “You did have a nice time, right?”

  “Yes,” Kevin admitted. “I did.” He cleared his throat. “And I’m not telling you anything else, because this conversation is already weird enough.”

  “That’s definitely fine,” said Marianne. “I’ll see you this afternoon then? I can give you the update, and you can at least tell me what you think I should do?”

  “I will,” said Kevin. “Just give me a few hours.” He glanced back at the bedroom door as he hung up.

  He wasn’t sure what to do with himself, honestly. Kevin had always been an early riser, and with the women he slept with, he usually had a routine: make them breakfast, talk about what a nice time he’d had, agree to see each other soon, and then maybe go on a few dates. Generally not more than a few. After all, he wasn’t looking for anything long-term. He’d had that with Marianne, and it hadn’t worked out, for a lot of reasons. No one night stand could compare to thirty-five years. Besides, they all knew her, and knew each other. The only way to avoid awkwardness was to never let it get too serious.

  Well. It couldn’t be that different than waking up with a woman. Obvious differences aside. He filled up the coffee maker, wincing at the loudness of the bean grinder, then set it to brew. Everybody liked coffee, right? Men liked coffee. He liked coffee.

  Kevin was spiraling, and he knew it. He curled his fingers around the granite of the countertop, letting the cold stone ground him as he took a deep breath to try to calm his racing heart.

  The warm fingers sliding around his waist and slipping between the sides of his robe to rest against his stomach nearly made him leap out of his skin. He whirled around.

  “Sorry!” Awais stood behind him, dressed in his boxers and undershirt, hands raised. “Sorry, I thought you heard me coming. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  Kevin put a hand over his heart, leaning back against the counter. “It’s fine,” he wheezed. “There’s coffee.”

  Awais stared at him. “Are you all right?”

  “Just give me a minute. I have to catch my breath.”

  “All right. Take a breath, Kevin. I don’t want you passing out on me.” Awais stepped back another step, but Kevin reached out and caught his arm before he could retreat farther.

  “Hey. I’m okay. Can I pour you some coffee?” he asked, running his thumb over the smooth cotton of Awais’s T-shirt where it cov
ered solidly muscled flesh. He met Awais’s eyes. “I had a good time last night.” He felt strangely shy.

  Awais blinked, eyes going wide. “I did too. And, um, sure.” He let himself be tugged a little closer.

  Kevin slid his hand up Awais’s shoulder until he cupped his bearded cheek. Then he leaned in to kiss him, letting his eyes drift shut.

  Awais’s lips were as warm and soft as they’d been the night before, the hair around them soft and springy. His hands came up around Kevin’s shoulder, his chest brushing Kevin’s.

  “I have morning breath,” he said, pulling away.

  “I have coffee breath,” said Kevin. “It’s fine.” He turned and busied himself with pouring another mug for Awais. His cheeks were hot, his hands trembling faintly.

  “I should go,” said Awais.

  “After coffee,” said Kevin, handing him the mug. It had Windmere Bakery emblazoned on the side, with a fanciful little drawing of Marianne’s storefront under the letters. “Here. Milk? Sugar?”

  “Black,” said Awais. He lifted the mug to his lips and sipped, eyes fluttering shut. Kevin stared at his long, dark eyelashes as they lowered, taking the moment of Awais’s distraction to study his face. He was gorgeous, that trim beard and those deep-brown eyes and high, wide cheekbones. Kevin couldn’t stop looking at his lips, which had been around Kevin’s cock just hours earlier. It felt like a dream, but he could still feel the slight soreness in his hips and thighs and abs and the slight stickiness on his chest of haphazardly cleaned-up come, sweat, and lube. It had happened. He’d had sex with this man.

  “I had a good time last night,” he said, sipping his own coffee to give himself something to do.

  “Me too,” said Awais. He set the mug down. “Thanks for the coffee.” He stepped closer, reaching to cup Kevin’s cheek in his hand and pull him closer. Kevin went, drawn to him like a magnet. Awais kissed him again, deep and searching. “Let’s do this again sometime.”

  Kevin nodded. “Yeah,” he breathed against Awais’s lips. “Please.”

  Awais pulled away with one last closemouthed kiss, then disappeared back into the bedroom, reappearing quickly, zipping his pants with his dress shirt from the night before hanging open on his shoulders. Kevin had forgotten how broad those shoulders were.


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