Claimed By The Dragon Shifter (BBW Paranormal Romance)

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Claimed By The Dragon Shifter (BBW Paranormal Romance) Page 31

by T. S. Ryder

  My heartbeat rises and begins to sink. My eyes close themselves as I descend into darkness.

  Chapter Fifteen - The Wicked Witch


  I look at Cyrene, her eyes pleading.

  “Save the babies,” she says in a barely audible voice. The potion that Minerva has forced down her throat trickles out of her mouth slowly in a black froth. I know Minerva has messed this up, deliberately. I begin to shift and Minerva puts a protective bubble around herself, hitting me with a blue spark. I fall to the floor—Minerva is very strong, but not stronger than me. I see her leaning over Cyrene, her hands on Cyrene’s neck, choking her.

  I shift, breaking through the roof of her loft. I cover Cyrene in my wing, take a long breath and exhale black fire. Minerva doesn’t know who she has messed with. There is no escaping the black fire. Her apartment burns, her spell breaks, her bubble pops and she burns to dust. I carry Cyrene back to my kingdom.

  I head back home to my kingdom and fly straight to the infirmary. Without shifting, I burst in.

  “Help her,” I howl, “help her!”

  Tiamat, the healing dragon, flies to my side and shifts to human form. She checks Cyrene’s pulse, puts her head on her heart. “The heartbeat is very weak,” she says to me. “It seems she has been poisoned.”

  “Fix her,” I plead, getting on my knees. “Please.”

  Tiamat brings her mouth close to Cyrene’s, puts a finger in the black potion smeared around her lips and smells it. “What happened? Tell me quickly, we don’t have much time,” says Tiamat.

  “We were turning her into a dragon and her body started rejecting it, I don’t know what happened.”

  Tiamat looked at me, then at Cyrene. “Why would you try to turn her when she has been given an antidote to resist your blood?”

  “Please,” I beg, “I didn’t know until it was too late. Please help her. She is carrying my babies.”

  “For fuck’s sake,” Tiamat loses her composure. I know it is very serious because I have never seen Tiamat swear in the centuries that I have known her. She slashes Cyrene’s wrist in a hurry, then cuts her own and mixes her blood with Cyrene’s.

  Then she cleans her up and bandages the wound and moves her to a bedroom.

  “Is she going to be okay?”

  “I don’t know, Delindor,” she says. I know she is furious with me, but I don’t care. All I want is for Cyrene to be okay.

  “Tiamat, please, do whatever it takes to fix her and I will be in your debt forever.”

  “I have done all I can, Delindor. If she makes it, she makes it. If she doesn’t, she dies. You brought her here in a really bad condition. Why would you even try to turn her outside our own kingdom?”

  “I know I screwed up bad,” I say. “I didn’t intend it. I was fooled by someone…but it doesn’t matter. If she dies, I die,” I tell her. She shakes her head.

  Chapter Sixteen - The Last of It


  I open my eyes and find Dell passed out on my bedside. A short, stout, Asian woman smiles at me, putting a finger to her lips. She doesn’t speak but I hear a voice in my head, as clearly as if someone was speaking to me.

  “He hasn’t slept in a week,” she says.

  I wonder whether the voice is real or whether I am imagining it. The voice answers as if it can hear my thoughts.

  “You are not imagining it, Cyrene. Dragons can communicate without using voice—with the power of mind.”

  “What happened, how long have I been out?”

  “You have been out for a week. You were poisoned and you were in a really bad condition when Delindor brought you here. You really are lucky to be alive.”

  “But who poisoned me?” I ask in my own head.

  “Your head witch, of course, who else?”

  “Minerva?” I wonder aloud. “No way, she couldn’t have. She really liked me.”

  “She fooled you,” the woman says. “She gave you an antidote to Delindor’s blood so your body would reject it and then injected his blood into your body.”

  “But why would she do that?”

  “Because you were a threat to her. A dragon witch is infinitely more powerful than an ordinary witch and the most powerful witch heads the coven. She was jealous—power does that to people.”

  “How did she get the antidote…it doesn’t make sense. I don’t…”

  “A dragon’s hairs are used in antidotes. Dragon scales are used in normal potions. She probably tried to kill you by sending you on that quest, sensing how gifted and powerful you are. Now, you must rest.”

  The woman turns around and leaves.

  “What is your name?”

  “Tiamat. I am the healer,” she says in my head. “Now I am shutting off the connection. Rest, Cyrene!” Her stern tone puts an end to all my questions. I look up, at the ultra-high ceiling and I know where I am. I am home.

  I run my hand through Dell’s hair, running my fingers across his back. I can’t resist it. I know he hasn’t slept in a week, but I need to feel his eyes on me again, feel his touch.

  “Dell,” I whisper, poking a finger into his shoulder. “Dell, wake up. Delindor!”

  He wakes up, his eyes heavy with sleep.

  “You are awake,” he says, a smile spreading on his lips.

  “I am,” I reply.

  “That was quite a scare you gave me there.”

  “Are the babies okay?” I ask.

  “They are. Tiamat says we are having three babies.”

  “Does she know what sex they are?”

  “She probably does, but she hasn’t told me. She won’t tell us, but she knows.” Dell says. “Tiamat means mother. She always knows and never tells.”

  “Fine,” I say, “I don’t mind being surprised.”

  “The babies are growing so fast,” Dell says, rubbing my belly. He lifts my shirt and kisses me on my pregnant stomach, then starts talking to the babies in a way that only a father-to-be would.

  Chapter Seventeen - The Sapphire


  Once Cyrene is well enough, I tell her that it is about time she is introduced to my family. She has returned to her usual self, albeit more motherly now. She has no qualms about meeting my parents. All she has is questions: questions about the kingdom, questions about the lives of dragons, about the treasures, etc.

  Before we can move in or get a castle of our own, it is customary to meet the parents. I wait for her at the table with my parents, as she explores the wardrobes and gets ready. But the moment she walks down the stairs, I know my parents will approve. After their life that spans thousands of years, they are never surprised by anything. “We have seen all there is to see, experienced everything, son, so nothing surprises us anymore.”

  Dressed regally, in a gown that once belonged my mother, she steps down the stairs slowly, cradling her very pregnant belly. My mother gets up, surprised and my father drops his fork.

  “Delindor,” she squeals, delighted, “She’s pregnant.” She looks at me to confirm, to make sure that they are finally getting an heir or heirs. I nod my head. Her smile reaches her eyes as she almost runs to Cyrene, throwing aside her usual composure. She puts an arm around her and holds her hand in her own as she walks her back to the table.

  “Hello, Cyrene. I am Delindor’s mother.”

  Cyrene is chewing gum and goes all, “Yeah, I know,” on my mother.

  “I heard what Minerva did to you. I am so sorry. If we knew earlier, we would have warned you, but Delindor never tells us anything.”

  “It’s cool, it wasn’t your fault.”

  “Very naive, that one,” my father whispers to me.

  My mother takes off her shawl and places it on Cyrene’s shoulders. “This is for luck,” she tells her. “It is made of threads of pure gold.”

  “I didn’t know dragons believed in luck too,” Cyrene says.

  “Oh, we do. I do, at least. When are you due?”

  The women break into chatter and I know Cyrene has
already gained their approval. In the middle of the conversation, Cyrene looks at my dad and asks solemnly, “So, where is your nest?”

  My father breaks into fits of laughter. “Nest? We are not birds, we don’t live in nests. We live in castles, dear.”

  “I need to borrow Cyrene,” I say to my parents. They nod in unison.

  I take Cyrene back to the glade where we had sex for the first time, the glade where my parents first met. It holds a special place for both Cyrene and me, so I know that it is only fitting that we make our next significant memory right here. I hold her hands and kiss her, then I kiss her belly and whisper to my children.

  “What are you saying,” Cyrene asks. “Whispering is not allowed, not to the babies. We do this together.”

  “We will,” I say.

  Then I get on my knees and hold her hand and produce a sapphire ring.

  “So, will you?”

  “You have to do the whole speech, ask me properly,” she says.

  “My dear Cyrene,” I begin. Since I met you—“

  “Yes,” she says, cutting me off. “I will marry you.”

  Chapter Eighteen - The Epilogue

  Cyrene looks at herself in the mirror, no longer used to a flat stomach. She is wearing a plain white dress and her future mother-in-law’s gold shawl on her shoulders. The vanity table in front of her is filled with more jewels than she has ever seen in her entire life: rings, diamond tiaras, crowns, necklaces, bangles, items made of precious stones, gold, silver, etc.

  She picks up two simple pearl earrings and a pearl necklace and puts them on. Her dress is strapless, backless, and fits her comfortably. Her hair is down and loose with the curls flowing freely just as Dell likes.

  “Go now, Cyrene,” says Tiamat. “You do want to get married, right?”

  “Yes, but I do look all right? I need to look perfect. I only get to do this once.”

  “You look absolutely beautiful,” Tiamat tells her. “Now go.”

  Cyrene pulls the sheer gold shawl over her head, like a veil, but then turns around. “My eggs, Tiamat, my children, I can’t leave them alone.”

  “I am looking after them,” Tiamat says, shooing her with both hands. “Now go, the sooner you get married, the sooner you get back to your eggs.”

  “If they begin to hatch, you call me back immediately.”

  “Okay, now go.”

  Dell waits underneath an arch of roses and jasmines, dressed neatly in a suit. The sun is rising somewhere behind the forest, but the foliage behind their wedding arch covers it, only allowing a soft blue light.

  Cyrene walks slowly towards her husband-to-be, her mate, her eternal partner. The guests all rise up. Delindor’s mother lets out a cry of joy. Cyrene joins Dell underneath the holy arch of flowers and they exchange vows. Then she looks at him, in those sapphire blue eyes that reflect in the ring on her finger, the eyes that she wants to see herself reflected in forever. And he looks into her green eyes, the eyes he wants to wake up to for the rest of his life.

  The elder dragons officiate the wedding, pronouncing them eternal mates. The new mates, Mr. and Mrs. Dell make out as the guests clap with joy, celebrating a dragon witch amongst their midst. Then they run into the forest and shift into dragons, and rise up, flapping their wings, their bodies intertwined, their mouths pressed together. They mate again, for the first time as proper, wedded dragons. Then Tiamat roars from the castle and they both fly back to the castle.

  Cyrene and Dell sit side-by-side watching their first egg move from side to side. Cyrene almost cracks the egg to help her baby, but Tiamat stops her. The tip of the egg slides to the side as their first baby pokes his head out…



  About T.S. Ryder

  If you’re in for hot-as-hell vampires and shifters, you’re my girl. There’s nothing paranormal that I don’t like or write and I’ll give it all I’ve got to bring beasts and hot men (preferably both :) ) to life for you.

  I love writing stories about sexy and protective alpha males and the strong women they love. My stories are always full of steam and I generally throw in a fair amount of action.

  So kick back, get comfortable, grab some chocolate and tea and fasten up your girdles for some extra smoldering hotness. Enjoy!

  Please check my author page for the latest news and releases.

  Selected Other Books by T.S. Ryder

  The Vampire King's Captive

  A curvy virgin paying off her debts PLUS a jealous vampire king looking for a donor PLUS enemies who will do anything to destroy him!

  Aria Taylor wakes to her biggest nightmare when Gavin, the vampire king, drags her out of bed in the middle of the night. Aria’s father owes him money and Gavin has come to take him away.

  There’s only one way out: Aria has to become Gavin's blood donor to pay off the debt. Too bad that she hates her bloodsucker. What right does this possessive beast have to be so handsome and yet so cruel?

  Gavin is more than happy with his new blood donor. Her full curves drive him crazy and he can’t wait to pierce her skin with his fangs. The thought of teaching this virgin all the pleasures of the body stirs fires inside of him…

  But Gavin has enemies and things take a turn for the worst when Aria suddenly disappears. Where is she? Gavin knows one thing for sure. No matter what it takes, he will get her back.

  He’s coming for her.

  The Shifter's Vampire

  A vampire virgin who’s given away PLUS a huge shifter protecting his pack PLUS an ancient war about to escalate…

  Curvy Yuliana is a low-born vampire who’s never been with a man. So she’s terrified when the vampire king asks her to make a sacrifice for the kingdom… to become the mate of the Alpha of one of the most powerful shifter packs in existence. The only thing she knows about shifters is that they are huge and dangerous…

  But when she sees her new mate, all she wants to do is wrap her legs around his hips.

  Leon agreed to take a vampire mate to bring peace to his pack. What he didn’t expect was to be paired with the hottest woman he had ever seen, let alone develop feelings for her.

  Is this a trick, a game of war in which Yuliana is only a pawn? Is the vampire king out to get him?

  But it's not just the vampires Leon has to worry about. The shifters are angry that he chose to take a vampire as a mate. Before the end of it all, his and Yuliana's bond will be tested.

  And if it breaks, everything will be destroyed.

  Mated to Two Beasts

  Desired by a sophisticated vampire king and a bad boy shifter. Life could be worse… Or, could it?

  Audrey is a reporter with big dreams for the future. So when she gets the chance to visit the Harvest Moon Festival, where human women are chosen as vampire mates, she doesn’t hesitate. This will give her the inside scoop she needs.

  But she gets far more than she bargained for.

  First, there’s the insanely handsome Sanjay, a tiger/lion shifter with a voice that is by far the sexiest thing Audrey has ever heard.

  And then there’s the elusive Dimitri, the vampire king himself, who has the longest… fangs she’s ever seen.

  When both shifter and vampire claim her as their mate, things get heated. Neither Sanjay nor Dimitri are used to being told no. If Audrey doesn't choose, they will battle to the death for her.

  And that's not the end of her troubles, when enemies decide to end the Harvest Moon Festival, by any means necessary…

  Can Audrey choose? Can she survive? Will she get everything she secretly desires?

  The Vampire King's Virgin

  A desperate curvy virgin PLUS a vampire king who needs fresh blood PLUS lethal beasts and enemies out to kill!

  Curvy Sofia Velásquez is desperate and poor. So when the vampire king offers her a million dollars a year to be his new blood donor, she doesn’t hesitate.

  She just needs to make sure she doesn’t faint every time he flashes his firm abs and delicious V. Her virg
inity needs to be protected at all cost.

  Vampire king Aaron is every woman’s fantasy. Tall and square-shouldered, his body radiates power and confidence. He gets everything he wants. And what he wants is his new blood donor and her curves. He can just claim her, right?

  Um, wrong. Turns out the path to love is paved with curses, potions, witches, and beasts. And all of them are out to get Sofia and Aaron.

  Can Aaron protect Sofia against evil? Will they risk everything for a chance to live? And can Sofia stay a virgin and get pregnant at the same time?

  It’s time for Aaron to show what he’s worth. He’s the king, and they’re about to find out what that means.

  Her Two Alphas

  A curvy virgin given away by her father PLUS two Alphas ready to share a mate PLUS a wolf looking to sacrifice for love.

  Curvy Elena Aldana is about to be mated to not just one, but two Alphas. Except she doesn’t know about it. Her father has made the deal. She doesn’t want to. Until she sees them – tall, broad-shouldered, and muscled. Hmm, her virgin lady parts might like this after all.

  Lukas and Will are ready to share a mate, both for their own reasons. Lukas is in massive debt and, though not his fault, he needs wealthy Will’s help. And Will? He gets what he wants, and that’s a family.


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