Heavenly Sword Dragon Slaying Saber Book 1

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Heavenly Sword Dragon Slaying Saber Book 1 Page 24

by Jin Yong

  The weather changed. By now, the days became shorter and the nights longer, until there’s only about four to five hours of daylight. The temperature also dropped. After becoming pregnant, Yin SuSu became more and more fatigued. Yet she still managed to cook, sew, and do other household chores.

  Tonight marked the tenth month of her pregnancy. With the fire roaring in the cave, the couple chatted together. Yin SuSu said, "Do you think it’s a boy or a girl?” Zhang CuiShan said, "A boy would look like me. A girl would look like you. Both would be great.” Yin SuSu said, "No, I prefer a son. Why don’t you give him a name?”

  Zhang CuiShan said, "Yeah...” But then he remained silent for a long time. Yin SuSu said, "Is there something wrong? You’ve been acting weird the past few days.” Zhang CuiShan said, "Oh, it’s nothing. Perhaps I’m a bit too happy knowing I’m going to be a father!”

  Despite having just spoken a lighthearted comment, Zhang CuiShan’s expression remained quite sullen. Yin SuSu said, "Fifth brother, keeping me in the dark would only make me worry more. There must be something wrong.”

  Zhang CuiShan sighed, said, "Hopefully it’s just my imagination. But Xie Xun’s expression the past few days didn’t look right.” Yin SuSu gasped, said, "I also noticed. He’s becoming more and more vicious, as if he’s about to become insane again.” Zhang CuiShan nodded, said, "He must be frustrated at his inability to unlock the Dragon Saber’s mystery.” Yin SuSu cried, said, "Before, the worst that could happen would be to die, but. but now.”

  Zhang CuiShan held her in his embrace, said soothingly, "You’re right. We must value our lives now, for our son. Should Xie Xun really get out of control, we would have to kill him. Due to his blindness, I’m sure we can defeat him somehow.”

  Yin SuSu had become much more compassionate since becoming pregnant. Before, she could easily kill tens of people without so much as blink. Now, she felt bad even when killing a wild animal. One day, when Zhang CuiShan caught a deer back to the cave, a fawn came back with him. Yin SuSu forced him to release the mother deer, said that she’d rather eat fruits than to leave the fawn motherless. So when Yin SuSu heard Zhang CuiShan spoke of killing Xie Xun, her body trembled.

  Zhang CuiShan obviously felt this reaction, looked at her fondly, and said, "Hopefully, that won’t be necessary. But we still must make guard against him.” Yin SuSu said, "You’re right. But how would we control him? Perhaps put some poison in his food. No, let’s not do that. Perhaps we’re just being too paranoid.”

  Zhang CuiShan said, "I have a plan. Tomorrow, we’ll move to the inner area of the cave. I’ll dig a deep hole by on the outer part of the cave, then put some mud and twigs over it.” Yin SuSu said, "But you have to go hunt everyday. What if he caught you outside?” Zhang CuiShan said, "Don’t worry. It’s easy for me to escape by myself. Should he attack me, I’ll just escape to a dangerous cliff or something. Without vision, Xie Xun cannot catch me.”

  The next morning, Zhang CuiShan began to dig his hole. Without an iron shovel, he had to rely on thick branches. Obviously this makes the job much more tedious. But thanks to his great inner power, Zhang CuiShan managed to finish it in seven days, a ditch about 10 meters deep. He saw Xie Xun’s expression becoming less and less stable each day, often swinging the Dragon Saber wildly. So Zhang CuiShan dug the hole a bit deeper, until it’s now over sixteen meters deep. He prepared some sharp, wooden spikes to put on the bottom, and gathered some stones by the side. Should Xie Xun ever fall into the hole, Zhang CuiShan could use the stones to smash him.

  This afternoon, Xie Xun came by the bear cave, and began to pace around outside. Zhang CuiShan didn’t dare work at this time, afraid that Xie Xun would suspicious. He also didn’t dare hunting today, only guard by the mouth of the cave, watching Xie Xun’s movements. Only to hear Xie Xun curse endlessly. He cursed the Heaven, the Buddha, Avalokitesvara, the Emperor of Heaven, the Lord of the Underworld, past human emperors, like ‘Yao-Shun-Yu-Shang*’ and ‘Qin Emperor-Tang Zong*’. And then scholars like Confucius and Meng Zi*, generals like Guan Yun* and Yue Fei*. Just about every single notable scholar or hero in the past, he cursed. Xie Xun’s a very knowledgeable person. So Zhang CuiShan was actually quite amused by his rants on historical figures.

  *Note: Yao, Shun, Yu, and Shang are four important emperors in the China’s VERY early days. I think in the ‘Zhou’ era. Certainly before the Spring-Autumn era and the Warring-Nations era. ‘Qin Emperor’ here denotes Qin Shi Huang, the emperor who united China (and built the Great Wall). ‘Tang Zong’ denotes Tang Tai Zong, the second emperor of the Tang dynasty, Li ShiMin. Tang Tai Zong is Li ShiMin’s imperial name. I’m sure everyone knows Confucius(look him up if you don’t). Although I don’t know much about Meng Zi, other than the fact that he’s famous scholar. I think most people know about Guan Yun, very famous person in the Three-Kingdoms era. Yue Fei is the famous general in the Southern Song dynasty. Anyone familiar with Jin Yong’s "Eagle Shooting Hero” should know him.

  Suddenly, Xie Xun began to curse the people in the martial world, making people like Shaolin’s originator Da Muo, or Divine Fist Yue WuMu, sound worthless. But at least he’s not cursing blindly. Xie Xun seemed to know the exact weaknesses of all the people and sects he cursed. Only to hear him curse the Tang dynasty fighters followed by the Sung dynasty fighters, ending with the greats of the Southern Sung, East Heretic, West Poison, South Emperor, North Beggar, and Central Theurgist. Followed by Guo Jing, Yang Guo, and finally Wu Dang’s originator Zhang SanFeng.

  Zhang CuiShan couldn’t bare Xie Xun curse his master, and about to rebut, when Xie Xun suddenly yelled, "Humph, Zhang SanFeng is a piece of bad crap. His disciple Zhang CuiShan is a bigger piece of crap. Let me go strangle his wife to death first!” As he spoke, Xie Xun walked past Zhang CuiShan and into the cave.

  Zhang CuiShan hurried inside, only to hear a crashing noise, as Xie Xun fell into the hole. Unfortunately, the spikes had not been put in yet, so Xie Xun was only startled, but not injured. Zhang CuiShan quickly picked up one of the branches he used to shovel dirt. When he reached the hole, Zhang CuiShan saw Xie Xun climbing back up. He immediately attacked Xie Xun with the branch. When Xie Xun heard the sound of the branch, his left hand reached out, grabbed the branch, and pulled it down. Zhang CuiShan could not hold on as the branch darted out of his hand. This pull was quite powerful, so the branch left Zhang CuiShan’s palm filled with blood. Along with

  this pull, Xie Xun once again fell back down the hole.

  Yin SuSu had been going into labor for over half a day now. It’s just that with Xie Xun walking outside, she couldn’t tell her husband, for it might break his concentration. But at this critical moment, she no longer cared for all that. Yin SuSu bit her teeth, got up, and threw her sword at Zhang CuiShan.

  Zhang CuiShan grabbed the sword, thought, "This person’s kung fu is far superior to mine. Even if

  I attack him, he’s bound to take the sword away from me.” But then he realized, "His eyes are blind. The only reason he took my branch is because it made a sound.”

  Just as he understood this, Xie Xun let out a laugh, and began to climb up again. Zhang CuiShan saw exactly where he would climb up, pointed his sword down at Xie Xun’s head, and did not move. Xie Xun climbed up with immense speed, going exactly towards the point of the sword, which gave no noise while remaining motionless. No matter how great Xie Xun’s kung fu, he could not possibly detect the sword. Only to see the sword pierce into Xie Xun’s head, who immediately let out a scream. When the sword entered about a centimeter into his head, Xie Xun quickly reacted, changing his direction in the opposite manner, immediately falling back into the hole. Had he been late by even a second, the sword would’ve killed him. However, even though his life is fine, the sword still made a serious wound. Blood poured down Xie Xun’s face, as the sword stuck on top of his head.

  Xie Xun took out the sword and tore out a piece of cloth to cover the wound. He knew that his wound is serious, but nonetheless did not care. Taking
out his Dragon Saber to protect his head, Xie Xun tried for the third time to climb out. Zhang CuiShan tried to throw rocks at him, but Xie Xun cut them down with the Dragon Saber. With his saber shining brightly, Xie Xun climbed out of the hole, began to walk towards Zhang CuiShan. Zhang CuiShan backed off step by step. He felt saddened, for today he will die with Yin SuSu, never to see his child born.

  Xie Xun didn’t want Zhang CuiShan or Yin SuSu to walk past him to leave the cave. For then, he’d have no way to catch them. So with the sword in his left hand and the Dragon Saber in his right,

  Xie Xun unleashed techniques that covered a lot of area, sealing a five-meter width besides him which no one could go past.

  When suddenly, he heard a ‘Waaaaahhhhh’ sound, as the sound of a baby’s cry came out of the inner cave. Xie Xun gasped in shock. He immediately stopped walking and froze, hearing the baby cry continuously.

  Zhang CuiShan and Yin SuSu realized that they were going to die. So they forgot all about Xie Xun, and instead put all their attention on the newly born baby. The baby is a son, his arms and legs kept moving, while crying loudly. Zhang and Yin realized that once Xie Xun’s saber came slicing down, both of them, plus the baby, would all immediately die. Neither spoke, their gaze on the baby. Both thanked fate for being so kind, allowing them to see their baby before death. Even a single extra moment right now, meant a single extra blessing to them. In this instant, the couple felt an unusual serenity, not thinking at all about their future. Obviously, both wanted the child to live on, but since this was impossible, they did not dare to hope.

  Only to hear the baby cry continuously, when suddenly, Xie Xun’s conscience reappeared, his madness dissipated. He suddenly remembered the moment his whole family was killed, for it was soon after his wife gave birth. His child died that day too. This baby’s cry made him remember many things in his past: The love between him and his wife, the brutality of his enemy, the innocent baby thrown by his enemy into the wall and turning into a bloody pulp, cutting off his own finger, trying to get revenge, only to fail each time, getting the Dragon saber, but unable to find its

  secret. He stood in a trance, sometimes smiling, sometimes biting his teeth.

  Right before this moment, the three of them were in a life and death duel, but after the baby cried, all of them suddenly turned their attention to the baby.

  Xie Xun suddenly asked, "Is the baby a boy or a girl?” Zhang CuiShan said, "He’s a boy.” Xie Xun said, "That’s good. Have you cut the umbilical cord yet? Zhang CuiShan said, "Do I need to? Oh, yes, of course. I totally forgot.”

  Xie Xun turned the sword around, gave it to Zhang CuiShan. Zhang CuiShan took the sword and cut off the umbilical cord. Only then did he realize that Xie Xun was by his side, yet did not try to kill them. In fact, he looked very concerned, as if trying to help out.

  Yin SuSu said weakly, "Let me hold him.” Zhang CuiShan put the baby into her arms. Xie Xun then said, "Do you have some hot water to give the baby a bath?” Zhang CuiShan said, "Oh, I can’t believe this. I didn’t prepare for anything. What an useless dad I am.” He quickly got up to go prepare for some hot water. But after he took a step, Zhang CuiShan saw Xie Xun standing right next to the baby, and stopped in fear for his child. Xie Xun said, "Why don’t you watch over the baby with your wife. I’ll prepare the water. While speaking, he put the Dragon Saber back on his waist and walked out the cave. As he passed by the hole, Xie Xun simply jumped over it.

  After a while, Xie Xun really did come back with a tub of hot water. Zhang CuiShan then gave the baby a bath. Hearing the baby’s cry, Xie Xun asked, "Does the child look like his mom or dad?” Zhang CuiShan smiled, said, "More like his mom. Not too heavy, he has a melon-seed-shaped head.” Xie Xun sighed, said quietly, "Hopefully, he’ll have good luck when he grows up, and not endure too many hardships.” Yin SuSu said, "Elder Xie, are you saying that the baby’s appearance is unlucky?” Xie Xun said, "No. It’s just that if the child looked like you, he’d be too handsome. I was just afraid that his good fortune is too thin. And when he enters society, will face much difficulty.” Zhang CuiShan said with a smile, "Elder, you’re thinking too far into the future. We’re now at a deserted island by the North Pole. This child will live and die here. How can he possibly return to society?”

  Yin SuSu said in a hurry, "No, No! We don’t have to return, but do you really want our child to live here forever? When all three of us die, who will accompany him? After he grows up, how is he going to get married and have kids?” Yin SuSu had always been vicious while living under the Heavenly Eagle Sect’s influence. But ever since she became married to Zhang CuiShan, Yin SuSu turned gentler and kinder. Now that she’s a mother, her heart is only filled with love for her son, and only wished the best for him.

  Zhang CuiShan looked at her, massaged her hair, thought, "We’re thousands of miles from mainland. How can we possibly get back?” But he didn’t want to hurt her feelings, and remained silent.

  Xie Xun suddenly said, "Mrs. Zhang is right. The three of us don’t really have any future. But there’s no way we can let this child grow up and die here, never to enjoy the life of a normal person. Mrs. Zhang, the three of us should come up with a way to get this child back to mainland.”

  Yin SuSu was exhilarated, tried to get up. Zhang CuiShan quickly stopped her, said, "SuSu, what are you trying to do? You need to more rest.” Yin SuSu said, "No, fifth brother. Let us kowtow to this elder, for his willingness to help our son.”

  Xie Xun shook his hand, said, "No need. Have you given this child a name yet?” Zhang CuiShan said, "No. Elder Xie, you’re very knowledgeable. Perhaps you should name him!” Xie Xun said,

  "Ok. He needs to have a good name. Let me think.”

  Yin SuSu thought, "It’s so great that he actually loves this child. If he thought of the child as his own, then the child will be safe on this island. Even if Xie Xun gets mad, he still wont hurt his own son.” So she said, "Elder Xie, I’d like to ask you, on behalf of the child, for a favor. I hope you’ll agree to it.” Xie Xun said, "What favor?”

  Yin SuSu said, "That you accept this child as your godson! So as he grow up, he can treat you like his own father, and you can raise him as your son. Fifth brother, do you not think this is a good idea?” Zhang CuiShan knew the reasons for his wife’s request, said, "That would be great! Elder Xie, please accept my wife’s request.”

  Xie Xun said, "My own child was thrown to his death as a baby. Have you ever seen that?” Zhang CuiShan and Yin SuSu looked at each other. They thought that perhaps his insanity is settling back in. But considering his past, they didn’t really blame him. Xie Xun then added, "If my son hadn’t died, he’d be eighteen now. Had I taught him all my kung fu, humph, I doubt he’d be worse than your seven Wu Dang heroes.” His voice carried both extreme pride and extreme sadness in that last sentence.

  The three people stayed silent for a while, before Zhang CuiShan said, "Elder Xie, you really should accept him as your godson, and his surname will become ‘Xie’.” An expression of extreme joy skimmed through Xie Xun’s face. He said, "Are you really willing to let his surname be ‘Xie’? My son who passed away was called Xie WuJi.” Zhang CuiShan said, "If you like, we’ll call this child Xie WuJi.”

  In his joy, Xie Xun feared that Zhang CuiShan might take his words back, said, "If you gave your son to me, then what about you?” Zhang CuiShan said, "It doesn’t matter what the child’s surname is. We’ll love him just the same. In the future, he’ll be filial to his mother, father, and his godfather all equally. What do you think, SuSu?” Yin SuSu paused a moment, said, "I leave everything up to you. A child could only benefit from an extra person loving him.”

  Xie Xun bowed down, said, "I really wish to thank you. Let us clear all our past differences. Xie Xun had lost a son, but he now gained a son. When Xie WuJi becomes famous in the martial world, everyone would know that his father is Zhang CuiShan, his mother is Yin SuSu, and his godfather is ‘Golden-Haired Lion King’ Xie Xun.”

bsp; Yin SuSu originally hesitated because she thought the name was bad luck, since the original Xie WuJi died as a child. But when she saw the joy on Xie Xun’s face, she knew Xie Xun would treat this child as his own, a huge benefit to the child. For the happiness of her child, a mother can give up anything. So she held the baby in her arms, said, "Do you want to hold him?”

  Xie Xun reached out his hand, and took the child from her arms. He was so happy he began to weep, and his arms quivered, said, "You. you should take him back. He might be too afraid of my look.” Actually, how could a newly born child know anything about looks? Nonetheless, he did this only because of concern for the child. Yin SuSu said with a smile, "You can hold him for as long as you like. When he grows up, you can take him all over the place to play.”

  Xie Xun said, "Great, great.” When he heard the child cry, Xie Xun said, "He’s hungry. Why don’t you feed him. I’ll go outside.” Actually, considering his blindness, Yin SuSu wouldn’t have cared if he stayed. But oddly enough, he has turned into a courteous gentleman.

  Zhang CuiShan said, "Elder Xie.” Xie Xun said, "Hold on. We’re one family now. You can’t consider me an elder now. How about this, the three of us become sworn brothers and sisters.

  This will be good to the child too.” Zhang CuiShan said, "But you are so much superior to us in ability. We’re not worthy.” Xie Xun said, "Humph, how could you be so wishy-washy? Fifth brother, fifth sister, are you going to call me big brother or not?” Yin SuSu said with a smile, "I’ll call you big brother first. If he still call you ‘elder’ afterwards, then I’d be his elder too.” Zhang CuiShan said, "In that case, I shall consent to big brother’s request.” Yin SuSu said, "After a few days, when I could get up. We can formally go through the ritual of bonding by bowing to the Heaven.”


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