Sanctuary: Book One of Bloodlines

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Sanctuary: Book One of Bloodlines Page 16

by C. L. Stevens

  “I’m sorry but we can't.” She replied, and found that she actually was a tiny bit. The “Awe” She heard from Stasha probably contributed to the feeling somewhat as well. “I am waiting on word from my Patron.” She clarified, and her new friend nodded reluctantly.

  “Can you believe it my lord Michael; her Patron is the Lady Meilin herself?” Stasha asked excitedly.

  “Are you sure you won't reconsider?” Michael said, looking for all the world like a lost puppy. Her heart went out to him but she still shook her head.

  “We can't,” She said again. “Perhaps some other time.” She added to try and take some of the sting from her words, but the proclamation sounded false to even her ears.

  Michael blinked at her in surprise for a long moment and then nodded slowly. She grabbed her still somewhat reluctant friend's arm and pulled her along. Desiree noticed that his eyes followed them until they were lost from sight around the corner.

  “We should have gone with him,” Stasha commented as they marched along. “It would have been fun.”

  “I thought you said we were supposed to see Marilyn as soon as I woke?” Desiree asked her. “Or have you already forgotten?”

  “We could have made something up,” Stasha retorted with a pout. “That bottle of wine sounded expensive!”

  “I need to see if Meilin left a message for me Stasha.” Desiree began to explain. “We had plans today yet she was gone when I woke. Besides,” She added with a grimace, “I have a feeling Michael wanted to do a lot more than watch sip wine and talk of this and that.” She finished by twirling an upraised finger like the vampire had done.

  “Yeah, no shit Sherlock.” Stasha chastened. “That's why we should have gone. I mean, you can't seriously think that he wasn't handsome.”

  “Wouldn't your Patron be upset if you let some other Vampire feed on you?” Desiree asked, somewhat taken aback by the comment.

  Stasha looked at her as if she had just announced that she quit school after the 1st grade.

  “Your Patron doesn't own you.” She remarked while still eyeing her incredulously. “Well sure, some Patrons might make a rule in your contract that you can only allow yourself to be fed on by a specific few or even just your Patron even, but that is extremely rare… and you damn well better have received one hell of a contract.” She added for emphasis.

  “But why would you even want so many feeding on you.” Desiree had to ask. “I mean, wouldn't you run out of blood anyway if too many feed on you.”

  “Wow,” Stasha stated in exasperation. “You don't know shit, do you?” She held out an arm to stop her from walking. “I like you, Desiree. You seem like a nice person. But there are a few things you need to understand before you share that look with others here.”

  “What look?” Desiree asked defensively.

  “That look you just gave me when I told you that I knew very well that Michael wanted to do more than just sit in talk with us and I still wanted to go. The look you are giving me right now. That holier than thou, I am innocent as a baby, my shit doesn't stink look. Actually, I rather like the second one, and so will the boys, but do yourself a favor and ditch the other two.”

  “I’m sorry.” She said, and she truly was. “I didn't mean to give off that impression.”

  “Yes, perfect,” Stasha stated in bright-eyed excitement. “That's the look right there. Hell, even I want to take advantage of you right now.” She said with a laugh.

  Desiree felt her cheeks warming and retorted angrily.

  “You are one to talk. When you peeked around the corner when I first awoke, I thought you were here to sell me girl scout cookies or Sunday school books.”

  “Really?” Stasha asked, now preening even more so than Michael had. “You're just saying that to be nice.”

  Desiree just stared at the girl in consternation, not sure if the young woman was a few sandwiches short of a picnic. It must have shown on her face because Stasha began laughing hysterically.

  “I think I will take it all as a compliment because lord knows you really did mean it.” She said in between laughs. “But look, Desiree, I should explain this more thoroughly so you can better see the full picture. Most of us are here for financial reasons or we simply have nowhere else to go. We sign a contract for various reasons but it all amounts to about the same thing. Despite whether you're saving for a house or school or a new fancy car, it's all just monetary gain.” Stasha explained, sounding all the world like a college professor instead of the boy-crazy teenager Desiree had assumed she was.

  “But you can gain as much or more from various Vampires who take an interest in you than you do from your contract. They give lavish gifts for visits like Michael just offered. Even more so for the improper protocol.” Stasha continued. “And you don't have to worry about running out of blood or becoming ill. Only your patron feeds for sustenance and takes more than a mouthful. The others do so solely for pleasure and take great pains to ensure that the process is extremely pleasurable to you as well. The more fascinating they find you, the more pleasurable it is for them it seems, so a special few people, especially those new here, can receive very large gifts for such meetings.”

  “How old are you?” Desiree asked curiously as she started walking again.

  “I just turned 19.” Anastacia admitted.

  “You seem very smart and mature for a 19-year-old.” Desiree accused.

  “Thank you. I think,” Stasha replied cautiously. “But seriously, I am only 19 as of 2 months ago. Almost 2 months. No older than you are.”

  “I’m 22,” Desiree said with a laugh.

  “No shit?” Stasha blurted in astonishment.

  “I shit you not,” Desiree assured her.

  “What?” Stasha said, stumbling her steps as she laughed aloud again. “No, wait. I think I heard that before.” She said, scratching her head in thought.

  “It's from that old movie Black Knight,” Desiree admitted with a grin.

  “The one with Martin Lawrence, right?” Stasha guessed. “I've seen that movie a bunch of times. The group home that I lived in didn't have many movies, so each one we had we watched like crazy. I love that movie.”

  “Me too,” Desiree agreed. She eyed the other girl warily before adding. “You grew up in a group home? Is that why you are here, because you have nowhere else to go?”

  “Sort of. I have an academic scholarship but it only covers my tuition and a room, no food or spending money. Plus, my roommate is a slovenly douche-bag so I didn't want to stay in the dorms.”

  “So, you go to classes during the day and come here at night?” Desiree asked.


  “I was thinking about doing the same,” Desiree mused aloud.

  “You should,” Stasha encouraged. “I need someone with more than half a brain to study with. And I like you, Desiree.”

  She smiled. “I think it's impossible for anyone not to like you Anastacia.”

  “True,” She agreed and they both laughed.

  “Don't you think what we are all doing here is rather…” She groped for the appropriate word. “Whorish?” She finished, unable to think of anything more pleasant. She made sure to say “we,” hoping it would take some of the sting from the question if she included herself.

  “If it is, I make one terrible working girl.” Stasha joked, not seeming to take any offense to her ultimate relief. “Do you know how many times I have been fed on since I've been here? 3 times,” She added before any reply could be made. “3 times in 9 months. Twice from my Patron and once from a Phalanx who gave me a 200-dollar gift certificate to lick a scratch I had on my elbow.” She added, her fair cheeks turning crimson at the admission.

  “Why?” Desired asked, completely surprised and not sure if she believed it. “Bitch, you are lying your butt off. You are sharp as a razor and cute as a button as well. Hell, if I was a vampire, I would have you doing things with me that would make you unable to look decent folk in the eye afterward.” She joked, givi
ng the younger woman a taste of her own medicine.

  “Thank you,” Anastacia murmured shyly and returned her a more than grateful smile.

  Desiree marveled at how easy it was to lift some women's spirits. With a compliment given in just the right manner or from just the right person, they were on cloud nine. She should know, it had happened to her too many times to count.

  “But it's more because my Patron is hardly ever here and after classes, homework, and studying, I am so tired, all I want to do is eat and sleep ungodly hours,” She explained. “But now that it's summer break, I was hoping to change that. Mamma needs some spending money.” She added in a ghetto-like voice.

  “That's why you wanted to go with Michael,” Desiree guessed. “Darn, Stasha, I'm sorry.”

  “No,” Stasha admitted. “You did the right thing. I gave my word that I would bring you as soon as you woke up. But man, it would have been nice though. He is hot and damn near as stuck up as…” She trailed off suddenly, giving her a wary look. “He has only invited one girl that I know of in months… April. April said all he did was leave her sitting around eating and drinking while he talked to someone on the phone. He drank from her once, thanked her, and then gave her a diamond tennis bracelet worth over 5 grand. That lucky bitch!” She stated almost angrily.

  “Wow. The vampires throw around money like that?” Desiree asked enthusiastically.

  “Well, that's extreme, but they are generous to anyone they deem interesting. Mostly it seems all they want is your time honestly.” Stasha said in thoughtful tones.

  “And that sucks for you.” Desiree deduced. “You have beauty, and wits and charm in abundance... time, not so much.”

  “I see you understand the nightmare that is my life,” Anastacia replied sadly, yet grinning from ear to ear. “But enough about me, what's your story? And how on earth did you end up with Meilin as your Patron?”

  “It's a long story.” Desiree began but trailed off as they rounded a corner and the enormous room with the amazing chandelier came into view. Only now it was filled with men and women of all ages. They stood or sat at tables in small groups and even alone in a few cases, chatting softly. As low as their conversations were, the combined chatter of voices created a constant buzzing around her that she found distracting. They were all vampires far as she could tell and although she knew it was safe and none were paying her any attention, she felt her hackles rising like a tough tomcat who suddenly found himself in a Yard full of dogs and no trees in sight.

  “Ow… fuck!” She heard Anastacia exclaim rather loudly and turned to the girl in surprise. “Let go of my goddamned hand!” She bellowed and Desiree was shocked to see that she had unconsciously taken her new friend’s hand and was obviously squeezing the K9 excrement out of it.

  “Crap, I’m sorry Stasha,” She blurted and quickly released the appendage. “I… what just happened?” She asked, a bit confused by it all.

  “You only behaved the way most of the rest of us have when we saw a room full of vampires for the first time,” she replied, eyeing her askance while flexing her hand tentatively. “Only most of us turn to flee or stand there shaking like a startled cottontail… we don't grab someone's hand and try to make Play-Doh out of it.” She finished, shaking her head and looking none too happy.

  “I don't even remember taking your hand, honest.” She promised.

  “Well, you did!” Stasha assured her, though she seemed to have calmed down already. “We rounded the corner and suddenly you stiffened and the next thing I knew, you had grabbed my hand and began squeezing it like you expected money to come out.”

  “I'm sorry, I panicked,” Desiree admitted. “Nothing lends you strength like stark terror.” She added, hoping to curb any thoughts or questions about how she was able to squeeze so hard.

  Stasha was nodding slowly. To her ever-mounting discomfort she noticed that most of the room's occupants were now looking their way and conversations seemed to have intensified. She also noticed Marilyn waving to them and took a step in her direction. She navigated the stairs as carefully as she could. All she needed now was to take a tumble down them with everyone watching.

  “Uh, you wanna speed things up there, Grandma?” She heard Stasha chide her from behind but kept her pace until her feet were on flat ground. She was vaguely aware of others trying to get her attention but she kept her eyes forward until she was standing before Marilyn.

  “There you two are,” The magnanimous older woman said for greeting and ushered them both into a small side room. “I was beginning to worry.”

  “I'm sorry, I don't know why I slept so long,” Desiree said in apology. “I usually never sleep like that.”

  “The Lady Meilin said that you probably would. She filled me in on the trying time the two of you went through,” But her face declared, “I didn't know it would be THAT long.” She could feel Stasha staring at her questioningly but didn't bite. “And she said that you would assuredly be famished when you awoke, so I took the liberty of informing the kitchens to provide the two of you with anything you require.”

  “Thank you,” She replied in near echo to Stasha. “But did she leave a message for me?” She had to ask. “Do you know where she is right now?”

  “Only that you should stay in the Manor until she returns and that you should be careful of what you say in her absence,” Marilyn replied. She raised a knowing eyebrow at the last of the instructions and Desiree wondered exactly how much the woman really knew.

  She suddenly saw a small form peak from behind the older woman's skirts and greeted the boy with a huge smile.

  “Hello, Peter,” She said sweetly as she went down to one knee. “What are you up to big guy?”

  He just stared at her until Stasha grabbed him in a headlock and began ruffling his hair vigorously.

  “You lost your manners, you little cretin?” She asked him playfully as he squealed in delight.

  They wrestled around for a bit before Anastacia finally planted him unceremoniously in front of her.

  “Hi, Desiree,” He stammered meekly while staring shyly at his feet.

  “You remembered my name!” Desiree congratulated him excitedly. He nodded, his eyes still on his feet that were lighting up with each nervous step. “Those are some very cool shoes,” She told him in admiration. “I wish I had cool shoes like those.”

  “Me too,” Stasha added.

  “Nana got them for me because I was good,” He said excitedly, pointing back at Marilyn. “If you are good, maybe she will get you some too.”

  “I think they only make cool shoes like that for kids,” She told him sadly. “Adults only get ugly, boring shoes.”

  “Oh,” The boy said somberly and startled her by giving her a hug, squeezing her surprisingly tightly around her neck. She was so taken aback that she almost missed it when he whispered in her ear. “You can wear my shoes sometimes if you want.”

  “Thank you, Peter.” She managed to say when the lump cleared from her throat. She pulled him to arm's reach and looked into his eyes. “That is very nice...” She was saying but trailed off as she stared into his huge innocent eyes.

  She suddenly had a vision of him in pain and stark terror filled those brown orbs. She took one look at Marilyn’s smiling face and knew that the woman was not abusing the boy. She let him go and he ran to her and nestled in her skirts. Certainly not with the way he behaves around her. But the vision had seemed so real. Almost like… Almost like a memory.

  “You've never given me a hug before you little monster.” Stasha accused.

  The boy responded by raising both hands high in the air and roaring as if he were indeed a monster. Stasha squeaked and began running away lazily and the boy eagerly gave chase roaring and growling by turns. She pretended to hurt her ankle and suddenly fell to the floor. Just as the little boy was about to pounce, Marilyn intervened.

  “Enough play for now little one,” She announced. “Your playmates missed mealtime and I am sure they are very hungr
y. We should let them eat.”

  The boy sighed but obediently returned to Marilyn's skirt. As they turned to go, Desiree noticed something or the absence of something to be more precise.

  “Stasha,” she said suddenly, “didn't you have a tablet with you earlier?”

  “Oh shh… shoot.” She replied with an uncomfortable look at the boy. “I left it somewhere in Meilin’s rooms.”

  “I can get it,” Peter said excitedly. “I will run super-duper fast.” He promised.

  “That's a good idea,” Marilyn agreed, nodding in assent. “The two of you can head to the kitchens and he can bring it to you there.”

  At her words and nod, Peter sped off happily. Desiree watched him go, still a bit confused about what she had seen while holding him but joined her new friend after a tug on her arm. They made their way to the kitchens in short order, their growling stomachs the only real communication between them. Inside was completely empty. All the benches and chairs were put away as if the kitchens were shut down completely. Desiree noticed the look from her new friend and turned to fully regard her.

  “What's up?” She asked. “Is everything supposed to be put away like this? It wasn't when I came last night.”

  Stasha only shook her head at first and just when Desiree was going to ask again she spoke.

  “No, they shouldn't be put away,” She remarked, sounding a bit confused. “At this time of day, there should be people still in here chatting or doing whatever. You can't order a meal, but you can still get drinks and small snacks like chips and stuff.”

  “Hey! There you are!” Came a familiar voice. They both turned and Desiree was not surprised to see Kennedy standing in the doorway at the other end of the kitchens. “Oh, hi… Stasha right?” He said in greeting as he turned his attention to the blonde young lady.

  “Yeah.” She replied with a nod of her head.

  The boy smiled as if he were proud of himself and turned to regard Desiree.

  “I was waiting for you in the other area that we met you last night,” He said, pointing behind them. “I figured you would show up there eventually.”


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