Sanctuary: Book One of Bloodlines

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Sanctuary: Book One of Bloodlines Page 34

by C. L. Stevens

  As she headed for the door she happened to reach for a last half of a bacon strip and noticed for the first time a note sticking out from under one of the silver trays. She plucked it out and read.

  I was sorry to have missed you yesterday. I hoped to catch you early this day but the lady Meilin has informed me that you still slumber. I will take this opportunity to complete my tasks now, so that we may meet later to work on the task given us without interruption. If you are able, please meet me in the library at midnight. I look forward to your assistance and company. Deidrich.

  She looked up at the elaborate grandfather clock on the far wall of her immense room to check the time. It was not yet 9pm. Good. That gives me 3 hours.

  She was surprised to find Meilin still in her room. The vampire was not even fully dressed.

  “Morning sister.” The vampire greeted her without even turning around to see she was there.

  “Or night. However you want to look at it.” She replied jokingly.

  “Or night,” Meilin conceded. She turned to her then and studied her with those dark exotic eyes.

  “You look… determined Desiree. What is on your mind?”

  “I going to the library to start searching. Deidrich will meet me there later to help, but I don't want to wait.”

  She then told the vampire of her conversation with Anastacia, of what some of their friends had observed of their behavior during their outing. The vampire frowned.

  “I was not aware of doing so either.” The vampire admitted. “It is actually not unheard of for those bonded to do as you have explained but not unconsciously.” She frowned again. “I do not like that. Doing things of which I am not aware.”

  In truth there was a lot she did not like. Earlier she had these overwhelming feelings come over her out of the blue. She had the sinking feeling she knew why as well.

  “I will let you know immediately if I find anything.” Desiree was saying, and Meilin snapped back to the present. Meilin nodded and watched the girl leave.

  Desiree wasn't in the common area of the house long before a familiar figure was walking at her side as if materializing out of thin air. She jumped despite herself, feeling like a cat with the hair on its back extended as she looked into the old vampire's red eyes.

  “I was hoping to catch up with you young one.” He commented casually as he strode beside her with his hands clasped behind his back. “Some of what Lord Uvarii has told me of your experience in the dead zone has interested me greatly.”

  “I have already told all that I remember.” She said cautiously.

  “Of course, of course.” He said quickly. “I do not doubt you have, but perhaps there is more that you do not consciously recall. I believe that I could be of assistance there.” She frowned but he went on before she could think long on his words.

  “I trust you have been getting on fine in the Sanctuary young Desiree?”

  She could only nod, not trusting herself to speak.

  “That is well. You are naturally charismatic as all your kind tend to be. You should make friends amongst the humans and vampires with little difficulty. Though you should be careful around any newly made. They sometimes lack control and you do smell quite enticing.”

  She didn't want to talk to him, she didn't trust him, but she found herself asking anyway.

  “What do you know of me. Of my kind I mean. Of Ablanq?”

  “This is not the place to speak of such things.” He said quietly as he looked around. Desiree followed his eyes and noticed several people, all vampires she noted, watching them while trying to look as if they were not.

  “But I may have a bit of information you should find interesting. Come seek me out in my quarters if you wish to hear more. I may also be able to help you recall certain details of your time in the dead zone. If I were to read your mind we may figure out how you were able to shield yourself and the human from the darkness.”

  She cringed inwardly at the thought of him in her head. But maybe he really can tell me more of what an Ablanq really is.

  “I should probably ask my sister first.” She replied slowly.

  He nodded as if he had already known what she would say.

  “Come to me when you are ready child.” He turned to go but stopped and turned after taking only 2 steps. “Oh, and one more thing. It appears that the Dead Zone has retreated. The first time it has ever done so. Only a few miles, maybe four but that is four more than ever before.”

  She watched him go, trying hard not to shiver. When she saw Marilyn, the old woman's presence seemed twice as comfortable and inviting to her by comparison. Though her bows and insistence in calling her lady, Marilyn made her feel a little uncomfortable as well. She was very helpful though, ensuring her that she did not have to visit the dorms herself, that a simple message could be sent at her request. She decided to do that and thanked Marilyn profusely before heading to the main library.

  “A pleasure to be of assistance my lady.”

  Desiree groaned.

  A single Phalanx stood guard at the library doors like a statue ready to animate at the first sign of an intruder. She approached slowly, ready to tell him that she had been granted access but he moved aside without a word. She walked in quickly but stopped only a few feet inside, staring in awe.

  Row upon row of books lined the walls two stories high, with a third story on the outer walls accessed from a balcony that ran the circumference of the room. There must be thousands and thousands of books here! Tens of thousands! Hundreds of thousands!

  She was grinning from ear to ear but then the grin faded away as she began to understand her dilemma.

  How do I find anything among this many books?

  She was only searching for about 20 minutes when Stasha walked in. Her friend only waved to her and dived right in with her. Through unspoken arrangement, they worked the same area, each taking a row so they could chat.

  “So, have you spent any time with your hunk of vampire man yet?” Anastacia asked her with a wink.

  “He is not my man.” She said grumpily. “But if you must know, he is meeting me here at midnight.”

  “Well he certainly won't be with that attitude.” She retorted.

  “What happened with the cute French guy you met?” She asked, trying to divert her friend. “Did he ever call you?”

  Anastacia smiled. “Every day.” She said, lifting her eyebrows repeatedly. “He sent me some pictures too.” She pulled out her phone and searched it for a second before sighing elaborately as she gazed at the screen ostentatiously. Desiree took the bait and leaned over to get a peek at what she was looking at so fondly. She blinked, her mouth dropping open.

  “Was that what I think it was?” She asked, sure she was imagining what she saw in that split second.

  Anastacia looked confused. “What do you mean?”

  “What was that you were looking at?”

  “This?” Her friend asked, putting the picture close to her face. Desiree turned her head away, refusing to look at the image any longer.

  “Eww! Why do guys send stuff like that?” She said disgustedly.

  “What?” Anastacia asked, feigning confusion. “What's wrong with it?”

  She held up the phone again but Desiree refused to look her way.

  “What? You don't like them?” She asked and began jabbing the phone at her face like a spear. “You like it! You know you like it!”

  Desiree opened her mouth to say that she did not but Anastacia pushed the phone into her mouth. She slapped it away, laughing and sputtering.

  “Oh, you like it!” Anastacia said, laughing hysterically. “I see you licking those sexy lips of yours. You love it!”

  “I’m not licking... I… you're twisted Stasha,” She sputtered. Her friend practically cackled with glee. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “You got issues!” She said, shaking her head.

  They continued their search, chatting and laughing like childhood friends. Practically at the stroke o
f midnight Deidrich entered, silent and graceful. Desiree saw a look of surprise on his face at seeing Anastacia there though he hid it quickly. He bowed to them both, greeting them politely. Anastacia was eyeing him critically and making no effort to hide it. Oh god, i hope she doesn't say anything. Deidrich only stood there awkwardly. It was obvious he did not want to say more in front of her friend so she spoke up quickly.

  “Don't worry Deidrich, she knows about me being Ablanq and about the bond.” She told him with a smile. Again, there was that look of surprise but covered even faster than the first time.

  “Of course.” He said, returning her smile with one of his own. “Your help will be most appreciated miss Anastacia. Three sets of eyes are better than two, yes?”

  “Indeed, they are,” She readily agreed.

  “Actually,” Anastacia cut in apologetically. “It will only be the two of you today. Three hours in a row is my limit.” She began to leave but as she passed in front of the vampire she turned back to Desiree. “Early tomorrow?” She asked aloud but also silently mouthed a few words.

  Desiree could not make them out but she didn't have to. She got the gist of what the girl was implying by the none too subtle jerks of her head towards Deidrich. She did not doubt that he got as much as well. Desiree just closed her eyes and tried to think pleasant thoughts.

  They searched the rest of the night and although they found nothing, Desiree would not have called the time fruitless. The vampire proved to be quite the company. He probably searched through twice as many books as she did, and still found the time to keep her pleasantly entertained, and not just by flashing his pretty green eyes her way. He spoke with her in a way that broke through her original shyness and soon she was laughing and covering her mouth in surprise at his stories and telling many of her own. When she took a break to eat, he sat with her so she would not be alone and bored. He flirted with her continually but in such a subtle manner that when she at last returned to her rooms that morning, she found herself questioning if he really had or if it was only her hopeful imagination.

  She found Meilin already in bed when she poked her head into her room. The sight of the vampire fast asleep made her realize how tired she was. She climbed into her own bed which was identical to her sister's and was soon doing likewise.

  A short time later she awoke in a panic, kicking and punching out at the hands that grabbed her from all sides. She shivered as she opened her eyes so she could see the light she had purposely left on. She desperately needed to see light. But even with the darkness chased away, she could still hear the voices, those malicious taunting voices. Uh! Why could I not dream about Deidrich?

  Feeling like a baby, she got out of bed and crawled in next to Meilin. The vampires skin was cold and she could feel the tingling sensation wherever their bare skin made contact but she still clung to her until sleep finally found her once more. If she dreamed again, she thankfully did not remember.

  Chapter 22

  When she awoke she did not hesitate to tell her sister about the nightmares when asked, though she did not give details.

  “You know you can come to me anytime Desiree but what of your friend that shared the experience with you.” Meilin said as she held her in bed. “You should speak with her about it. If she too is having nightmares, she may also need someone to comfort her.”

  “She seems fine.” Desiree thought aloud. “She hasn't said anything.”

  “You seemed fine as well but I notice you have started sleeping with a light on.” Meilin pointed out. “Talk with your friend. She has no family to turn to.”

  Desiree nodded, feeling a little embarrassed that she had not thought of Anastacia before now. Meilin fed long and hard from her neck after missing a day and although the tingling sensations were powerful, they had not reached the intensity of before. The feeding had energized her so much that she felt like passing on breakfast but Meilin talked her into having a few bites. Once she started though she ended up nearly emptying each silver dish.

  She arrived at the library at the appointed hour and her friend was already there with her head in a book. Hope flared for a moment, thinking that Anastacia may have already found what they sought.

  “You found it?” She asked excitedly.

  Anastacia shook her head. “No, sorry. Just passing the time.” She replied and set the book aside. “You ready to get started?”

  “Yeah, but I have a question for you first.” Desiree said cautiously.

  “About what?” Her friend came back even more so.

  “How are you sleeping at night lately?” She asked finally.

  She saw her friend stiffen and she turned away from her before responding.

  “Why do you ask?” She replied much too casually.

  “I have been having nightmares.” Desiree said softly. “Bad ones.”

  A shadow appeared to pass over Anastacia’s features before changing into a smile and Desiree had to give the girl credit. She almost managed to make it look genuine. She walked over to her and put her arms around her.

  “It will pass I am sure Desiree. All stuff like that passes eventually.”

  “I was hoping you would bunk with me for a few nights. Just for company, Yeah know. It might be good to have someone near if I have another one.”

  Anastacia’s embrace tightened sharply for a moment but the girl did not even seem to realize it.

  “Of course.” The petite girl said quickly. “I can do that. It'll be fun.” She added, smiling once more.

  “Thank you Stasha.” She whispered and then her voice rose, purposely chipper.

  “Now let's find at least one of these damn books. At this point I don't even care which. All I know is that if we spend another whole day here without finding something I am going to scream.”

  “Well let's get to it.” Anastacia agreed.

  They did just that, working in silence for a while, so studious were they. They were in a comfortable groove when they both heard laughter drifting in from the outer doorway. All too familiar laughter. Neither girl was surprised when Eric and Kennedy strode in.

  “Hello ladies,” Kennedy greeted. “What are you two up to?”

  “On a wild goose chase,” Desiree replied at the same time Anastacia said, “Looking for that needle.”

  “Looks like you lovely ladies could use the help of two strong and handsome men.” Eric announced loudly, flexing both arms as if posing for a picture.

  Anastacia looked up, her face full of excitement. “That would be a god send!” She said breathlessly, and both young men smiled broadly. That smile fell away abruptly when she continued in a hopeful voice, “Do you guys know any?”

  It took as much effort as probably anything she had ever done before in her life but Desiree somehow managed to add with a straight face, “We could use your help too though guys.”

  The words were delivered in such a perfectly innocent voice that she lost it. She began to laugh uproariously and Anastacia quickly joined in.

  “Funny.” Eric said sourly.

  Kennedy was eyeing them both with equal parts amusement and hurt feelings. He seemed unsure as to which emotion to foster.

  “I know this place pretty well. What book are you looking for?” Eric asked.

  Desiree looked at her friend and shook her head slightly. Anastacia walked over to her and they put their heads together, speaking softly.

  “We could really use the help.” Anastacia was saying. “At the very least we're talking about half the time. That's if Eric doesn't know right off. He spends nearly all his time down here after all.”

  “I don't know.” Desiree said. I am supposed to be keeping the bond and what I am secret. If we tell them we are looking for information about the bond or Ablanq, they will easily put 2 and 2 together. Eric certainly will.”

  “What are you two whispering about over there?” Kennedy asked.

  “Nothing good, knowing them,” Eric put forth.

  “Hush!” Anastacia said, looking ove
r to the boys in annoyance. “Adults are speaking.”

  “How about we tell them only about the bond. They will know it applies to you, but will probably just think that you are only thinking about doing it.”

  Desiree sighed.

  “If we were going to tell them we probably should have just done so straight off. I seriously doubt the two of us whispering conspiratorially like this is helping.” She said with a sigh. “Screw it. We need the help.” She looked over to the boys.

  “We are looking for any information about the vampire bonding ritual.” She admitted. “Anything about their bond really.”

  Both young men's eyebrows rose at her words. They even shared a look between them before both of their eyes settled on Desiree. They did not even glance at Anastacia. They stared right at her.

  “Why do you want to know about the vampire Bond?” Kennedy asked so conspicuously that she nearly laughed.

  “Because knowledge is power.” She replied cryptically. “Because knowledge is power.”

  In short order Eric found two books that mentioned the bond but had scarce few real details about it. But the books had filled the four with a feeling of progress and they continued the search, trading light insults and not so light flirting over the next couple hours. Eric found another book that was extremely promising. It was the first volume of a set of two. It had lots of information as she sat down with Anastacia to go through it as the boys continued looking. Unfortunately, though, most of which only confirmed what she already knew, which was good as well she supposed. After all, it was always better to know than to just guess, no matter how educated the latter.

  The most interesting part they read mentioned that bonds greatly differed from one to the other, especially from say, vampire to vampire as opposed to vampire to human. They could differ in both effects and degree. Apparently, the effects were random but the degree or intensity of the bond’s effects were solely based on the compatibility of the two involved. It stated that some were so close through the bond that they could feel what the other felt or even share emotional states.

  “I wonder what they mean by that, share emotional states?” She said, thinking aloud.


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