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Chloe Page 2

by J H Cardwell

  God, it seems like forever ago that I first met that group of guys. It had been the summer before college when we took a girls trip to Emerald Isle and Beaufort. At first my eyes locked on John, but realizing he was looking at Reese, and she needed a distraction so badly, I turned my attention to the hot, bad boy, Brett. So yeah, John, the tall, dark, leader of the group was drawn to Reese who had ‘bruised’ written on her forehead from just breaking up with Tate. Harrison, the brain-iac, was fixated on Maura. And Brett, well, he was drawn to the wild and crazy one of the bunch, as I was him. I knew he would be fun, and boy was he ever. Thank God none of us were drawn to Sam, the loser who tried to rape Reese that long ago night on John’s yacht. Thankfully he is kept far, far away from the other guys. I don’t care if John’s dad and Sam’s dad do run Rider Oil Industries together. He was, and still is, a loose cannon.

  As it turns out, Reese ended up back with Tate, her good-looking high school sweetheart and Maura is now engaged to marry Harrison. That leaves Brett thinking it was time to settle down with me, yeah right! And John, well, even though Reese is back with Tate, John still pines over her. Ridiculous! He needs to get a grip and move on. I mean you’ve got to give the guy credit for putting himself out there, but he went about it the WRONG way! I mean he demonstrated manipulation at its finest by trying to get Tate to sleep with his ex, Lauren. He was hoping to be able to pick up the pieces of Reese’s broken heart in the process, and he succeeded for a brief period. That is, until Reese overheard the whole scheme in action from Lauren and John themselves. They of course, didn’t realize anyone was listening. Needless to say, John was very sorry, but the damage was done. Months later, she chose Tate and the rest is history.

  “Hey,” I jumped when Maura put her hand on my shoulder. “Are you okay? I just hung up with Harrison. He said you laid out Brett for worrying over you.” Maura gave me a stern look. I know she thinks I’m a bitch to him sometimes, but I don’t know. I can’t decide why I feel the way I do. I know now that I don’t want Brett that way, but I don’t really want anyone else to have him either.

  “Yeah well, he should spend his time worrying about Celeste. I don’t need him wasting his concerns on me.”

  “Chloe, get over yourself.” I whipped my head to look at her. Then she backed down a bit. “I mean, come on, I’ve learned a thing or two living with you for nearly four years now. Not to mention some of your attitude is rubbing off on me.” That earned an eyebrow lift and a smirk from me.

  “It’s about dang time you learned how to be a little tougher Maura.” I said with a slight laugh. I can’t stand to see people walk all over my quiet friend.

  “I’m a little tougher now Chloe, but I don’t ever want to get hard-hearted…no offense. Thank God you love me and Reese, and Elle; otherwise, I would think you were incapable of love! I mean even if you don’t want Brett ‘that way’, he is still a friend and he cares about you. But, from where I stand, you must think more about his Celeste situation, or you wouldn’t be so mad at him.”

  What! I can’t believe she thinks that! Just as I was getting ready to give her a piece of my mind, Reese’s mom walked up to us.

  “Girls,” She said laying a soft hand on our arms. “I can’t thank you enough for being here for Reese. I can’t…” Then she broke down crying. This was her grandbaby after all. We all hugged, and Elle, and Tate’s mom walked over and joined our circle. Something had to give soon. I couldn’t stand all of this pain surrounding me. I mean, I’ve been through enough in my life. I don’t know how I have any tears left to shed. After my brother died, I thought they were all dried up.


  The time went by too devastatingly slow. No new news was disheartening to say the least. I knew Reese had finally dozed off after taking something to calm her nerves. I was getting ready to check on her when I noticed the police who had camped out in the kitchen were suddenly buzzing around frantically. They were raising their voices spatting out directions at each other and then taking off out of the house. When I looked around for Reese and Tate to see if they knew what was going on they were nowhere to be found.

  “Chloe! They’ve found him! I just heard from Harrison!” Oh my God! I ran over to Maura and hugged her.

  I grabbed her arms and leaned back to look directly at her. “Are you sure? How do you know?” I couldn’t catch my breath. But my heart was bursting with excitement. Then just as quickly, my heart dropped. “Wait! Is he okay Maura? What…”

  “I’m not sure, but Harrison just talked with John.”

  “John! What do you mean? Why would he know?” I was confused but still relieved.

  “He found Ty, Chloe! John found who took him and where they were hiding.” The news hit me like a ton of bricks, nearly knocking the wind out of me. I should have known John would be the one to be the hero. Somehow he was the perfect one. Whatever! “Well, I’ll be damned.” I was grinning from ear to ear. The relief washing over me, as the understanding grew. “I guess he is good for something, even if he was doing it to get Reese’s attention.”

  “Oh come on Chloe, John is a good guy underneath all of that class and money. Yeah, he shit on Reese for a while, but I have to forgive some of his faults for all of the passion he lives on.”

  “You can believe that all you want Maura. John sucks! I will never forgive him for his betrayal of Reese. No one has the right to manipulate someone’s life like that.” It always amazed me the way Maura and Elle were so quick to forgive. “Anyway, come on…let’s go find out what’s going on.”

  Chapter 4

  Sure enough, John had taken on a thorough investigation of his own. He used his security team, which consisted of ex-Army Rangers, to monitor the house where Ty was being kept. Lisa Davis, Tate’s ex ‘Ms. Robinson’ (although they never went all the way), had kidnapped him with the hopes of being his baby mama and in her deranged way of thinking, she was planning for Tate to come live with them and have the perfect little family. After all, she felt Ty was owed to her since her own son, and Reese’s ex, Carter, was accidentally killed by her ex-husband. You couldn’t have written their story if you wanted to. It was entirely too crazy!

  Ty was perfectly healthy, thank God!! John did save the day, and Reese finally forgave him. Even Tate, who hated the ground John walked on, shook his hand in the end. I know he will be forever indebted to John. I however, couldn’t imagine forgiving John for what all he did last year. Thank God he was trying to win back favor, because it found Ty. But, once a manipulator, always a manipulator.


  Nearly two weeks had passed since Ty had been kidnapped. We were finally able to have the vacation we had planned on in California. Elle was having a big Fourth of July bash at her beachfront home. Of course, everyone important was invited. Even Brett had come in town last week. It was truly good to see him and hang out. It was nice knowing Celeste was left back in North Carolina too. I promise I’m not jealous, she’s just not good enough for Brett. I can see it, why can’t he?

  I was on the phone with my Aunt Ronnie, after finally returning her tenth call. I guess I should have called her to let her know I left for California a few weeks earlier than planned. She was actually worried for me. Evidently she had finally texted Maura and knew I was still alive. So needless to say, I got an ear full. As I was turning around I ran smack dab into a hard chest knocking a drink all down the front of my dress.

  “Shit! Watch where you’re going why don’t…” Damn it, John’s blue eyes were staring right in mine. I couldn’t move. I let out a deep breath and pushed past him.

  “Hey!” John called out to me and grabbed a hold of my arm. “I’m sorry Chloe, are you okay?” He asked me softly, looking up and down my dress at the spilled beer.

  “I’m fine!” I tilted my chin up. “Just…watch where you’re going from now on, why don’t cha!?” I bit back at him.

  He still didn’t let go of my arm. I shot my eyes to the offending hand holding me captive. “I’ve been hoping to talk with you. I n
ever got a good chance to apologize for what happened between Reese and me last summer…”

  “Huh, you mean what backstabbing bullshit you pulled on her? I don’t really think there’s anything to talk about. You screwed up, that’s what you did John.” I was getting ready to start walking off again when John stepped in front of me.

  “Yeah, I did, badly too. Anyway, I turned into the person I thought I never would…” John got a dark, distant look on his face. “I turned into my father. And for that, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I put all of you through that. I’m mostly sorry I tried to deceive Reese, but in the process you all lost faith in me, in the person I truly want to be. I hope one day you can forgive me too Chloe.”

  Why did he have to be so damn gorgeous? I really just wanted to brush it off and go back to kidding around with John, I really did. But, I just didn’t think I could. After all, forgiveness wasn’t really in my genes.

  “Whatever John. Listen, I’m glad you were stubborn enough and conniving enough to locate Ty. The truth is though, that’s just a reminder of how deep your shadiness goes as far as I’m concerned.” John stiffened up and drew in a gasp. He looked like he’d been slapped. There was a lengthy pause then he whispered.

  “I get it Chloe. You’re the epitome of a jaded person. I guess it will never be easy for you to forgive me. You know, Brett has shared a little about your past with me…”

  “Well then, that was my mistake for sharing anything with him!” I said a little too loudly. “Don’t you worry about my past John...”

  “Hey, hey! What’s going on over here you two? I can hear you badgering each other from across the room.” Brett said in a tense voice, laced with fake humor. He stepped up close to me and put his hand on my lower back in a possessive move.

  I looked down at his arm and rolled my eyes. I could tell Brett was jealous, but I wasn’t about to witness a pissing contest. I mean I was not Brett’s, and John certainly didn’t lay claim to me, not that I would allow that either.

  “I’m out of here. Y’all have a nice night.” I said with much more attitude than I meant too. I let out an exasperated breath. The night had just gotten crazier and crazier.

  Chapter 5

  Within days we were back home to the Carolina’s. It was hard to tell Elle and Reese and sweet baby Ty goodbye, but I knew it was time I start earning a little money again. My part-time jobs had already called a couple of times to see when I might would be back, and God knows I needed the extra cash. I was stashing it away for paying off bills and my student loans. I would be climbing my way out of debt for years to come, but that’s the way it goes.

  I still had a few weeks left before the Fall classes started back up. Maura was sure to be around very little. She had decided to spend a couple of weeks in Charlotte with Harrison’s family. Then she was heading to Penderton to visit with her own family.

  After weeks spent with SO many people, this was the ultimate quietness and I couldn’t be happier. I took in a deep breath and relaxed. Actually, I’m lying. This sucked! I truly didn’t want to be alone, stuck in my own thoughts. They were ugly thoughts. The sad memories somehow found a way to crowd out the happy ones. Dang, I was spiraling towards a stinking funk! I had to get out of here. I called up my friend Mel (short for Melody). She was a riot, the exact opposite of my level-headed bestie, Maura. I know what you’re thinking, trouble with a capitol ‘T’. I mean we all know having another mind around like mine may not make for the best outcomes. However, we hit it off from day one, and she’s proven to be a great friend. So far, so good on the trouble that has come from us being together. It might have a thing or two to do with Maura always being around to filter our decisions. Details, details…anyhow, I think I needed a night out.

  “What cha up to?” Mel had answered on the second ring, and I didn’t even allow a hello.

  “Hey girl! I’m just cleaning out my closet. Lame, I know. But, I did a little shopping this week and now I’m weeding.” Mel laughed into the line.

  “You’re crazy, you know that! You are always shopping! Don’t throw your clothes out, bring them to me!” Mel had more money than she knew how to handle. Her parents gave her a ridiculous monthly allowance for shopping, food, fun, etc… Mel had never worked a day in her life.”

  She laughed again, “Okay, okay, I will. I forget you never like to shop. But I don’t know what you want my old clothes for…”

  “Mel! Your old clothes were just bought last month at the boutiques in Wilmington! You pay more for your tank tops to wear under your clothes than I pay for a whole outfit! I mean don’t even get me started! Just bring your ass and your ‘old’ clothes over here now! Let’s get fixed up and go out!! Come on!” I was getting worked up, but I knew Mel just didn’t get it. Anyhow, it didn’t matter. She never would, and I was okay with that, as long as I didn’t think about it too much. I always got the cool extras from Reese, Elle, and Maura too. I wasn’t ashamed. I mean we nearly all wore the same size anyway. You know the whole ‘one girl’s trash is another girl’s treasure’ or something like that. I used to splurge my earnings on nice clothes, but I’m trying to grow up and get responsible. I am trying! So much fun, right?

  I heard more laughter from Mel. “Alright, alright, you’re in luck, I’m sick of working so hard cleaning out my clothes.” Oh my God, did she just say that? “I’ll be over in twenty, be ready to get dolled up. Let’s grab a bite, then head down to Lickers Club. We haven’t been there in a LONG time!”

  “Crap, you are planning to Go Out then! Lickers is expensive and usually swarming with horny businessmen. Are you sure you’re up for that madness tonight? I mean last time we nearly got abducted.” I gave a half-hearted laugh. “If it hadn’t been for Maura being completely sober and watching out, we never would have seen that guy ushering you out the door, Mel.”

  She let out a whoosh of breath. “We’ll be alright Chloe, no worries. We won’t drink that much. Besides, at least we get most of our drinks for free. And if we dress the part, we might get the cover swiped too. Don’t worry about a thing Chloe! I’ll foot the bill if the guys don’t come through.” She was right, they loved to have their clubs swarmed with beautiful ladies. I shouldn’t have to worry about spending my hard earned money tonight.

  “Okay, I guess you’re right. What are you waiting on! Stop sorting and start walking!” I hollered at Mel.


  The club was exactly as we imagined. Crowded, hot, and stacked full of gorgeous people. I loved to dance, and I loved a good drink, that’s the only reason I came to these places. The night was just beginning, and you could hardly move from spot to spot without being pressed into the person in front of you. I chose Mel’s dark blue skirt, and silver off the shoulder top that hung loose over my waist. It made my skirt look extra tight. She also was already tired of her cute ankle boots with heels, so I snatched those up too. My long, brown hair was smoothed stick straight, and I chose a light pink lip gloss. I was ready to roll. Mel had thrown on her brand new Michael Kors eggplant colored tube dress, with tan colored stiletto’s, and gold jewelry. Her hair was jet black but halfway down her back like mine. She had worn it wavy, with loose curls, the sexy, messy look like she had been rolling around in the sack just a few minutes earlier. Needless to say, we got looks from the moment we walked in the door. Actually, it started out on the sidewalk when bouncer guy let us cut in line, and let us skip the cover charge. Guys were hollering for us to save them a dance.

  I’m not sure why Reese was ever so paranoid about having her drinks made right in front of her, but over time that worry had rubbed off on me. I had heard horror stories of a good night gone terribly bad, due to date rape. Luckily none of us had been affected. I prayed we never would.

  The bartender motioned for us to come on up and request our drinks. It seems they had already been paid for. God, guys were fast! Luckily, I knew this bartender from my World History class. Mick was his name, and he was a really smart, nice guy, always trying to help me out. We each o
rdered a cranberry and vodka martini, and watched them closely while they whipped it up. Before we knew it we were being zeroed in on like a pack of wolves circling their prey. I leaned over to Mel and yelled over the music, “Hey, let’s go dance!” Grabbing her hand I drug her to the dance floor, careful not to spill my drink. I gave a half smile to the guys left standing at the bar looking pissed that we left them behind, only after taking their free drinks.

  “Chloe, they were cute, why’d you do that!?” Mel asked in her whiney voice.

  “I’m just not feeling it tonight Mel. I’m sorry. Just you and me okay? Let’s dance!” Mel shrugged and started laughing while shaking her hips to the music.

  “Girl! You got it, but you never cease to amaze me.”

  We were laughing and having a great time until the music switched gears. Already sweaty from just the body heat in the place, I decided to walk towards the bathrooms to get a wet paper towel to cool off with. I was looking down at my clutch to grab my phone that I felt vibrating, and ran smack dab into…

  “Whoa! Hey Chloe! There you are! I’ve been calling you all afternoon.” Brett. Brett was here looking fine and with arm candy at his side. I hoped it wasn’t too obvious how fast my smile fell. That would be embarrassing. I tucked my shoulders back, totally ignoring Celeste looking like she had just stepped out of a centerfold.


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