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Chloe Page 5

by J H Cardwell

  My aunt had also offered to help, but it would put her in a financial bind herself. So, I was on my own, and suddenly hating life…again.

  Maura seemed completely distracted with planning and doing things with Harrison. So much so, she didn’t let me know Harrison was coming over until the doorbell rang. I was sitting at the bar in a white tank top with no bra and satin pajama extra short shorts. My hair was in a messy bun on top of my head, and I was drinking my coffee, completely zoned out. So when Harrison and JOHN walked into the kitchen, I didn’t notice it until it was too late. The clearing of their throats was my first sign, sending a shiver down my spine.

  I shot to attention, unfortunately other parts of my body had already done so beforehand, and I caught two guys ogling my large chest. Throwing my arms over my front, I stood up. Forgetting the only pants I had on were actually more ‘panties’ than pants, I realized they were now glaring back at them as well. The flushed cheeks on John told me they weren’t expecting my half-dressed escapade either.

  “Maura!” I hollered. Then when she didn’t respond, I said ‘excuse me’ and began walking towards my room. I FELT both set of eyes follow my backside all the way down the hall.

  Just as I was getting ready to slam my door, a set of strong arms caught it mid-swing.

  “John! What are you?…Why are you?...Get out!”

  John’s laughter was enough to piss me off. “Hey, can we talk just a minute?” His eyes stayed focused on mine. He had a smirk on his face like he was trying really hard not to look down. Now my cheeks were flushed. I let out a loud huff and threw on the robe hanging behind my door.

  “Uh,…” What am I saying! “No! We can’t talk John. Out…Now!” I hollered, shooting my pointed hand towards the door.

  “At least get dressed and come talk with me in the living room. There’s something I really need to discuss with you…please?” John said with a sincere, but pleading expression on his face.

  After staring at him for too many moments, I said “Whatever. Go, wait for me out there,” while pushing him out the door.

  Making him wait much longer than necessary, I sauntered into the living room to find him pacing. Pacing? John doesn’t pace.

  “What’s wrong?” It came out without warning. “Something’s wrong John. What is it? Spit it out.”

  John rushed over to me and grabbed both of my shoulders firmly. “Chloe.” He seemed restless, and started gently pushing me towards the sofa. “Would you please sit down for a few minutes while I talk with you?” For some reason I unconsciously sat. Seeing the worried expression on John’s face had me suddenly worried myself.

  “Look, I’m just going to say it.” He looked away then directly back at me. Where was everyone else? “I have an issue with my company. A big issue.”

  I was nodding my head, “Maura told me. That sucks about your dad John. I hate he’s sick. And I hate what he’s trying to pull over on you.” Where was this going?

  “Would you let me finish please?! I’ve…I’ve got something crazy, but serious to ask you. Well, actually to present to you.”

  “O-kay, I’m listening.”

  John was pacing again. I was still sitting, but I wanted to jump up and make him be still.

  “Well, it’s like this. You’re broke,” he looked at me out of the corner of his eye, “and you don’t have a job, or for that matter a working car.”

  I jumped up and started to yell at him when he came over and once again gently pushed me down on the sofa. I stared at the idiot like he must have a death wish to touch me again!

  Jerking his hands back quickly, he said “I’m sorry, that came out wrong. You know your, um, issues, but you don’t know all of mine.” He was pacing again, and making me dizzy. “I need to secure my company, my father’s and grandfather’s company, but ultimately the one that I’ve invested my entire life into.

  “Uh John, you’re talking to the wrong person. Didn’t we just establish that I’m broke! I have nothing to offer,” I laughed out loud. “If you’re looking for financial backing, you’re barking up the wrong tree!” I said through gritted teeth.

  “Ah, that’s where you’re wrong BB. I have a solution that will work best for both of us.” I could tell he thought I was going to interrupt again, but he had my interest.

  “Go ahead.”

  He sat down firm beside of me and grabbed both of my hands. My eyes shot to his and he immediately released me. “Okay, it’s like this. My dad and the board have it firm in the paperwork that if he became unable to run Rider Industries, then I was next in line. However, if I was not settled down and married, then it would go to my uncle who was…settled down – married and already had a family.”

  My expression was one of confusion as I looked on at him, willing him to continue. “So it seems,” he said “I need to find a way to be settled down and stable. And since you need money…”

  I shot up like a rocket. “You want to BUY me! Are you freaking crazy!! I’m not for sale John! Not now, not ever!” I started to storm off to my room when John planted himself right in front of me.

  “Chloe, wait, listen, I’m not implying anything by my suggestion, just a temporary fix for both of our issues. I’ll pay you two hundred-fifty thousand dollars if you will become Mrs. John Rider for six months, just six months! In fact,” His voice got softer, “In fact, I’ll give you half the money up front and the other half at the end of our time together. That should be more than enough to pay off your loans. You won’t need utilities…”

  I’m not sure I heard anything after hearing 250 thousand dollars. I felt John closing my mouth with his fingers. “Chloe? Did you hear me? I know it sounds sudden and well, crazy, but it is a good plan, and it will work.”

  I looked at John and then dizzily found my way back to the sofa. I sat down with a thump, and John sat directly beside of me again. He reached for my hands and this time I didn’t jerk them away. I was in shock. What other explanation was there?

  “I…I don’t know what to say John. I…For starters, I can’t believe you’ve thought this through long enough. I mean, yeah, we’ve known each other for a few years now, but we don’t REALLY know each other. I mean are you sure about marrying ME?!”

  “Of course Chloe. This will work out perfectly.” He sounded so sure. “I have a large penthouse, we can each have our own rooms. Honestly, we don’t even have to see each other except for important charity and board events and dinners. It’s a win/win situation, really.”

  My heart for some reason plummeted to my toes. Why? My damned heart. Why was it suddenly feeling a little let down at that remark? Get a grip! Of course, this was a business plan, not a long-term love relationship. I know that, I knew that. Shit. How long have I been talking to myself in my own head? I looked up at John. Uhhh, I have a feeling while we’re ‘together’ I’m going to see this confused expression of his ALOT!


  “Okay! Chloe, did you say okay to our arrangement?!” He grabbed me up and hugged me and when he set me back again my robe flew open. He blushed, and tried to fumble with the tie to close it again. I slapped his hands.

  “I can do it, stop!”

  “Sorry, I just…Okay, I can’t believe you said yes.” He was pacing yet again. “Okay, so we have to leave tonight and head to Las Vegas, and we have to get a license to show the board, and we have to pack your things…”

  “Whoa, whoa, slow down John. I need to talk to Maura, my aunt, and…”

  “Chloe, you can’t” He was in front of me again, and again he sat me back down on the sofa. “I mean, we have to be very careful who we tell. If my uncle or, God forbid, my father finds out this is not really a ‘real’ marriage, then all of this will be for nothing.” I swallowed hard. Why was it every time he referred to our arrangement as what it actually was my heart sunk a little? Stop it heart! Now I am the totally confused one.

  “Okay, but can’t I tell Maura? I mean I have to tell someone, and I’m sure you want to tell Harrison�

  “No!” John got really upset, really quickly. Then he blew out a long, deep breath. “Chloe, I need you to keep this confidential. Eventually, we can share with people the premise behind our marriage.” He walked closer to me and lifted my chin with his hand, his eyes were locked on mine. “But, for now, they have to believe it’s because we are madly in love.”

  I immediately froze.

  “Wha…Mad…M-Madly in love?” I swatted his hand off of my face and turned away from him. “Are you crazy? What would Brett think?” I spun back around catching his gaze. “What would Reese think?” He physically flinched and gritted his teeth.

  “Chloe, it doesn’t matter what either of them think. They’ve both moved on, remember? This is for the two of us. For our future. A future that doesn’t really include them anyhow.” He stepped closer to me again. “Right? Come on, let’s take care of each other for the next six months. We’ll both be so much better off for it. What do you say ‘B…?” He stopped himself before he finished it.

  After staring at him many beats too long, I finally spoke. Only like an idiot, I threw my hand out for a handshake. “Agreed. But only if you stop calling me that ridiculous pet name, BB!”

  John pulled me into a hug and whispered into my ear “this will be good Chloe. You just wait and see.”

  Chill bumps….I had a feeling he would be eating those words.

  Chapter 11

  Getting to Vegas was the easy part. Getting there past a curious Maura was extremely difficult. We arrived at McCarran International Airport, in John’s private jet no less, around 1am, which was 4 am North Carolina time. I was exhausted to say the least. Earlier in the day, when John ‘proposed’ to me, the apartment was quiet because he had sent Maura and Harrison out to eat. We both agreed, although I was reluctant, to tell our friends we were going to Vegas on a gambling spree, on John’s money. After a lot of skepticism, Maura finally bought it. John assured her he could help me win money to fix my car and pay the mortgage and some of my student loans. He said he had to go there for business anyway.

  Yeah, this is the man I was going to be attached to for the next several months…lucky me. I guess this was in fact, a business transaction for both of us.

  It turns out the Riders have a private wing in The Venetian. Crazy, right? There was no need to check in. John had a key in his pocket. He explained to me on the flight there how he had given his assistant the weekend off. It seems he didn’t even trust her to know the truth.

  Already I could tell this lying was going to bite! What if I accidentally let it spill? What if I couldn’t take it anymore and I had to call it all off, screwing John out of his company?

  “Chloe? Are you okay? You look pale all of a sudden, and you are breathing entirely too fast.” We had just stepped inside the door and I must have stopped short. John was closely analyzing me.

  “What are we doing John? How can we pull this off? This is so fast! What if I screw it up for you?”

  “Hey. Calm down. This is just a formality, okay. This will give us time to become friends again, and maybe for you to learn to trust me again, and actually like me again. Remember we used to text and kid each other all the time? I would love for us to get back like that.”

  “John, that was all centered around Reese, remember? This is about…us. Well, at least around, well yeah, us. So, even if we did start kidding each other again, it could never be the same. Things are VERY different.” My breathing had picked up again. John grabbed my hand and led me to the small kitchen. He grabbed the bottle of champagne out of the cooler and poured us each a glass.

  “Here, maybe this will help calm you down.”

  “There’s something I’ve been thinking about John. The money. How are you going to pay me so much at one time and no one will notice or question it?”

  John’s sly smile told me he already had an answer. “Well, I plan to pay off each of your loans one by one and pay for your car to be fixed. After all, isn’t that what good husbands do? As far as the rest, we can arrange you to get cash. Cash that I have set aside, without drawing red flags. It will work out Chloe. Trust me.”

  There was that word again, trust. The truth is, I swore never to put all of my trust in a man…ever. I swore I could never marry a man for love. Well, this was certainly not for love, a little lust maybe, but not for love.

  “What is that smirk and look for? You’ve got a crazy, could I say sexy grin on your face.”

  I straightened up quickly, I couldn’t think that way. I had to keep our arrangement completely platonic, regardless of how hot I think my soon to be husband was. “What look?” My smirk was bigger now. I was sure of it. I couldn’t help it if I wanted to. I was laughing on the inside now, and no matter what I tried, it was bound to come out. My smirk grew to a laugh. “What?” John was smiling now too.

  “What? That’s all you have to say?” John moved closer to me and grabbed my waist and started tickling me. I really couldn’t help it now. My smile grew to a full on laugh. He was tickling me hard and I couldn’t seem to catch my breath.

  “J-John stop! I – can’t – breathe!” I sucked in a shallow breath. It was all I could manage. “P-lease!” Finally, his hands stilled and I was slowly catching my breath. Why did I have to be so dang ticklish? “Phew…” was all I could muster. My eyes, the same ones that had been tightly closed the whole time, were slowly opening. I opened them only to find John leaning over me, still smiling. He was extremely close, and nearly laying over me. He was so close I could nearly count each jet black, dark eyelash. The same ones that were providing a curtain around his gorgeous blue eyes. Chloe stop! What is wrong with you? “John,” I whispered breathlessly. “Let me up!”

  Several beats later, he rolled off of me. Only he didn’t go far. He rolled over and put his arms behind his head, staring at the ceiling.


  “Yeah?” I decided to follow suit and get comfortable too.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Um, yeah. I’m okay.”

  Several beats later he finally elaborated. “I mean are you okay with this plan? I can’t imagine this is how you ever expected your wedding to go, I mean I know…I know girls have it all thought out…right?”

  I few seconds later I turned my head towards his. “What? Don’t you think this is how I’ve always planned it…you know, for someone to pay me to marry them in Las Vegas no doubt. Oh yeah, don’t forget, I planned for it to also happen the same night they propose, right?” I turned back and looked at the ceiling. John was awfully quiet. I didn’t give him a chance to speak on the subject.

  “Actually John, I never, ever planned for there to be a wedding to have to fuss over. So - I am in no way disappointed with how this may or may not go down.” I became very still and looked him directly in the eyes. “Capiche?”

  He chuckled. “Capiche. I got it Chloe. But, I won’t lie, I find it truly hard to believe. After all, every girl dreams of her wedding, her dress, and spending her father’s money.” He cringed before the last word ever left his mouth.

  “Oh God Chloe, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by that. I mean…shit! I’m messing this all up aren’t I?” He was running his hand through his hair.

  I could have played this one of two ways. I could act really upset and cry and get his pity, or I could laugh at the seriousness and the worry in his expression. Yeah, I chose the latter.

  I dropped my head to my hands and within a few seconds John was kneeling in front of me. “Chloe? I’m an idiot. I’m sorry. Hey? Will you look at me, please?” When he tipped my chin up with his fingers, I had dry eyes and a soft, stubborn grin on my face. His shocked expression that slowly morphed to anger was SO worth it.

  “What…You’re not…damn! I thought you were upset.” His anger quickly turned to light laughter, luckily.

  “It’s okay John. As you can imagine, I have never dreamed of spending my father’s money, and I really haven’t thought of what my dress or what I would look like
on my wedding day. So, you’re in luck. No crying rivers later here. I’m good. We’re good. I stood up abruptly and started heading toward the kitchen area. I just needed a breather.

  John was like my shadow coming up fast behind me. He grabbed my waist and twirled me around. “Hey.” He quickly wrapped me in a hug, pulling me snug to him, his cologne completely invaded my senses. His hot, firm, trim long body molded up against me. Dang it mind, stop wandering. This is John. Reese’s John. If I keep repeating this, I should convince my body as well. He held on for long excruciating moments, his breath infiltrating my ear with soft, warm air. “Thank you Chloe. I’m so glad you agreed to this. I’ll never be able to thank you enough.”

  Allowing myself too long in his embrace, I finally pushed back away from him, steadying myself by grabbing on to the barstool near me. “Yeah, no problem Daddy Warbucks. I’ll be the one thanking you soon, I’m sure of it. See you in a few hours.” With that, I walked into my room to sleep and get ready for my impending wedding. In just twelve hours I would be Mrs. John Rider; at least for the next six months.

  Chapter 12

  Standing beside John at the altar of the little chapel seemed surreal. I was dressed to the nines in a beautiful, tastefully short, off-white, Vera Wang!! John had three dresses laid out for me to choose from when I finally woke and showered after passing out from the long flight. He let me choose, but after trying each on, seeing his expression of me in this one, sealed the deal. You know, it was all about the pictures and proof. He also wanted evidence to plant around his, I mean, our place for his family and friends. My friends too. Oh God. What am I doing? Maura will kill me, and Reese will be SO hurt and confused. Elle will want to cut my head off for hurting them both.

  “Chloe? Hey. Are you okay?” John was looking devastatingly handsome in his three-piece, navy suit standing inches across from me. Evidently he had grabbed my hands when I spaced out. He leaned in close to my ear. “You’re trembling Chloe. Are you sure about this? I mean, I’ve never seen you so, nervous before.”


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