EVO Nation Series Trilogy Box Set

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EVO Nation Series Trilogy Box Set Page 18

by K. J. Chapman

  “It was only when Yvette unlocked his memories, that I started seeing Adam and not TORO 61. That woman has a lot to answer for.”

  Wheeler hands me a mug of tea and sits opposite me.

  “How did you and Adam meet?” I ask.

  “We were in the same care home back in London. He lost his parents in a car crash, and my mum was an addict and handed me over to the social. We were just tykes when we first met. The social worker bunked us up together. I was pretty pissed about having to share my room with the new kid. That was until I saw he had brought his game consoles with him. After that, we stuck together, looked out for each other. We both enlisted together at eighteen, thinking it’d be a good way to see the world. About two years after we joined, they started testing all the marines, and we knew that it was time to get out. In my guts, I knew they were testing for EVO.”

  “Your guts were right,” I say, remembering those poor souls back at Facility One still doing Roscoe’s bidding; the EVO who didn’t cut it in Roscoe’s sick plan.

  “Just days after we were discharged, we had a chance encounter with Jude at a club in London. He told us about the E.N.C and how they provided a safe community for EVO in Italy. We jumped at the chance. We were younger and stupider. We had no idea what we were signing up for.”

  “And then, Adam met Celeste?” I ask.

  “And then, there was a string of girlfriends for the both of us,” he says, grinning at the memory. “We worked the bar and lived here. It’s actually only been six months since Emiko and I scraped together the deposit to buy this place. Emiko came out to rep at the complex for the rich EVO Gabe had staying there. She came to the club one night, and I never looked back. That was the same night Adam met Celeste.”

  “Why did he end it with her? I know I am asking loads of questions, but I’m curious. She certainly had a lot to say to me tonight.”

  “Why’d do you think? It’s Celeste. The most egocentric, high maintenance, bitchy girl he could have picked. Despite what Jude said to you, that isn’t Adam’s type.”

  I try to disguise my smile, but it is useless. Wheeler just made me feel a million times better. I could kiss him.

  “That’s why she told Gabe that Adam wasn’t loyal to the E.N.C. You quickly learn that once you’re in with the E.N.C there’s no getting out. Adam had no choice, but to prove himself loyal and join the TORO project on Gabe’s orders,” he says.

  The tea lays heavy in my stomach, and the mention of Adam’s loyalty to the E.N.C sits badly with me.

  “I have no idea how Celeste can think he’ll want anything to do with her. It was her fault he had to join the project. She may be a lot of things, but she’s not stupid. She knew we weren’t in agreement with Gabe’s views on Non-EVO’s and where he was taking the E.N.C. Gabe used Adam to gain information on the government. It back fired, Adam was stuck there, yet Gabe did nothing. The man is sick. After that, I tried to distance myself as much as possible without drawing attention. Anyway, I’m ranting on and you’re probably knackered.”

  I am, despite the sedation, but I want to know more about Adam and his connection to the E.N.C. Not to mention how desperately I want to know the details of his relationship with Celeste.

  Wheeler shows me into a small room. It is stacked with boxes, and a double bed has been pushed into one corner. The bed is stripped, and he rifles in the cupboard for some sheets.

  “This is Adam’s room. I never could bring myself to let go of his stuff. It would have felt like I was admitting he was dead. Good job I didn’t, eh?” Wheeler’s face reignites with a spark every time he reminds himself of Adam’s return. It’s lovely to witness.

  He leaves, and I make up the bed. The sheets must have been in the cupboard for the past eighteen months as they have a musty smell to them. They’re the nice type of sheets that have been used until they have been worn in, and have a softness you don’t get with new ones.

  I lie on the bed, staring at the ceiling with my eyes flicking back to the boxes. I shouldn’t snoop, it’s Adam’s personal stuff, but the top box is open. If I just glance in it wouldn’t be so bad.

  I tiptoe over and lift a blue, hooded jumper off the top box. As I disturb it, a smell of cologne wafts up. Lifting it to my nose, I inhale deeply. It hasn’t been washed. I slip my arms into it, wrapping it tight around me. Adam used to wear this. It’s crazy to think about it.

  Underneath the jumper is a selection of loose photographs. Adam and Wheeler stand behind the bar, both in the bar-staff work t-shirts with their arms slung over each other’s shoulders. Huge grins light up both their faces, and I see the fun-loving Adam that I saw at the safe house.

  The second picture is of a man and woman on their wedding day. I know straight away that they’re his parents. A white man wearing a light-grey suit and a beige cravat stands with a stunning bride. She has the same flawless, black skin as Adam, but her eyes are a rich brown. Adam has his father’s green eyes and height.

  The third photo is of Adam and Emiko. I chuckle to myself at the sight of Adam in a pinstripe suit and bowler hat, and Emiko in a flapper girl dress. She is planting a kiss on his cheek. All three of the pictures have small holes in the top where they have been pinned up somewhere.

  I place the photographs back into the box and close the lid to stop myself rooting through his possessions. I wouldn’t like it done to me. Pulling the hood around my head, I lie back down and cocoon myself in the sheets until exhaustion gets the better of me.


  I always have the most surreal dreams when I’m stressed. My head swims with visions of Adam- some of him kissing Celeste- some of them arguing. The next minute, I’m dreaming of Adam and Wheeler working the bar. I think information overload has affected my subconscious and my brain is trying to process it via my dreams. That’s all well and good brain, but I literally don’t feel like I’ve slept a wink.

  When I fully emerge from my dream sleep it’s already 11.00am. After putting Adam’s jumper back where I found it, I head down the stairs to await his return. Emiko has just opened the club for the dinnertime rush. It’s surprising how many people drink in the daytime, but none of them are Adam.

  Wheeler has been waiting for Adam since the break of dawn and he looks restless- uneasy.

  The club toilet is empty, and I stare at my own reflection in the mirror. In two weeks, I’ve lost any self-recognition. The girl looking back at me looks older, wiser, stronger, and at the same time, exhausted, serious, and lost. Who are you?

  A queasy feeling settles in my stomach. I want to see Adam, but what if he doesn’t want to see me? What if he isn’t my Adam, but Celeste’s?

  As if she senses herself in my thoughts, Celeste breezes in with one of her clique. She’s not shocked to see me, she followed me in here with a purpose, and I watch her in the mirror, daring her to speak.

  “Say what you’ve got to say, Celeste,” I say into the mirror.

  “Fine, there’s no point in tiptoeing around. You need to stay away from Adam. You’ve known him all of two minutes. How can you seriously think that you can compete with the five months we were together?” She has a bitchy, alpha female tone to her voice, but I won’t rise to it.

  “I’m not in competition with you, Celeste. If he comes out of that room and wants nothing more to do with me, I’ll be devastated, but I’ll accept it. I can’t force him to feel anything for me, any more than you can make him feel anything for you,” I say. “And anyway, I have no idea why you’d think I’d just bow down to you, so you’re wasting your breath.”

  “Adam joined the TORO project to prove himself to the E.N.C and to me. As soon as he remembers that, you’ll be yesterday’s news,” she says, her arms folded across her chest.

  “He joined the TORO project because Gabe gave him no choice,” says Emiko, the door swinging shut behind her.

  Yana and Golding stand with her. Golding glares at Celeste with those piercing blue eyes of his. The cavalry has arrived.

“And why was that?” Emiko continues. “Hmmm - because you questioned Adam’s loyalty to the E.N.C. And why was that? Hmmm - because you were bitter that he saw you for the poisonous viper that you are and ditched you.”

  The Italian girl gasps out of loyalty to Celeste, but clamps a hand to her mouth to disguise a smile. Celeste’s mouth opens and closes like a fish, but she is speechless. Emiko doesn’t break eye contact, and after a few awkward seconds, Celeste storms from the bathroom with her friend in tow.

  “Are you okay?” Emiko asks, going into a cubical. She doesn’t close the door; it’s a little weird chatting to her whilst she is having a wee.

  Yana lays her head on my shoulder, giving me a squeeze. “Don’t let the she-devil get to you. She just wants a reaction out of you.”

  “I guess,” I sigh. “Anyway, it’s not Celeste that bothers me. I need to see Adam to know either way. This is killing me. I had the craziest dreams last night.” I blow out a deep breath and steal Golding’s drink from him.

  Cheering and noise erupts from the club.

  “What the hell?” says Emiko, rushing out the door.

  A crowd of people are gathered by the bar. They’re surrounding something or someone. I don’t have a clear view. The whole club is curious as to what is happening. Wheeler parts the crowd and leads a smiling Adam out of the throng. The pair of them have their arms around each other’s shoulders.

  Celeste barges passed me, digging an elbow into my ribs in the process. She heads straight for Adam, and my legs turn to jelly beneath me.

  Adam’s eyes scan the bar; he is searching for someone. They fall on Celeste, but skim straight over her. He steps around her, much to her horror, and my heart skips a little bit. Emiko pushes me out from behind Yana, but I wait until he looks in our direction. His face lights up with a smile. He starts to walk, quickly turning into a jog, and scoops Emi up in a bear hug. He looks straight through me. I suddenly feel so empty. I can hear the murmurs and feel the weight of eyes on me.

  “You have no idea how good it is to see your face,” she says, tearing up.

  “God, Emi, you’re a sight for sore eyes,” he says. “I take it you missed me?”

  “More than you’d ever know. You finally remembered who your mates are?” she jokes, hugging him again.

  “Do you remember these guys,” asks Wheeler, gesturing in our direction. He turns Adam to face us. “They were in Facility One, only, they were inmates, not TORO.”

  Adam shakes his head. “Sorry, I don’t remember much about my TORO days. You’ll have to fill me in.” He holds out a hand to Golding and Golding shakes it warily, flashing me an unsure look.

  “This is Golding, Yana, Haydn, and Teddie.” Wheeler continues. “Golding is Gabe’s son, but we’ll get to that part later. He is also Isaac’s nephew. Teddie is Isaac’s daugh—”

  I lurch forward, grabbing a stool to stop myself passing out.

  Adam grips my arm, helping to steady me. “Hey, slow down on that stuff,” he laughs, taking the glass from my hand.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t feel too good,” I mumble, pushing away from the bar and heading for the door.

  Tears threaten me, but I force them to stay put until I’m passed Celeste’s smug face. People whisper and snicker as I pass. It only makes it worse. Did they all know this would happen? Jude was right.

  The heat outside has a stickiness to it and I instantly long for the air conditioning of the club again. I hear Golding call my name, but I can’t reply. It feels like a ball is wedged in my throat, stopping the air getting in or out. An excruciating pain grips at my chest, and a fire burns between my shoulder blades. It’s similar to the feeling I had in the fire escape shaft when I thought I was going to fall, only more intense. Everything spins and I want to grab something to steady myself. I lean over the railings, looking down at the waves lapping on the rocks. In through your nose and out through your mouth. In through your nose and out through your mouth. The air comes in short, insignificant bursts. I slump to the ground with my head between my legs.

  Golding kneels in front of me, taking my wrists in his clammy hands. “Get her some water,” he shouts at someone. “You’re having a panic attack, Teds. I used to get these a lot when I was a kid. This will pass. I’m right here, okay? Count down from ten for me.”

  His serious face fills my tunnel vision, so I start to count, my voice barely audible over the roar of the sea. I take in a deep gulp of air, and with it, relief fills my chest, opening my lungs. Sucking in as much as I physically can, I rest my head back against the railing.

  “It will always pass. Let’s get you away from here,” says Golding.

  Both he and Haydn take my hands, pulling me to my feet. Yana passes me a glass of water; it is icy cold and returns me to my senses.

  “Is she alright?” asks Adam from behind us.

  I daren’t turn to look at him for fear of another panic attack.

  “She’ll be fine,” says Golding. “We’re going to get her back to the complex.”

  I allow them to drag me out of the car park and away from Adam.


  Isaac is waiting outside the chalets, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. When I see him, I break away from the others and run toward him. I need a Dad. I feel guilty as soon as I think it, but my Dad, Rob, isn’t here and Isaac is.

  “Jude just told me about Adam. I’m sorry, Sweetheart, and I’m also sorry for what I said last night. It isn’t my place to dictate to you,” he says. He takes my hand and closes my fingers around the necklace. “I’ve fixed the clasp for you.”

  His face relaxes when I fasten it around my neck. He hugs me, and over his shoulder I see Jude appear from the foyer. He wears a pair of black linen trousers, a maroon shirt, and of course, the obligatory dark glasses. He nods at me, and then heads into the bar.

  Isaac takes me inside a chalet. I didn’t expect it to be so spacious. The living area is open plan with a kitchen diner to the back. Everything is white and streamline. The only hint of colour is from a grey feature wall with a florescent yellow stripe running floor to ceiling; too fancy for my taste.

  Through the kitchen there is a reading nook with a chaise long and a built-in shelf full of classical and modern literature. Two doors stand side by side opposite the nook.

  Isaac opens one and shows me inside. “This is yours,” he says.

  The white bed linen and voile curtains give the room a bright airiness. A roll top bath sits in front of the window facing a wall mounted flat screen TV. There is no denying its beauty.

  “Who’s in the other room?” I ask.

  “No one. I kept it free in case you and Adam... Anyway, I thought you’d like some space. Golding and I are right next door in the chalet to the left, and Yana, Haydn, and Maggie to the right.” Isaac opens the wardrobe. “Jude brought all our bags from the plane. The housekeepers have washed and dried everything for you,” he says.

  I stare at him. How can he act like this is some kind of holiday? This is just another hell hole with the scorching weather to match.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “What is it that Gabe wants us to do exactly?”

  “He wants me to help him plan Tess’ rescue from Facility One,” he says.

  “Just plan it?” I ask.

  He looks to his feet. “I’m going to lead the mission.”

  “That’s what I thought. This doesn’t sit right with me. Why wait until now? We would have had a better shot at rescuing her when you got us out the first time.”

  “Why’d you think you got out as easily as you did?” he says. “Yvette told me that Roscoe’s priority has always been Tess. He had protocols for her protection. The TORO only had half an eye on you guys.”

  “If you think that was easy, then you’re definitely fighting a losing battle. It’s a suicide mission.”

  “Teddie, we thought attempting to rescue you guys was a suicide mission and we still did it. I wouldn’t leave
you and Golding there, and I won’t leave her there.”

  “I know you can’t leave her there,” I say, sighing. “I don’t want her there either, and I’m so grateful to you, Boyd, and Maggie for what you did for us. I just think we need to keep Gabe and his men at an arm’s length. Let me talk to Adam and find out what he knows.”

  Isaac grinds his teeth, squatting in front of me. “Adam will only answer to Gabe, Sweetheart. He has forgotten all about you, so it’ll be dangerous to discuss this with him or anyone for that matter.”

  The words ‘forgotten all about you’ hit me like a tonne of bricks and I swallow a sob. “I don’t think Adam is one of those guys. He is the best person to help. He knows Facility One like the back—”

  Isaac holds his hand up to silence me. “Gabe has already brought him in on the plan. Now, leave it, Teddie. I’ve told Gabe that you’re to be kept out of this and he has agreed. You and Golding just need to keep your heads down and look after the others. The best thing to do is blend in and give Gabe a false sense of security. Let me figure this out, Sweetheart.”

  I spread out on the bed and stare at the ceiling. “I’ll find Golding in a minute,” I lie. “He’s a good distraction for me.”

  “He is that,” says Isaac, smiling. “Now, as long as you’re okay, I’ll be heading back to the office. If you need me, you know where to find me.”

  I watch him leave, and as soon as I hear the main door close, I jump out of bed and watch from the window until I see him vanish into reception. I slip out of the chalet and head over to the bar. I plan to hold Jude to his word. I want answers. I walk quickly around the pool, keeping an eye on the chalets for any sign of Golding and the others. The bar is quiet. Through the glass doors, I see Jude talking to the barman- it’s Seth. They’re the only two inside that I can see. Seth shines glasses with a cloth whilst nodding intently at whatever Jude’s is saying to him. I go to open the door and it swings outward, knocking into me.

  “Jeez, sorry,” says Adam. “We we’re just coming to make sure you were alright.” He says it with an earnest softness in his eyes that I’ve seen before.


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