Draconis' Bane

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Draconis' Bane Page 26

by David Temrick

  “Yes?” He asked softly.

  The young woman in front of him was short, perhaps a foot shorter than he was. She had long brown hair with streaks of gold in it, her eyes were deep blue, her skin was deeply tanned and she was dressed in the strangest fashion; a long golden dress that glittered with small jewels. She smiled as he looked at her, revealing startling white teeth. All in all, Tristan was inexplicably attracted to her. He couldn’t really fathom why, she had a strange look to her.

  “Didn’t anyone tell you?” She asked with a musical voice. “Looking at a woman like that causes them to blush.” She laughed.

  Her laughter triggered an impulse in Tristans head. He knew this girl but couldn’t remember how or when he would have met her.

  “I’m sorry. Who are you?” He asked slowly.

  “I’ll give you a hint.” She smiled coyly.

  The girl lifted herself onto the parapet and looked at the setting sun and sang in his mind.

  It was about this time of day the last time we met,

  Though the very next day was anything but wet.

  “Lesariu?” Tristan blurted in shocked.

  “You are getting rather good at this surprise thing aren’t you?” She replied with a chuckle as she turned to face him, smiling.

  “Yes, well, as with anything, practice makes perfect.” He replied with a smirk.

  Lesariu laughed, looking back towards the sunset. The golden dragon in human form seemed to be enjoying the simplicity of the sunset. Tristan was forced to agree, while it was beautiful, it also gave him time to ponder and put the pieces of his broken mind back together.

  “What you set out to do, cannot be done alone.” She said straight faced as she scuttled closer so that she was sitting on the parapet right in front of Tristan.

  “You’re going to need three things.” She said with conviction. “First. You’re going to need a friend and if I’m not much mistaken that’s him riding in right now.” She said nodding her head to the side.

  Tristan moved forward and looked over her shoulder. An approaching cloaked man on horseback rode quickly through the gates and into the keep. A large bole strapped to his back, obviously containing a longbow. Where a bow of that size was, his cousin William was sure to be attached to it. The young Prince smiled as he pulled back from the wall, looking Lesariu in the eyes again.

  “Second.” She smiled. “You’re going to need protection.” Her eyes flashed the natural draconic red he remembered from their first meeting. Tristan was reminded of her aid in taking the mercenary fort in Guis. The columns of fire that set the walls themselves ablaze, tipping the balance in favor of Tristan and his men.

  “Finally.” She continued, interrupting his thoughts. “You’re going to need family.” She smirked as she looked over Tristans’ shoulder.

  “Hello Lesa.” Eurydice chuckled.

  Tristan sighed audibly as he turned around to find Euri standing at the top of the stairs that led up from the courtyard. He chuckled, stepping away from the parapet as Euri rushed forward and embraced the dragon in human form.

  Eurydice explained that Lesa had been something of a secret teacher of hers, though she’d assumed the woman in gold was just a magic user who’d taken to a young Princess. It came as something of a shock to her that she was indeed a dragon, a point driven home when she saw Lesariu transform into her dragon form and back.

  They spoke at length, deciding on the best course of action. Shortly after they arrived in Irudin, Euri had confided in Tristan numerous things she’d seen in Blandis’ mind, which among other things included the location of the Bane’s keep.


  “I don’t like this.” Dion said outright.

  “Like it or not, something has to be done father.” Tristan argued.

  “I agree, but I’d rather send an army.” The King replied.

  The pair of them argued at the end of the table while Annadora, Alison, Eurydice and Hanna gossiped together. Kevin, William, Lance and Gerald watched the two men argue, none of them knowing precisely what to say or whom to support. Tristan’s plan seemed too bold and foolhardy; Dion’s was too large scale and could potentially drag other countries into a war.

  Tristan wanted to slip into the Great Expanse as a mercenary, Euri would be his mage and William was his companion. They would take a force of fifty with them to complete the illusion. In its simplest form the plan was to infiltrate the Bane and replace Domiscus Kent’s vacant mercenary commander spot.

  From the inside Tristan would learn everything he could about Danconis’ Bane, including how to destroy it once and for all. Even if Dragon Magic had fled the world, that was no reason to hand over all their lands to some power mad dictator. There was something else at play, Tristan was certain of it and he wanted those answers as well.

  Dion wanted to assemble his army, march into the Great Expanse and conquer it. Once the land was in his control, he reasoned that he could sniff out any hint of Draconis’ Bane and squash it, root and twig. It was only when Tristan reminded him that no one was certain the Bane operated out of the Expanse and also that no one who had found their lair was ever heard from again, that the argument had begun in earnest.

  The women found their bickering pointless, thus their inattention and gossiping among themselves. Annadora would look over from time to time, smile warmly at her husband and son debating endlessly and then resume talking with the women. It was only when Euri began nodding off to sleep that she put an end to the debate.

  Boys. She sent, smirking slightly as they turned to see her motioning at Euri fighting to keep her eyes open. Everyone chuckled as Euri’s eyes shot open.

  We’ll finish this discussion in the morning. She scolded them.

  Everyone stood and bade each other goodnight. Afterwards, Tristan walked slowly back to his room where he flopped down on his bed. A fire crackling merrily in the fireplace along the opposite wall soothed him as he drifted off to sleep.

  A short time later a small hand touched his shoulder, gently shaking him awake. Tristan mumbled incoherently, brushing the hand away. The small hand shook him again, the young Prince turned over in bed to find Lesa sitting on the edge of his bed. His eyes shot wide open and he came fully awake as her musical laugh filled his room.

  “Sorry to disturb your rest my young friend.” She chuckled. “I have some interesting news for you.”

  “Interesting enough to wake me up?” He smiled crookedly.

  “I think so. I have some news and a gift.” She replied matter-of-factly. Lesa closed her eyes briefly and took a deep breath, when she opened her eyes again they were again the vivid red eyes he remembered.

  Born into this world will be a son of a mighty King and Queen descended from dragon bloodlines. He will shake the foundations of man and bring forth an era when man and dragon will live together for the benefit of all.

  She paused dramatically before finishing the prophecy.

  Tonight a boy has been born, both of his parents’ descendants of dragon blood. He will grow to rule the world; it is up to his parents what kind of ruler he will become.

  Tristan considered her musical pronouncement slowly in his mind. Dates and time spans calculated over and over.

  “Mina had our child!?” He blurted.

  Lesariu simply smiled and nodded, staring deeply into his eyes.

  “Wait. That doesn’t make sense.” Tristan said.

  “What doesn’t make sense my friend?” She asked, tilting her head slightly and smiling again.

  “I was told that the Bane is hunting me because they believe I will fulfill a prophecy.” He explained. The dragon in woman’s form nodded.

  “But how can that be if the same prophecy is made for my son?” He asked, completely confused. He put aside his painful memory of Mina, still burning like an empty pit in his stomach.

  “The prophecy wasn’t ever about you, young Prince.” She replied. “It was made long ago by the great black dragon Henjis.”

  “I don�
��t understand. Why would Draconis’ Bane target me if the prophecy wasn’t clear?” Tristan asked.

  “Humans do many strange things in the name of good.” She replied evenly. “Henjis foretold the arrival of the first born son to a King and Queen descended from dragon blood lines.” She explained.

  “I don’t understand. That would be me.” Tristan replied impatiently.

  Lesa sighed as she continued.

  “No, only your mother is a direct dragon descendent, as is Mina’s. She’s my granddaughter.” She admitted.

  Tristan was dumbfounded, he couldn’t think of a question to ask, a witty retort, even his breath seemed to fail him. The bittersweet pang of love induced pain erupted in his heart again, making him want to curl up in the corner of his bed and descent back into self-pity. It was Lesa this time that reached out and touched his cheek.

  “Worry not my young friend.” She said soothingly. “You will see him soon, and the reunion will be happy. Have faith in that. The future is yet unwritten, and you and my granddaughter need to see to his happiness.” She explained.

  The young Prince looked up at her, feeling completely powerless again. It was a feeling that he hated more than any other. An enemy he could face, sword in hand. Ghosts of feelings and mistakes of the past he couldn’t undo were more than anyone should have to bear.

  “Your son is quite well and you will see him soon. For now you have a mission to complete and that’s where my gift comes in.” She said quietly.

  He looked up at her as she smiled almost sadistically.

  “The Bane’s Spy Master is in Metao.”

  Tristans’ eyes veiled over as he leapt out of bed and crossed to his wardrobe, yanked open the doors and began pulling out his armor. A slight restraining hand touched his shoulder as he reached into the wardrobe again.

  “Tristan, slow down.” Lesa soothed. “You must start thinking about your actions. This headlong rush into the unknown you do all the time.” She turned him around and looked him in the eye.

  “It’s going to get you killed.” She concluded.

  Tristan sighed, his shoulders sagged slightly. He dropped his bracer, looked back into her eyes.

  “What would you have me do?” His anger, always so close to the surface and ready to boil over came forward. “They keep trying to kill me! Spells, enchantments, assassins, mercenaries…when is it enough?!” He ranted.

  She pulled him with surprising strength towards the fireplace, pushed his shoulders down easily forcing him to sit. The rug underneath him was plush and soft, with a faint smell of smoke to it from the fire. He stared into the flames, losing himself in the simplicity and soothing nature of them as they leaped playfully up the chimney. Lesa sat down next to him and placed her hand around his shoulder as a mother would comfort her son. Slowly, almost methodically she chose her next words.

  “You’ve gotten this far on sheer determination, skill and largely by luck.” Sensing his tension at the reference she quickly continued.

  “You must admit, Tristan, that your enemies thus far haven’t used a lot of what we would call, cunning, in their hunt for you.” She concluded.

  Tristan looked at her, considering her words and weighing them slowly in his mind.

  “There you are. Thoughtful, brooding Tristan, this is what you must be if you are to survive.” She said lightly.

  He turned back and looked into the flames, seeking to use their calming effect on him to clear his mind.

  “You must master yourself my young friend.” Lesa continued. “You can’t give into your anger, hate and thirst for revenge.” She explained.

  “How?” Tristan muttered. “How can I do these things?”

  “How did you do them before?” She replied coyly.

  “Before?” He asked.

  “Yes. I’ve seen inside your memories my young friend.” She explained carefully. “I saw the Nightmare Spell’s effect. I felt how real it was for you. The pain, loneliness and abuse, it’s no small wonder why you trust anyone anymore.” She mused. “How did you deal with your anger there?”

  “Meditation.” He admitted. “A lot of time to get over things in silence didn’t hurt either.” He replied sarcastically.

  “Well, you don’t have the luxury of time anymore. Time is running out for our kind and we don’t have a leisurely pace for you to brood over your anger anymore.” She said finally. “We need to teach you how to focus. Use your anger as a focal point to give you clarity rather than blindly lashing out and getting yourself killed.”

  “We?” Tristan asked.

  “We.” A voice called from the door.

  Tristan spun his head around to see William standing in the doorway. He walked in, followed by an old man dressed in long white robes. The man’s face was weather beaten and deeply tanned. His long hair, white as his robes, ran down to his waist. He smiled widely and Tristan was reminded of Williams’ typical white toothed grin.

  “Tristan, I believe you’ve already met my grandfather.” William introduced.

  The old man stepped forward taking Tristans hand as the young Prince stood up to greet his guests. When their hands touched a flash of recognition hit Tristan’s mind.

  “Socolis?” He muttered, looking from William to the dragon in human form.

  “Oh very good lad.” He replied with a laugh. “I’m called Otis in this form though.” He winked roguishly, putting a hand to his side.

  “What’s wrong?” Tristan asked with concern.

  Socolis waved him off. “Just that damned spear, cut a little deeper than I thought.”

  “It’s time to leave.” Lesa blurted, looking at Otis.

  “Yes, I suppose it is.” Socolis chuckled. “Well lad, get that wonderful armor on.”

  Tristan was just fastening the laces on his grieves when his sister walked into his room. He noticed that she was covered head to toe in a long dark brown heavy cloak as she entered the room. William turned and smiled as she walked over and embraced him. They began chatting animatedly. Again, Tristan was met with the feeling that he was still missing far more of his memories than he had gained. Lately he had begun to feel emptiness inside when confronted with something that he couldn’t remember. It was as though he assumed that whatever Draconis’ had done to him would have awakened everything inside his mind and he would be himself again. Instead the young Prince was still trapped, feeling like two minds in the same body. At times he was moody and bitter, a legacy of his personality before the Nightmare Spell. Other times he was quiet, introspective and completely at odds with all of the attention he was afforded. It was still as though he expected to awaken from a dream and though it was terrible and dangerous, he’d never felt so alive.

  The truth was that if this was a dream, Tristan wasn’t sure he wanted to wake up. Between his first bittersweet love affair, the repeated attempts on his life and the mountainous task set before him…this life was the one that he loved. He was secretly scared that this was a dream and the worst part about that fear was that he couldn’t share it with the people he loved because he knew they would only reassure him.

  Tristan wasn’t sure if their reassurance would put his troubled mind at ease or if it would mean nothing because he believed it might be his own dreams giving him what he needed most: love and acceptance. Shaking his head he tried to clear his worries and doubts, trying to focus on the here and now to fully enjoy his adventure, even with its danger and likelihood of failure.

  As Otis and Lesa entered the room, Tristan concluded that they were right; he had become angry and unfocused. The last fight, on the way to Irudin, had gone poorly because of his anger and fear. Otis looked over at him, concern clearly evident in his pale blue eyes. The old man walked over and put his arm around Tristan, pulled his shoulder closer to whisper so that no one else could hear him.

  “The Nightmare Spell was real young man; you’re not losing your mind.” He smiled crookedly.

  “You’re becoming something more than you were shaping up to be. The
Bane has authored their doom and now we work to make that end come true.” Otis consoled.

  “Come on you two, let’s be on our way.” Lesa called.

  She walked out of the room, not bothering to wait for an answer as Eurydice followed right after her. William looked back at Tristan, grinned and followed after. Otis patted Tristan on the shoulder and walked out of the room as Tristan plucked his sword belt off of the hook near the fireplace and followed after them.

  Through Irudin keep they walked as quickly and quietly as possible. Up familiar staircases until they were out on the northern tower looking out over the Vallius countryside cloaked in darkness. Socolis and Lesariu moved away from the others, their human forms shining brightly as they seemed to melt and smolder. Fine wisps of white smoke trailed off their human forms as their bodies elongated.

  Large snarling snouts, luminescent in the dark of the night, appeared. Wings unfurled and scaled legs ripped through sandals and became taloned and lizard-like. Both of them dropped down on the palms of their hands which grew talons. Slowly two large dragons emerged from the blinding light.

  The light abruptly stopped and where an old man and beautiful woman stood now a white dragon and a long serpent-like bronze dragon perched on the battlements.

  Come. Lesariu called, lowering her front left leg.

  Tristan and Eurydice climbed up on her leg with surprising agility while William climbed up on Socolis with equally surprising speed. The three of them smiled widely, all equally excited to be flying regardless of their dangerous mission.

  Ah the joy of youth. Socolis chuckled in their minds.

  Everyone laughed as the dragons beat their mighty wings, taking off over the towers and walls of Irudin keep, heading north high in the sky where the air was thin and cold.


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