Hot & Sweet

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Hot & Sweet Page 8

by Sean Ashcroft

  Kai clearly knew what he wanted, and he wasn’t shy about taking it, and Wyatt was mostly concerned with not coming too soon and making sure he got it.

  Just as Wyatt was starting to feel like a living sex toy, Kai surged down and crashed their lips together, too much teeth at first, but Wyatt didn’t care about that, because the way Kai kissed sent waves of heat straight to his gut, arousal building inside him even as Kai’s thrusts slowed down to something more sustainable.

  “God I want you,” Kai murmured against Wyatt’s lips, desperation obvious in his voice.

  Wyatt chuckled, mostly at how annoyed Kai seemed about it. He obviously wanted this, but he also clearly hadn’t come to terms with that, yet.

  It was cute, but Wyatt wasn’t quite brave enough to say so, in case Kai took offense and walked away mid-fuck. He seemed like the kind of person who had the willpower to do that out of sheer spite.

  Wyatt, on the other hand, might have burst into tears if they stopped now. He was so close, and Kai felt so damned good around him, and it’d been a while. He needed this.

  Hell, they probably both needed this. Kai had been tense and uptight the whole time Wyatt had known him right up to now, which probably meant that getting laid would be good for him.

  It’d definitely be good for Wyatt. He could already feel the stress of the last few weeks melting away.

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” Wyatt said, grinning up at him.

  Kai kissed him again, probably to shut him up, and Wyatt slid his hands down from Kai’s waist to his ass, squeezing firmly and pulling him forward just a little, just enough to change the angle of his cock and make Kai moan into his mouth.

  The moan vibrated all the way through Wyatt’s body and back into his cock, his hips jerking off the bed in response, one knee drawn up for leverage.

  The way Kai fucked was just as incredible as Wyatt had imagined. Better, even.

  Everything he did was intense, and deliberate, but the soft moans and cries of pleasure escaping him told Wyatt that it was deliberate for a reason, that he was getting off on this, getting off on Wyatt’s body and the way he was being touched.

  And that? That felt good.

  Kai sat up again, wrapping his fingers around his cock to jerk himself off, and all Wyatt could do was watch. He moved his hands to Kai’s thighs, feeling the powerful muscles moving under smooth skin, brushing his fingers along the sensitive skin of the insides of them, moaning in response as Kai made a soft, strangled sound and tightened his grip on his cock, clearly trying to stop himself from coming so soon.

  He was gorgeous. Lithe and lean and surprisingly strong despite his thin frame, the way he moved fluid and graceful. Effortless, like everything else about him, and it was so hot that Wyatt wasn’t sure he’d be able to let go after this, either.

  He could have done this a few hundred times and not gotten bored of it. Kai was beautiful, and twice as much when he was enjoying himself, and right now he was enjoying himself by riding Wyatt’s cock, his eyes closed and his lips parted, soft, breathy moans escaping him as he stroked his own cock, glistening precome flowing freely from the head.

  Wyatt wasn’t going to last a whole lot longer if this kept up.

  Kai cried out as he came, the sound echoing in Wyatt’s ears as he striped his stomach, clenching tight around Wyatt’s cock.

  Even if he hadn’t already been close, watching Kai throw his head back and ride out his orgasm eagerly would have been enough to tip Wyatt over the edge.

  He groaned, low and long as his own orgasm ripped through him, gripping Kai’s hips tightly and thrusting up into him as he came in waves that made his head pound, his back arch off the mattress as he finished inside Kai.

  For a long few moments after he came, all Wyatt could hear was the sound of blood rushing in his ears and his own ragged gasping, his lungs burning as he tried to catch his breath.

  He grunted as Kai collapsed on top of him, but couldn’t really bring himself to mind. He wasn’t so heavy that Wyatt couldn’t support his weight comfortably, and the contact was nice.

  “I think I’m starting to like you,” Kai said wryly, out of breath, and Wyatt chuckled.

  “Feeling’s mutual.” He sighed, moving his hands to rest on Kai’s back, his thumb stroking along at the soft, smooth skin there.

  He did like Kai. Like-liked him, the way he’d liked people when he was in middle school. With a strange kind of giddy joy in his presence.

  It was weird to think of himself as having a crush on the guy, but, well… he did have a crush on the guy. Which was kind of exciting.

  And yeah, he’d screwed this up a couple of times now, but they had eventually managed to fall into bed together, and he didn’t regret it. Could it complicate things for them on the show? Maybe.

  But things had already been complicated, so it wasn’t as though this was likely to make it worse.

  “Could get used to the great sex, too,” Wyatt said. “We should break out the can of whipped cream next time.”

  “No,” Kai responded from where his face was pressed against Wyatt’s shoulder. “Whipped cream in a can is disgusting. You’re better than that.”

  “You want me to hand whip cream for sex?” Wyatt asked, and even as he said it he realized he shouldn’t have been surprised. This was Kai. He didn’t do half-measures or take shortcuts.

  “If you want me to lick it off you, yeah,” Kai said. “Like you were explaining on the show. I never eat anything I’m not gonna enjoy.”

  Wyatt opened his mouth to ask so you enjoy dick?

  But realized before he actually got the words out that yeah, Kai clearly enjoyed dick, and it wouldn’t even qualify as a sarcastic remark. Kai would have expected better of him when it came to pillow talk, too.

  At least he was implying that he wanted to do this again.

  Kai sighed after a moment, rolling off Wyatt onto his back and reaching up behind him to curl his hands around the bars of the headboard, showing off his beautifully-defined arms.

  Wyatt spent a handful of seconds just looking at him, lying there with his eyes closed and his lips slack, sweat shining on his skin, his cheeks flushed and his chest rising and falling as he slowly got his breathing back under control.

  He was gorgeous. Every part of him, Wyatt realized, as his eyes trailed along the dark line of hair leading down away from his navel to where his cock was resting lightly against his thigh, all the way down his long legs.

  Legs that Wyatt could really have gotten into having wrapped around his waist. They’d have to try that sometime, if Kai really did plan on doing this again.

  Wyatt reached out toward Kai, brushing a strand of hair that had escaped his ever-present ponytail away from his face. “On a scale of one to ten,” he began. “How weird would it be to play with your hair now?”

  “Like a seven?” Kai said, not even bothering to open his eyes. “But don’t let that stop you.”

  Wyatt hesitated for a fraction of a second before deciding that he wouldn’t let it stop him, that he wanted to touch Kai’s hair badly enough to gently pull it out of the ponytail and then run his fingers through it, marveling at the softness.

  When Kai pushed his head into Wyatt’s hand, humming softly at the contact, Wyatt’s heart fluttered.

  Uh oh.


  Feelings were a whole lot more complicated than simple physical attraction, but…

  Wyatt knew he shouldn’t really have been surprised. He admired Kai’s biting sarcasm and his playfulness, as well as his skill in the kitchen.

  He liked it when Kai smiled at him.

  He liked it when Kai paid attention to him, full stop, so yeah, the fact that he was actually starting to feel something for him shouldn’t have been a shock, and it mostly wasn’t.

  It didn’t even feel like a bad thing right now, with his fingers threaded through Kai’s hair in the silence of his bedroom, the two of them just quietly basking in each other’s company.

p; Wyatt accepted the thought that there was, maybe, something there between them, and decided it was a problem for another day. Maybe it would have been gone by morning. Maybe it was just friendly affection.

  Maybe it was the first hint of something bigger, and maybe that was okay, too.

  After all, if he was going to fall in love with someone, it might as well have been someone who could cook.

  Not that he was planning on falling in love with Kai.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Kai!” Donna enthused as Kai walked through the studio doors, having been asked to come in half an hour early today.

  His stomach had been in knots since he’d gotten the call.

  Her enthusiasm soothed some of his concern that this was going to go badly for him, but not all of it. Producers weren’t like normal people. They had no trouble smiling to your face while they stabbed you in the back.

  “There’s someone I want you to meet,” she said, taking his arm to guide him toward her office, and that was alarming.

  Wyatt had always been her favorite, as far as Kai could tell. He was the one who got greeted enthusiastically, he was the one who was called in early for meetings.

  Kai had been lucky to get his job in the first place and had, up until recently, been keeping his head down and hoping no one noticed he was still showing up and drawing a paycheck. Now, he was being treated like Donna’s personal darling.

  He didn’t like it. It made him suspicious.

  There was another woman in Donna’s office, a petite blonde with startling green eyes and excellent taste in shoes.

  She looked at Kai like he was some kind of livestock.

  He didn’t especially like that, either.

  “Kai Jones, this is Marnie Wilkinson, head of programming.”

  Kai’s mouth fell open, and stayed that way while Marnie shook his hand and beamed at him, her eyes sparkling. “It’s so good to finally meet you,” she said. “I’m a big fan.”

  Kai suspected that if she’d ever watched one of his shows, it had happened right before this meeting in preparation for it. It wasn’t even that she seemed insincere, it was just that no one watched his shows. He’d been filling a programming gap since the first one.

  He was here because, for once in his life, he was actually bringing in ratings. Which was mostly because Wyatt was charming and graceful and allowed him to have a sense of humor and gave as good as he got.

  Kai wasn’t sure how he felt about the way his heart fluttered when he thought of Wyatt. It was a dangerous, scary feeling, but all the same…

  He hadn’t felt like this in a long time.

  “I’ve been keeping an eye on you with this new show,” Marnie said smoothly, looking him up and down again. “You’re taller in person than I expected.”

  “Oh, yeah, that’s because of my height,” Kai said without missing a beat, because apparently he could be faced with a woman who could make sure he never worked again, and still not quite stop himself from being sarcastic.

  Marnie laughed, high and tinkling. It was a nice sound. She was a charming woman, which was no doubt why she’d gotten the position she was in.

  Charming, but with the air of a bird of prey about her. Her beautifully-manicured nails made Kai think of talons.

  He doubted she meant him any harm, but he also doubted she particularly cared about him as anything other than a suddenly useful asset, either. Not that he minded. Being useful would mean he got to keep his job.

  And the more time he spent with Wyatt, the more he remembered how much he enjoyed this job, how he couldn’t imagine doing anything else now that he’d had a taste of it.

  “And he’s funny, too,” she said, clearly delighted. “How come we’re still hiding you away in a midweek four o’clock spot?”

  Kai glanced at Donna for an answer, because he didn’t have one. Luckily, the question actually seemed to have been directed at her.

  “Oh, this show is just filming a programming gap,” Donna said without missing a beat. “I’ve always known Kai was destined for bigger things, and I wanted him working so he couldn’t be whisked away by a competitor.”

  Kai barely managed not to look too confused by that statement. He knew what was going on, of course. They wanted something from him.

  A sudden flash of a naked photoshoot made him recoil in horror, though he kept his reaction to himself. He didn’t know how Wyatt had done it.

  It wasn’t that Kai thought of himself as shy, but there were some things he preferred to keep between himself and people he knew intimately, and most of them were covered by his clothes.

  He still wasn’t sure how he was going to handle filming an episode after Wyatt had seen him naked. Not only seen him naked, but had his cock inside him. Twice.

  And Kai had liked it, and wanted it to happen again.

  He was doomed.

  “Well, I think it’s obvious that we should have taken a risk on him before now,” Marnie said. “His own show, format to be negotiated, prime time slot, full production budget, full ad spend. I wanna put your face on every bus in the country. What do you think?”

  Kai’s mouth fell open again.

  This wasn’t the kind of offer he could just refuse, was it? It was what he’d wanted from the beginning, what he’d been so annoyed at having taken away from him a little over a month ago.

  It was everything he’d been hoping for.

  The uncomfortable clenching in the pit of his stomach was probably a normal level of excitement and nerves over such a huge offer. It was fine to be nervous.

  “I, umm… well, obviously…” Kai scratched the back of his neck, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  “Ratings for the show you’re doing now will have to hold steady through the end of the run,” Marnie said. “But that doesn’t seem like it’s going to be a problem, we’ve had to allocate dedicated server space for your show. Now that we’re counting online ratings, we can see what’s going to be popular in the future, and you’re it. You’re scoring highly with all the groups we want to target.”

  “And if the ratings hold steady?” Kai asked, wanting a little more clarity on exactly what he was being offered.

  “Then we’ll open negotiations with… your agent, or…”

  “Just me,” Kai said, not sure if he should be looking for an agent now, maybe.

  He’d gotten this job by being plucked out of the kitchen he was working in after The Culinary Channel had filmed… something, there. The explanation he’d been given was that he was the most competent person they’d come across, and there was a programming gap to fill.

  The real explanation was that the producer at the time had wanted to screw him, and he’d even gotten his wish, and Kai couldn’t quite bring himself to regret it, either. This was the best job he’d ever had, surprised as he was that he’d liked it at all.

  And then Donna had taken over from the old producer when he’d moved on to bigger and better things, and she’d been confused about why the hell he was there at all.

  “Even better, saves things getting complicated,” Marnie said, in a way that made Kai think he really did need an agent.

  Not that he was inclined to find one. He didn’t want anyone else meddling in his life, even if they were likely to be right. He liked to do things himself, his own way.

  It was a miracle that Wyatt didn’t hate him for it, honestly. He still couldn’t figure out what he’d done that had made Wyatt return his interest.

  “I think I need to go,” Kai said, glancing at the clock on the wall. “Or I’ll put us behind schedule. But I am interested in your offer and I’d love to talk about it at a later date.”

  “Of course,” Marnie said, offering her hand again. “It was a genuine pleasure to meet you, and we’ll talk once the series is done.”

  Kai shook her hand, trying not to think of talons, and nodded.

  This was his dream, and he was being offered a shot at it.

  The rest of the episodes were going to be i
ncredible, and he planned on making sure of that.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Sweet and sour popcorn, as promised,” Wyatt said, handing the bowl over to Kai as he settled down on the couch beside him. Normally, he wouldn’t have bothered to make his own popcorn from scratch—microwave packs tasted fine to him—but it didn’t hurt to impress Kai.

  Kai liked to be impressed. Probably because it meant someone was going to a little effort for him, which Wyatt couldn’t exactly fault. He liked it when people went to a little effort, too, and he liked that Kai wasn’t letting him get away with being lazy about this.

  That was probably why he liked hanging out with him so much, honestly. Kai kept him on his toes. He wasn’t instantly charmed, he hadn’t fallen for Wyatt’s perfect smile right away and never bothered to look past it.

  It was nice to have someone see him for who he was beyond the cheerful outer layer. To have someone understand him.

  “You picked out a movie yet?” Wyatt asked, nodding to the black screen.

  “I was thinking a nature documentary,” Kai said. “Saves me scaring you off with my terrible taste in movies.”

  “Sure, but you haven’t scared me off yet,” he responded.

  Kai picked out something about the ocean and hit play anyway, sitting back on the couch and balancing the popcorn between them. “Except for the two times you literally ran away from me.”

  “Am I still working on being forgiven for that?” Wyatt asked, taking a handful of popcorn.

  “Maybe.” Kai shrugged. “Depends on how you’re gonna work on it.”

  Wyatt snorted, but smiled to himself. He liked that Kai didn’t give him an inch.

  “We’ll see,” he said, sitting back to learn about the hunting techniques of killer whales. Well, mostly to enjoy the way Kai felt sitting next to him, warm and solid and a little like a wild animal who’d just approached him and was, maybe, about to eat out of Wyatt’s hand.

  He doubted many people got to see Kai with his guard down. This was, as far as he was concerned, a magical moment.


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