Hot & Sweet

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Hot & Sweet Page 10

by Sean Ashcroft

  If he could accomplish that with a few tailor-made treats and by playing to Kai’s tastes, that was good. It was really the only way he knew to move a relationship from casual sex to anything else.

  And the one thing he was sure of was that he didn’t want to lose Kai once the show was over. He didn’t want this to be nothing more than convenience and mutual lust.

  Which was scary, because Wyatt hadn’t felt like that in a long time. But on the other hand, it made excitement well up in his gut every time he thought about it. He was ready to have someone to share his life with, and he thought maybe Kai was, too.

  They could have been that for each other. Wyatt knew that, already, though he wasn’t about to risk saying it and scaring Kai off. Not yet. They had plenty of time. There was no reason this had to end when the show did.

  Hell, with these ratings, they were probably going to end up doing another show together anyway.

  “These are incredible,” Kai said as he started in on a second one. “I’m gonna eat the whole tray.”

  Wyatt chuckled, remembering that he’d predicted Kai was going to do exactly that. “I’ll take that as a compliment,” he said, and then launched into his end-of-episode spiel, glowing with pride that Kai was enjoying one of his family recipes.

  He was maybe getting in a little too deep here, but he was having fun along the way.

  Chapter Twenty

  Kai bit his lip as the hot, blunt head of Wyatt’s cock pressed against him, taking a few deep breaths and letting anticipation roll through his body. His own cock throbbed, straining up toward his belly, a bead of precome trickling down the length.

  Wyatt kissed the back of his shoulder, the faintest brush of lips, but it was more than enough to send a stab of need through him.

  He’d been waiting for this since Wyatt had said come home with me, and now he was kneeling in Wyatt’s lap, his back to Wyatt’s chest, painfully turned on and desperate. The couch creaked under him as he shifted his weight, his knees sinking deep into the cushions on either side of Wyatt’s thighs.

  With a soft sigh, Kai let himself sink down, his brow furrowing in concentration as he took Wyatt’s cock a half-inch at a time, his thighs burning with the effort of not just dropping his entire weight into Wyatt’s lap in one movement.

  The risk that he’d come all over himself instantly stopped him from actually doing it. Kai was just getting used to having the kind of intensely satisfying sex he got to have with Wyatt, his body just starting to associate the scent of his arousal with the kind of deep, aching pleasure that followed him home, into his dreams, into his shower in the morning and occasionally into impromptu breaks when he was supposed to be working on other things.

  He’d come thinking of Wyatt more times in the last few weeks than he’d come thinking of anyone else in his entire life, and that would have seemed like a problem if not for the fact that Wyatt had his hands splayed over Kai’s belly, his nose pressed to the back of his neck…

  His cock firmly, fully inside him, searing hot and rock hard and just exactly the right shape to put perfect, glorious pressure on his prostate as he rocked back and forth, hips barely moving.

  Kai moaned as he let all of his weight fall on Wyatt, another dribble of precome leaking out of him at the thought of how they must have looked right now, Kai kneeling backwards in Wyatt’s lap, his chest heaving as he adjusted, cock glistening with fluids already.

  Wyatt hummed next to his ear, pressing light kisses up the back of his neck.

  “Okay?” he murmured.

  Kai nodded, not confident that he could actually say anything in response. He had Wyatt exactly where he wanted him, and he intended to make the most of it.

  His breath hitched as he moved, Wyatt’s cock shifting inside him, the angle making it seem twice the size it actually was. A low moan tore out of his throat as he lifted his hips and then sank down again, shivers of pleasure bouncing down his spine and gathering in the spot just behind his balls.

  “Love the sounds you make,” Wyatt said against the oversensitive skin of Kai’s neck, curling both of his hands around Kai’s hips.

  Kai rewarded him with a cut-off gasp, letting his head fall back to rest against the couch cushions, building a steady rhythm with his thighs as he lifted himself up and then let himself fall again, sparks of pleasure coursing through him with every movement of Wyatt’s cock inside him.

  He screwed his eyes shut as Wyatt’s fingers closed around his cock, tight enough to tease, but not tight enough to give him the friction he needed.

  “Dammit,” he hissed, jerking his hips into Wyatt’s hand, trying to force him to tighten his hold.

  Wyatt chuckled into his ear, curling a hand around his thigh to hold him still. Kai made an unhappy noise in the back of his throat that turned into a gurgle as Wyatt rocked his hips, shoving his cock deep inside him.

  “Harder,” Kai growled, too aroused for teasing. He’d expected to hold out, keep this slow and steady and see just how long he could get Wyatt to fuck him, but that would have to wait. He needed Wyatt, all of him, now.

  Wyatt jerked his hips, dragging a strangled cry out of Kai’s throat. He finally, finally tightened his grip around Kai’s cock, lazily stroking the length and slowing his movements down again, his other hand still holding Kai firmly in place.

  “What’s the rush?” Wyatt murmured, breath tickling the back of Kai’s neck. “We’ve got all night.”

  Kai whimpered, but he could feel his arousal simmering down to just below boiling, just enough that he could close his eyes and bite his lip and focus on how good Wyatt felt inside him, the thick length of his cock satisfyingly warm and heavy. He could feel even the tiniest shifts, even as Wyatt slowed down to a near-stop, an agonizingly slow pace that Kai couldn’t have kept by himself.

  But he was at Wyatt’s mercy, here, and he didn’t want to be anywhere else. Not only was the sex fantastic, he was actually starting to like the guy.

  More than like him, even. The way he was starting to feel about Wyatt was like standing on the edge of a cliff and knowing that sooner or later, he was going to fall off it.

  Tilting his head back to rest against the plush couch cushions behind Wyatt’s shoulder, Kai focused on keeping his breathing even. He let one hand fall and trail along Wyatt’s thigh, stroking slowly, just for the sake of touching him.

  He could have done this for hours if he wasn’t so desperately turned on. Wyatt felt incredible, every thrust of his cock sending a ripple of pleasure through Kai, making him bite down on his lip and whimper.

  And he just kept going, slow and steady, Kai’s arousal growing by degrees as Wyatt rocked into him, holding him firmly in his lap, taking control even from a position where Kai should have been in charge.

  It was maybe the hottest thing that had ever happened to him. Kai wasn’t used to being taken care of like this. To his pleasure being much more than a passing thought to his partner.

  This was Wyatt all over, though. Patient and kind and considerate. Kai could almost have come just thinking about how good it felt to be with him.

  Wyatt rocked steadily into him for what felt like hours, until Kai was whimpering, his cock leaking freely, his thighs burning with the effort of holding himself like this, even with Wyatt’s support.

  “Close?” Wyatt asked, barely brushing the palm of his hand over Kai’s cock. Kai didn’t remember when he’d let go, but he would have come by now if he hadn’t, the tension balled up in his gut too much to handle more than a few quick strokes.

  Kai nodded, another whimper escaping him, desperation overriding any sense of dignity he might have had.

  Wyatt always did that to him. It was so easy to come apart with him, without fear of judgement. He could let go, and not worry about being vulnerable, because Wyatt was a fundamentally good man who wouldn’t use his vulnerability to hurt him. Who wouldn’t even think of it.

  He was safe. Completely, utterly safe, and that made everything they did together a thousand tim
es better. Every time they had sex, Kai just wanted to do it all over again, because it felt that good.

  “Close,” he agreed after a moment, his voice strained, his hips rocking of their own accord, making the most of the small amount of movement Wyatt’s grip on him allowed.

  “Come for me,” Wyatt purred with a jerk of his hips, the force of it making Kai’s breath hiccup.

  Even if he’d wanted to stop himself, that one last thrust was enough to push him over the edge, his orgasm taking him by surprise. He gasped, slamming his hips down hard, moaning as he felt Wyatt coming inside him as well, apparently just as surprised.

  White-hot pleasure brought tears to his eyes as he spilled all over his own belly and Wyatt’s hand, sobbing with the force of it. Kai’s head spun as he just let go, trusting Wyatt to see him wrecked and wrung out.

  It was okay if Wyatt saw him vulnerable, because Wyatt wasn’t even capable of hurting him.

  Wyatt bit down on the meat of his shoulder, holding Kai’s hips still again and rocking into him, every thrust sending another rolling wave of pleasure through Kai’s body, drawing his orgasm out, leaving him gasping and squirming as Wyatt’s thrusts finally slowed and stilled, his whole body aching from the exertion.

  His thighs burned, and his head was light, and he wouldn’t have traded it in for anything. This was too damned good to give up.

  Wyatt pressed a soft kiss over where he’d bitten down, soothing the hurt there. Kai could already feel the warmth of a bruise blooming under the skin, but he couldn’t bring himself to mind.

  Tomorrow, he could lie down on his back, put his weight on his shoulders so the bruise hurt, and jerk himself off thinking about this.

  Not that he needed the reminder, but it was a nice extra.

  Wyatt eased Kai out of his lap carefully, pushing him to lay down on the couch and then getting up, walking away without another word.

  Kai’s stomach dropped. Was he finally sick of this? Had Kai let himself be too vulnerable, scared him away?

  He lay still, listening to Wyatt’s footsteps around the apartment, his eyes heavy. He hadn’t been fucked like that in a long time, and he’d forgotten just how worn out it could leave him.

  His thighs ached, but it was a pleasant, throbbing ache that he hoped would last until the morning, so he could focus on it while he jerked off.

  Wyatt returned after a few minutes, wiping Kai down with a warm washcloth and settling something down on the coffee table.

  Kai looked up to see that it was a bottle of wine, and a glass.

  Before he could finish processing that, Wyatt nudged him to sit up, positioning himself behind him again so they were both sitting sideways on the couch.

  He’d put on a pair of soft sweatpants that felt good against Kai’s bare, oversensitive skin. Once they were both settled, Wyatt reached out, opening the wine and then pouring a glass before handing it to Kai.

  Kai accepted it, still confused, and then made a soft, happy sound as Wyatt’s warm, strong hands landed on his neck, his thumbs immediately starting to work on the knots there.

  He sipped his wine, not sure what to make of this, but happy to enjoy it all the same.

  “What did I do to deserve this?” Kai asked when Wyatt remained silent, letting his head fall forward to give better access to his neck.

  “You asked for it,” Wyatt said.

  Kai just barely remembered making a joke about wanting a glass of wine and a neck massage when they were filming earlier, but he hadn’t expected Wyatt to take it seriously.

  The tension he’d been carrying since Wyatt had gotten up so quickly unraveled in his chest. Wyatt had been getting up to do this. To do something nice, for Kai, because he’d joked about wanting it.

  That left a strange ache in the pit of his stomach. Not arousal, but… something. Something bigger, even.

  “Not even as foreplay?” Kai teased, not ready to confront the sudden rush of affection toward Wyatt welling up inside him.

  Lust was one thing, and enjoying Wyatt’s company was another, but this… this was new.

  “Could be foreplay, if you want,” Wyatt said. “Gimme a little while and I can go another round or two.”

  Kai laughed at that. “Trying to impress me?” he asked.

  Wyatt had already impressed him in more ways than one, but a promise that he could go all night was definitely something else to add to the list.

  “Nope,” Wyatt said, still rubbing the back of his neck. “Just trying to wear you out enough to convince you to stay for breakfast.”


  Kai swallowed.

  Oh. Wyatt wanted… wanted him to stay.

  A feeling he didn’t want to examine too closely welled up in his chest, making it tight. Wyatt wanted him here, not just for sex, but for breakfast.

  That was a different thing entirely. That meant things.

  “You only had to ask,” Kai said softly. He’d started out hating Wyatt for his easy popularity, and now…

  Now he wanted to have breakfast with him. He hadn’t wanted that with many people at all.

  He’d never been brave enough to let himself want something like that, because he was always waiting for it to come crashing down. But Wyatt…

  He trusted Wyatt.

  It was okay to want to stay for breakfast.

  “So you’ll stay?” Wyatt asked, reaching out and gently undoing Kai’s ponytail, letting his hair hang free. Kai breathed a sigh of relief, which turned into a moan as Wyatt’s fingers slipped into his hair and rubbed at his scalp, easing the tension he’d been carrying there.

  This should have been foreplay, but it was even more exciting to Kai that it wasn’t, not really. It was Wyatt taking care of him, without expecting anything in return, because he thought Kai was worth taking care of.

  This was the second time Wyatt had done that, and it was starting to seem like a habit. A habit Kai could have gotten really, really used to.

  His chest felt tight all over again, his heart too small for the way a thousand different feelings were filling it up, threatening to make it burst.

  “I’ll stay,” he promised, letting himself lean back against Wyatt’s chest.

  For now, he’d stay.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “You know, before I got to know you I assumed you were just an attractive idiot who knew how to smile for a camera,” Kai spoke up from the kitchen table, making Wyatt glance up from where he was putting together a chocolate-chip pancake batter.

  “Attractive?” he asked with a tiny smile, pleased to hear that coming from Kai. Aside from when it came to food or they were in bed, he wasn’t huge on compliments.

  Wyatt didn’t really mind that, but it was still nice to be complimented every now and again.

  He was mostly thrilled that Kai was staying for breakfast, after all.

  Kai chuckled. “You didn’t even hear me call you an idiot, did you?”

  Wyatt shrugged. “I mostly heard you admitting you were wrong about that, so I don’t mind. I thought you were a stuck up dick with a ten-foot pole up his ass,” Wyatt admitted.

  “And you’ve learned that you were right?” Kai asked, raising an eyebrow.

  Wyatt laughed. “No, I’ve learned that you were trying to give that impression. You’re actually a sweetheart.”

  Kai wrinkled his nose, but didn’t argue. Wyatt took that to mean he was accepting it, if grudgingly.

  He’d train Kai to accept compliments.

  “Well, either way, I was wrong about you. You’re smart, and funny, and great in bed, and making me pancakes,” Kai said. “Which basically makes you perfect.”

  “Still can’t use a knife for shit,” Wyatt said.

  “Any idiot can learn to use a knife. It’s just a matter of practice. You haven’t really needed to practice yet.”

  “Yeah, because I’m a baker, not a real chef. I never went to school for any of this. My uncle was a baker, and I took a job in his bakery when I was sixteen and never even con
sidered doing anything else.”

  “And you’re good at it,” Kai pointed out. “It’s a completely different set of skills. I wouldn’t expect a pilot to be good at juggling, either.”

  “I would’ve killed to have the education you did, though. International apprenticeships and all.”

  Wyatt had read up on all of Kai’s accomplishments after he’d revealed that he’d looked Wyatt up during the first episode, and his head had spun. Kai had gotten into one of the best culinary schools in the country, and then been hand-picked for two apprenticeships, one in France and another in Portugal, which Wyatt hadn’t exactly thought of as one of the food capitals of the world, but Kai’s work spoke for itself.

  He was incredibly smart and talented, and if TV hosting was based on those things, he deserved it a lot more than Wyatt did. Of course, it wasn’t based on those things, but it maybe should have been.

  Kai was good at what he did. He deserved recognition for that, and people were lucky to have a chance to learn from him.

  “I’m happy to write you recommendation letters if you want,” Kai said. “So you looked me up after all, huh?”

  Wyatt shrugged. “Figured I should know who I was dealing with. Walked away feeling disgustingly inadequate.”

  “And yet I’m the one having little on-air foodgasms at the end of every episode,” Kai smiled wryly.

  Wyatt waved his hand over the frying pan he’d been heating, and then dropped a knob of butter into it and watched it sizzle and melt. He actually opened his mouth to explain that he was browning the butter to give it a nutty flavor, but stopped himself in time.

  It was just him and Kai this time. They were alone. There were no cameras here.

  That was really, really nice. He could get used to cooking for Kai off-air.

  “Hey, your food is amazing. I’m just not as expressive as you are, I guess,” Wyatt said.

  Kai was strange like that. Either he was completely flat, or really intense, and there wasn’t a whole lot of space in-between. Wyatt was coming to like that about him, that he maybe didn’t wear his heart on his sleeve, but he was happy to show it to you if you did something worthwhile.


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