The Ultimate Romance-Erotica Book Club Guide

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The Ultimate Romance-Erotica Book Club Guide Page 6

by MJ Nightingale

  7.) There are a lot of similarities between Nate and Audrey, the only difference really is how they treat their siblings. Do you think that is the reason Elizabeth was so drawn to Nate initially?

  Nate and Audrey are both sexually promiscuous. They both use sex to escape/control. Audrey is violent in her treatment of others emotionally. Nate is violent in his treatment of others physically. Is that where the similarities end? What do you think, Readers? I don’t think Libby was drawn to Nate because of the similarities between him and Audrey. I think she was first drawn to him because of Nicky and because of his physical appearance. Next she was drawn to the way he took up for her and protected her, no one had done that for her before. Finally, once she got to know him, she was drawn to him because of his heart and his goodness.

  8.) Nate gave up a lot of activities and social opportunities so that Nicky wouldn’t feel left out or be picked on at these events. Do you think in some ways Nate was the one who was treating him differently (or making him feel different) in his efforts to “protect” him from others?

  Hmmmm, such a great question! It’s not one I thought about until it was presented to me. On one hand, I can see that steering clear of those activities or social events COULD have made Nicky’s differences stand out more. However, OVERALL, I don’t think so. Here are my thoughts on this. One, Nicky played sports and went to dances and participated at The Center so he wasn’t completely left out. Two, Nicky didn’t realize (because he didn’t have the capability? Maybe. But, I think, mostly because it just wasn’t shared with him) that Nate skipped out on a lot of things to help protect Nicky. Third, Nate didn’t really miss out on that much. He lived at home in college but he definitely ran the circuit in high school with sports and friends and hanging out. So, I’d say, no. Nate did what he felt he needed to do for Nicky and for himself. I don’t think these decisions hurt Nicky any more than he was already being hurt by others.

  9.) Libby doesn’t seem to have any super close friends or family. I'm wondering if she did have them, would it have made a difference with Audrey?

  Sometimes people who aren't family offer another perspective. I wonder what advice/support they might've offered. I wish that Libby could have had more friends. As we saw, once she had someone in her corner, she blossomed. However, with the constant moving, the dad who was less than stellar, and her self-confidence being shattered daily by her sister, Libby didn’t really have the chance to develop close relationships. I also think, possibly, deep down, Libby was protecting potential friends from Audrey. If Libby had had friends, I think things could have been better. She would have needed a strong friend or two who could, like Nate, stand up to Audrey. But, I also think that Libby would have probably been friends with someone a lot like herself, so I don’t know that the friend would have been able to stand up to Audrey. Although, you never know what the power of friendship (and love) can do. I do think that a friend could have encouraged Libby to talk to her father about just how terrible Audrey was treating her.

  10.) The whole catching Audrey with Nate scene, did you see it coming? How would you have responded to that situation? What did you think about the way Libby reacted?

  I have to say that I was so angry and sick to my stomach writing this scene. I was super pissed at Audrey that she would endanger Libby and Nate to prove a point/take control. I was so hurt for Nate because he was in an absolutely uncontrollable situation and it had to just tear him apart. Male rape isn’t something that we hear a lot about, but it happens way more than most of us would think. Often it’s male on male, but female on male happens. Both types of male rape has a stigma to it so it doesn’t get reported as often. I think Libby responded the way she did because of the years of conditioning Audrey had subjected her to. She believes she’s nothing special so she just leaves because to fight in this situation opens her up to finding out again that she’s not special enough. By leaving, she’s protecting herself. How would *I* have reacted? I’m not really sure. I tend to have more of a flight response rather than the fight response. I know, later, I would have geared up to “fight”, but I think I would have left the same way Libby did. Although, I think I would have said something before just leaving. I’m not sure. It’s so hard to know how we’d react when we aren’t in the situation.

  Chapter 9

  To Love Again (Repaired Hearts)

  by Sandee Love

  Synopsis: **Warning for Mature audience only.**

  What would you do if the one thing holding your life together was ripped away from you?

  Elle has everything any one person could ask for; a home, a handsome husband, and a bouncing baby on the way. But that all changes one dark, tragic night. She doesn't know if she will be able to survive, but she has support coming from several directions. Can she survive this new life? Will she be able to love again?


  1.) How did you come up with the idea of this book?

  2.) Who is your favorite character and why?

  3.) What was the hardest thing you had to write in this book?

  4.) How long did it take you to write it?

  5.) What do you hate most about the book?

  6.) What do you like most about it?

  7.) How does this book differ from your previous works?

  8.) Is this a standalone or a series?

  Questions and Answers:

  1.) How did you come up with the idea of this book?

  I was watching a show on television and the idea come to my mind. I wanted to do a new adult book but I didn’t know what it would be about. So after watching the show I sat down and drew up an outline.

  2.) Who is your favorite character and why?

  My favorite character in this book is Elle. She is so sweet, and kind. When she meets Liam her world changes for the good. Then after she loses him, she becomes weak. But in the end she is strong. I like how she realizes that being weak doesn’t help the situation it just makes it worst. I just love her.

  3.) What was the hardest thing you had to write in this book?

  The sex scenes. LOL. I am not use to writing them. I am just glad I have a great editor.

  4.) How long did it take you to write it?

  It took me about 7 months to write this book. I put it down for a while because I was afraid to put it out there for people to read. Some people can be so harsh.

  5.) What do you hate most about the book?

  The length of the book, and how fast paced it is. I really wish I would have made it longer. And put more details into it.

  6.) What do you like most about it?

  I love the storyline and the characters. They make this book better.

  7.) How does this book differ from your previous works?

  My previous works are YA Paranormal, and this one is a New Adult book. So no angels or witches in this book, lol.

  8.) Is this a standalone or a series?

  It is part of a series. But this book doesn’t have a cliffhanger. The next book is called Begin Again; it won’t be out until later next year.

  Chapter 10

  Silver Linings

  by E.J. Shortall

  Synopsis: Amber Merchant had it all. Living with and engaged to her teenage sweetheart, a nice house and the job of her dreams.

  Not anymore!

  Following a devastating revelation from her Fiancé, Amber finds herself single once again and moving on, vowing to never entrust her heart and soul to anyone again.

  During an evening out to celebrate her newly single life, a chance encounter with a tall, dark and handsome stranger leaves Amber’s head reeling. Intrigued by her draw to him but scared for her heart she flees.

  Craig Silver, twenty nine year old CEO, is the last person Amber needs in her life. Battling his own demons, Craig is content on a life of meaningless affairs, one night stands and no commitments.

  At first it seems their attraction is mutual… until she runs.

  When fate intervenes and their paths cross again, Craig r
efuses to take no for an answer. Encouraging Amber to take a chance on a single date he sets them on a path of love, lust, truth and deception.


  1.) Amber’s move into her new apartment came about because of David’s commitment issues and calling off their wedding. David later tells Amber he still loved her and wanted her back. If Amber hadn’t met Craig when she did, do you think that she might have eventually given David another chance? What would their relationship have been like if they had?

  2.) Amber and Becki are as close as two best friends could ever be, yet Becki keeps important facts about David and then Craig from her. Why do you think she did that?

  3.) With her broken past Amber needs total honesty in her relationships, yet she continues things with Craig even knowing he was hiding things from her. Why do you think that was? Do you think he should have been more open to her from the beginning?

  4.) David allows his emotions to overwhelm and consume him and comes very close to sexually assaulting Amber. If Becki and Scott hadn’t arrived home and stopped that from happening, how do you think it would have affected Craig and Ambers blossoming relationship? Would they have even survived as a couple?

  5.) Craig is first drawn to Amber in the nightclub because of her physical appearance. Knowing his history of sleeping with woman and then moving on, what do you think it was about Amber that had Craig pursuing her?

  6.) From day one Amber was very guarded and constantly questioned her budding relationship with Craig. What was it about Craig that had Amber dropping her defenses and allowing him in?

  7.) Craig and Amber’s attraction has been described as ‘insta-love.’ They declared their feelings about each other early on in their relationship despite the secrets being harbored. What are your views on ‘insta-love’?

  8.) The book title ‘Silver Lining’ was derived from a conversation between Becki and Amber where they discussed Amber’s fears about pursuing Craig. Would you have given the book a different title? If yes, what would your title be?

  9.) The story ends with Amber accepting Craig’s marriage proposal. Did you think the ending was appropriate? How would you have liked the ending go?

  10.) What was your favorite passage from the novel? Why? What do you feel was the deeper meaning of that particular excerpt?

  Questions and Answers:

  1.) Amber’s move into her new apartment came about because of David’s commitment issues and calling off their wedding. David later tells Amber he still loved her and wanted her back. If Amber hadn’t met Craig when she did, do you think that she might have eventually given David another chance? What would their relationship have been like if they had?

  Let me start by giving you a bit more of an insight into how I saw David and Amber’s relationship before the events of Silver Lining. From the book we know that David and Amber met when they were seventeen, what I didn’t really go into great detail about was what their relationship was like. In my mind’s eye, Amber was infatuated with David and allowed herself to become blind to his many faults. David took Amber for granted. He didn’t like her going out and socializing, he didn’t like her having friends and expected her to always be around for him. He had basically manipulated her into becoming a quiet and introverted puppet of his.

  When David landed Amber with the news that he couldn’t marry her, I think that was the catalyst that opened her up to seeing who he truly was. By the time Amber had decided she couldn’t live with the hurt of David’s rejection I think the permanent damage was done. She was through with him. I could see her possibly allowing David back into her life someday as a friend but never with any romantic involvement. Amber guards her heart closely and would never be able to truly trust David again, especially after he attacks her.

  If she didn’t meet Craig when she did and had gone back to David, I’m sure their relationship would have been extremely troubled. Amber wouldn’t be able to trust David and he would still want to control her. There would be no change in their dynamics and I would imagine the relationship would break down again anyway.

  2.) Amber and Becki are as close as two best friends could ever be, yet Becki keeps important facts about David and then Craig from her. Why do you think she did that?

  I believe that we all keep things from those we love if we think we are protecting them. In Silver Lining Becki knew all along that Craig was married but estranged from his wife. She also had strong suspicions that David had been cheating on Amber, but didn’t have proof. If I was in that position I’d like to think I would be an honest friend and say what I knew/suspected. I also know that I would do whatever was needed to protect my friend. If that meant keeping something quiet and trying to help out/intervene before it became necessary to come clean, then I would. That was my thinking behind Becki’s actions. She was trying to get Craig to come clean with Amber before their relationship became anything serious. She wanted her friend to know what Craig’s history was but didn’t want to hurt her by coming across as telling tales trying to destroy what was becoming of their relationship.

  3.) With her broken past Amber needs total honesty in her relationships, yet she continues things with Craig even knowing he was hiding things from her. Why do you think that was? Do you think he should have been more open to her from the beginning?

  Now this is a tough one and I can only answer it based on what I saw for Craig and Amber at the time. Amber was in a vulnerable position when she first met Craig. She was recently out of a long term relationship and was hurt, confused and lonely. I believe she carried on the relationship with Craig, even knowing he had secrets, because she wanted to believe the best in him. She trusted too easily, that was her problem. Amber always saw the best in people and refused to see the truth if she felt it would hurt her. She had begun to have feelings for Craig and felt cared for by him. She wanted to cling onto that even when her head was telling her that something was wrong.

  People often ask me if my characters are based on anyone or are they purely fictional.

  Amber is the only one who is loosely based on someone… me. I am that person who always sees the best in someone, and will always look for the good even when the bad is glaring at me. I think if I had been in Amber’s position I would have been wary but unless I had concrete evidence to suggest Craig’s secrets would affect me, I would have acted in the same way.

  Should Craig have come clean from the beginning?

  Absolutely! We all need total honesty from our partners. Sometimes, though, we keep things from those we love in order to protect them. And just like Becki did, Craig kept his marriage secret because he didn’t want to risk losing Amber. Then as they progressed with the relationship it became more and more difficult for him to tell her without looking like he had been deliberately deceiving.

  4.) David allows his emotions to overwhelm and consume him and comes very close to sexually assaulting Amber. If Becki and Scott hadn’t arrived home and stopped that from happening, how do you think it would have affected Craig and Ambers blossoming relationship? Would they have even survived as a couple?

  Let me use this as an opportunity to try and explain that scene because it does seem to shock a few people. At this point in the story David had realized what he’d lost. He was no longer living with the one person who had always been his rock, who had always been there for him, and yes, he realized he had taken for granted. Losing Amber had eventually seemed like losing a limb and he was struggling to live without her. He wanted her back, he loved her. When he went to see her that fateful day it had been to talk. He wanted to be honest with her and tell her how he was feeling. When she forced him to admit to the affair and had stumbled back at his admission he had jumped up to save and protect her. His desperate need to get her back took over and he ended up doing what he did. I’d had no intentions of writing it that way but as the words were flowing, it happened. It surprised even me!

  I would like to think that if the unimaginable had happened things would have still progressed w
ith Craig and Amber. Amber, I’m sure, would have tried to pull away. She may very well have felt dirty and not worthy of Craig any longer. By this point Craig already felt the overwhelming need to protect Amber and I don’t believe he would have felt any differently toward her. He would have continued to fight and reassure her just as he did with the way the story went. I’m not sure what he would have done to David though, but it wouldn’t have been pretty.

  5.) Craig is first drawn to Amber in the nightclub because of her physical appearance. Knowing his history of sleeping with woman and then moving on, what do you think it was about Amber that had Craig pursuing her?


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