On His Terms (The Arrangement Series Book 1)

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On His Terms (The Arrangement Series Book 1) Page 16

by Madison Quinn

  “Carter if you wouldn’t mind, could you help me pull the dresser from the wall? It shouldn’t be very heavy, they… most of the drawers are empty now.”

  Just like with the fridge, Carter moves the dresser away from the wall a few inches and Kenzie reaches behind to pull out another beige envelope. I’m about to ask her what is going on but Carter shakes his head at me, indicating that I shouldn’t ask.

  Knock knock

  “That will be Hunter; what can we take to the SUV for you, Ms. Rose?” Carter asks.

  “Just that black bag, I can grab the duffel back and my purse—“

  “We’ll take the duffel bag and the other bag ma’am. I’ll come back up for you both in a few minutes,” Carter quickly grabs the two bags before Kenzie can protest and leaves the apartment.

  “If there’s anything you think you overlooked, Hunter can bring you back here tomorrow to get it—“


  “He’s going to be your CPO—“

  “I’m sorry, my what?”

  “Close protection officer—he’s assigned to your security. He will take you wherever you need to go and will ensure the press don’t bother you.”

  “He’s going to follow me around?”

  “Yes, I know it’s a lot to take in but trust me, after a little while you will barely notice him.”

  “I doubt that.”

  “His job will be to make sure something like this doesn’t happen again, Kenzie. He’s there to keep you safe.”

  “I know, I’m sorry if it sounds like I’m being argumentative—“

  “Not at all, I know this is a lot to take in all at once.”

  “It’s just not how I expected to be spending my night tonight,” she sighs and shakes her head, looking around the room one last time before Carter indicates that the SUV is ready for us to leave. I take her hand in mine and lead her out of the apartment; she follows me but doesn’t say a word as I’m sure she tries to come to terms that she is leaving. It may not be much, but I get the impression that Kenzie liked the place. When we get into the SUV, she stares blindly out the window…

  “Why did the police call you, Nicholas?”

  “When we… when we started our arrangement, Carter spoke to the captain in this precinct and requested they contact him if there was any police activity in or around your residence.”

  “So you knew where I lived?”

  “I didn’t, no. I have maintained my ignorance of that aspect of our contract until tonight,” I assure her trying not to ruin the little bit of trust that I think she has in me.

  “But Carter knew where I lived?”


  “Bridget told me the information wouldn’t be included in my background check; that you wouldn’t know where I lived or know how to contact me.”

  “She didn’t give Carter that information. Carter ran a background check—“

  “What the hell is it with you running background checks on people without them knowing?!?!”

  I’ve never heard Kenzie raise her voice or curse, so I’m taken aback by her reaction.

  “Kenzie… It’s standard protocol to run a background check on anyone I come in contact with because of who I am. I have never looked at the report though, Carter gave me very basic information on what was in it.”

  “Gee thanks,” the sarcasm is evident in her voice.

  “I’m not going to apologize for the fact that Carter ran the report. It my line of work, it needs to be done. Everyone is considered a risk to PFS, to my family or to me until we have a thorough background report completed.”

  “I understand that, but don’t you think that people like you should at least ask someone before they go diving into someone’s past?”

  “People like me?”

  “Bridget did the same thing! Before she called me about this… about her business, she ran a background check on me. Again, without my permission.”

  “Kenzie, unfortunately it’s how people are weeded out and how risks are reduced.”

  “I’d like a copy of the report.”

  “Of course… Carter, please send Ms. Rose a copy of her background report when we return to the condo.”

  “Of course sir.”

  “I don’t suppose I need to provide you with my email address Carter?”

  “No ma’am, I have that information already.”

  “Of course you do.”

  “Kenzie… I don’t know what to say.”

  “I think I just want to call it a day and deal with everything tomorrow if you don’t mind, Nicholas. It’s been a very long day and I’m exhausted. I’ve been awake now for more than 24 hours so I’m probably not handling this the right way.”

  Kenzie doesn’t say a word for the remainder of the drive, but just before we approach The Accord she takes my hand in hers and squeezes it gently. The subtleness of this gesture makes me smile and despite everything that happened, for the first time in a couple of hours I feel relaxed.

  Chapter 15


  Finding my apartment torn apart when I arrived home from the exhibit with Nicholas was the very last thing I expected. I was just beginning to try to piece together what had happened when Carter and Nicholas knocked on my door surprising the hell out of me. I never would have thought that Nicholas would suggest, well insist, that I move out of my apartment and into a condo that his company owns. I hate the idea of having to be dependent on him for this apartment; he could terminate our arrangement at any time and I would essentially be homeless again.

  As much as I hate the situation, I quickly realize I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. If I don’t agree to stay in this condo, anywhere I go I will be likely be bothered by the press and I risk having my next place broken into because I could never afford something with good security. Yet if I stay here, I risk becoming homeless the moment Nicholas decides to end our arrangement.

  What happens if he decides he doesn’t need me any longer? I wonder if he would at least give me a couple weeks to find another place to live? If I save all my money from Bridget and from the bakery I could have enough to cover the cost of a hotel room for a few days or a cheap motel for longer until I found another apartment to rent. I think that’s what I’ll do… I’ll save as much as I can so when Nicholas does end our arrangement and I lose the apartment, I will at least have saved enough to pay for another place.

  “Kenzie? We’re here,” Nicholas pulls me from my thoughts just as I think I have a plan for moving forward.

  “Sorry,” somehow I was so lost in my thoughts that I hadn’t realized that Carter had not only parked the car but was holding my door open. Just before I slide across the seat I realize that Nicholas is holding my hand. I’m surprised by the gesture especially considering our “date” ended several hours ago. We walk through an underground parking garage with Carter following behind us.

  “Where are we?” I feel stupid for not asking but I hadn’t paid attention to where we were driving. That in itself surprises me because I’ve never done that before. I never let my guard down so completely as to not know where I am going and where I will end up.

  “We are two blocks from the bakery in a building called Accord Towers. The condo is on the fifth floor and then I live a few floors above it—“

  “You live here?”

  “Yes, however I want to assure you that you will still have your privacy. I don’t have a key to this place, only Carter does, but no one will enter the condo without your approval. This will be your place, Kenzie. It won’t change anything about our arrangement…”

  “But it does…” I sigh. “It changes everything.”

  “No, it just changes where we meet for our dates and where you are dropped off at afterwards. I will not come into your space Kenzie; the condo is yours,” Nicholas explains as we take the elevator from the parking garage.

  But… for how long?

  “Mr. Parker, Ms. Rose,” Carter ushers us through a doorway into a beautif
ul living space.

  “Holy shit,” I gasp taking in the space before me.

  The door opens to a small tiled entryway but just beyond that is a large living room completely furnished as Nicholas said it would be. There is an oversized loveseat and a larger couch in the room, plus a coffee table, two end tables and an entertainment center, yet the room still looks incredibly large. The apartment is completely open, but unlike my last space this actually has defined rooms, and several of them. There is a small dining room with a table that can seat four next to a large kitchen with what I can tell even from here are top of the line appliances.

  “There are two bedrooms just down the hall, one of which is set up as a fully equipped office. There is a guest bathroom in the hallway, then the master bedroom with a separate bathroom and walk-in closet. Feel free to change any of the furnishings while you’re here—“

  “Nicholas, I’m sure—“

  “The space is yours, Kenzie, if you want to paint the walls, get new furniture or anything else, please do so. The kitchen is stocked with dishes and cleaning supplies though I’m not sure what is left in the pantry from Alex and Ella—“

  “Mr. Parker, Ms. Rose, if I may interrupt,” I somehow hadn’t noticed Carter standing in the entryway just sort of watching or waiting for us. “The pantry and fridge should be stocked with kitchen essentials and there are a few prepared meals in the freezer until you go food shopping. If there is something you need in the meantime—“

  “No, I’m sure whatever is in there is fine, Carter. I hadn’t expected anything remotely close to this, so thank you,” I’m taken back that all of this was somehow arranged in such a short period of time.

  “The meals are delicious, Julie has a way of cooking things so they never taste like they were frozen,” Nicholas says.


  I know Nicholas doesn’t have a girlfriend in public, but could he have someone that he keeps out of the media spotlight? He said he didn’t have time to date but what if that wasn’t true and he was just protecting her from the media? I’m not sure why but suddenly the thought that he is with another woman bothers me but it does. Our exclusivity clause actually only applies to me. Technically I suppose he could be dating other women on the side. I’m not sure why it bothers me but the longer I picture him going home to someone tonight, the more get to me even though my brain is telling me it shouldn’t.

  “My housekeeper and personal cook. She keeps my freezer stocked with prepared meals so that I don’t starve on the weekends when she is off or on the rare occasion she goes away. There should be instructions on each container as to how to heat it.”

  “That’s very nice of her, please thank her for me.” Relief floods me before I have a chance to understand why.

  “Of course. Is there anything else you will be needing tonight?”

  “I don’t think so…” Who could possibly need anything else in a place like this?

  “Ms. Rose, here is the security code to the apartment and instructions on how to change it. This key is for the ground level entrance, here is the code to the parking garage needed to gain access from the outside or from the elevator and then this is the key to the apartment. You should find a list of all the building amenities in the office, now accessible to you. I know Mr. Parker gave you my number if the press bothers you but if you need something please call me at any time. This is Hunter’s cell phone number, please contact him in the morning and let him know your schedule for the week. I ask that you not leave the building without him; he will escort you anywhere you need to go, even if it’s in the middle of the night.”

  “I’m sure that won’t be necessary but thank you. I’ll call him tomorrow and let him know my work schedule; it’s pretty much the same every week so it’s easy to plan around.”

  “I’ll let Bridget know the details for Saturday once they are confirmed?”

  “Sounds good. Thank you again, Nicholas… this… thanks for, well all of it,” I lean up on my tiptoes and kiss him lightly on the cheek. I don’t know whether I’m out of line or not; technically our date ended hours ago but I feel I need to show him my appreciation somehow.

  “It was nothing, Kenzie…”

  “Good night Nicholas.”


  With that I’m left alone in this incredibly large, elegant apartment that I know I could never afford. Despite now being awake for more than 24 hours, I find myself full of energy and can’t help wanting to explore my new home, even if it’s only a temporary new home. I walk through the living room, wanting to head straight for the kitchen but I stop in front of patio doors that I discover open to a small but cozy patio complete with a two chairs and a small table. There isn’t much of a view, you kind of look across the street to another building but the thought of just being able to step outside for a few minutes without having to step around or over drunk/high people is perfect for me. I love the sound of the hustle and bustle of the city below me, yet the patio makes it seem like I’m far enough away from all of that.

  Back inside, the kitchen is more impressive than I ever could have imagined. There is a full size gas range, a dishwasher, a small walk-in pantry and a full size fridge. The kitchen itself is easily as large as my last apartment. As Carter mentioned, the fridge and pantry are stocked with what you would expect to find in a kitchen: spices, flour, sugar, milk, eggs, cereal, snacks, fruit, vegetables, soda, beer and wine. I could not shop for a couple of weeks and not starve, but I’m actually eager to go food shopping—I can’t remember the last time I was able to cook an actual meal. Despite trying, I quickly discovered there are only so many things you can cook in a microwave or on a hot plate that end up tasting halfway decent.

  Finally pulling myself away from the kitchen, I go down the hall to discover the office is set up for someone to be able to work completely from home. There’s a large desk with a printer, scanner and fax machine, a small filing cabinet and even a laptop which looks brand new. There’s a large closet in the room that has more office supplies in it.

  Next to the office is the bedroom, which is even larger than the living room is. The bed must be a king size which seems ridiculous for one person, but I can’t help but throw myself on it, and I’m immediately engulfed by the thick blankets. I didn’t think my bed at the apartment was too bad, but after lying on this even for a few minutes I realize just how uncomfortable my other bed truly was.

  Just off the bedroom is a large, empty walk in closet that I don’t think I could ever own enough clothes to fill. Next to the closet is a bathroom that would be every girl’s dream: there is a separate walk in shower, a large soaking tub with jets and a double vanity.

  Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever dreamed of living in a place like this. I thought the house I moved into with him was impressive, but compared to this, that place was nothing. I can’t help but worry that at any moment I’m going to wake up and find out all of this was just a dream and that I’m still back at the crummy apartment building listening to my neighbors fight over who took the last pill.

  Needing to put tonight behind me, I take a quick shower in my new bathroom, vowing to spend some time in the soaking tub tomorrow and change into a shirt to sleep in. Despite the energy burst, I fall asleep the moment my head hits the pillow.


  “You’re nothing! We open our house to you and this is how you repay us??? No wonder your mother didn’t want you! I bet she doesn’t even know who your father is!”

  “I’m sorry…”


  “Get out of here! Go to your room and don’t come out! I don’t want to look at you! I’ll be calling tomorrow; I need you out of here. You’re just like your mother… a fucking slut! I bet you were fucking him tonight weren’t you?”

  “No! I swear—“


  “You will only be good for a fuck…no one will ever love you! Get out of my sight!”

  End Flashback

  Ring Ring

/>   I wake up twisted in blankets, and covered in sweat to the sound of my cell phone ringing somewhere in the apartment. Glancing at the clock I realize I slept until almost noon; I can’t remember the last time I slept for so long. I quickly make my way to the living room and find my phone on the coffee table where I must have left it last night before I went to bed. I see I have a missed call from Bridget. I hit the send button to return her call.

  “Kenzie, dear, how are you? Nicholas told me what happened at your apartment last night, are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, thank you, Bridget. I’m staying in one of PFS’s condos for now, Nicholas insisted—“

  “He was right to, dear. The press loves the fact that Nicholas is being pictured with the same woman and will probably come after you even stronger now. I don’t know if you’ve had a chance to check, but your picture is already on several different websites—“

  “What? Why?” I immediately panic that the press somehow found out about the break in last night.

  “From the art exhibit you attended, dear. Pictures were apparently leaked of you two from inside the exhibit last night, plus you were pictured going into the exhibit.”

  “Oh. I’ll have to check out the sites later today.”

  “So far it seems mostly positive, although a few sites are placing bets on how much longer you will be by Nicholas’s side. You don’t need to worry about them though. Nicholas told me he was very satisfied with this arrangement so I think the press will be disappointed when you continue to be seen with him. He asked me to confirm the details of your date for Saturday night if you have a few minutes to talk?”

  “Of course.”

  “He would like to pick you up at five on Saturday and take you to dinner. Seeing as you both live in the same building now, unless you object, he will pick you up at your apartment door.”

  “No, that’s fine.”


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