Falling for Him 5 (Rachel and Peter in Love)

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Falling for Him 5 (Rachel and Peter in Love) Page 3

by Gray, Jessica

  She was sitting on the couch when I entered, and I called to her with a smile in my voice, “Honey, I’m home.”

  Rachel didn’t return my greeting, or even turn and look at me. I saw her dip her head and then straighten her back before she turned and gave me a wan smile.

  My smile faded away as I dropped my bag by the front door and approached her, “Rachel? Honey, what’s wrong?”

  She sniffed and as I rounded the couch, I could see the evidence of her tears still on her cheeks. “Darling, what’s happened?” I’d been gone a few hours, and she was fine when I left. What on earth could have happened in so little time?

  “Hi,” she said as I sat down next to her and pulled her into my arms.

  Smoothing my hands up and down her back as she relaxed against me, I asked again, “What’s wrong?”

  “I had a visitor while you were gone.”

  I cringed and immediately my mind turned to Lara. She didn’t show up here, did she?

  Rachel evidently followed my line of thinking, because she hurried to correct it, “It wasn’t Lara, before you ask. No, I had a visitor from my past. Someone I haven’t seen in around fifteen years.”

  My mind raced. Fifteen years? She would have only been around eight years old at that time. “Tell me.”

  Rachel took a breath and then pushed away from my chest, “My father showed up here.”

  “Your father? But I thought he left your mom…” When you were eight years old! “How did he find this place?”

  “He said he saw our picture in one of the tabloids at the grocery store.”

  “What did he want?”

  Rachel shrugged her shoulders, “That’s it! I don’t know. I mean, he walked out on my mom and me. He tried to convince me my mom had driven him away, and that he’d tried to see me, but I don’t believe a word of it. He never came around after he left. Not once!”

  I tried to calm her down, seeing her getting ready to cry again, “Hey! It’s okay. Tell me exactly what he said. Word by word.”

  Rachel took a deep breath and began to talk, “Well, he said that he wanted to meet my future husband and make sure he was a good guy. Everything about him just feels wrong! He was unkempt, his clothes looked like he purchased them from a thrift store, and he gave me the creeps.”

  I tried not to show my worry, because I didn’t want to upset her even more. “Always go with your gut.”

  “This doesn’t feel right. Maybe I should call my mom and get her take on things?”

  I nodded my head, “You could. How do you think she’ll react knowing your father’s back in town?”

  “Not good. I hate to upset her before I know what he wants.”

  “Why do you think he wants something?”

  “I don’t know exactly. It’s just a vibe. Back then he was the kind of guy who’d never do anything just because. He always wanted something in exchange. Even I as a kid noticed that.”

  I nodded my head, getting even more worried. “How did you get him to leave?”

  “I told him I didn’t know when you would be back. He left me his cell phone number and wants us to meet him for lunch or something.”

  I watched her for a moment before asking, “How do you feel about that?”

  “Not sure. I mean, he is my father, but I never believed I’d see him again. I guess it would be okay?”

  “It might be a good idea. We should find out what he wants. Why don’t you call and tell him we’ll meet him for drinks tomorrow afternoon?”

  Rachel looked down at her hands and wrung her fingers for a few seconds before she asked, “Would you do it? Make the call, I mean?”

  “Sure, honey.” I’d do anything to take that horrible look from her eyes. Her father coming back has really thrown her for a loop! “Give me the number and I’ll call right now. What’s his name again?”

  Rachel handed me the paper, “Ed.”

  I dialed the number, giving her a reassuring smile while I waited for him to answer the phone. When the call went to voicemail, I left a message, “Ed, this is Peter Shaw and I understand you came to see my fiancé this morning. I would like the opportunity to get to know you as well. Please meet us at the Rio for drinks tomorrow afternoon at 4 p.m. or call me at this number if that time is inconvenient.”

  I hung up the phone and stood up from the couch, pulling Rachel with me, “I left a message. Let’s make some lunch and go about our day. He’ll either respond back, or he won’t. Either way, let’s not let this little hiccup ruin our weekend. Agreed?”

  She smiled at me and nodded her head, following me into the kitchen.


  Thirty minutes later, my phone beeped indicating a new text message had come in. Looking at my phone, I told Rachel, “That was your dad confirming for tomorrow.” I looked at her, “You still okay with this?”

  “Sure. We might as well find out what he wants. The sooner, the better.”

  “I agree. I wonder why he didn’t call back?”

  “Yeah, that is kind of funny. How did he know you called him from a cell phone?”

  “I have no idea. Anyway, tomorrow we’ll know more. Don’t worry. I’ll be with you all the time.”

  Rachel nodded her head in agreement. I finished loading the dishes in the dishwasher and headed for the living room, grabbing my to-do list on the way.

  “Hey, grab your list and let’s make some headway this afternoon and then I’ll take you out for dinner. Sounds good?”

  Rachel smiled at me, grabbing her list from her purse and joining me on the couch.

  We had made some progress on our wedding plans after our fight a few nights back, and were now down to the easier things.

  “My mom sent over a list of florists and I was thinking we could take a look at those during lunch next week.”

  “Sounds good. Karen gave me the name of a few people who do cakes and such as well. Maybe I could set up a few tasting sessions for next week.”

  I nodded my head, making a few notes on my list. Everything was starting to come together, and I pushed the little worry about her father to the back of my mind. No sense worrying before we had to.

  Chapter 6 - Rachel

  The next afternoon at 3:45 p.m., Peter and I arrived at Rio, wanting to be there before Ed (or should I say my dad?) arrived. Peter requested one of the private booths near the back of the restaurant, giving us as much privacy for the upcoming meeting as the restaurant offered.

  Our seating arrangement allowed us to see his arrival, and my dislike of him grew as he approached our table. He was wearing the exact same clothing he’d had on the day before, and it didn’t look like he’d found time to shower since then either.

  My father didn’t walk as much as he swaggered behind the waitress as she led him to our table. He gave me a patronizing pat on the shoulder, trying to kiss my cheek, but I pulled away at the last moment. Ugh!!!

  Peter stood up to greet him, shaking his hand and then gesturing for Ed to take a seat on the opposite side of the table. I could tell Peter was trying to be friendly, but had also taken an instant dislike to the man.

  “Good to meet you, son!” Ed said in an overly loud voice and a large grin.

  “First, my name is Peter, and I’m not your son. Please have a seat.”

  I was secretly cheering Peter’s word until I saw the smile on Ed’s face fade. He was measuring Peter up. Why?

  “Rachel tells me you saw our wedding announcement on the front of a magazine. How fortuitous it was that you’ve managed to find her after all these years?”

  Bless Peter for cutting right to the chase!

  “Well, I’ve been looking for her for years. Her mother moved and refused to tell me where.” Ed looked at me before saying, “I’ve missed my little girl. Look at her, she’s all grown up.”

  There was a slight pause in the conversation before Peter asked, “So, Ed…what do you do these days?”

  Ed waved the question off before turning to me and pinning with a calculating
glance “Well, now. That’s the perfect lead in to why I came to see my little girl yesterday. Rachel, I need money!”

  That was the reason my “loving” dad showed up after so many years? To ask for money? I’m speechless, completely lost for words, and after a long pause stutter, “I don’t have money, in fact, I just finished studying and have lots of student debt.”

  Immediately I’m angry with myself. Why am I defending myself instead of sending him to jump in a lake? I don’t owe him anything!

  I glanced at Peter, who hasn’t shown any reaction, but I can read in his face. He’s not pleased. Not. At. All.

  Ed didn’t seem to notice that he lost any chance of winning Peter over. While maintaining eye contact with me, he said in a firm voice, “You don’t, but he does.” He tipped his chin at Peter, never losing my gaze.

  What the hell?! What is he thinking?!

  “You came here to ask me for money? That’s all you want?” I ask incredulously.

  “Yes, dear. I thought now that you’re marrying this rich guy, you could help out your old father.”

  I was furious and held nothing back in my voice. “Father? You abandoned me and I haven’t seen you for more than fifteen years. And now, you have the nerve to show up, right before my wedding, and ask me for money? Money that’s not even mine!”

  I’m on the verge of shouting, my voice is trembling, and my hands are shaking so badly I am now gripping the edge of the table to try and ground myself.

  Peter must have noticed my state of agitation, because he placed his hands upon my shoulders, having come to stand behind my chair.

  He hasn’t said a word so far, but apparently decided that now it’s time to step into our conversation. He starts to say, “Mr.…”

  My father interrupted him, “Fifty grand is all I need. That shouldn’t be much for you.” His last comment was said snidely and the expression on his face was anything but paternal.

  How bad can this conversation go? “50 grand!?” I shouted, and the other people in the restaurant looked at me. Just at that moment, the waiter arrived, and we ordered our drinks. Peter returned to his seat, taking my hand beneath the table and squeezing it in a show of support.

  I gave him a thankful smile before turning back to the man who still thought he had the right to call himself my “father.”

  But Ed isn’t looking at me any longer. He has probably decided that it’s better to deal directly with Peter.

  “Peter, I see that you are an intelligent man and not prone to give in to your emotions like she does,” he commented in a patronizing tone of voice that had Peter squeezing my hand – hard!

  The “she” sounded so mean, that I wanted to jump up and shout again, but Peter wouldn’t let me. He griped my hand anchoring me to my seat.

  Peter calmly answered, “Mr. Baker, it’s quite a surprise that you would show up now and ask for money. Perhaps we could take things a bit slower and first get to know each other…”

  Ed stared at him with small eyes, “I don’t have that much time, I need the fifty grand right now, and you’re going to give it to me, or...”

  By the hardening stare in Peter’s eyes, I can see that he’s getting pissed. But he would never shout in public, like I did. I admire his control and relax a bit, ready to watch him go to work. Peter has been dealing with men who thought they could intimidate him since he started his business. He knew the value of remaining calm, cool and collected. I always enjoyed, when he did his magic to calm down his opponents. Even in this agitated situation I felt secure by his side and was silently looking forward to what came next.

  He raised an eyebrow and said, “Or what?” That special tone of voice normally has his opponents re-thinking whatever they’ve been about to do, but not my father.

  Ed didn’t seem intimidated in the least and coldly answered, “Or I will make sure that you and her will never get married.”

  “You’ll what?!” I pulled my hand from Peter’s strong grip and leaned forward in my chair. My outcry has all the eyes of the other diners focused on me again, but I, for once, couldn’t care less.

  Peter looked at me partly amused and partly worried and said, “Rachel, I forgot my cell phone in the car. Would you please go and get it for me.”

  I was very confused, because his cell phone was lying on the table. When I wanted to reply, he gave me a stern glance and said again, “Please. Go.”

  Ok, I can take a hint! Sure that he could handle things better without me, I gave my father one last look and excused myself. Obeying Peter seemed like the easiest thing to do in that moment and I hoped my father would be gone when I returned.

  Chapter 7 - Peter

  I waited until Rachel had left the dining portion of the restaurant, thankful that she had caught on to my fake request to go retrieve my cell phone. It was time to take things into my own hands. Her emotions were running high and would only worsen this impossible situation!

  With my most businesslike voice, I looked Ed in the eyes and asked, “Are you threatening me?”

  Ed answered, “Yes. I am. I will do everything in my power to sabotage your wedding. And I am her father. I must agree. I must at least be asked.”

  “Well, Mr. Baker, I am going to marry your daughter whether you like it or not. And…”

  Ed interrupted me, “Do yourself and her a favor then. I’ll make you a onetime offer, give me a hundred grand and I’ll disappear forever from your lives.”

  The audacity of this man amazed me and the stupidity he was operating under. He’ll get to know me!

  “Mr. Baker, I’m not letting you blackmail me. You’re not getting any money and you’d better disappear from Santa Clara and our lives, or you’ll be the one regretting it.”

  That one sentence was enough to have Ed fold in on himself. He obviously hadn’t expected any resistance. Well, he should have been more careful in choosing with whom to mess! I watched him try to form a response for several minutes, holding his stare and not giving an inch. Ed was an open book, and I could tell he was trying to find a way to still get what he wanted, but was coming up with nothing.

  “You’re threatening me now, Mr. Have-it-all?”

  “No. I’m telling you how it is. Leave now and everything will be fine.”

  Ed watched me for a moment before pushing away from the table and leaving the restaurant, fuming and angry that things had not gone his way. As he passed the bar area, I saw him bump into Rachel and toss her a wicked glance.

  Rachel sidestepped him, joining me at the table once more, “Peter, what did I miss? He looked so furious.”

  “You didn’t miss anything darling. I just set his head straight.”

  At that moment, our drink orders arrived and I informed the waiter, that the third guest had already had to leave, but I would pay for his drink.

  Rachel looked very pale, what concerned me, “Are you ok? Should we go home?”

  She shook her head and said with a trembling voice, “No, I’m fine. Thanks for helping me out.”

  I smiled at her, “Well. I would be a bad husband if I didn’t take care of my wife, now wouldn’t I?”

  Did I really just say husband and wife? I laughed at myself. Rachel was gazing at me with love shining from her eyes and nodding in agreement. I guess I did! It kind of has a nice ring to it!

  Changing the subject, I suggested, “Lets grab something to eat while we’re here, ok? I’m pretty sure we won’t hear from your father again.” I’d better not!

  Chapter 8 - Rachel

  After the meeting with my father, Peter and I had eaten a very nice early dinner and returned home where we watched the news and then retired for the night. The stress and anxiety had been enough to push me over the edge and I was completely exhausted.

  Peter had been very sweet and rubbed my back for me as I fell asleep, even making coffee this morning while I showered and dressed for work.

  I was now sitting at my desk, trying to focus on the tasks that needed completing when the phone r
ang. Absently picking it up, I answered, “Hello?”


  “Hey, Karen. What’s up?” I hadn’t spoken to her in a few days and she was just the voice I needed to hear right now.

  “I have a surprise for you! What are you doing this week?”

  Another surprise? I don’t know if I can handle another surprise right now! “That depends. Is it good or bad?”


  “Tell me!” I demanded, hoping for some good news to make me forget about my father’s visit.

  “Rachel, it’s a surprise! You don’t tell surprises!” she told me with a laugh. Karen loves to make me curious; this is a game we’d played often as roommates.

  “Just give me a hint.”

  “Alright. You get three questions. Go.”

  “Animate or inanimate?”

  “Inanimate. That’s one. Two left.”

  I thought for a moment and then asked, “Bigger than a breadbox?”

  “And smaller than a whale,” she replied, enjoying the fact that she was making me crazy. “One question left.”

  “Is it very expensive?” I asked, enjoying her snort from the other end of the line.

  “Like that’s going to happen. And no. At least, I don’t think so…”

  What? She didn’t know? “Karen…”

  “I’m kidding. But that was three and you’re just going to have to make time in your schedule to stop by the apartment. How’s tomorrow night?”

  I would rather stop by today, because I’m dying of curiosity now. But she enjoys the game too much to let me off the hook so fast. “That’s perfect. I’ll see you around 5:30?”

  “Fine. I can’t wait! You’ll love your surprise!”

  “Stop torturing me, you fiend!”

  She laughed and promised me the wait would be worth it. Great! A little over twenty-four hours to go crazy!


  The next day, I found myself looking at the clock every few minutes. As soon as the clock hit 5:00 p.m., I told Peter I’d see him in a few hours and headed over to my old apartment.


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