Falling for Him 5 (Rachel and Peter in Love)

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Falling for Him 5 (Rachel and Peter in Love) Page 5

by Gray, Jessica

  Gordon turned his eyes towards his wife and I, murmuring to Peter, “I never get to say a word.” He evidently could see my panic and pulled his wife away, saying, “Now I get to greet Rachel before you completely overwhelm her.”

  He pulled me in for a big hug, saying, “Welcome to our family!”

  By the time Gordon had released me, Sara had her arms wrapped around Peter, giving him a hug and a kiss upon the cheek, “I’m so glad you’re both here.”

  Peter smiled at his stepmother and then at me, mouthing, “They love you!”

  I smiled back at him, still feeling slightly overwhelmed at our reception. Sara didn’t give me a chance to get my bearings, but took my hand and led me in through the open door of their home, “Let’s let the men catch up, shall we? I have to tell and show you so many things…. First of all, you have to tell me about everything about the wedding reception… the flowers … the decorations…I thought if you might need help…maybe I can recommend one or two persons…with all the people…”

  I let her lead me through a fabulous open foyer and into a comfortable living space with a large picture window taking up one wall, and comfortable couches placed around the room.

  She pulled me down on the couch, never letting go of my hand and continued her constant chattering. I understand why Gordon made his statement. She really likes to talk!

  “So, tell me all about your bridal dress…Where did you buy it?... Who is the designer?”

  She finally took a breath, and I hurried to get a word in , “Well, actually, I didn’t buy my dress. I have a friend who’s a fabulous designer. She offered to hand-make me a dress.”

  “Really? That’s wonderful. Tell me all about it. Do you have any pictures?” she asked.

  I pulled my phone from my purse, “I do. We combined two of her sketches together…”

  Sara looked at the pictures for a long time and her behavior changed. She became quiet and all business-like. I answered her questions about why this and why that, and also told her about the color choice and was so relieved when she agreed with my choices.

  After a long pause she said, “Your friend has real talent. Who’s she designing for right now?”

  “Well, actually no one at the moment. She’s working as a personal shopper for a large department store, but I know she’s been sending out portfolios.”

  “Will she be at the wedding?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “I would love to see more of her work. Hopefully we have some time to chat at the party.”

  “She’d love that!” I couldn’t wait to tell Clara. Maybe I should get my revenge and tease her by announcing a big surprise?

  “While you’re here, maybe I can help you with some of the planning details. If you want, that is…”

  “I’d love some help, there’s so much to consider.” I was truly thankful for her offer. Much to my relief, she seemed to really like me. And I liked her too.

  “Well, let me show you the rest of the house. This is the kitchen and through that doorway is a theater room. Gordon and I have a master suite on this side of the house. Let me show you the guest room.”

  Sara led me down the hallway and threw open double doors, leading into a massive bedroom. A large fireplace and a small sitting area were off to one side, and a massive canopy bed and matching furniture took up the rest of the space.

  “The bathroom is through here,” she said, sliding open an opaque glass door to reveal a bathroom like I’d never seen before. It looks like something you’d see in a spa!

  The bathroom boasted double sinks, topped by a wall of mirror. A jetted bathtub sat on the opposite wall, a separate room contained the toilet, but the shower was what held my attention.

  The entire shower was tiled – walls, ceiling and floor. There were multiple showerheads, and the large metal plate on the ceiling caught my attention. I couldn’t quite figure out what it was. Sara saw the direction my eyes had gone, reached into the shower and turned it on. Instantly, the shower filled with – rain. I stared in awe and then an image of Peter and I together, in that shower, had a blush rising in my cheeks.

  Sara chuckled and said, “I agree.” She gave me a knowing wink and led the way back out of the bathroom and back to the hallway.

  How embarrassing! I blushed some more. She knew what I was thinking about! I couldn’t believe it how easy I felt with this stranger. It’s amazing! I’ve never felt that welcome with my own mom and this woman is not even Peter’s biological mom, she’s his stepmom. Peter was right – she is sweet!

  Suddenly she stops and looks at me, “Oh, I’m sorry. I’ve been talking all the time because I’m so excited. But you must be tired and hungry. Do you want to relax before dinner?”

  I nodded my head. “Yes, thank you. You’re being so nice to me. And I was so nervous about meeting you.”

  “Nervous, why?”

  “Because…I mean…. You are part of the New York society and I’m just…”

  “Oh nonsense. You’re Peter’s fiancé, and I was so excited to meet you. And now that I’ve met you, I can understand why he loves you. Don’t you worry a bit.”

  Finally my worry faded away and looked forward to the coming days. This trip was a good idea after all!

  Chapter 12 - Peter

  I looked up as Rachel and Sara came back into the living area, pleased to see a relaxed smile upon both of their faces. I watched Rachel come towards me and held an arm out, drawing her to my side for a quick hug when she was close enough. Leaning down, I whispered in her ear, “Everything okay?”

  She looked up at me with love shining in her eyes, “Great! I’d like to take a nap and let you catch up with your parents. I didn’t get much sleep last night…”

  I watched a blush cover her face as the memories of our lovemaking the night before ran across her face. “It was fantastic,” I whispered for her ears only.

  Her blush intensified, “Yeah, shhh… I don’t want your parents to hear you.”

  I chuckled softly against her ear and then kissed her forehead, “Go take your nap. I’ll see you later.”

  She turned to both of my parents, “Thank you for such a warm welcome.”

  Sara beamed at her, “We’re so glad you’re here. Do you need anything?”

  “No, I’m good. I’ll see you all in a little while.”

  I watched as she retreated back down the hallway, and then turned my attention back to my dad. When I saw him observing me, I asked, “She’s great, huh?”

  “You did good son.”

  Sara interjected, “Why don’t you boys go talk. I have a few things to finish up in my office before dinner.” She gave Gordon a kiss and then hugged me once again, “I’m glad you’re home, Peter.”

  “Me too.” I returned her hug and then followed my father into the living room and settled on the couch.

  “Rachel is very nice, Peter. And you seem very happy.”

  I thought about that for a moment and then nodded my head, “I am. I’d do anything for that woman. I’ve never felt this way before.”

  My dad nodded his head, “Son, I’ve watched your relationships through the years, and I never said anything, but I always worried whether or not you’d be able to truly love again.”

  I gave him a quizzical look, and he continued, “You loved your mom so much. You would have walked across hot coals for her without batting an eye. After her death, you withdrew and stopped letting people in.”

  I listened to my father talk and old memories began to surface. Memories of my mother laughing with me, taking me to school activities, long conversations with her, how she put me into bed at night and always gave me a kiss. I had adored her.

  When she committed suicide, I had taken it very personally. “For a long time, after mom’s death, I thought I had done something wrong. Or missed some clue I should have picked upon.“


  I cut my father off with a wave of my hand, “I know that’s not true. Now. But you’re right
, it did change how I looked at my relationships. Even how I made friends from then on out. I used people to fill the emptiness and loneliness, but once that void was filled, I didn’t have any use for them anymore. My relationships have been mostly about me, and I was okay with that.”

  Gordon nodded his head, “What’s changed in this one?”

  I gave him a rueful grin, “I’d rather cut off my own arm than hurt Rachel. Do you know what I mean?”

  My dad smiled at me and nodded, “Yes. After your mom died, a part of me died with her. I was afraid to trust women; my confidence was shattered because, like you, I took your mom’s death personally. ‘If only’ thoughts were my constant companion for several years. And then I met Sara.

  It was like being run over by a hurricane. She swept into my life and suddenly; I didn’t have time to think about the past. She’s so full of life and happiness, it kind of spills over to everyone around her.”

  I nodded my head, “Yes, I can see that. You look happy, dad.”

  “I am. Although,” he said with a smile, “she talks so much, I rarely get a chance to say anything around here.”

  “I hadn’t noticed,” I teased him.

  He chuckles with me and then I sobered, “I did want to run something by you. Rachel’s father showed up last weekend unannounced.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Her father walked out on she and her mother when Rachel was eight. He’s made no attempt to contact her since then, until now.”

  “How did he find her?” Gordon asked, a puzzled frown on his face.

  “Tabloids. He saw the announcement of our engagement in one of those society rags.”

  “Do I even want to know what he’s after?”

  “Well, I’ll give you one guess.”


  “Yes. For fifty-thousand he’ll stay away from our wedding.”


  “Oh, it gets better. For 100K, he’ll disappear from our lives forever.”

  “Son, tell me you didn’t pay the man,” Gordon pleaded.

  “Of course not. I talked to Bill Stephenson…”

  “Your attorney?”

  “Yes. He says there’s not much to be done until he ups his game.”

  “Did you run a background check on him?”

  I shook my head “No. I was hoping you could help me with that. I’d like to know exactly who we’re dealing with here, just in case he appears again.”

  “What’s his first name?”


  Gordon shook his head, “Never liked that name.”

  After thirty minutes of fiddling around on the computer, I held in my hands several background checks on Ed Baker and had a much better idea of the type of man I was dealing with.

  “So, he can’t hold down a steady job, and it appears that when he’s not gainfully employed, he has no qualms about stealing. He’s been in jail six times over the last fifteen years for petty theft.”

  “He’s either very smart, or just hasn’t been given the opportunity to steal something big.”

  “I go with lack of opportunity. He owes a lot of money as well. How does someone who doesn’t have a steady job rack up so much debt?” I asked my dad.

  “Good question. A few of these debts seem a little suspicious to me. And look here,” he said, pointing out several of the arrest records. “The man’s a gambler. All three of these arrest warrants have happened at some type of gambling establishment.”

  I looked at the records my dad was pointing to and cringed. “He’s in pretty deep. If he’s gambling…”

  “…he probably owes the bookies as well,” my dad finished for me.

  We looked at each other and then he said, “Peter, I’m afraid you’re going to be hearing from Rachel’s father again.”

  I agreed with his take on the situation, “Yes…please don’t tell Rachel anything.”

  “A wise idea. There’s no need to worry her right now. But be on your guard. My guess is you’ll be hearing from him in the very near future.”


  That thought stayed with me the rest of the afternoon. I talked with my dad a while longer and then joined Rachel for a quick nap. She looked so cute when I entered the guest bedroom. After shucking my shoes, I laid down on the bed and pulled her against me. She was so exhausted she didn’t even stir.

  About an hour later, I awoke to find her leaning on an elbow, watching me sleep. I grinned up at her, “Hey. Did you have a nice nap?”

  She nodded her head and leaned in to kiss me, “Yes. You?”

  “Yep.” I glanced at the clock and realized that if we didn’t both get a move on, we were going to be late for dinner. “Sara’s planning dinner for 6 o’clock, so that only give us about fifteen minutes to freshen up. And before you ask,” I stopped her just as she opened her mouth, “we’re eating in this evening, so don’t stress. If fact, what you’re wearing right now is fine.”

  “Really?” she asked and I could tell she wasn’t sure if she should believe me or not.

  “Really.” I swatted her lightly on the backside, “Move it, woman. I don’t know about you, but lunch was a long time ago and I’m starving.”

  I laughed when I heard Rachel’s stomach echo that statement audibly. “Guess you’re hungry as well.”

  “I could eat something.”

  “Well then. Let’s get out there.”

  After freshening up, I escorted Rachel into the dining room just in time to see Sara and my dad entering the room with the serving bowls in hand.

  Sara gave us both a warm smile, “I hope you’re hungry.”

  “Starved,” I assured her and sniffed appreciatively, “You made lasagna?”

  She nodded, “I know it’s your favorite. And there’s cake for dessert.”

  Rachel looked at Sara in awe, “You cook?” She must have realized how rude that sounded because she immediately blushed, “Sorry, it surprised me. I thought you would have a chef or something…”

  We all laughed with her before my dad said, “Before I met Sara, I did have a chef. I’m ashamed to say that I don’t even know how to work the coffee maker. But Sara here, loves to cook.”

  She nodded her head as we all sat down at the table, “I do. I think if I had a second career, cooking would have been a big part of around with new recipes. Cooking relaxes me.”

  Gordon chuckled, “That might be because you never have to worry about the cleanup.” He glanced at Rachel and then added, “That’s my area.”

  As dinner progressed, the small talk ensued, and I found myself watching Rachel and my parents interact with ease. They like her and she likes them!

  Chapter 13 - Rachel

  The next morning, Peter and his dad left right after breakfast saying they needed to take care of some business stuff before lunch. Prior to arriving in New York, the idea of spending any alone time with Sara would have scared me to death.

  But now I was as comfortable with her as my own mother. Maybe more so.

  “Rachel, why don’t we go shopping this morning?” she suggested as we finished our coffee.

  I grinned, “That sounds like fun.”

  “Great! I have some places in mind. We can do a little sightseeing on the way there as well. Do you have everything you need for the wedding?”

  I nodded my head, “Yes. Clara is taking care of the dress and the accessories.”

  “Good, then we can focus on the honeymoon.”

  I nodded my head, having totally forgotten about needing a wardrobe for the honeymoon. Peter and I were going to spend the first two weeks of married life on the Fiji Islands, basking in the sun and enjoying one another.

  Peter had rented a private bungalow, situated right over the water with a raised walkway or small canoe the only access back to the main island. The resort boasted five star food, delivered right to our door, or we could join the other vacationers in the main dining hall.

  We were looking forward to gorgeous sunsets, sn
orkeling, and just being together without any interruptions. At best, I would need a few swimsuits and some cover-ups. Peter had already informed me not to worry too much about clothing because he didn’t plan on us spending much time wearing any! The thought of spending two weeks naked with him, made my body heat up, and I quickly pushed those thoughts aside – for the moment! I was taking clothes anyway! At some point in time we would have to leave our bungalow, and if we had to interact with the other vacationers at the resort, I didn’t want to do it in a skimpy bikini. Peter had declared one-piece suits off-limits for this trip!

  From there, we were headed to Sydney for another week. Peter would be meeting with some potential new business partners and I was going to spend the week acting like a tourist.

  Peter and his business partner Steve had been planning to expand their company internationally for a while now, and with things going so well back in the states, the time seemed right to start building the infrastructure such a move would require.

  I had already booked several tourist type excursions, not wanting to spend all of my time in the hotel while Peter worked. He had been on board with the idea and if time allowed, would be joining me on some of them.

  After changing into some comfortable walking shoes, Sara and I headed out to see New York City. She had the driver take us to Central Park first, and we spent an hour walking around the zoo and eating ice cream. The more time I spent with Sara, the more down to earth she seemed.

  We drove by Radio City Music Hall, and past the World Trade Center Memorial. When Gordon called to say that he and Peter were going to need to finish up after lunch, it was decided that Sara and I would spend the rest of the day together and meet up with the boys later in the afternoon.

  We stopped for a light luncheon at one of her favorite restaurants, and then she had the driver take us to 5th Avenue. I stepped from the car and stared in amazement at all the famous department stores lining the street. It was my first time in New York City, and I hoped that I didn’t look as out of place as I felt.

  “This is going to be soooo much fun,” Sara told me, giggling a bit.


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