Black Belt Knockout

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Black Belt Knockout Page 8

by Winter Travers

  I closed my eyes and rested my head against the door. I needed a drink. This whole parenting thing was hard on my own. I lost count of the times I just wanted to sit down next to Sam and cry right along with him. The tears were threatening now, and I didn’t have it in me to fight them off anymore.

  Some days, I just felt so defeated and alone.

  The tears fell, one by one, and I dashed them away with the back of my hand.

  A knock sounded at the door, and I hung my head. Please don’t let it be Mrs. Susan from next door. She had complained about Sam’s crying when he was a baby, and I’m sure she wasn't impressed with the past four hours.

  The thought of ignoring it crossed my mind when whoever it was knocked on the door again.

  “Son of a bitch,” I whispered.

  I couldn’t even have a mini breakdown without being interrupted

  I marched down the hallway and swung open the door. “Look Mrs. Su—” My half-assed apology died on my lips when my eyes landed on Roman.

  His scrutinizing gaze landed on my tear-stained face. Shit.

  “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” He planted a hand on my stomach, gently pushed me back, and closed the door behind him. “Where’s Sam? Did something happen to him?” His arm wrapped around my waist, and I tilted my head back to look up at him as he invaded my space.

  I blinked slowly and took in his handsome face.

  “Sage, baby, you’re scaring me right now. I didn’t expect you to open the door crying.”

  “Uh, sorry.”

  “Tell me what happened,” he demanded.

  His normally clear blue eyes were dark and intense. I had never seen him so serious before. “I’m okay. So is Sam. At least now he is.”

  “Baby, that doesn’t make me feel any better. What happened before I got here?”

  “Do you want to sit down?” As nice as it was to be in Roman’s arms, there wasn’t any reason to stand in front of the door when I had a perfectly good couch to sit on.

  He scooped me up in his arms in one swoop and stalked us over to the couch. He sat down and arranged me to sit on his lap, my legs straddling him. The last time we were in this position, I ended up kissing him and almost begging him to stay the night.

  “Now talk.”

  I draped my arms over his shoulders and smiled. “I didn’t know you were coming over tonight.” I hadn’t expected to see him until tomorrow.

  “Sage, you’re really gonna act like I can’t tell you were crying when you opened the door?”

  “It’s nothing. It was a long day capped off with Sam freaking out he couldn’t go to karate tonight.” It sounded pretty lame when I said it out loud.

  “I told him the next class was Thursday.”

  I laughed and shook my head. “And that would have been great if he could remember what day it was and the order the days go in.”

  “Oh shit. I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t think when I told him.”

  A soft smile touched my lips. “It’s not your fault, Roman. He’s a kid who has no sense of time.”

  He reached up and tangled his fingers in my hair. “You could have called me. I could have come over and helped.”

  “How would you have helped?” I laughed.

  “We could make the living room into our own dojo and had a little lesson here.”

  I shook my head. “You do know if you would have done that, you would have to come over every night he didn’t have karate, right?”

  He shrugged. “I would have been okay with that.” He twirled my hair around his fingers and watched it fall over my shoulders. “You can call me whenever.”

  I sighed and dropped my arms to my sides. That sounded awesome, but it wasn’t realistic. “So, why am I graced with your presence tonight?”

  “Figured I could stop by and see what you and Sam were up to.”

  “Sam is passed out in his bed after basically crying and screaming for the past four hours, and I was about to have a nervous breakdown in the corner with a carton of ice cream.”

  “How about you skip the breakdown and you watch a movie while you share that ice cream with me.?

  I tilted my head to the side. “I suppose I could rearrange my mental breakdown for a night when you aren’t here.”

  “Or, I could make it so you don’t have that mental breakdown.”

  “I really don’t know how you are going to swing that. I got stress stacked on top of stress lately.”

  “Really? That’s not good for the baby or you.”

  “And how would you know that?” I laughed.

  “I might have swung by the library on the way home from lunch with the guys and picked up some light reading on pregnancy.”

  “Shut up,” I laughed. The picture of Roman sitting back in his apartment and reading What to Expect When You’re Expecting was too much to handle.

  “Hey, there is some pretty good information in there. Plus, now I won’t look like such an idiot when we go to the doctor on Friday.”

  I leaned forward and rested my forehead against his. “You never look like an idiot, but you might sound like one.”

  “I would be offended by that, baby, but I think there was a compliment in there.”

  “Maybe,” I whispered. The man was gorgeous. It was normally after five minutes of talking to him I got mesmerized by the way his full lips moved when he talked, and his eyes spoke even when he wasn’t talking. “If I kiss you, are you going to leave like you did last time?” Dear God, I prayed he wasn’t going to say yes.

  “I’ve thought about kissing you all day.”

  “Does that mean I can kiss you right now?”


  I moved the last inch and held my breath as our lips met. Was this ever going to not feel like the best thing on Earth? Roman’s kisses rivaled ice cream, ham and pickle sandwiches, and sea salt and vinegar chips all rolled into one. I sounded so pregnant when I thought about it like that, but those were the best things to ever touch my lips, until Roman.

  Roman took over the kiss, his tongue invading my mouth, and his hands traveling over my back. He lifted the thin fabric of my shirt, and his fingertips grazed my soft skin. This is what I needed.

  Forget ice cream. Roman Yeck was all I needed to make a shitty day better.



  God damn, I loved the feel of Sage in my arms. Her legs spread and her core pressing against my hard dick was pure Heaven.

  Her arms wrapped around my neck, and she leaned into the kiss, giving me everything that she had.

  When she had opened the door, I instantly needed to know what was wrong and to find a way to make it better. From where I was sitting, things were better now.

  She pulled back and closed her eyes. “Dammit, Roman.”

  “What’s wrong?” I panted.

  “You can’t kiss me like that. Not when Sam is just down the hall.”

  My hands pulled her shirt up in the back, needing to feel more of her. “He’s asleep, right?”

  “Yes. He put up a good fight, but he was exhausted.”

  “So we should be fine. I can’t help but touch you when you’re in my arms.”

  “Then maybe I should move?”

  “You move, and I’ll bend you over my knee and spank you ‘til you stay.”

  A tremor rolled through her body, and she leaned into me. “I know that was supposed to be a threat, but I’m pretty sure I’m thirty seconds from coming right here, right now.”

  “Fucking hell, Sage. What the hell are you doing to me?” My hips bucked up to her, and her core bumped against my dick.

  The only thing that had touched my dick in the last month and a half had been my hand. To say my dick was eager to reunite with Sage’s wet pussy was an understatement. “You got five seconds to get your pants off and to get back in my lap.”

  She didn’t hesitate at all. She needed this as much as I did. Hell, from the way she jumped off my lap, maybe she was eager enough to make me believe she wanted it

  “Take your shirt off,” she muffled as she pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it on the floor. I had only told her to take her pants off, but I wasn’t about to tell her to stop.

  I grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head. “What happens if Sam wakes up?” I was worried about him waking up, but it wasn’t stopping me from having my way with Sage.

  She pointed to the coffee table. “Monitor. We’ll hear him before he comes out.”

  That was good enough for me. I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back into my lap. “Can I just say, this isn’t what I came over for tonight, but this is a nice turn of events.”

  “We aim to please at casa Wick,” she said with a wink.

  “I might have to book a table every night.” I delved my fingers into her hair and pulled her close. “I’ve been dying to touch your stomach since I found out you were pregnant. How creepy is that?”

  A laugh erupted from her lips, and she tossed her head back. “Oh, my God, Roman. You are such a goober.”

  “A goober?” I scoffed. Now that, I was slightly offended by. I had been called a lot of things in my life, but never a goober. “That’s how you’re going to talk to me when I have you almost naked in my lap?”

  She rested her arms on my shoulders and leaned forward to press her forehead against mine. “You know you like it,” she whispered.

  And I did. I loved how she told me how it was, no matter what. “I do. Now can I touch your stomach?”

  She nodded her head and smiled. “There isn’t much to touch, but it’s all yours, Daddy.”

  My breath caught in my throat. “Say that again.”

  “Daddy,” she whispered.

  I caught her lips with mine and flipped her over onto the couch. My body hovered over her, careful not to crush her or the baby, and I kissed the hell out of her.

  Sage and I were going to work. I wasn’t going to have it any other way.

  “I thought you wanted to touch my stomach?” she panted as my lips moved over her jaw and to her neck.

  “There’s time for that later. Right now, I need to touch and taste you.” I couldn’t get a handle on my need for her.

  “I’m good with that,” she gasped.

  My teeth grazed her earlobe, and I pressed a kiss to her neck. Her hands roamed over my bare back, and she spread her legs to let my body drop in between them.

  “Roman,” she moaned. My name had never sounded so good.

  My hand slid down between us, and I cupped her underwear-clad mound. “This is mine,” I growled. A primitive instinct overcame me. My need for her was at an all-time high. I slid my hand into her underwear and slipped a finger into her tight pussy.

  Her hips bucked up to my hand, silently asking for more. “Tell me you want me.” I needed to hear the words come out of her mouth.

  “I want you,” she moaned. No hesitation, no second thoughts.

  There was a pull between us neither could resist. Her hands went to the zipper of my jeans and tugged it down.

  I grabbed her hands and stopped her. “Slow down, baby. I wanna take care of you first.”

  She shook her head. “No, I’m ready. So ready,” she mumbled.

  My finger flicked her clit, and a moan escaped her lips. “I know you’re ready, baby, but I just want to watch your face while you come.”

  “We can do that later. Right now, I just need you to fuck me.”

  Her words flamed the desire burning through me. “Goddammit, Sage. You’re like a dream come true.”

  Her hand cupped my rock hard dick through the fabric of my jeans, and her lips went to my ear. “Fuck me now,” she growled softly.

  I didn’t need to be told a third time. “Wrap your arms around my neck,” I ordered.

  She didn’t hesitate and instantly held on. I planted a knee on the couch, lifted her up into my arms, and stood up. “What are you doing?”

  “Bedroom. I’m gonna fuck you right this time.”

  “Uh, I wouldn’t say the last time was the wrong way.”

  I stalked down the hallway to her bedroom. I pushed open the first door and walked into the bathroom. “Wrong room, ninja,” she laughed.

  I turned around and moved further down the hallway.

  “Sam’s,” she whispered, pointing to the door on the right. I stopped at the door next to his, and she shook her head. “Closet,” she giggled.

  I moved to the last door on the other side and pushed it open.

  “Ding, ding. Third time’s the charm.”

  “You’re such a smartass.” I walked to her bed and threw her into the middle of it.

  She leaned back on her elbows and shook her head. “I’m going to have to keep reminding you that you like it, aren’t I?”

  I dropped my pants to the floor and climbed onto the bed. “Just like you like me being a cocky asshole, right?”

  She tilted her head to the side. “I’m going to have to say the jury is still out on that one.”

  “Then I better get to work on swaying that jury.” I hooked my thumbs on the side of her underwear and pulled them down and off. I threw them over my shoulder and grabbed her by the knees to pull her to me.

  “Are we gonna talk about the fact you don’t wear underwear?” she asked.

  “I don’t wear them when I wear jeans.”

  “But you wear them all the other times?”

  “Gotta keep it reigned in when I’m training.”

  She laughed and shook her head. “You’re crazy.”

  I leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips. “Only about you, baby.”

  She reached between us and wrapped her hand around my cock. “I think we’re done talking for right now.” She gently stroked my dick, slowly driving me insane.

  I pulled her up and reached behind to unhook her bra. I pushed the straps off her shoulders and pulled it down her arms. “Fuck me running.” Sage was pure perfection. Perfect, high tits that looked perfect for sucking and kissing on.

  She bit her lip and watched as my hands cupped her breasts and tweaked her pert nipples. I needed to taste her.

  I grabbed her around the waist, pulled her onto me, so she was straddling my waist, and lowered my lips to her nipple. She held onto my shoulders as my mouth switched between each nipple, devouring and tasting.

  My cock pressed against her wet pussy. She reached down between us and stroked me. “I think it’s time you used this, ninja.”

  “Even in the damn bedroom, you still call me a ninja.”

  She leaned in and whispered, “You like it.”

  “About as much as you like this.” I pushed her hand away and moved to sit flat on my butt, with my legs stretched out in front of me. “Up on your knees.” She moved up and looked down at me expectantly. I held my cock up and lined it up with her sweet pussy. “Now down, baby.”

  She slowly lowered herself down on my cock. Her eyes closed, and a moan escaped her lips when she was sitting directly on top of me with my dick buried deep inside her. “I do like this,” she hummed.

  “This is your show, baby.” She was face to face with me, our eyes connected. She raised up slowly, then glided back down. She threw her head back and rested her hands on my shoulders to use as leverage to lift herself up.

  “That’s it,” I growled. She slowly moved up, then clenched the walls of her pussy around my dick as she slid back down. “Mother fucker.” Sage was going to kill me.

  “Yes, you are,” she groaned.

  Even when she was fucking me, she was still handing me the sass. I tangled my fingers in her hair and tugged her head forward. “What does that make you, baby?”


  “We’re both lucky.”

  She moved fast, lifting up, then slammed back down on me. I leaned back on my elbows and watched the magnificent show she was putting on. Her perky tits jiggling and swaying with each move, and her eyes at half mast, filled with desire.

  “Roman, Roman,” she panted, “I’m close.�

  I had been close the instant I had taken her underwear off.

  She snagged her lip between her teeth and gently bit down on it.

  That was because of me. She was about to come all over my dick, and all I wanted to do was beat my chest and yell, so the whole world knew she was mine.

  I flipped us over, my dick still buried deep inside her, and covered her body with mine. I thrust into her, wanting to watch as her orgasm crashed over her.

  “Yes, right there,” she gasped. She wound her arms around my shoulders and pulled me in for a kiss. My lips touched hers, and our tongues danced back and forth, while I fucked the hell out of her.

  “Get there, baby,” I mumbled against her lips. I was ten seconds away from going off like a rocket, and I didn’t want her to miss the launch. My fingers reached for her clit, and she shattered beneath me from just one stroke there.

  She arched her back, pressing her tits against my chest. Swear to Christ, my eyes rolled back into my head, and I filled her pussy with cum while she moaned and squirmed beneath me.

  She collapsed back onto the bed, and I buried my face in her neck.

  Jesus Christ.

  I don’t know how it was possible, but that was even better than the last time.

  Sex was amazing with Sage.

  Spending time with her was amazing.

  Hanging out with Sam was fun as hell.

  There wasn’t anything in this world that was going to take me away from this.

  I was here, and I wasn’t going anywhere.


  Chapter 11


  I was wrapped in a warm, delicious-smelling cocoon, and I never wanted to move. Something was massaging my stomach, and my pillow moved.

  One eye cracked open, and Roman Yeck was on his side, my head resting on his arm. “Morning, baby.”

  Whoa crap. What had I done? “Urgh, hi?” I knew what I had done last night, but I hadn’t expected him to spend the night. We both had passed out, and judging by the light coming through my window, it was now morning.” “Sam,” I gasped.

  I moved to get up, and Roman pressed me back into the bed. “I got up, grabbed your clothes from the living room, and checked on him. He’s still passed out.”


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