Spotted Her First

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Spotted Her First Page 9

by Emma Dean

  For some reason Piper hated the idea of him taking another girl anywhere. He was her mate after all. “Have you ever been to one of these before?” she asked, waving goodbye to Niko and Xavier.

  Niko mouthed ‘good luck’ and then the two of them disappeared around the corner of the massive building.

  Sacramento’s Grand Ballroom was an ode to the Ancient Greek Parthenon with its columns and rectangular shape. Somehow that felt ominous on a night she was about to see a demon hunter for advice on how to keep her pharaoh’s blood out of the hands of those who wished to obliterate the lives of her mates.

  Well, Piper glanced at Caleb as she waited for his answer. She felt a bit too possessive over three men she hardly knew, but then again magic and fate never really made sense to begin with. And what were emotions and the mate bond but a bit of the same magic?

  Caleb led her up the steps and there was no one there to open the doors or check their invitation. He just stopped before them and Piper felt a brush of an invisible something against her skin. Then the doors opened on their own, creaking slowly. It made her breath catch and without thinking she took a half-step closer to Caleb.

  Nothing signified the end of the human world with quite so much flair as magical doors opening into black nothing. Fog even drifted over the stone steps, but still she couldn’t see inside. The moment they stepped over the threshold though…lights flared and the darkness glittered – becoming a gothic underworld steeped in magic.

  Piper could feel it crackling against her skin like electricity, tasting her energy and getting to know her in intimate ways. It wasn’t a sensation she enjoyed. She was practically flush with Caleb’s side as they walked into the magical wonderland with twirling acrobats hanging over the dance floor, pits of fire, buffets groaning with colorful food, and the most ethereal servers who whisked through the crowd with eerie grace.

  As if they could all smell her humanity the witches turned as one to inspect her. If she could get any closer to Caleb she would – as if his shifter scent would cover hers.

  “It’s all right,” he murmured, pressing a hand to her lower back to move them forward. “You are a guest and my mate. No one will harm you.”

  For the first time since finding out, Piper felt relief at the word ‘mate.’ He was right of course – witches were neutral and nothing else could hurt her with the pride’s Alpha at her side. Even if she wasn’t sure he liked her, she knew without a doubt Caleb would keep her safe.

  Piper was offered a glass of something purple and sparkling with a stick in it that looked like rock candy. The drink was so pretty she reached for it on instinct. Caleb took her hand and turned her in the opposite direction.

  “Don’t drink anything here,” he muttered, eyes flicking everywhere. “I also suggest you don’t eat anything either. You don’t know what it might be spiked with.”

  “I wish you would have told me,” she said. “I’m starving.”

  Still he didn’t look at her. “We’ll grab something on the way back.”

  “Or she could have this,” a feminine voice said from behind them.

  Piper turned around to see a woman who she’d guess was a witch even if she’d seen her walking down the street. It wasn’t anything so obvious as a pointed hat or some such thing. The woman exuded this confidence and had a mystical kind of aura. The energy around her felt alive.

  She stared as she accepted the plate of food and the glass. Caleb sniffed the air, it was subtle, but it was there. He nodded and she took a bite of the finger food. It was delicious of course and like nothing she’d ever tasted before. The sparkling wine was fruity and light.

  “Thank you,” Piper said.

  “I’m Circe,” she said in that strangely seductive voice. “Morgan told me to give you this.”

  Caleb took the talisman from the witch and Piper had to lean over to see it, catching a whiff of Caleb’s night-on-fur scent as well as some kind of spice – clove? Whatever it was it was delicious.

  “It’s a modified hexagram,” Circe explained. “If you wear it, it will protect you from lesser demon or ghost possession, but I believe Morgan wants you to have it for this inscription here,” she said – pointing to a nearly invisible etching. “Keeps you grounded to this earth and plane. Demons can’t pop you in and out.”

  Caleb put it over his neck first and then when nothing happened he gave it to Piper. She tucked it gratefully under her dress after some maneuvering. “Why does Morgan care so much what happens to me?” she asked. “I’ve never even met her.”

  Circe flashed her a dazzling smile. “Morgan is the strongest witch in a generation. Stronger even than most coven leaders. No one knows her true purpose yet – but she does have some Sight. She’s been right about certain future events and so we listen. If you need to be protected there’s a reason – and one much bigger than the end of the Klamath Mountain Pride.”

  With a little swirl and flick of her wrist Circe turned and left them to themselves. Piper finished the wine and set the glass down as she tried not to focus too much on what ramifications there might be if the crocs succeeded.

  Caleb escorted her down the sweeping staircase and Piper tried to see everything at once, but it was impossible. “They rented out the entire place,” she whispered, wondering what else there was to see.

  “We have time to walk around a bit, but then we need to meet Jessica on the rooftop,” Caleb reminded her. “There should be fewer people up there, though I know it’s a favorite for the spell bar.”

  “A spell bar?” she asked, handing her empty plate to one of the waiters.

  “A bar where you can get spelled drinks,” he said as though it should be obvious.

  Piper shot him a look. Why was he so difficult to talk to?

  There seemed to be only one good explanation. “Are you disappointed I’m your mate?” she finally asked. She had to know.

  The strange, unearthly music chose right then to cut out and Piper felt her cheeks heat as people glanced at them. Caleb whipped his gaze to hers and frowned. “How can I be disappointed when I don’t know you?”

  Well, all right then. She took her hand out of his and grabbed one of those purple drinks. Hell with it, she might as well enjoy the first and probably last time she’d ever be at a witches’ ball.

  “Do you want to know me?” she asked, sipping the drink as they went up the stairs.

  Lucky for Caleb she could keep up with his quick pace even in her heels. She could feel his irritation. Was that part of the mate bond or was she just picking up on it like some humans could?

  “Piper,” he sighed.

  “There you are,” a sassy voice interrupted.

  She looked up and at the top of the stairs was a woman Piper instantly knew was Jessica James. The demon hunter had a long coat on that dusted the top of her chunky-looking boots. The tight, black leather pants didn’t really fit in with the scene and neither did the tank top that was one of those weird intricate reconstructed shirts that had wide braided sides revealing a tattoo that went up her ribs.

  Jessica was everything and nothing like she expected.

  “This pussy cat giving you blue balls? I’ve heard he’s like that.” The hunter grinned wide.

  Caleb literally growled, deep in his throat. It was threatening enough Piper went up the last few steps to put herself between Jessica and the pride’s Alpha. “He can be difficult,” Piper agreed. “But I’d rather talk about the demon’s contract.”

  Jessica eyed her from head to toe. “He certainly needs someone like you. Come with me.” A jerk of her head and the hunter walked off without looking back. The flare of her coat gave Piper an eyeful of weaponry and what looked like a sawed off shotgun hanging off her belt.

  Were those spurs on her boots?

  Piper picked up her pace and wove through the garden to the rooftop where a bar had been set up with a quiet area for people to enjoy themselves. Witches lounged on the couches while they were served drinks that smoked and glowed and g

  The hunter ordered something that sounded like ‘bloody bones’ and leaned against the bar to watch the two of them. She didn’t comment on the obvious distance Caleb put between them or their strained silence.

  Instead she reached over and tapped the talisman underneath Piper’s dress. Somehow Jess knew exactly where it was. “This is a good idea. Morgan right? She’s a clever one. Well, it’ll help but it won’t keep Eisheth from putting you on an airplane.”

  Piper glanced at Caleb and then slipped onto one of the barstools, careful of the slit in her dress. “Can you speak to Lucifer? From what I’ve read he is the only one who can nullify a demon contract.”

  Jessica took a red drink from the bartender that looked like it could burn someone alive and downed it like it was nothing. Then she ordered two shots of straight whiskey. “It’s a lot more complicated than that, babe.”

  “Jessica,” Caleb growled.

  “Call me Jess.” She flicked a look at the leopard and then leveled that heavy gaze on Piper once more. “You’re some kind of scholar yeah? You study what exactly?”

  “The Hellenic Period.”

  “Right, English please.”

  Piper didn’t dare roll her eyes. “Ancient Egypt in layman’s terms.”

  The two shots of whiskey came and Jess slid one to Piper. “So they had gods for everything right? Well…the paranormal world has many gods – everyone’s gods. Eisheth is not one of Lucifer’s. Eisheth is Samael’s and no they’re not the same person. Neither is Satan.”

  Piper was glad she was sitting down. She downed the whiskey and managed not to cough it all back up. “They’re all different people?”

  Caleb ran his hands through his hair in frustration. “Can we finish this up? I want to get out of here as quickly as possible.”

  Jess reached back behind the bar and snagged that bottle of whiskey when the bartender was busy making and enchanting other drinks. She poured more shots and handed one to Caleb. “Loosen up, kitty cat. Your mate’s life is in danger. Show some concern.”

  Caleb stepped forward and got in Jess’s face. “I am concerned. I haven’t slept since I found out. What do you think I’ve been doing these last few days?” he demanded in that angry, growly voice that made Piper shiver.

  Jess wasn’t fazed at all. She threw back the shot and poured another. Then she arched an eyebrow at him, and the sheer audacity and pettiness in that look – Piper threw back her second shot, coughing while she held out the glass for a third.

  “Looks like you’ve been doing everything but taking care of your mate,” Jess said calmly.

  Piper wanted to laugh, badly. She had to turn away to hide her smile and shared a look with the bartender. Caleb was about to blow a gasket and she could feel that explosive anger radiating off of him.

  “I dare you to say that again,” he snarled.

  “Checking the perimeter isn’t taking care of your mate, kitty cat. Now – as for this demon thing. No, Lucifer can’t void Eisheth’s contract, but he does have the power to complicate things for the crocs. I’ll ask him to get in touch with Samael.”

  Caleb flexed his hands into fists and bared his teeth at Jess. Piper decided now was a good time to stand up and get out of their way. Her heels clicked and Caleb’s hand snatched out faster than lightning. He tucked her into his side and then cracked his neck, as if her touch soothed him as much as his did for her.

  “I don’t want to get into a fight with you, hunter. You’re helping my pride and mate. I appreciate that, but get your nose out of my personal business.” Caleb wrapped his arm around Piper’s waist and the feel of his tux on the bare skin of her back made her lean into him even more.

  “So why are you here?” Piper asked. “You could have told us all this over the phone.”

  Jess smiled at her, ignoring Caleb completely. “I don’t know what you know about me, but I’m part demon and part witch, but not really either. It gives me some weirdo abilities that most hate me for.”

  The hunter slammed another shot. “Visions are one of them. They aren’t always clear and I don’t always know when they’ll occur so they’re pretty much useless except on the rare occasion I can see the person’s face, hear their name, and see their location. I scried for you Piper Leigh Kostopoulos. I didn’t plan to do anything about it because shifters hate me and I usually leave them alone, but Eisheth is a friend of mine and he called in a favor.”

  The way she said her name reminded Piper of Eisheth – a demon. For the first time since meeting Jessica James, Piper could see the bit of extra her mask of humanity camouflaged. Piper blinked. “So what do we do?”

  “You do nothing. I just needed to see you and get this.” Jess pushed off the bar, showing the piece of Piper’s hair she snagged. “Don’t do anything yet, but you have an idea that will work. If I can’t break the contract – do that. I’ll call you after I’ve spoken to Lucifer and Samael.”

  The demon hunter walked back into the ballroom and Piper looked up at Caleb. He watched her go with a glare. “What is she talking about?” Caleb demanded.

  The politics and tension between the different paranormal races didn’t really make sense to her, but she decided that Jess hadn’t said what her idea was aloud for a reason. “Why don’t you like her?” Piper asked, changing the subject.

  “Demons are chaotic by nature,” he said, leading her back into the ballroom when she shivered again. Maybe she was a little cold. “It makes it very difficult to trust them.”

  “She’s not a demon,” Piper pushed.

  “Close enough.”

  “Is that why you don’t like me, because I’m human?”

  “Piper,” he said when they reached the main floor. “I do like you.”

  He led them back into the main event space where it looked like people were starting to dance as the music tinkled through the room. Piper naturally gravitated towards the edge of the dance floor to watch. It was some kind of strange, beautiful waltz.

  “You have an odd way of showing it,” she told Caleb. The music changed into something slower, something darker…something familiar.

  Piper felt it in her chest first like she always did – this strange shift like her heart slowed to match the beat, spreading warmth, radiating it outward until it hit her arms. The instinct to search the room was hard to resist.

  “Piper, I don’t know how to tell you what you want to hear. I’ve been Alpha most of my life.” Caleb eyed her and slipped his hands into his pockets. “It didn’t seem you were interested anyway.”

  That made her heart clench painfully and she spared him a glance. The music’s slow, twisting beat was distracting her. A man caught her eye and she smiled as he approached. A dance would be just the thing to help her relax – figure out what she should say to Caleb, because he was obviously confused and Piper was just as bad when it came to voicing her emotions.

  The other man held out his hand for her and Piper stepped forward to accept it. Before she could place her hand in his though, another’s grabbed her hand hard enough to hurt. Piper looked up in surprise and was shocked to see it was Caleb.

  “She already has a partner,” he gritted out. The other man nodded and moved on to the next woman.

  Piper glared at Caleb. He couldn’t control her like this. “What, I’m not allowed to dance with anyone?”

  The way he looked down at her – a flick of his wrist and she instinctually spun out onto the dance floor. She was so surprised she stumbled, but Caleb was there to catch her, dipping her so low she gasped.

  “You already have a partner,” he told her. His voice was deep and resonated through her at every point of contact. That was when she realized his hand was holding her bare back and it practically burned. Caleb looked into her eyes and all she could do was hold on as he yanked her up and into a close embrace.

  Piper’s heart beat wildly as she realized Caleb knew exactly what he was doing and he did it with a level of skill that was rare. Following him was effort
less. His right arm around her back and his scorching hot hand on her skin had them pressed chest to chest. Piper’s left arm instinctually went over his shoulder in the proper position as they stared at each other for a moment.

  Caleb took her right hand and stepped forward – in perfect time with the music. His style was slow, close, and they touched everywhere from her chest all the way down her right hip and she followed him without question.

  “I’m terrified of losing you,” Caleb admitted. He looked down at her with an unreadable expression, but in that moment it didn’t matter.

  Tango could speak for them in ways that words simply couldn’t express. Every note of the song echoed in her blood. Caleb’s green eyes bore into her as he led her through the steps – every move was a question, and an answer. He suggested and she followed.

  When his hand moved from her back to her hip she knew what he wanted from her, what he needed, and it was nothing to shift, sliding one foot out as he moved them from one end of the dance floor to the other.

  “I thought you didn’t like me after what happened in the library,” he said quietly as they moved, her cheek pressed to his. Every word was crystal clear despite the music. “Every time I’m near you, or you look at me I can smell your fear.”

  “I am afraid of you,” Piper whispered on a turn. “You are like no one I’ve ever met, but I’m mostly scared that this choice was taken from you and you were left with me – and now I worry I’m not what you want.”

  Caleb stopped them and he looked down at her for a minute, his expression unreadable. Then he moved.

  Each step was dramatic, full of tension, and when his hand pressed against her back she did as she was told – spinning and tangling her legs with his. When he hooked her leg over his hip and lunged into a deep dip with his forehead pressed to hers…

  This was what made tango an obsession – an addiction.

  Caleb and Piper hadn’t been able to talk, hadn’t been able to understand one another – not with words. But in one song she knew everything she needed to know about him. He was asking her to trust him, showing her his power as she crossed her leg over her hooked knee and he spun them both across the floor, arms embracing her – promising her he would never let her go, never let her fall…Caleb would lead her through what came next if she would only follow.


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