Dangerous Days (The Firsts Book 18)

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Dangerous Days (The Firsts Book 18) Page 6

by C. L. Quinn

  “I am okay, Eva.” Dani scanned the other three faces, grateful to see Kwano, and equally grateful not to see Saul.

  “Everyone, let’s get back to business. What we do can be dangerous, we all know that. This turned out well. I’m uninjured. Okay, so maybe I’m a little gunshy, but I will work through it with all of your help. I guess I should officially thank you for the rescue.”

  “Saul was the one…”

  Dani cut Evaleigh off, aware it was abrupt and rude.

  “Yes, yes, I know. Speaking of…where is he?”

  Jack lowered his mug. “Getting settled in my house. He had just arrived when you were…”

  “Got it. Okay. Shall we get to work? San, when do we execute the mission to SoCal?”

  “We’ve locked down most of the intel. Tomorrow night, I think.”

  “Then tomorrow night, we fly.”


  Jack had hoped to use the tube.

  Brushing a hand along his arm as she passed by, Sanquinetta joined Dani and Evaleigh.

  “I’ve finished mission specs. Dani, why don’t you come take a look.”

  Dani nodded and followed Sanquinetta to her computer station. “What do you figure? Two days?”

  “Three. Maybe four. We found out the hunting team has grown to thirteen active fighters and six apprentices. Four people in support and about twelve watchers.”

  “Holy shit. Work cut out for us, no doubt. This is good. I need to hop back on the proverbial horse.”

  “This should do it. If he’s ready, it would be nice to have Saul on this time. We can really use the extra hand.”

  Dani did her best not to react as she smiled and nodded. “Yeah, sure.”

  If she was lucky, he wouldn’t be ready. Dani glanced around the room she’d come to know so well. Kwano and Jack were finishing up another training moment. The two vampires had wicked senses of humor and played off each other like fine-tuned instruments. Eva was back at her station that included multiple monitors, San at her side as they covered the coming mission, and sighed happily.

  This was a family of co-workers and friends she’d come to love. Initially, she had only been expected to pinch hit until another hunter could be brought in after Jack left, but, once here, she’d never left.

  The reasons were many, but the sense of belonging and accomplishment made her feel more settled and happy than she had in a long time.

  In addition, from that first moment she’d arrived here, she’d sensed something…something indefinable, untouchable. Almost literally on the wind that night…this place, these people, these missions, something here held a destiny that required earth magic. That required her. The odd sense of premonition had lessened, but it was still there, an underlying threat, unknown, but as true as the sun in the sky.

  Something was coming. Dani knew with no doubt that she had to be here to protect them all, and she would be.

  After the past few days, she could use the distraction and comfort she’d found here; to forget the crazy scary moments of danger and the freaky dream from last night.

  Back to normal. Yeah. Back to normal.

  As if cued, Sanquinetta’s voice interrupted Dani’s thoughts.

  “Jack, get over here and fill everyone in on Raoul.”

  Getting one final punch in, that he knew felt like a tap to Kwano, Jack rolled his eyes as he picked up his coffee mug and sauntered over to join the rest of the crew.

  “The team we’re purging in L.A. this week was built by an old friend of mine. He’s grown it much larger than I realized. Raoul and I’ve known each other for about fifteen years. He was raised as a hunter just like me and Ben, and he’s a good guy, but he’s a hot-dogger. I hate to admit that we did a lot of damage when we worked together. Thing is, he’s as dedicated as anyone I’ve ever met to eliminating the vampire threat. Last I’d heard, he’d settled down with another hunter. Hell, I thought he’d stopped for a while until San got the word about this large group south of L.A. I hear he’s put together one freaking amazing hunting party.”

  “One of the biggest single groups we’ve seen so far. I’ve sent mission specs to everyone’s tablets. Jack, since you’ve been working with weaponry for the last several missions, you and Kwano want to assign weapons?”


  With a nod, Sanquinetta sat on her desk.

  “We know the drill. Not much else to do until we depart tomorrow night, right after sunset. And yes, Jack, we’re going in a lift-car. I hate the tube. Too fucking claustrophobic. Plus, weapons can be an issue with public transport.”

  The hyperloop that connected all major cities along the west coast would get them from Eugene to L.A. in one third the time, but Sanquinetta threw up the past two times she’d tried it. While she was the toughest of the team’s fighters, small enclosed spaces defeated her.

  “I can do it, San, don’t worry.”

  “I know, Jack. So, why don’t we get some dinner at The Northern Sun and relax a little? I doubt there’ll be much relaxing for the next several days.”

  Everyone was on with the idea.

  “Give me and Kwano half an hour to check weapons and we’ll join you. You ladies can go ahead if you’d like.”

  Hungry, Sanquinetta agreed. “Okay, we’ll see you soon. Gals?”

  Jack and Kwano paused to watch the three female hunters they loved and respected talk animatedly as they left the building. Two incredible fighters, and one brilliant computer genius.

  Kwano caught Jack’s eyes. “And they are gorgeous. The scenery doesn’t get much better.”

  “I agree. We make a perfect team. With Saul, we’ll be evenly balanced in power. Plus, I can sneak out more often to go home to Brazil.”

  “Same. I love it here and plan to stay, but I still miss the roar of the falls back home.”

  “Ife wants to take me to Africa next month. I’ve never been, but I’m looking forward to it.”

  “Ah, my friend, you have no idea how breathtaking the first blood community is. You may never want to leave.”

  “Ife misses home, deeply. I am, uh, told that meeting her father may be, um, challenging?”

  Laughing, Kwano opened the weapons vault.

  “Don’t worry, Jack. While he is our leader and the most powerful vampire on earth, Ahmose will only kill you if he doesn’t think you’re good enough for her.”

  “Hah, hah.” But as he studied Kwano’s face, Jack wasn’t really sure that Kwano was joking. Ah, there’d be a call to Ife tonight.

  At The Northern Sun

  Feeling more comfortable in familiar surroundings, hungrier than she’d realized, Dani leaned back in the padded chair at a table Quesh kept for their team. At one time Quesh had been read into the vampire world, but now that they had disbanded the original intention of this Remington family vampire hunting group, they didn’t need watchers, so he’d been purged. He remained a good friend to the small team with their re-imagined mission.

  The waiter arrived with a welcoming smile, and Sanquinetta leaned toward him at once.

  “Hey. Steak. Thick, Rare. Onion rings. Quesh’s seasoned breadsticks. Glenfiddich 12.”

  Exchanging glances with Eva, Dani lifted the elaborate menu. Sanquinetta never changed her order, and in her impatience, had established a protocol. Once her order was in, everyone else was free to place their own. It was one of their strange traditions that Dani cherished.

  “Turkish salad with chix and chox. Heavy on the dressing. Two big glasses of Trios, please.” Dani had long ago given up real meat, a rarity these days anyway, now that excellent vegan choices like chix, and cheese replacements like chox were available.

  Eva had few issues with food; she could eat anything. “I’ll have what Dani ordered, but add the onion rings to it. Just a glass of white wine.”

  Their orders placed, the three women sat back and released collective sighs.

  “After we eat, I’m going to head right home to sleep into the night and all day tomorrow,” Sanqui
netta announced. “You ladies are going to want to drop dead too. I’m pretty sure we’re going to have a frantic week.”

  “Then I think I’ll have a little nighttime toddy before we leave.”

  “Dani, after two glasses of that colon cleansing Trios, I would hope so.” Evaleigh laughed. “I mean, I know that it’s supposed to be healthy, but it tastes so strange.”

  “It does, but I got used to it in Vegas when I was visiting friends last year, and I actually like it. The woman who developed the drink is a brilliant chemist and sister-friend to Olivia.”

  “Oh. Big money, that. Trios is kind of a global sensation for dedicated healthies.”

  “True, but money isn’t an issue for vampires. Corri felt that the drink would benefit so many people, she decided to produce it. She donates most of the supply to areas that need the nutrition and clean water.”

  “It’s admirable. When Saul first suggested I join this group, my first reaction was that there was no way I would work with vampires regularly. I had no idea who and what they were, and while I’m ashamed of my ignorant reaction back then, I’m grateful to have all of you in my life. Saul will tell you that I was a keyboard loner with no life other than the work. I made amazing money solving other people’s tech issues, but it wasn’t a satisfactory life. I wasn’t happy.”

  “We’re lucky to have found you.” Sanquinetta leaned forward to caress Evaleigh’s fingers. “These magic hands came to us at the right time.”

  The drinks served, the women settled into conversation about the last purge, avoiding Dani’s abduction, well aware it was too sensitive for casual conversation.

  Dani stood up. “Before our meals get here, I think I’d better hit the loo. The Trios are working already. Don’t either of you steal my chox if it arrives before it get back.”

  Rolling her eyes, Sanquinetta made a gagging sound.

  “Your food is safe, darling. Everyone else here eats real food.”

  “Ha. See that you do.”

  Slowly wandering through the filled tables, Dani felt more like herself tonight. Things would be normal now that they were getting back to routine. This mission was exactly what she needed.

  While finishing up in the ladies room, Dani glanced in the mirror. She looked better, her eyes brighter tonight. Good. After a nice meal, another healing night of rest, no dreams please, she could put the abduction behind her, keeping only the lesson not to trust anyone in a dark hallway.

  Glancing around after she opened the door to a hallway only partially lit with an amber glow, she almost laughed before her stomach rolled a little. It was fine, she was safe here. Still, Dani’s hand dropped to her gun as she neared the end of the hallway before it led out into the dining room.

  Footfalls behind her caused an unwelcome spike of fear. Heavy, male, too close. Vampire. On guard instantly, Dani spun to confront whoever advanced on her.

  “What do you…”

  Her words died when she saw the man’s face clearly in the soft glow of orange light. Saul.

  “Whoa, Dani, it’s me.”

  He’d moved his hands to her shoulders, to reassure her, she imagined, but it just further rattled her.

  Every timbre of that deep voice was etched in her mind, as well as the feel of his touch.

  Dani pushed his hands off her shoulders and backed up. “What are you doing here?”

  He looked confused for a moment. “Jack asked if I would join you guys for dinner. Would you feel more comfortable if I leave?”

  Jack had invited him. Of course he had; they were friends. Dani was well aware her behavior bordered on that of a petty child.

  “No, of course not.” Gods, this was going to get awkward. Awful. Right now, she didn’t want to deal with the abduction and his presence brought every second to mind, not to mention the matter of this weird attraction to him she couldn’t shake. Even now, her eyes slid over his body, well displayed in a tight beige tee shirt and jeans. The only way to defray the situation and deal with it was to tell him the truth. Most of it.

  “No, you shouldn’t leave. Look, honestly, I’m grateful to you for the rescue. I know very well what would have happened to me if you hadn’t helped the team find me so quickly. At the same time, seeing you, well, it reminds me of how close I came to being tortured, raped, and killed. So, please forgive me for my crappy attitude. It will improve with time, I promise.”

  When she paused, neither spoke as their eyes locked, then she looked away nervously, awkward seconds stretching between them.

  Dani didn’t know what was going through his mind, but that fucking dream came to hers, and she had to force herself not to look beneath his zipper. Finally, Dani cleared her throat.

  “Um, why don’t you go to the table? I’ll be right there, I just need to…” Another pause. “Uh, do something in the ladies room.”

  Saul, only inches in front of her, didn’t move.

  “You just came from there.”

  “Yeah, I know, but…”

  Lightning fast, Saul’s hands were wrapped around her face, his thumbs moving just below her lips. Dani tried to make herself push them away, but she couldn’t. Instead, she wanted him to slide them inside her mouth. Why did his touch excite her so much?

  Her breath quickened, her heart beat too fast, and just as she prepared to shove him back, an extraordinary sense of calm and peace overcame her. Her eyes shot to Saul’s.

  “What…” She wanted to ask him what the hell he thought he was doing, but she couldn’t. His fingertips continued to score her lips in the most sensual of touches.

  “I used a method we call impression to help you. It isn’t compulsion, Dani.”

  “I know what it is, I’ve just never experienced it. Compulsion doesn’t work on earth warriors, I’m surprised that does, but oh, lord, I feel amazing. Um, thank you.”

  “You’ve been through a lot. You deserve some peace and solace.”

  “It really does work.” Dani’s eyes stayed on Saul’s, fascinated by the golden flecks sparkling amidst the amber striations, his eye color so beautiful, she didn’t want to look away. She realized that not only were his thumbs caressing her lips now, but her own hands were wrapped around Saul’s thick wrists, her fingers moving along his.

  It shocked her how intimate this felt, and as soon as she recognized it, she lowered her hands and stepped back slowly. “I should get back to the others. Are you coming?”

  Saul nodded.

  At the table, Dani noticed that Jack and Kwano were already seated.

  “Hey, there they are. What took you two so long?”

  Dani wanted to smack Jack for what he knew was an inflammatory remark.

  “I met Dani coming from the hallway as I came into the diner.” Saul answered for them.

  Lowering her head, her eyes burning towards Jack, Dani took her seat. Lucky for Jack, and thanks to Saul, she felt like a halo of serenity circled her head.

  Sanquinetta leaned close. “You okay?”

  “I’m really good, San. Food isn’t here yet?”

  “Shortly. The guys have already ordered.”

  “Ah. Soon, I hope, I’m suddenly really famished.”

  Dinner proceeded much as it usually did, the hunters laughing and enjoying good food and drinks, teasing each other, discussing the upcoming mission.

  On the opposite side of the table and at the other end of it, Saul was far enough from Dani that they didn’t have to pretend polite conversation. At one point, Sanquinetta stole a piece of chox off Dani’s plate and grinned at her. “It’s all going to be all right, you know.”

  “Thanks. Yeah, I know. Right now, though, I think I’ll head home.”

  Pushing up, Dani smiled at the group. “I’m taking off. I’ll see you at sunset tomorrow. Sleep well, guys.”

  She glanced around the rectangle of hunters, her eyes stopping briefly on Saul’s, then walked slowly out the door. At this moment, still infused with the results of Saul’s impression, all she wanted was to crawl into h
er big bed, pull a lightweight blanket over her, and fade away into dreamless sleep. Damn, that impression skill was impressive.

  He waited a few seconds after Dani left before he gave in to impulse, excused himself from the table, and hurried through the doorway. Saul saw her just as she opened the door to her lift-car. While it was probably not the smartest thing he’d ever done, he wanted to at least open the dialogue with her that they needed to get comfortable with each other since they would have to work together.

  Also, he wanted to touch her again, and while he admitted it was a shit idea, he couldn’t stop that desire either.


  She whirled, and he watched her eyes when she saw him. Yeah, she was in the same place he was. This attraction born of a terrible event was true, and whether either understood it or not, she was pleased to see him. Not that her next words showed that.

  “What do you want, Saul?”

  Dani was still trying to remain defensive with him, which is why he wanted to talk with her before they left the next night. “Can I have a few moments to discuss our relationship?”

  Leaning against her car, her head tilted, she smiled unexpectedly. “Relationship? We don’t have a relationship, Saul, we just met.”

  “Which is true, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a quickly built relationship. You’re empathic, you know feelings can build quickly. You know we have.”

  “We had a forced intimate moment that just makes things awkward. We’ll both be fine after a while. I mean, for God’s sake, that was hardly the first time I’ve been practically naked in front of men I don’t know. A bikini is next to nothing. We’re adults, vampire, this kind of thing is just silly.”

  Dani laughed. “I’m prattling on, sorry. Wow, what you just did for me, the impression, not only created this bubble of passivity and calmness, but it seems like it’s made me more reasonable. Thanks for that.”

  “It was already inside you, I just helped you relax enough to see it. We have to work together for the next several days, I just thought…”


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