The Honest Affair (Rose Gold Book 3)

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The Honest Affair (Rose Gold Book 3) Page 34

by Nicole French

  “They talk about everyone,” he said. “But yes, I’ve heard of you.” He looked up at the ceiling as though reciting the conversation from a file. “Quick with words, extremely competent, doesn’t take shit from the male interns. Smart. A lot of promise.” He raised an eyebrow. “Colletti said she wanted to recruit you for a junior associate position, but you weren’t interested. Is that true?”

  I felt another flush rising up my neck. “I suppose so. I mean, I’d be happy to make some coin, but that’s not why I’m in law school. I already went down that road once before, and it wasn’t really for me.”

  “What road was that?”

  “The ‘making money for money’s sake’ road. Before law school, I spent some time working for Goldman Sachs. It was just before they took the big bailout. Seeing all those executives take that money after stealing so much more from their investors and clients…it just made me sick. I’d rather be someone who could help people like that get some of it back. Or at least make sure they get what’s theirs in the end.”

  Sterling raised a dusky eyebrow. “Almost sounds like you’re interested in advocacy. But I’ve seen your transcripts; your grades are too good for that. You should be clerking for the Supreme Court, not mucking around at a litigation firm.”

  I sighed. “I’m...having a hard time choosing what I want to do.” It was hard to admit to someone who would be a potential reference, but it was the truth. “Family law is interesting, but I don’t want to do divorce work. I might also like to help some of the families who normally fall through the cracks get representation. Orphans, or kids whose parents are incarcerated, for instance.”

  He tensed visibly. “Foster kids?”

  I nodded. “Or abused women. People like that.”

  “And why is that?”

  I paused. I didn’t want to tell him that I came close to being one of those orphaned kids myself—he wouldn’t be interested in that sob story, not that I told it much anyway. “I’ve seen enough of those types who need help,” was all I said. “I’d like to be one of the people who can help them.”

  Sterling didn’t answer, just gazed thoughtfully and chewed for a moment on his lower lip. I dug my toes into the rug and took another long drink of tea. When he stood up, Sterling looked pointedly at my cup, now empty.

  “So?” he asked. “It’s late. What’s it going to be, Skylar? Have a nice long sleep in one of my guestrooms? Or do you need some more tea to help you decide?”

  His tone dared me to say no, but his eyes twinkled in a way that told me he was enjoying the give and take. I set my cup down on the tray.

  “All right,” I said. “You win.”

  “I always do,” he replied with a grin. “Up one flight, second door down the hall on your right.”

  “Aren’t you going to sleep too?” I asked, already standing up. I tried to stifle a yawn, but the thought of a warm bed was turning out to be more of a siren’s call than expected.

  “I’ve got some more work to do tonight,” he said as he walked to the tea tray to fix himself a cup. “You have a good night, Skylar. Let me know if you need anything.”

  “Thank you, um, Mr. Sterling,” I said, already on my way up the stairs. It felt strange to address him by his last name after he had removed my shoes, but he hadn’t instructed me otherwise. “Good night.”

  Continue reading Legally Yours

  About the Author

  Nicole French is a hopeless romantic, low-key fashion addict, and total bookworm. When not writing fiction, she is hanging out with her family, playing soccer with the rest of the thirty-plus crowd in Seattle, or going on dates with her husband. In her spare time, she likes to go running or practice the piano, but never seems to do either one of these things as much as she should.

  For more information about Nicole French and to keep informed about upcoming releases, please:

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  I said the last book in this series was the hardest to write, but I lied. This one was. This one was unbelievably difficult, the cherry on the only book of the series that was completely written during a global pandemic.

  No, thank you. Please, not again.

  That said, I have to thank some unbelievable people without whom this book would just be sitting half-finished on my computer, never to see the light of day.

  To my alpha readers, Danielle and Patricia—thank you for cheering me on and listening to me vent whenever I needed an ear. I could never do any of this without you.

  To my beta readers, whose availability is SO appreciated during this trying time. And to my ARC team, whose willingness to read right down to the minute makes all the difference. Thank you SO much.

  To my unbelievable editorial and promotional, including my publicist, Dani, marketing director Charlie, editor, Emily Hainsworth, and proofreader, Judy Zweifel, who all rolled with my ever-moving deadlines over the last few months. Your patience and willingness to work fast and efficiently made this book possible in a way nothing else did. You have my everlasting gratitude.

  To Jane, Laura, Kim, Crystal, Claudia, and Parker—thank you for being the safe space during this tumultuous year. I legitimately don’t know what I would do without your wit and humor.

  To my amazing family, including The Dude, who is endlessly supportive, and to my kids, who have this uncanny way of making me a better person. I love you all so much.

  And most importantly: to all the readers. Your love of Matthew and Nina’s story kept this train chugging on. Thank you for your patience, and thank you for reading. YOU inspire me more than anything else!




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