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Beware Page 13

by Shanora Williams

  “May I help you?” she asks.

  I swallow audibly, looking from her to Gerrick. Gerrick looks at the woman, narrowing his eyes and frowning. “Here to see Ace.”

  “Ace and I have a meeting. Won’t be finished for another hour or so.” She has her business voice going, but I know damn well there isn’t any business being handled inside.

  “Oh. Funny,” Gerrick says, chuckling, “…because he didn’t tell me about any meetings with you today, Miss Baker.”

  “It was a… last minute thing.” She forces a smile. Gerrick sighs, then immediately reaches for his gun. Pulling it up, he aims it at the center of Miss Baker’s forehead and she yelps, lifting her hands in the air innocently.

  “Gerrick!” I shout, backing away. “What are you doing?”

  He ignores me, eyes still trained on Miss Baker. “You know I don’t fucking like you, Baker. Now open the door and get the fuck out of my way.”

  As much as I hate violence, I spit a laugh. Miss Baker looks at me, eyes wide behind her glasses. I shrug, lips pressed, my body language saying, “There’s nothing I can do to help you, lady.”

  Huffing, Miss Baker takes a step back and opens the door wide. Gerrick walks in first, his gun still held up and pointing at the center of her head. “Come on, London.”

  I follow after him, giving one quick glance at the woman. Her eyes are bugging out of her head. She’s terrified. Finally lowering his gun, Gerrick marches toward the dining area, but no one’s around. He then rushes upstairs, telling me to wait a moment. I nod and take a seat at the stool under the bar counter.

  Miss Baker quietly closes the door then buttons her vest. After she slides her glasses up the bridge of her nose, she looks at me, but points her nose in the air.

  Moments later, I hear stumbling and grunts. Someone yells, “Get the fuck up!” and if I’m not mistaken, it sounds like Gerrick. A few seconds pass and a man comes running down the stairs with his hands in the air. Gerrick is right behind him, his gun pointed at the back of his head.

  “Get over there,” he barks at the man. The man, who is much older with his grey hair and broom-like moustache, rushes to Miss Baker’s side, hands still raised. “Now, I’m only gonna ask this once,” Gerrick grumbles. “Why the fuck are y’all here?”

  They look at each other, panic in their eyes.

  Gerrick shakes his head, laughing silently. “Please don’t make me have to shoot you,” he says, voice mildly sympathetic.

  I remain perfectly still on my stool, eyes wide as I watch the two strangers shake with fear.

  “We were just looking for something… for Ace,” Miss Baker says, hands trembling in the air. “He—he told us we could find it in his bedroom. A contract!” she yells.

  “Yes,” the man says. “There’s a-a contract that we need.”

  “So you’re telling me that Ace allowed you into his home while he wasn’t here?”

  They nod.

  Gerrick cocks his gun. “Fucking liars.”

  The man flinches and shuts his eyes. Miss Baker squeals, terrified. Just as Gerrick takes a step forward, the front door creaks open. The first thing I spot is his tie, the same blood red one he wore on my graduation day. But what takes me by surprise is the smirk on his lips as he walks in, gradually shutting the door behind him.

  “What’s this here?” Ace asks, walking around Miss Baker and the old man.

  “Caught ‘em tryna find something,” Gerrick grumbles.

  Ace chuckles then tells Gerrick to ease up. Annoyed, Gerrick lowers his gun, but he doesn’t take his eyes off the two, and his finger doesn’t ease up around the trigger.

  “Now, Stella,” Ace starts, tilting his head. “Who knew you, of all people, would be idiotic enough to just waltz right into my place and think you’d get away without any form of punishment?”

  “We didn’t mean any harm. We’re just on a case, Ace. You can understand that, right?” she asks, voice wavering. “I had a key… one you gave me and made use of it.”

  “A case?”

  “Yes… one we were trying to get you involved in.”

  Ace rolls his eyes, sliding his hands into his front pockets. Then he takes a few steps forward, his eyebrows stitching together. “I don’t give a fuck about a case,” he growls. “Not one!” His thunderous voice causes me to flinch. “Now, you have one minute to get the fuck out of my face—the fuck out of my home—and out of this building. Otherwise, someone’s gonna end up hurt. And we don’t want that, do we?” he asks, grabbing her chin between his fingers.

  She shakes her head rapidly, a tear streaming down her cheek. “No. Please.”

  “Good.” He looks her over, releasing her face. “Now go.”

  Immediately, Miss Baker and the man rush out of Ace’s condo without so much as a glance back. Ace watches them the whole time, eyes hard. I hear the elevator open and when it closes, he finally slams the door with one hand, the other clenched into a fist.

  “Fuck!” he barks.

  My heart leaps in my chest.

  “Listen to me,” Ace says, turning in Gerrick’s direction. “I want you and Tye to figure out exactly everything they know. What case they’re working on and who put them up to it.”

  Gerrick nods, sliding his gun in his holder and pulling his shirt over his waist. “You got it.” Gerrick leaves without hesitation, whipping out his cell phone.

  Then the room goes still. I fight any movements, afraid of what’s to come. Ace turns slowly, running his fingers through his hair. When he finally meets my eyes, I swallow the brick in my throat, somewhat afraid. “A-are you okay?” I whisper.

  He flares his nostrils at me. “Should be asking you that.”

  “I’m fine,” I lie.

  “Can’t tell. Shaking like a fucking leaf.” He looks down at my hands, taking a step forward. I look down, realizing he’s right. I’m trembling like hell. “What are you doing here?”

  “I came with Gerrick. Just to give you a quick visit,” I say.

  “Haven’t been able to talk much. I’ve had it rough the past few days.”

  “Oh.” My voice is rather light. I know I should keep it that way after witnessing his temper.

  Ace looks up, and his eyes soften a little. “Have you spoken with Bianca?”

  I shake my head. “Not since the morning after the party.”

  “Haven’t heard from her either.”

  “Is she okay?” I ask.

  “I’m sure she’s fine.” He draws in a deep breath, shaking his head as he unbuttons his suit jacket. “Well, I have some work to do.”

  “Oh.” I hop to my feet. “Right. Sorry.” I rush towards the door and pull it open. I look back with a small smile. He doesn’t return it.

  But just as I walk out, the door slowly shutting behind me, Ace calls my name. I pause, opening the door a few inches to see his face. “Yeah?”

  “I’ll pick you up around eight tomorrow night. Wanna take you out somewhere.”

  I smile, clutching the doorknob. By the tension in his shoulders and the way his jaw flexes, I can tell he needs to get out a little. Maybe he thinks he’s frightened me and that I’ll never come around again until it’s time for me to go home. Well, as bad as my heart wanted to leap out of my chest while he yelled at those people, he’s wrong. Most would be terrified, but I’m not. I know Ace has a soft spot somewhere, and by him offering to take me out, I think I’ve just poked it. It’s only a matter of time now before I get the answers I want out of him. So I say, “Sure thing. I’ll be ready.”

  He fights a smile, turning his back to me smoothly.

  “But until then, how about we hang out tonight… ease your mind a little? Seems like you need it.”

  He glances over his shoulder. “Tonight?”

  “Yes. We can go for a walk or something. Catch some drinks… I don’t know.”

  He sighs, gripping the chair in front of him.

  I stand motionless as he sighs again.

  “Alright. Tonight. Co
me when you’re ready.”

  This time, I fight a smile as I turn for the door. I hurry out before he can spot my goofy grin and head back to my condo, wondering how this night will actually turn out.


  This isn’t the kind of bar I would’ve chosen, but Ace insisted. He knows the manager here, so we get free drinks. But because of the battered booths, torn stools, and beer-stained floor, I wouldn’t have minded going to another bar where he doesn’t know the manager, and I wouldn’t have minded paying for the drinks. It’s horrible here, and on top of that, every single man in this place besides Ace and the manager has a distasteful look. They look greasy and gross. Dingy, stained shirts, long hair and beards. It’s never like me to judge, but this isn’t my kind of atmosphere. I was thinking more of an upbeat club.

  “You look uncomfortable,” Ace says to me as the manager, Greg, walks away to get to his office. I watch him enter the back door then lower my gaze, wrapping my fingers around my glass.

  “You like it here?” I ask.

  “Don’t mind it… you won’t either when you get a few drinks in you.”

  I nod, sighing. “Just not my cup of tea.” I take a hard look around. A few men are now at the pool table; some look like they’re asleep at the booths. I even hear snoring. Ugh.

  He glances at me, lowering his beer bottle. “Nobody’s gonna bother you. They’re not stupid.”

  “I know they won’t,” I retort. I’m not sure why my tone is so abrupt. I sigh, running my fingers through my hair.

  “You want to leave?”

  I shrug. “After we finish this round.”

  He smirks. “Got it, Red.”

  My head lowers as I try to hide my blush. I finish off my glass of whiskey then slam it on the stained countertop. Ace swallows down his beer and stands, running his fingers down his jeans.

  It’s the first time I’ve seen him in jeans, and I’d be damned if I said it wasn’t sexy. They sit just right on his hips. Every time he stretches, I can see his hipbones and the V that starts at his waist, giving me the urge to drool. But I don’t. I don’t want him to catch me admiring, or to even think, I feel too much for him.

  But… shit… tonight he looks unbelievable. With his scruff and no gel in his hair, he looks delectable. I’d jump on top of him right now if we weren’t in a place where I could possibly catch a disease.

  Sighing, I pick up my wallet and tuck it beneath my arm. “Let me just run to the restroom really quick,” I tell him.

  He nods, taking a seat on the stool again.

  I hurry to the bathroom, keeping my eyes down as I pass each grizzly, greasy man. I can feel their eyes on me, and I can almost hear them breathing. It’s disgusting. The sooner I’m out of here, the better.

  After I wash my hands, I snatch a few paper towels out of the dispenser. When I enter the hallway, I’m startled to see a man standing across from me, arms folded, his lips pressed tight. He looks me over as I step out slowly. I force a smile at him and start down the hallway, but he catches my arm and asks, “The hell you think you’re going?”

  His voice is thick and heavy. He reeks of too many beers. I avoid his eyes and tell him to let me go. He only smiles down at me, cocking his head.

  “Out there with that pretty boy,” he says, running a finger down my arm. I snatch my arm away and start to run down the hallway. The man runs after me, and before I’m in the clear, he hooks an arm around my waist.

  “Ace!” I scream, but I can’t scream it again because his hand cups my mouth.

  Bringing my back against his chest, he breathes down my shoulder and says, “Shut the hell up. Nobody around here gives a fuck about a pretty girl like you.”

  Tears blind me as I stare ahead at the end of the hallway. A few men walk by, but none of them look this way. The music actually sounds louder than it did before. Who’s doing that? Do they know what’s going on?

  Turning me in his direction, the man glares down at me. He lowers his head, curling his rough tongue around the lobe of my ear. “Taste good,” he says, licking me again. I shove against him, shouting and hoping Ace can hear me. The man ignores me, bringing me closer to his musty body. When my screams grow louder, he shoves me against the wall. My breath whooshes out of my lungs. I gasp, but I’m not given enough time to breathe because his large hand curls around my throat. He chokes me as he pins me against the wall, thrusting his groin against my leg.

  “Keep quiet.” He breathes me in, and I shut my eyes. God, where’s Ace? How can he not hear me? How has he not realized I’ve been gone for over five minutes now?

  I whimper as the man chokes me harder, and I realize this is nothing like what Ace did to me. This is torture. This is agony. I don’t want to feel this.

  And to my luck, I’m granted my freedom. The man’s body flies back, and when I open my eyes, I see Ace. He has the man by the throat now, but he’s on top of him, throwing his fist into his face. He’s angry. He’s growling. I can feel his blood boiling from here.

  I should stop him.

  I know what he’s capable of.

  As badly as I want that man demolished, I can’t let Ace kill him. I know he’s killed plenty of people before, but I can’t let him kill this man. Not around me. I rush towards Ace and grab him by his arm.

  “Ace, stop,” I tell him, keeping my voice light. It takes me a while to get him up. He’s too strong and too heavy. But after my fourth attempt of yanking him up, he hops to his feet, glaring down at the man with his crazy, boiling eyes.

  I take a step away, but Ace remains still.

  “Ace… let’s just get out of here.”

  He snaps his gaze on me as my voice wavers, his jaw ticking. “He hurt you?”

  “No,” I murmur. “No. I’m fine. See?” I say, motioning to myself and hoping he’ll overlook my shaky hands. “He got what he deserved; now let’s go.”

  He swipes his nose with his arm, slowly pulling his other arm out of my hand. “Fucking pussy,” he growls, staring down. Then he spits on the man. My eyes stretch as I stare down with him. The man is bloody. I think I can see his cheekbone. Ace destroyed him. This man’s face will never be the same again.

  “Let’s go.” Ace grabs my hand and turns me around with him. He hurries down the hall with hunched shoulders. His anger is through the roof right now. I didn’t think he cared for my safety that much. He almost beat that man to death… for me.

  As we enter the main area, Ace takes a hard look around. He stops briefly, eyeing each man. None of them look him in the eye. “You’re all fucking pussies,” Ace mutters, then he turns for the door, my hand still in his, and we step out into the cool night air.

  I inhale deeply, but Ace doesn’t stop walking. He opens the passenger door of his car and forces me inside. I start to say something, but he shuts the door in my face.

  Blinking rapidly, I sit back in my seat as he marches for the driver’s side. He snatches the door open, slams it behind him, and then the car is quiet. The air is thick between us, but I don’t say a word. I’m not even sure what I should say.

  Finally, Ace lifts his hand, balls his fist and takes a hard look at his knuckles. “Fucked him up,” he says.

  “You didn’t have to do—”

  “Yes I did,” he says before I can finish. He looks my way, his eyes traveling from my chest to my eyes. “Yes, I did.”

  “Why?” I whisper.

  He sighs, lowering his fist. “Felt like an instinct. Don’t want anyone to have their hands on you the wrong way.”

  I swallow thickly. “You feel… protective of me?”

  He shrugs, eyes still on mine. “I guess that’s what it is.”

  My heart catches speed. He doesn’t take those honey eyes off of me, allowing them to travel down to my lips. He licks his, and the sight of his tongue brings back memories of the other night. How he ate me like I was dinner. How he showed no mercy, just like he said. Ever since that night, I can’t help but think about it. It was like nothing I’ve ever felt
before. Being around him gives me these feelings… feelings I can’t really control. I have urges. Whenever I think about him, I’m not sure what to do. It’s not like how it used to be, when every thought about Ace Crow was negative. No. Every thought about him now confuses me because I don’t know how the hell I feel about him. I’m not even sure if I should be feeling this way towards someone like him.

  It’s dangerous.

  And risky.

  But so damn erotic.

  Every part of my body wants this man. How can I fight that? How can anyone fight this feeling?

  My panting increases as Ace’s lips come closer. I remain still as he brings his hand up and wraps it around the back of my neck. Then he kisses me. At first, it’s soft, smooth, but then, it gets rougher, more intense. And I’m enjoying every moment of it. My pussy clenches as he runs his fingers down my thigh. When he lowers his fingers, reaching his jackpot, he groans, and I clench again.

  Breaking the kiss and staring at me with heated eyes, he grabs my arm and brings me toward him. “Get over here,” he demands.

  I climb his way, and when I’m on top of him, he lowers the seat and slides it back, allowing us more space. He then cups my face, bringing my mouth to his again as I claw at his shirt. I rock my hips on his groin, feeling his cock digging into my leg. I moan as his lips run down my neck and to my cleavage. He lowers my camisole with his teeth, and his warm, full lips wrap around one of my nipples. I knock my head back, running my fingers through his silky, curly bed of hair. I give his hair a light squeeze, and a mixture of a growl and a moan rumbles around my nipple.

  “Now,” I breathe.

  He releases the pebbled nipple, meeting my eyes. I lift my hips and unbutton my jeans just as he does his. It’s tough to do in such a small space, but we manage. It’s not impossible, and I think we both want this too damn much. Nothing is going to stop it from happening. Not even the fact that we’re parked in front of a beat down bar on the side of the street. Good thing his windows are tinted. There’s some kind of privacy.

  Ace breathes a ragged sigh as I lock my fingers around his neck while placing feathery kisses on his chest. As soon as he’s rolled the condom on, I lift my hips and sink down on his cock.


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