Razzle Dazzle

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Razzle Dazzle Page 10

by Morticia Knight

  Roman was about five feet away from Jack, and didn’t move any closer. He was aware that Jack was already intimidated by him as it was, and in addition, Roman was a good six or seven inches taller.

  “Good morning, Jack.”

  He startled, and a splash of the hot coffee from his cup landed on his hand. Roman rushed forward.

  “Dear Lord, how foolish of me to scare you like that. Here, let me help you.”

  Without stopping to worry whether or not Jack would be bothered by his touch, he grabbed a water pitcher and poured some of the liquid on the cloth Jack had just used. Jack had already set the cup down, and Roman grabbed the wrist of the hand that had been burnt and dabbed the wet rag gently on the reddened area.

  “This seems cold enough, there was still ice in it. They must have just brought it out.”

  Jack stared at him, open-mouthed and nodding.

  “Shall I fetch you some more ice?”

  Jack didn’t avert his gaze from Roman, or try to pull away from Roman’s grip, but still remained speechless.

  This is not how I expected this to go.

  “Jack. Answer me. Do you need me to get you some more ice?”

  Jack cleared his throat. “N-no. It’s not that bad. The coffee wasn’t that hot anyway.”

  Roman smiled, still holding onto Jack’s wrist. “Thank the gods. I would never forgive myself had I damaged your delicate skin.”

  Jack’s mouth snapped closed. They stood like that for a moment. Roman had sworn to himself that he would let Jack initiate their conversation, but he doubted whether Jack would be up to the task. And even though he would have preferred to keep touching him, he gently let go of his wrist.

  “I apologise for creeping up on you like that. I was only seeking some coffee—my assistant seems to have disappeared. I shall pour myself some and be on my way so as not to bother you.”

  “You’re not botherin’ me,” Jack blurted out.


  Jack looked around, seemingly ever concerned about anyone listening in on them.

  He’s obviously experienced many years of having to carefully hide. So sad.

  It wasn’t as if Roman hadn’t been through his own horrible early years where not hiding had meant not only being ostracised, but possibly killed. But he was so far removed from that time in his life mentally that it affected him deeply to see Jack still filled with that fear. Roman could give him peace in that area as well. They would be free to express themselves behind the walls of his estate, and in certain parts of Hollywood and the world. Roman knew every possible place there was to hide out in the open.

  Jack turned back to him. “I was gonna come by and talk to you today anyway.”

  “Go on.”

  Jack fidgeted. He wrung his hands and glanced around.

  “Would you feel more comfortable telling me whatever it is you want back at my dressing room?”

  Jack looked at him with distress.

  “Jack, I promise you. I won’t make any untoward advances. I would like to hear what you have to say, but you seem rather unnerved standing next to the refreshment area.”


  Wonderful. “Let me pour myself some coffee, and we can…”

  “I’ll do that for you.”

  Roman was taken aback. “That’s really not necessary…”

  “No. I want to. Do you like cream?”

  Roman couldn’t stop the seductive smile forming on his lips. Low and soft he said, “Very much.” There it is. There’s that adorable blush.

  Jack swallowed and added the milk. “Is that enough?”

  “For now.” Go easy, Roman.

  Roman reached for the drink Jack had prepared for him, but Jack stopped him.

  “No, I’ve got it.”

  “Really, Jack. I don’t expect you to behave like a servant around me.”

  “That’s not what I’m doin’. I just wanna be nice to you. You’ve been real nice to me, and I haven’t been able to do anythin’ in return.”

  I can think of a few ways you could be nice to me. “Well. How kind. Shall we repair to my room then?”

  Jack nodded, and Roman led the way back to his private section of the building. They walked in silence, and Roman did his best not to hurry them along or appear anxious. He badly needed to hear what Jack was about to say, and he didn’t want to give Jack any reason to change his mind.

  They reached the door and Roman opened it, gesturing for Jack to enter. Once they were both inside, Roman shut it. He could see Jack tense a little.

  “Would you prefer I leave it ajar?”

  “No. That’s okay. I don’t want anyone to come in.”

  “All right then. Uh, you can set my coffee down on the vanity.”

  Jack looked at the two cups he held in his hand as though he was surprised to see them there. Roman became concerned that maybe what Jack was about to say was a goodbye. That the coffee thing was his way of proving there were no hard feelings. Had that bitch got his hopes up for nothing? It was disconcerting to be the one for once that felt unsure of himself.

  Damn it Roman. What is wrong with you?

  Roman gently took his coffee from Jack, which seemed to bring him back to reality.

  “Please, Jack. Have a seat.”

  Roman indicated the chaise longue, and took the chair at his dressing table to prove to Jack that he wasn’t trying to make any unwanted moves. That seemed to calm him a little. Jack still had his drink in his hand, but didn’t take any. At the moment, it appeared to be like an anchor for him to hold onto.

  Roman took a sip of his coffee and set it back down. He pulled two Turkish Murad cigarettes from a sterling case that was jewelled with his initials and handed one to Jack.

  “Perhaps you would like a smoke?”

  “Uh, sure. Thanks.”

  Jack looked around for somewhere to set his coffee. The little table that had held the box of chocolates molested by Trixie the week before now held a basket of fruit. Roman reached over, offered the cigarette to Jack, whilst extending his hand to take his cup. He put Jack’s coffee on the vanity, then he took his matching silver lighter, struck it and held it out for him. Jack accepted Roman’s light, and took a deep drag.

  He is frightfully nervous. God, I hope it is for the right reason.

  Roman lit his own smoke, crossed his legs and inhaled deeply as well. Jack wasn’t the only one who was edgy. It was getting to him. Even at his best, Roman was an impatient man.

  “Well. Shall we chat? Or just smoke and stare at each other until we are called to the set?”

  Jack giggled.

  Roman raised his eyebrows. “I had no idea I was so humorous.”

  “Sorry, I was picturing it in my head.”

  Roman chuckled.

  “Geez, Roman, these cigarettes are really strong.”

  “Mmm. They’re the only ones I smoke. Now. Am I to gather that there is something you would like to say to me?”

  Jack bowed his head slightly, as if he were going to speak to the glowing stick between his fingers. Roman held out the ashtray to him. Jack flicked the ash and gazed up at Roman. Jack took a deep breath.

  “I’m not so good with words. I don’t have the smarts and class that you do. But, I just wanna say that I would like to give you a chance. You know, like you said to me.”

  Jack quickly looked down again.

  Roman set his cigarette in the tray and leaned closer to Jack, perching at the end of his chair. He lifted Jack’s chin with one finger.

  “That is the most wonderful thing I’ve heard anyone say to me in ages. It was all I ever wanted. Just a chance.”

  Jack smiled. It lit up Roman’s whole world.

  “Would it be too forward of me to invite you to my home this evening?”

  Jack paled. “Why? For what?”

  Roman leant back and snorted. “Jack, I should think it would be quite obvious to you by now that I want to fuck you. Please tell me what it is that is preventing that fr
om occurring so that I might rectify it immediately.”

  Jack gulped. “I’m just not ready for that yet. Please don’t be mad. It’s that I need more time to get to know you, that’s all.”

  This is a new one. I usually get to know someone through their ass.

  “I see. Of course. So tell me what it is that you would like to know about me, and we can get that out of the way and move on.”

  Jack squirmed in his chair. “I meant spend some time with each other. Do things other than…sex things. Maybe go out to a restaurant or club, the beach, park, somewhere we can talk and become friends first.”

  The beach?

  “My dear Jack, are you saying that you want me to court you?”

  Jack drew his eyebrows together. “I don’t know about that, but Nick and I knew each other a while and were best friends before the other stuff happened.

  If only I could completely wipe that name from existence.

  “I see. And how long were you friends with him before the ‘other stuff’ happened?”

  “Three years.”

  Roman choked and coughed on the drag he had just taken from his cigarette. “Am I to enter a monastery then?”

  “I’m sorry, I should probably go. I knew I would mess this up.”

  Jack rose, but Roman was onto his tricks by now. He blocked him before Jack could step forward.

  “Sit down Jack. I want to do whatever it is that will make you happy, but this is all new for me. I need to adjust.”

  Jack sat back down slowly, but still seemed uncertain. “Geez Roman, I don’t want to be a problem for you like I was for Nick. I don’t ever want that to happen again.”

  Ah. So the boyfriend wasn’t so perfect after all.

  “Jack, I assure you that you are not a problem. I don’t think you comprehend just how much I care about you.”

  Roman paused. Now he was fighting for the right words. It really was all new territory for him. The great Roman Pasquale actually concerned about someone else’s feelings above his own. Stop the presses.

  “I have an idea, Jack. We have a long day ahead of us here on the set. I don’t want you fretting over our status. How about I take you out to a nice, respectable restaurant—no pansy clubs—and we can have a lovely dinner with some conversation? I promise I will take you straight back to Trixie’s afterwards, no funny business.” Roman waited with baited breath to see how Jack would respond.


  Roman exhaled.

  “But I want to take you out.”

  Roman shook his head. Either he had just gone completely insane, or Jack was offering to be the one to take him out. “I’m afraid, my dear boy, I’m at a loss for words. Which is quite unusual. And why do you want to be the one to invite me out exactly?”

  Jack shrugged a little. “I guess I don’t want you to feel like you always have to do everything for me. I don’t want you thinking I expect you to take care of me or anything.”

  “Is this important to you?”

  Jack frowned. “Yes. It is.”

  “All right then. I think I can handle that. Should I let you surprise me with our destination?”

  Jack looked relieved and happy. “Sure. Can I tell your driver so that you don’t know ahead of time?”

  Roman let out his deep-throated laugh. “Jack, you continually surprise me. Of course you may.”

  Jack smiled. “Thanks, Roman.”

  They both sat in a companionable silence for a few moments.

  “I think my coffee might be cold.”

  Roman touched the outside of Jack’s cup. “I do believe you are correct. Shall we get fresh ones?”

  “Sure. I’d like that.”

  Chapter Nine

  It had been a surprisingly enjoyable day. Jack mused that it seemed like forever since the heavy feeling in his chest hadn’t been weighing him down. He was so grateful that he’d run into Roman early in the morning instead of waiting until later. He would have been a wreck if he’d had to work with Roman before getting what he’d wanted to say out of his system.

  It had gone surprisingly well in Jack’s opinion. Not only did Roman seem to be okay with them taking it slow, they were actually going to get to be together that evening. Jack had already decided to go the Cocoanut Grove, since he’d never been, and he’d heard that only the top people went there. He didn’t want to take Roman to some low-class joint.

  Jack hadn’t been able to help but steal glances at Roman when they were both together on the set. Roman had done the same, and they had even exchanged the occasional banter.

  “My dear Jack, I believe Darius has lost the tassel from his tarboosh. It’s long and black. Have you seen it perchance?”

  Jack snickered. “I’m sure I would have remembered seein’ somethin’ like that.”

  “Mmm. I’m sure you would.”

  Marvin had looked up from the conversation he was having with the lighting director. “Everything okay, gentlemen?”

  Trixie had stood to the side looking miffed. “Yeah. Roman over here is missin’ his long black thing, and Jack’s tryin’ ta help him find it.”

  Marvin frowned. “Whatever’s going on, can we get it taken care of? We’re on a tight schedule.”

  Trixie had thrown her hands in the air. “We know, Marvin, we know. Your schedule’s tight, and so is my ass from all the standin’ around I do all day.”

  Jack had noticed Trixie had been a bit cranky with him as well. He was in his dressing room changing as quickly as he could. They’d had to stay shooting until nine o’clock, so Roman had told Jack to go with him straight to their surprise destination. But he wanted the chance to talk with Trixie first to make sure she wasn’t upset with him over anything.

  He checked his hair in the mirror and combed a little more pomade in. He straightened his part and made sure that all the remnants of makeup had been removed from his face and neck. He wished he had some fancy cologne to spray on. Maybe he would buy some later. Jack grabbed his suit coat and hat and headed out of the door to catch Trixie. He knocked on her door.

  “What the fuck do ya want?”

  Jack jumped when he heard her yell. “Hey, Trix, it’s Jack. Are you okay?”

  He heard her muttering something. “Yeah. The door’s open.”

  He came in and saw Trixie sitting at her vanity, angrily combing the tangles out of her hair. “Fuckin’ spray they put in. I’ll be bald before this picture’s over.”

  “Can I help you?”

  She stopped and set the comb down. She turned to face him. “You don’t wanna be late for your big date with Roman, do ya?”

  Jack gasped. “How’d you know about that?”

  “Ah, I guessed from the way you two were all goofy with each other today. It’s a big change from last week when you was avoidin’ each other like the plague.”

  “But we didn’t say nothin’ about goin’ out.”

  Trixie looked a little confused for a moment. “Oh. Right. Well I asked Roman what was goin’ on with you two, and he said you was goin’ out, that’s all.”

  “Why’d you ask Roman, and not me?”

  “Shit Jack. Who are you? Scotland Yard? You was busy, he was standin’ there, so I asked him. What’s the big deal? Anyway, you’d better scram. Your boyfriend’s waitin’.”

  “He’s not my boyfriend. We’re just gettin’ to know each other.”

  “Oh, is that what they’re callin’ it these days?”

  Jack sighed. “Never mind that. Are you mad at me or somethin’?”

  “Who could ever be mad at you?”

  Besides Nick?

  He refused to do that to himself. He was not going to think about Nick on this night. “I was just wonderin’ cuz you seemed upset on the set today.”

  “Aw, honey, you are just the sweetest. It ain’t got nothin’ to do with you. Just that little—and I do mean little—prick Marvin.”

  Jack wasn’t so sure he wanted to hear the rest of this story. “I’m sorry. Ain’t he tr
eatin’ you right?”

  Trixie blew a raspberry through her lips. “If he don’t wise up, he ain’t never gettin’ this hot pussy again.”

  Jack choked a little and fiddled with his hat. “Uh…”

  “Sorry, honey. I forget you ain’t as vulgar as everyone else in this filthy town. Myself included.” Trixie howled with laughter. “Don’t worry about me. He can go fuck his wrinkly wife. I don’t give a shit. I’m gonna go to The Garden of Allah tonight. It’s been a while.”

  “Don’t go there, Trixie. Why don’t you come out with us? Roman won’t mind.”

  “Ha! That’s a good one. Roman would sooner push me under a trolley car than have me along on your night out. No, sweetie, I’m fine. I got my own things to do. Go have fun. I’m really happy for ya, I swear.”

  Jack bent over to give Trixie a hug. “Thanks, Trixie. For everythin’. I would’na ever had the nerve to talk to Roman if you hadn’t encouraged me.”

  “My pleasure, sweetie. I’ll see ya bright ’n early on the set tomorrow.”

  * * * *

  The car idled as Roman waited in the back seat for Jack to appear. He pondered having Juan go in and check on him, but didn’t think that would be the right move to make. He needed to appear real to Jack. He was sure getting his own coffee that morning had somehow indicated to Jack that Roman was a human being after all. If he wanted to check on him, he would have to do it himself—not have the servants do his bidding. It was interesting that Roman’s normal ability to snap his fingers and have any male fall at his feet was completely non-existent with Jack. His movie star allure only went so far with his sweet love.

  His mind wandered to that whole three year waiting thing with the boyfriend. He knew Jack was rather young, so possibly the man had actually shown some decency by not touching Jack until much later. As much as Roman had a lot of curiosity about what had gone wrong between Jack and his lover, hearing him talk about another man might be too difficult. In his mind at least, he wanted to believe that he was the only one who would ever touch Jack.

  Jack’s face appeared in the window of the back seat, and he’d opened the door and climbed in before Juan had been able to make it over to help him. Juan appeared lost and confused, and Roman waved him back towards the front to drive. He turned to Jack who was looking at Roman with a big grin on his face.


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