Not Just A One Night Stand

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Not Just A One Night Stand Page 2

by Jennifer Willows

  Taylor was sure that she was in heaven. The man that featured heavily in every orgasm she had in the last weeks was before her in the flesh. She knew deep down that he wouldn’t stay away. In fact, she didn’t want him to. She wanted nothing more than the chance to have at him yet again with no holds barred.

  Her libido had been at a simmer for so many weeks, days, hours, and minutes that she didn’t give a damn what happened after this moment. The sky could come crashing down, bombs could fall, the world could explode and she would care less. All that mattered was this. The loss of self and all good sense was surreal, but this was the most important of her hungers and she would feed it first over anything else.

  He pushed her against the wall, and her legs wrapped unbidden around him. She was naked beneath the robe and the coarse scrape of his trousers against her wet slit kicked the unbearable arousal into overdrive.

  She could feel the hard cock he was dying to give her, just as she was dying to take all he would offer her. She knew the morning she walked away that he was the type of man that would have her nose wide open without even trying. He had so much control over her and the world at large that she had been afraid to even give him her name, lest he gain even more ownership over her. The same way that demons were supposedly controlled by the power of one who held their true name.

  The same way that naming something gave a sense of understanding the unexplainable.

  The look in his eye was one of possession and acquisition. Taylor couldn’t even look at him dead on and she let her lids flutter closed to hold the potency of his gaze at bay. But it didn’t matter that she sealed her vision off as she could still feel the weight of his ogle on her flesh. Her body screamed to take what she needed from him. None of the realities mattered, whether she breathed, where she ate, nor the fact that the man who signed her off on her pay was the same one who would provide her with pleasure. All that she could care about was the way he felt inside her, around her.

  She saw him impatiently pluck a short strip of condoms from his pocket. They were the same strip left over from the hotel as one of them was still marked with the proof of purchase sticker used to mark one of the end squares. All three were there and she didn’t know whether to take that as a compliment or to ignore the newfound knowledge altogether. It would only serve to make the fact that she thought about their only night often apparent and the last thing she wanted was to feel gauche with him.

  But she couldn’t keep the thrill of having Chandler again at bay. Damn if she wasn’t a lucky woman. He was going to be in her bed tonight. And maybe she could sneak a little something in the morning too. But he had to go after that. Contemplating anything beyond pancakes was too premature and this could be nothing more than it was.

  Even his gaze was enough to be a lit match tossed onto the gasoline panties she wore for him. Taylor watched as he rolled the condom on top of her cock. Well, she amended the thought, her cock for tonight. After that she was going to let him be a free agent again.

  But all of her ruminations were dispelled when he was pressed against her. The thick velvet cap of cock butted against the seam of her pussy and the needy flesh of her sex swelled as if the cunt lips were over ripened fruit dangling from the vine.

  She couldn’t get her mind off of the fact that he was here in the flesh, so to speak, and that he was about to fuck her once more.

  He seemed to have much more patience than she did though and he merely threatened her with his cock, but never made the commitment to fully breach her. Taylor nipped that in the bud immediately. She arched her back against the wall and popped her hips a tad. The duplicate motions allowed the fat folds of her labia to part and perfectly position the mushroomed end of phallus for entry. The fire in him burned hotly as he grunted once before he gave into her demands without any further hesitation. The cock entered her at an angle that seemed serendipitous as the thick shaft rasped over each tender wall of snatch. When he touched bottom, she bit her own lips torturously and keened with every breath.

  Damn. If he didn’t feel fantastic, nothing in this world could lay claim to the descriptive either. When she was stuffed with everything his body could fill her with, Taylor finally felt peace. She still burned with heat but she finally felt the weight of the last weeks fall away from her shoulders. The anticipation of waiting had worn on her and that was gone too. But with the extra burdens were now replaced with the fire of roaring lust and heat was worse than before.

  The first night they were together, she had no idea who he was. She had no idea how good a lay he could be. Now, she had not only the desire from before to contend with, but she had the knowledge of what sex with him was like to boot. She had the knowledge of what her body was capable of when crossed with his.

  Their sex against the wall was quick and angry, a symbolic crash of symbols and starbursts of delighted agony. She wanted to run from him, run from his cock. All of him was too much for her to take. Each punt of his hips was angry and fiercely vigorous as her back scraped up then down the drywall. As if he wanted to punish her for her defection over the last twenty-four days. Once he was able to anchor her to his liking she found the spot his cock prodded inside of her screamingly delicious like death by chocolate.

  “Fuck!” She gnawed at his neck, teeth scraped over his skin in succulent bites of the male musk-laden flesh. “Chandler!”

  It only took a few searing passes of cock and cunt before she came and Chandler wasn’t far behind her. When he finished the only thing she could think to say was, “Wow…” Followed by, “Now get out.”

  His gaze could have frosted a doughnut at first, the lusty glaze over the ocular depths then cleared to confusion and she knew he thought she was joking, but Taylor meant it. That man had to leave her house, and right now before she was sprung enough to offer breakfast.

  When she had some time to think about where she was going to go now that she had put all of her eggs in the company basket, then she could make a decision on how she wanted to make the next encounter with him work.

  He walked to her bathroom without hesitation and as she noted his comfort level with her home, one eye twitched. “So now you know your way around my house?”

  He smirked and dried his hands with one of the towels she had set out for guests. Although there weren’t plans for many, she didn’t know anyone here. “This is a company owned property, that’s why you got it at such a deal in the first place along with the low interest loan from the bank.”

  “I do recall reading that in the fine print.” Damned if she didn’t remember that being part of the draw of the job, having a new construction condo with little fanfare and practically no drama. But in the melee of moving along with a lack of sleep she had conveniently forgotten those not so small details. But she hated the fact that he knew the layout of her home just as well as she did.

  But even if he was correct, he still had to go. There was no way she felt like dealing with anything more than she had to, especially when it came to this man. She was at her worst now, mentally she was shaken, physically he rocked her world and spiritually she felt adrift as if disconnected from her own flesh. The tableau before her was one where she had no control. She was tipsy from her drinks, sated with the erotic fuck against her wall, and filthy coated with her own excess sexual secretions.

  She only knew one thing for certain, she felt decadent and lavishly fucked beyond recognition. But regardless of what she felt like in her own satiated skin, the man had to go. Taylor knew that she was close being sprung, it had been much too long since her last lover and she had no will when it came to her body. It was a major fault of hers, but at least she could admit to her own shortcomings.

  Despite her body’s reluctance to let him leave, her mind was resolute and her helpless reaction to him was all the proof she needed. For Pete’s sake, she thought, she had let him fuck her against her wall and they had barely spoken a handful of words between them before that. If that didn’t show her that she was going to be in over h
er head, then nothing would. And to boot, he brought condoms with him, as though he knew she would capitulate without any qualms. But if that was where his mind was at, he had assessed her correctly even while she had no idea of what was next.

  Chandler was completely and utterly blindsided by the way Taylor felt around his cock. The way she felt against his flesh, well the little he’d freed in his haste to get where he was that very moment. She was magical, with her cunt brimming with suds soaped cream had easily disintegrated his will.

  But when he still shook from orgasm the woman was rude enough to tell him to get out.

  “Wow… now get out.”

  “Whatever for? I think we just got started.”

  “Oh, there are two condoms left. I guess that means you plan on burning a hole in me tonight with the rest of them?” Her tone was mocking, but her face told another story altogether.

  “Maybe I will. But I was thinking along the lines of something to eat first.” He shucked the flaccid yet gooey prophylactic from his cock. He didn’t ask her where her bathroom was but merely walked across the foyer and turned left. It only took a moment for him to discard the condom and clean himself off.

  When he returned, he realized that he made a mistake. She had the time to work up even more righteous anger in the minute or two he had been away. But he knew she had a right to be mad. Chandler could see that his actions had been precipitous, at least in her eyes. He certainly wouldn’t have thrown her out for coming to his house with sex on the brain and condoms in her pocket. But if nothing else, she was all woman and they tended to think in ways that a man would never completely understand.

  Chandler let her escort him out of the door, but he would be back. Back in her home, and back inside of her. But he would let her throw him out for now as apparently, he had earned ejection from her sanctuary.

  Although, before he left he planned to give her something to think about. Her stance was one of defense as if she was afraid to allow him in her personal space. The next moment was a blink into the next as he grasped her crossed forearms. The limbs were tightly bound against her breasts. But he didn’t care. What he cared about was something infinitesimally important to him in this moment with the view of her delicious anger. She tried to hide her fury with a mask of indifference between two strangers.

  “Get your hands off of me, you unn-c-couth brute!” She leaned away from him, but he knew the fight was half-hearted. His three year old niece had more spunk in her temper tantrums.

  “I have to admit, I adore your verbose stammer.” He chuckled, but she was far from amused. Her words had been straight out of a regency romance.

  Chandler would bet if he looked under her bed, he would find a cache of historical bodice rippers, or something along those lines. But he was sure that she was going to have a conniption fit if he did what he truly wanted. Well, he’d already had but… he wanted her again. The irritation and vexation written on her face were enough to make her wish that he could have some more of her delicious pussy.

  Her mouth was cocked in a non-ferocious scowl, but he loved it. In fact, she was sexier than ever. His lips met hers and at first he had the intentions of being gentle. But the mutual savoring of lips became filled with unrequited hunger too quickly. And thus the savoring became a rapture of erotic aggression. Her tongue took forays within his mouth that no other woman ever bothered with imparting with their kisses. Their oral muscles danced a duel with no end as if the fight was to the death and neither of the participants was willing or able to accept loss. But even long minutes later, he wasn’t sure who the victor would be.

  He could only keep control half of the time, the other half of the time she possessed him. He was stupefied and amazed at how well her lips were able to sweep him away. When he tugged his mouth from hers he didn’t want to. But he had to. Otherwise, she would find her back against the wall as he plundered her snatch for all that she was worth again.

  When their lips parted stickily as if reluctant to allow the tasting to end, he saw her eyes change from the pleasance of prior passion to impassioned fury. But he refused to be so easily dismissed, if anyone was going to be evicted, he would be the initiate, not her.

  “I know, I’m on the way out now. But believe me the next time our paths cross, it will be much harder for you to dispense of me.”

  “I wouldn’t expect anything else from you. You weigh about two twenty, so I suspect that chopping you into bits would be a bit difficult for a woman of my size. But acid should work just fine given enough time.”

  “Really? You plan to resort to murder now?”

  “You’d be surprised what levels a desperate person is willing to stoop to.”

  “I’ll make sure to keep an eye on you then. But I mean what I say, Taylor,” he made sure to place a very deliberate emphasis on her name as that was the one crucial part of her hidden the first night, “you can’t get rid of me. Just like my nights were sleepless, I bet yours were these last weeks. And I’ll bet tonight, your dreams will be filled with me. But don’t worry. You will feature in mine too.”

  With that said, he made his grand exit. But now it was on his terms, not hers.

  But even when he climbed into the luxury of his Acura crossover SUV, he wasn’t sure if he had lost or won on exit. That was the best part.

  That night he slept like the dead for the first time in a while. Although he woke with a hard cock embedded into memory foam and Taylor imprinted on his brain. He dressed quickly as if by rote. Really, even the drive to his office was a haze of confusion that even his morning cup of Joe was unable to banish. He considered it a miracle that he made it into his personal parking space without a fender bender.

  Chandler spent the morning the same way, and even his assistant noticed his distracted train of thoughts. It was his fault as he called the woman into his office and although she had shown up quickly, his brain was still out to breakfast. There was supposed to be a conference at two, and he needed to have his development team work up a few things before he went.

  “Hey!” Bernice snapped her fingers in front of Chandlers face abruptly.

  It was a testament as to how badly he was distracted that he didn’t even remark on the clicking fingers. “Yes, Bernice?”

  “What in the world is going on with you? I have been waiting for you now for ten minutes and you haven’t spoken a single world. If I’m going to get this email to O’Hara and Keats before lunch you better start talking.”

  He opened his mouth, but Bernice cut him off quickly as she interjected, “You know what? Forget it. The only thing that could have you this scrambled is a woman. Just tell me and get it over with. Then back to work, or at least this email and you can be confused for a bit longer.”

  “It’s… nothing.”

  “Damn, you sound like a woman. For us, the word “nothing” has numerous meanings and not one has anything to do with zero problems. And you can’t even lie well. Just spit it out.” Her face was stern, but he noticed a slight twinkle in her eyes.

  “I met her in Virginia last month.” Bernice sat patiently as if she waited for the garbled mess that spouted from his lips after to coalesce into a cohesive story.

  He told her almost everything, except for the fact of just who Taylor was and the fact that she worked in his very office. But when he was finished, Bernice had a particular glint in his eyes that told him that he was about to get an earful.

  But when she opened her mouth, she only made him dictate the salient points of the email to his development team. He was surprised as he expected a bit more response than he’d gotten. Especially considering his love life was always neat and tidy, not too many emotions were caught in the mergers that formed his relationships.

  When she closed the laptop Bernice looked at him directly. “Lunch will be here shortly. Now back to business, she’s your Moby Dick.”

  He had no idea what his assistant meant. But then again, he had no idea what he even was even wearing and he’d been in the clothes all
day. The look on his face had to have spoken for him as she responded to his confusion so adroitly and her resume said nothing about being a psychic friend before he’d hired her over ten years ago.

  “She is the one that got away. For you, acquiring whatever you want is easy. If you want a company, you buy it. If you want a car, or house, or meal, you buy it. If you want a woman, they jump in your lap and you don’t even have to buy what you are given for free. But here you have this one and she isn’t falling all over herself for the great Chandler Adkins. It has to be a novel concept, a woman that doesn’t throw herself at you. The point is if you want her then you’re going to have to work,” Bernice gasped abruptly with a mock look of fright in her eyes then continued, “for it. You can’t buy her. You can’t browbeat her into a hostile takeover, or haggle for her like a side of beef. You can however, put some effort into wooing her.”

  “Why didn’t I think of that?” The tone was sarcastic, but he couldn’t help himself to a bit of ire. Damn it! He was a person of logic and common sense and he hated the fact he barely was able to muster a rational statement let alone elucidate what he needed to say.

  “Because you’re a man, and the only wooing that people with dangly parts think about involves sex. It’s going to take a bit more than good, pardon my crass term, dick,” the last word was given air quotation marks for emphasis, “to keep her from tossing you out of bed for eating crackers. As women we want it all, good lovemaking, intimacy, trust, love, friendship and most importantly respect.” Each point was ticked off one finger at a time.

  “Why is respect the most important?” That made little sense to him. Wouldn’t trust or love carry more weight with a woman?

  “Because, every move you make when you are in a relationship is dictated by how much you respect her. If you have respect for a woman, she knows that you will never degrade her or insult her intelligence. She knows that you will not cheat on her, nor attempt to lie to her about the things that matter. She knows that she will always come first with you. A woman with a man’s respect never has to worry about roving eyes when he is away or even when they are together. That’s why respect is so important, capish?”


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