Her Match, Her Mate, Her Master

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Her Match, Her Mate, Her Master Page 12

by Vanessa Brooks

  “No, John! Come with me. We can search together,” she suggested, thinking this an admirable solution. She was not pleased, however, when John, undeterred, curtly refused her request. Upon reaching their room, he deposited the lantern on the table and, mindful of his wife’s wilful nature, locked the door and dropped the key into his pocket. Linnet whirled furiously to face him, her green eyes flashing. John groaned; he knew the signs of one of his wife’s temper tantrums.

  “You do not even care that poor Patsy could be lying hurt somewhere alone out in the dark! With all these rough sailors on board! Think of what could happen to her! She has turned out to be a pretty little thing, anything could happen. We must go and look for her, John, surely you see that!”

  John took off his jacket and waistcoat, keeping his eye on Linnet as he did so. With an outwardly cool demeanour that belied his inner fear that she was about to have a full-blown tantrum, he answered her with composure. Perhaps simple reason would divert her temper.

  “My dear, I repeat: Patsy, will be fine. You forget, Linnet, that up until a few days ago, she was the ship’s cabin boy. Now stop your fussing and get ready for bed.”

  Linnet seethed, she had become used to John doting upon her. She was used to having her own way. Provoked and furious, she was not about to give in over this. She was genuinely concerned for Patsy. She stalked to the door and attempted to open it. When it wouldn’t budge she spun around and stamped her foot, holding her hand out for the key. “Give me the key at once!” she demanded.

  John’s eyes narrowed. He had been so pleased with his lovely wife, besotted with her delightful wiles and ways. It was, after all, their honeymoon, a time he felt should be spent in cementing their relationship, a time to get to know and trust one another. He really did not want this confrontation, however, he realised that he could not go on allowing Linnet to keep defying him in this way. She was just too damn rude and wilful. He had hoped that his dominance over her body in the marriage bed would be enough to calm and subdue her arrogant defiance. As his wife, Linnet must learn to become properly submissive towards him. How else was he supposed to keep her safe in the wilds of the Colonies if she would not heed her husband?

  “Linnet, do not force me to take you in hand again. Be a good girl and prepare for bed.”

  She didn’t move, mutinously determined to win this battle. Feeling righteous, she felt that she had justice on her side. Husband and wife stood across the room from one another, eyes locked, two narrowed, implacable steely grey, the other two flashing green and haughty, each awaiting the other’s move.

  John was by now utterly livid. He drew himself upright and pointed to the bed. “So be it! Remove your clothes and lie face down across the bed. If you comply willingly I shall simply spank you with my hand but defy me over this, madam and I shall use your hairbrush. The decision is yours.”

  Linnet was astounded, this was no spanking matter! She was simply concerned for a young woman in her charge. “Surely you cannot be serious, John? Why can’t you understand that I am concerned for the girl?”

  John frowned, looking thoroughly foreboding. “Linnet, what did you promise me on our wedding day?”

  She rolled her eyes and stamped her foot. “Oh, please, let this not be about this obedience vow again!

  His jaw ticked. “Answer me, wife, what did you promise in your wedding vow to me?”

  “This is utterly ridiculous!” She stamped her foot again—a mistake, because that small act of defiance was enough to tip John’s patience over the edge.

  With the speed and agility of a cat, he pounced to where Linnet stood and swung her up under one arm. He reached out and grabbed Linnet’s flat backed, silver hairbrush from the chest and sat down on the bed. He dumped his argumentative wife across one knee while pinioning her legs with the other. Grasping her flailing hand, he swept up her skirts. Linnet was wild with righteous fury; she fought him tooth and nail.

  The outcome was inevitable. She was no match for her muscular and much larger framed husband. To her chagrin, he delivered the first of many painful swats with her own hairbrush. Linnet was not afraid of her husband. They had spent time getting to know one another and Linnet was livid with him for reverting to the vile spanking man she had known before they were married.

  She struggled and tried to bite him, swearing, using words she’d learned from listening to the sailors. John, incensed by his pretty young wife’s foul tongue, spanked her ever faster and harder until the swearing was replaced by sobbing pleas for mercy. John grinned wickedly. “After hearing your foul language, darling, I think this punishment should continue, and the more you beg, the harder I shall spank. Quit your wailing and take your medicine like a good obedient wife, for I am determined that you will learn to do my bidding without argument. Do I make myself clear, Mistress Foster?”

  Linnet was having a hard time understanding anything other than the relentless stinging and heating of her poor, naked bottom. She squirmed sideways, attempting to avoid the slaps and swipes as they continued to rain all over her posterior and the tops of her thighs. The pain was far worse than the previous hand spankings John had administered. She regretted pushing him into this punishment. Why could she not learn to control her temper around her husband? By this point she would have agreed to anything to make him simply stop, so she promised him everything she could think of.

  “I am so sorry! John, stop, I am s-sorry… Stop! Please stop! No, ouch, no-o!”

  She blustered and blubbered. Her face was awash with tears, her nose ran but John was angry, he was not about to let his wife off easily. This time she would learn her lesson.

  He shifted her higher across his knee and bought the hairbrush down even more vigorously. She pulled helplessly at the quilt on the bed, but John had her in an iron grip and all she could do was bury her head into the quilt, sob, and suffer her punishment. At last, John flung the hairbrush aside and hauled Linnet to her feet. He spun her around and undid her skirt, pulling it down to the floor where it puddled about her feet. “Step out of your clothes,” he ordered.

  Linnet did as she was bid and reached behind her to rub her painful, swollen buttocks, whereupon John slapped her hands away. “No, I want you to remember this lesson! If I see you rub yourself even once, I shall spank you again just as hard and for just as long. Now stand and face the bed. That’s right. Now bend over the bed and spread your legs.”

  John placed his hand in the middle of Linnet’s back and bent her at the waist. Then he pushed her legs further apart and stepped back, admiring his handiwork. He placed his hands on her burning buttocks, squeezing, feeling the molten heat that radiated off her skin. “You will stay here, not moving or speaking, until I tell you otherwise, is that understood?”

  Linnet mumbled, her head resting on her arms, which were wet from her tears. John slapped her bare bottom sharply twice in quick succession. “Answer me!”

  She jumped as tears trickled down her cheek. “Yes,” she whispered.

  Another hard smack followed.

  “Answer properly, with yes, sir!” he commanded.

  Linnet bit her lip, stiffening with temper again but another stinging slap to her rump soon had her singing. “Yes, sir!” she cried, loud and clear. A smile twisted the corner of John’s mouth. He felt that finally he was getting somewhere with her.

  There was a loud rat-a-tat at their door and they both jumped. John went to the door and unlocked it. Outside stood Patsy, a nervous smile on her face. She held out Linnet’s nightgown, now mended with all the missing buttons replaced. John took the gown and tried to block her view into the room with his body but Patsy could see her mistress and the girl’s eyes widened at the sight of Linnet bent over the bed with her bared and scarlet backside thrust up into the air. Patsy looked at John nervously, knowing instantly what had occurred. She backed away from the door and then turned, fleeing to the safety of her own little cabin.

  John closed the door and glanced over at his now very embarrassed wife. She
had not moved, but he could see the flush that had crept up her neck and he knew that she was mortified. Linnet might consider modifying her behaviour in future; a bit of humiliation might have been the turning point in her wilful behaviour.

  He needed some air, and he wanted her to ponder on her behaviour tonight, so he took his coat and, after warning Linnet not to move from her position, he left the cabin. As a precaution, he locked the door.

  As soon as his footsteps had faded away, Linnet frantically rubbed her sore bottom, groaning with the blessed relief of being able to massage her afflicted derriere, which felt as though it was a furnace. She grabbed her hand mirror and positioned it so she could see her injured behind. Apart from the scarlet colour, it did not seem to be bruised. Flinging the mirror aside, she went to stand near the bed lest John suddenly return. She wondered whether he would make love to her that night. Strangely, instead of the disgust she expected to feel, she found herself shivering with anticipation. Whatever was wrong with her? John had just spanked her with her hairbrush, why wasn’t she angry or disgusted? She shook her head with confusion. Turning to the wall, she leant her forehead against the wood while she massaged her poor benighted bottom.

  Up on deck, the moon was full and shone brightly, bathing everything in magical silver light. John walked to the edge of the ship and looked out at the sea. The water gleamed with an iridescent light, sparkling where the moonshine left a silver trail that led from the moon itself. A flash of light darted from the ship out into the darkness and appeared to glint back as if it were some kind of reflection. Intrigued, he waited for the phenomenon to happen again. He stood at the ship’s side and looked up at the large silvery orb hanging in the sky. It reminded him of Linnet’s creamy, rounded bottom, recently upended over his knee. Immediately his manhood surged to life. He grinned, thinking that, as furious as he was with his wife; he did so enjoy spanking her delectable behind.

  A sailor on the other side of the ship begun to quietly whistle a familiar tune; it niggled John that he could not remember the words to the song. He gazed up at the sky where the stars glowed bright, lighting the heavens. A sailor added words to the song he’d been whistling earlier.

  “Frere Jacques, Frere Jacques, dormez vous, dormez vous, sont a laiment ti, sont a laiment ti, ding dang dong, ding dang dong.”

  Of course, that is it, I recognise it now. He felt faintly uneasy but he wanted to get back to the cabin and remedy the ache in his loins.

  Linnet had obviously heard the rattle of the key in the lock, he caught her movement as she quickly placed her hands back onto the bed, thrusting her bottom up high. Glancing at her as he came into the cabin, he said not a word about her disobedience. Disrobing, he washed then seated himself naked, in a chair, facing her back. His manhood stood fully engorged, it was a relief to be out of his constraining britches. He studied the alluring sight of his wife’s rosy ass. He could see the shadow of her glistening sex. She was obviously aroused, the minx! His cock lengthened to its fullest extent at the sight of the delectable tableaux she presented.

  Meanwhile, Linnet held her breath as she awaited her husband’s command.

  He decided that tonight he would take her as a stallion takes a mare, his need to master her strong. He padded over to her and slipped his hand straight between her legs. She instinctively tried to close them, protecting her sex from his invading fingers, but John slapped her bottom sharply. Obediently she parted her thighs for him with an endearing little mew of distress. His fingers explored her soft folds, slipping up to part her blazing bottom cheeks. He circled her anal star and she jerked forward, trying to shift away from him in obvious surprise.

  “There is more than one way to subdue an errant wife,” he told her as he moved to her dripping sex and frigged her with his fingers until she moaned and sighed. He felt her dew flood his hand. Bending her further over the bed, he brought her bottom up toward his erection. He swiped his cock up until it pressed against her anus; he felt her suck in a breath. A mewl of distress escaped her as she attempted to shift away from the pressure he placed against her private hole. “I shall take you here if spanking does not curb your wilfulness. So be warned, this is an act that will be immensely pleasurable for me but you will find it uncomfortable. I would never harm you but I demand your respect and obedience… I’ll have it one way or another.”

  She moaned in response to this edict.

  With a final press against her anus, he lowered his shaft to the drenched entrance of her quim. One swift thrust impaled her. He watched as his cock disappeared into her luscious wet core. Exquisite pleasure pulsed through him as he pounded against her reddened arse. She shuddered at his entry, wildly churning at the sheer animal sexuality of the act. He gloried in the fact she relaxed as never before. He felt the coil of release as she, too, cried out, her own climax devouring her.

  The following morning, Linnet awoke lying on her stomach. Her stinging bottom had led to a restless night. She was embarrassed by the previous evening’s events and peeked through her lashes to see whether her husband was awake. She thought him handsome with his bare chest covered with dark whorls of hair. One hand was flung up over his head, the hand she realised had spanked her so mercilessly the evening before. She tingled with lust, shocked by her reaction to the thought of his palm crashing against her nether flesh. She wondered if this was because she had never been spanked before she’d met John or whether it was the use of her hairbrush last night but after her spanking, she had become so very aroused. She could not even entertain the thought that his threat to take her bottom had anything to do with the way her body now thrummed.

  When John stretched and opened his eyes, he found himself staring into sea green eyes that darkened and pooled with lust as she saw that he was awake. He pulled her on top of him and kissed her, his hand sliding down the soft satiny length of her body, insinuating his fingers between Linnet’s thighs and sliding inside her damp mound. He had barely moved his fingers over her sensitive bud when she convulsed violently and climaxed. John grabbed her hips and rolled her over onto her back, plunging himself into her. He rode her hard, stoking her passion so that wave upon wave of lust surged through her loins like wild fire. At last, with one final push, he spent himself into her and they lay in a tangle of sheets on the bed, both breathing heavily.

  “Well, good morning, wife,” he managed at last, breathing heavily. “I think from now onwards, a spanking for you last thing at night would be beneficial for both of us!”

  Linnet was silent, clearly too exhausted to reply.

  A week had passed, and they were finally running along the coast of America. It was now seven weeks since they had left Portsmouth and, weather permitting, they should be arriving in Boston within the next two weeks. Standing on the poop deck, relieved at last to see his homeland, John slid his arm around Linnet. She leaned against him happily.

  “May I ask you something?”

  John looked down upon her pretty up-turned face. “Anything,” he replied.

  She looked surprised. “Really? Anything?”

  “Of course. If you asked my permission, you wouldn’t end up across my knee quite so frequently,” he replied.

  “Whatever do you mean?” she asked, genuinely intrigued. John shook his head; she still didn’t understand what he had been trying to teach her.

  “If you asked when you wished to do something and did so in a pleasant way, then obey me when I have to say no to you because what you ask for is not safe or good for you, I would reward you.”

  Linnet frowned. “But I asked you last week if I could go and find Patsy and you still spanked me—and with my hairbrush!”

  John sighed. “Linnet, that was because you wouldn’t accept no as my answer; you still wanted your own way, and you were very rude and sassy to boot! That is why I used the hairbrush. Oh, and next time you behave like a spoilt little madam, I might not use your hairbrush. I might use a strap instead. You are forewarned, my sweet.”

  She pulled away
from him, incredulous. “Just to be sure that I understand this correctly: if I ask your permission to do anything other than breathe, you will say no, then, when I point out how unfair that is, you will spank me? Please tell me, have I got that right?”

  John grinned. “Well now, I might just surprise you and say yes once in a while. I need you to breathe, after all!”

  He caught Linnet’s arm and turned her to face him. He put a finger under her chin and tilted her face up to his before saying gently, “Darling, I want to say yes to your requests, but I have to keep you safe. I promised your father that I would, and anyway, what sort of a husband would I be if I let you fly off into danger without stopping you when we are home?”

  Linnet had an overwhelming feeling of homesickness. ‘Home,’ was Lavenstock Hall, oh, how she missed it! Her mind drifted off, remembering her home. Then she realised she had missed half of what John had said.

  “…and if you want baubles or dresses, just ask me!”

  “A horse, oh John, I want a horse! One that I choose for myself,” she said, her face growing animated.

  John laughed. “Then a horse you shall have, my love,” he said and he picked her up, swung her off her feet and planted a smacking kiss onto her astonished lips.

  Linnet was finding Patsy’s behaviour increasingly odd. She kept disappearing for hours on end. She tried to speak to John about it, but he was irritatingly off hand. He couldn’t see what she was worried about. “She probably has a sweetheart. Patsy is a very pretty girl,” he answered dismissively.

  She was indeed. Soft brown hair, although not yet grown long enough for a girl, curled sweetly around her heart-shaped face as it fell to touch her shoulders. She had lovely blue eyes and long sooty lashes. Linnet showed Patsy how to tie rags into her hair at night to produce curls the following morning. With a few days of rest and regular meals, her cheeks had filled out and held a pleasing, rosy bloom. Yes, Patsy could certainly turn a few heads now if she wanted to.


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