Her Guardians - A Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance

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Her Guardians - A Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance Page 6

by Phoenix, Piper

  Demons smelled like rotten fish and goblins had an odor more like a skunk. Most people driving down the road smelled it and assumed it was the scent of a skunk when more likely it was the stench of a dead goblin .

  Lorne insisted I patrol with Polly so I could show her the ropes. Polly was a mind reader which was also another reason I hadn’t wanted to patrol tonight. I didn’t want this new girl digging around in my brain listening to all my thoughts about Lorne’s daughter .


  “You must be Erik?” the small blonde asked stretching out her hand. The girl was far more delicate than I had imagined. “I’m Polly .”

  “Hello.” I gestured for her to follow me .

  She looked up at me and sort of hopped. “Let me guess you were expecting someone a bit bigger .”

  “I was,” I admitted .

  “I get that a lot, but I’m a lot tougher than I look,” she said flashing me a bright smile .

  “Good. It’s not hard. We just walk the perimeter, and if you see a demon or a goblin, you take out your handy dandy tool .”

  “Sounds easy enough .”

  “Have you ever fought one ?”

  Polly shook her head, and I couldn’t help but smile. Watching the new folks kill their first was always the best. Hopefully, we’d run into one so she could enjoy the unpleasant fragrance, and I could watch her expression, and possibly the tossing of some cookies .

  “You’ll love it,” I said grinning .

  “Sounds like you enjoy it ?”

  “Part of it,” I said as we continued moving around the large property. “What brought you to the temple ?”

  She inhaled a deep breath and then exhaled just as long. “When my mom died — ”

  “Shit, sorry .”

  “It’s fine. Anyway, I’d found a note to come find Lorne. So long story short, that’s why I’m here .”

  “You’ll like it here,” I said, not wanting to make her talk about it further .

  We walked in silence for several minutes before I heard a rustling in a shrub up ahead. Polly froze and looked at me. She’d heard it too .

  I pulled out my magic device, and Polly mirrored my movements. She pointed it at the shrub and scrunched up her face .

  “What is it?” I asked .

  “I can hear it,” she said wincing .

  I was pretty sure I didn’t want to know what it was thinking about. There was no way it was about anything pleasant. Probably something more like gnawing on bones and sucking on raw flesh .

  “Demon or goblin?” I asked wondering if she’d be able to tell .


  Guess that meant rotten fish was on the menu. “Want to give it a whirl ?”

  “Think I’m ready ?”

  “Point and shoot .”

  She shrugged and pointed the tool at the shrub. “Point… and ….”

  A blue light zipped through the air and circled around the shrub. The little demon jumped out and into the open .

  “What do I do now?” Polly said shaking her hand. The little creature was running towards her as it flapped it’s scrawny, hairless arms. She placed her hands on her head and squeezed her eyes shut. “Oh my God make it stop !”

  The demon fell to the ground and sizzled into nothing. The scent of rotten fish filled the air, and when I turned to look at Polly’s face, she wasn’t there. Polly was laying on the ground rolling back and forth, as she pressed her palms against her ears .

  “Shit!” I grabbed my phone and called for backup before picking her up off the ground to bring her inside. I was going to have to wake the doctor. “Hold on .”

  It was a good thing she was so light because I was able to run while carrying her. She was begging for help .

  “We’re almost there,” I repeated every time she cried or moaned .

  I brought her into the room we used for medical purposes and laid her down on one of the beds. Our resident doctor was both medically trained and a witch. Hopefully, she’d be able to figure it out .

  I pulled out my cell phone and called the doctor. The words flew out of my mouth before she’d even said hello .

  “It’s the new girl. Come down quick,” I said .

  “On my way,” she said in a raspy voice .

  She was walking into the room in an impossible amount of time. No doubt she’d used magic to get here .

  “What’s wrong with her .”

  “Demon… no idea what it did to her. Didn’t even touch her .”

  “This is the new girl? The reader ?”

  I nodded .

  “Leave me,” she said waving at the door. “Psychic attack. She’ll be fine. Off you go .”

  “Um, OK,” I said watching Polly as she squirmed on the small bed. Her eyes were squeezed shut and her teeth clenched together .

  The doctor pulled a curtain closed, blocking me from seeing her. I turned and left the room .

  And that was precisely why Lorne shouldn’t leave me to train the new folks at something I wasn’t even that good at myself. Fighting off another human, now that I could handle. Or if you needed to figure out the best way to save several thousand dollars, I was your man. But demons and goblins… not my favorite .

  As I walked back to my room, I started to worry that Lorne was going to be pissed off. Maybe she’d think I’d failed Polly, how on earth would I be able to take care of her daughter .


  I hadn’t wanted a position more than I had wanted guardian. I’d watched Eve around the temple for years. Since I’d worked closely with her mother, I’d seen her more than anyone else .

  The woman was like an angel. Beyond beautiful. She didn’t belong in this world filled with demons and goblins and putrid smells .

  It was all crazy how I ended up living in the temple. My family was extremely wealthy and when Lorne was looking for someone to help run her various businesses my dad volunteered me. It wasn’t long after that I moved in and started working full time .

  I was pretty sure my dad had secret dealings with her, but why he volunteered me was still a mystery. It didn’t really matter though, because I loved it here, and not just because of Eve. The real world was incredibly boring .

  Before I’d known about all of this, I’d been into some shit. Fast cars. Lots of booze. Whatever I’d wanted, I bought it .

  Being in the temple quite possibly could have saved my life. Out there I didn’t give a shit, but working for Lorne and seeing the world for what it really was had opened my eyes .

  If I fucked things up because of the encounter with the demon… ugh. I couldn’t think about it .

  I opened the door to my room and slammed it shut. The second I flopped down on my bed my phone buzzed .

  “Hello?” I said without having looked at the screen first .

  “Your friend is perfectly fine. Do you want to take her back out for training?” the doctor asked .

  I breathed a sigh of relief. “I most definitely do not. Let her get some rest. What happened to her ?”

  “Like I said, psychic attack. Little bastard got too far in her head. I got him out. She’s good as new .”

  “Anything we can do to prevent that from happening again?” I asked .

  “I’ll speak with Lorne about it. I have a few ideas .”

  My heart finally returned to a normal beat. “Sounds good .”

  I set down my phone on the nightstand and leaned back on my pillow. Maybe the only thing I’d be good at for Eve was keeping her charged. I smiled at the thought… I’d be OK with that. In fact, I wished she’d been in my bed with me at that very moment .

  Chapter 11


  I t was still dark when we arrived, but no one seemed to care. The gate opened, and Wayford pulled the car right up front .

  Uncle Marcus lived in a mansion, but it wasn’t anything like my mom’s temple. The temple was huge, and very nice but uncle Marcus’s place was absolutely stunning .

  The front of the house was lit up
so brightly it could have fooled someone into thinking it was daytime. There were so many windows, all of them with the drapes closed on the other side… probably to block out the light .

  My mom walked up to the tall double doors and pressed the buzzer. She sighed as she straightened her spine. It seemed as though she was agitated that someone hadn’t been waiting at the door to open it for us .

  “Chilly night,” she mumbled .

  “This could have waited until morning,” I said, shrugging .

  My mother turned slowly. I could already see her icy expression in her profile. Luckily, I didn’t have to see the full extent of it because the door was pulled open .

  “Ah, Miss Vallen. We’ve been expecting you,” a tall, extremely slender man said as he pulled the door open wider .

  My mother nodded and entered the house. I followed her inside, and I could feel Darrin was quite close behind me .

  I turned to look at him, but his eyes were darting around the house. He looked at everything, except for me .

  “The master will be down shortly,” the tall man said with a bow of his head. He closed the door and vanished from the room .

  “Why was he so thin?” I asked leaning closer to my mom. “Just bones .”

  “Because that’s all he was, dear .”


  My mom nodded. “Reanimated .”

  I swallowed hard. There was so much out there that I didn’t even know about .

  My palms started to sweat, and I wished I was back home… locked inside my apartment. Even if it meant one of my protectors had to be there, it would have been better than where I was. Anything had to be better than inside Marcus’s freezing mansion .

  “Ah, my dear sister, coming for a visit at such a late, rather early hour. This must be very important considering you must be giving up on your much-needed beauty sleep,” Uncle Marcus said as he walked down the stairs .

  He moved in such a strange way. It was like he was floating… and bouncing. Uncle Marcus was smiling, but I could tell he wasn’t happy .

  “Hmm, yes, I guess we have business,” my mom said, rubbing her palms together slowly .

  “Do we?” Uncle Marcus said, his voice a slightly higher pitch than it had been only seconds ago .

  “I’m certain you know that we do. When did you start dabbling in necromancy?” my mom asked, her expression was rock-hard just like a statue .

  Uncle Marcus grinned as though he was impressed with himself. “Not long ago, and I’ve already come so far.” He stopped in front of me and looked me up and down. Uncle Marcus leaned close to my ear. “I can raise the dead .”

  My lips pressed together forming an awkward smile. I had no idea what to say to the man I didn’t know .

  Uncle Marcus walked over to my mom and kissed her lightly on both cheeks. He shook his head and clicked his tongue. “It’s under control big sis. Don’t worry your pretty little head about it .”

  “I was merely commenting,” my mom said raising an eyebrow .

  Uncle Marcus grabbed my mom’s hand and turned towards me. “This is her ?”


  “Interesting. I sense something from her. Different from you.” He looked at my mom with disdain, but it only lasted a split-second. “She’s going to be much more powerful than you, both of us, one day, isn’t she ?”

  “Well, I don’t know about that, but yes, she has something very special,” my mom said wearing a proud smile as if it had been something she’d accomplished. It was a strange thing to say considering she knew just how terrible my magic was, but I assumed she had a reason. She always had a reason .

  Uncle Marcus pointed over at a large gaudy sofa that looked as though it was upholstered in velvet. “Shall we sit ?”

  My mom nodded, and we followed him over to the seating area near a tall window at the back of the room. The curtain was closed, but I didn’t need to open it to know it was still dark outside .

  “So,” my mom cleared her throat, “I’d like to know why you sent one of your pathetic little henchmen out to collect Eve .”

  “Well, Lorne, you know I’ve done no such thing.” Uncle Marcus flapped his hand and feigned being offended .

  “Cut the shit, Marcus, he talked. It wasn’t hard to get him to betray you either. I’d reconsider his position if I were you .”

  Marcus eyes iced over. “It’s already been taken care of.” He uncrossed his legs and then crossed them again. “Dear sister, I just wanted to meet the girl, and I figured if I asked, you’d refuse. I know we haven’t been getting along the best .”

  “We haven’t, have we?” my mom said raising an eyebrow .

  “No, and it’s been, how old is she? Many years. I wanted to meet her. It seemed like it was about time .”

  My mom groaned. “It’s long past time. Your sudden interest is what’s worrisome .”

  “Well, dear sister, one day you might not be around, and I’ll have to work with Eve. I’d like to start building a relationship with her .”

  “Over my dead body,” my mom said under her breath .

  Marcus smirked. “What was that ?”

  “You should have just talked to me.” My mom adjusted her delicate gold bracelet. “Do you blame me for being suspicious about how you handled this ?”

  “You’re suspicious of me no matter what I do .”

  “With good reason !”

  Uncle Marcus shook his head as a darkness filled his eyes. “That was years ago. Father’s gone. Get over it .”

  The anger filling my mom was so strong I could feel it. If I reached out and touched her skin, I would have been burned .

  “You know what? I really wish I could stay and chat, but I have pressing business I need to attend to.” Marcus stood and bowed his head as he took my hand in his. “It was lovely to meet you. I do hope we can talk again soon .”

  He stared into my eyes and dropped my hand abruptly. It was as though he saw something that scared him .

  Uncle Marcus took two quick steps away. “My butler will show you out now .”

  My mom glanced at me quickly before gesturing for me to stand. Uncle Marcus turned before he left the room and stared into my eyes. It felt… invasive .

  “Do give more warning next time,” he said with a heavy sigh, “so that we might spend more time together .”

  “Indeed, we will.” My mom practically floated as she moved towards him. “And you leave my daughter alone .”

  He huffed and motioned for his butler. In a blink, he was gone .

  “Wait here,” my mom said as she chased after uncle Marcus .

  “If I may,” uncle Marcus’s butler said leaning towards the door .

  “She said to wait here,” I said swallowing hard. Uncle Marcus’s butler made me nervous .

  He slowly cocked his head to the side. “I’ll let her know you’ll be waiting at the front door .”

  Darrin wedged himself between Marcus's butler and me. “She said she’d wait here .”

  The butler’s expression didn’t waver, but after a brief hesitation, he stepped back. “As you wish .”

  Less than ten minutes later, my mom came rushing into the room. Pulling my arm as she went toward the front door. We practically ran out of the house .

  “You should pull,” my mom said .

  “Mom.” I rolled my eyes .

  She leaned in close. “He drained you. I can tell. Do it. You need the energy .”

  “I’m fine .”

  My mom looked at Darrin, and he nodded. I wanted to smack them both .

  “I need to make some calls,” my mom said as she sat in the front of the car with Wayford .

  Darrin held the door open for me, but before I could sit down, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see a man half my size holding out a piece of paper .

  “For you miss,” he said bowing after I took the paper from him .

  I looked at Darrin, but he just shrugged. I climbed into the car, Darrin sat next t
o me and closed the door. In seconds we were driving away from Uncle Marcus’s mansion .

  “What’s it say?” Darrin asked nodding at the paper .

  I opened it up and read the words. My mouth dropped open, and I shook my head .

  “What is it?” Darrin asked, his eyes filled with concern .

  I swallowed hard as I held up the piece of paper. “It says not to trust her. That she’s lying to me .”

  Darrin reached out for the paper so he could take a closer look, but the second he touched it, it disintegrated into nothing .

  Chapter 12


  “W hat do you think it means?” Darrin asked .

  I couldn’t stop staring at my fingers where the note had been. “It’s probably just lies. There was definitely something weird about my uncle .”

  “That whole place was weird,” Darrin said shifting his shoulders back .

  I nodded. I knew what he meant, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on exactly what it was. All I knew was that I was happy to be out of there .

  “I think your mom was right about one thing,” Darrin said lightly touching the back of my hand .

  “What’s that?” I asked even though I had an idea what he was referring to .

  “I can tell you’ve been weakened,” he said leaning close to my ear. “Let me help .”

  I smiled, but my palms felt sweaty. “That’s not necessary. She buds in sometimes when she shouldn’t. And by sometimes, I mean all of the time .”

  Darrin chuckled and inched closer. “I think she was right, though. Let me help .”

  I shifted in my seat. Darrin was incredibly hot, and the way he looked at me, well, it made it hard to say no .

  He was right though, I did feel drained. That glowing energy I’d felt before was nearly completely gone. It never seemed to last long, especially when I was around others .

  “Let me help,” Darrin moved his lips close to my ear. “Watching you with Erik was driving me insane .”

  My lips parted. What was he doing to me? Why couldn’t I control myself ?

  “I just wanted to jump into the backseat with you.” His breath danced across my skin. “Our hands all over your body .”


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