Falling for Him 4 (Rachel and Peter in Love)

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Falling for Him 4 (Rachel and Peter in Love) Page 1

by Gray, Jessica

  Copyright Notice and Disclaimer

  Falling for Him 4

  By Jessica Gray

  Copyright © 2014 Jessica Gray

  Kindle Edition

  This book is copyrighted and protected by copyright laws.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission from the author.

  All characters, names, and places in this book exist only within the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons or locations is purely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 1

  Lara Bishop stepped from the taxi and took a calming breath as she looked up at the building where Peter lived. She made her way to the front door, holding her purse tightly against her abdomen. When she stood in front of the door, her mind replayed everything that had transpired between herself and Peter.

  She had come here, to do what would probably be the hardest thing she had done in her life. As her mind replayed the actions that had brought her to this place, she was ashamed of herself. Just thinking back to what she had done, made her blush, her cheeks turning red in embarrassment and shivers crept down her spine.

  Her mind drifted over bits and pieces of her interaction with Peter and his girlfriend, Rachel. Looking at her actions, it was as if she was watching a horror story unfold. The things she had done to that woman were beyond imagination!

  When she thought about what she’d done to poor Peter, she questioned whether she’d ever truly understood what love was. How could someone who professed to love another, ever willingly carry out the abominable acts she had. She was so ashamed of herself!

  Lara Bishop considered herself an intelligent, beautiful woman. She had attended the best schools possible, and her father was considerably wealthy. Lara had always prided herself on being above those around her in looks, actions, and abilities.

  How far had she sunk? She had acted out like an immature, spoiled little girl who threw a temper tantrum when things didn’t go her way. No worse, like a street urchin for crying out loud! Hiding in a mouse hole suddenly seemed like a good idea.

  The urge to bury her head in the sand and hope that things would fix themselves was strong. But she couldn't do that. She was here to right the wrong she’d done.

  She had come here to ask for forgiveness.

  Lara knew that there was no way to undo the things she’d done and the actions she had caused. Still, she hoped that her honest apology would help Peter and Rachel put the past behind them and find their happily ever after.

  Lara took one last calming breath like she had learned at the clinic and rang the bell. Nothing. She listened for movement on the other side of the door, and when nothing happened, turned towards the street, but stopped. She’d come this far, might as well try one more time. It was her only chance, because she probably wouldn’t find the strength to come again another day.

  She’d used up all her courage to get this far, and now cursed herself for not thinking things through. If he didn’t open, she was lost. Lost to her remorse and the attacks of guilt and shame. She wanted to get things done. Right now. Before her courage could fail her. Therefore she depressed the doorbell again in one last attempt before she’d run off.

  Her shoulders sighed in relief momentarily when she heard the sound of the deadbolt being turned from the inside.

  Just as quickly, tension filled her body again and every carefully rehearsed phrase disappeared. Peter is opening the door, and I can’t remember what I need to tell him!

  In slow motion, she watched as the door opened. Her eyes cast downward, when she noticed the bare legs and robe wrapped body of a woman. A woman? Rachel Baker! Oh my god! Please, not her!

  Lara inwardly cringed and her tension ratcheted up to another level. She’d been hoping Peter would answer the door; at least he didn’t hate her! Mentally bracing herself for the ordeal to come, she raised her eyes to Rachel’s.

  The welcoming smile upon Rachel’s face died as she surged backwards and attempted to shut the door in Lara’s face. It was obvious she hadn’t expected to see Lara standing there!

  Lara put her hand out in supplication, quickly saying, “Please, Rachel. May I come inside for a few minutes?”

  “Give me one good reason why I would be stupid enough to allow that?” Rachel challenged her, using every ounce of bitchiness she was able to muster up. She looked Lara up and down, mistrust evident in her perusal. And not unwarranted based on past events.

  Lara shifted on her feet. Uncomfortable with the confrontation, yet knowing it needed to happen.

  Rachel looked at the woman who normally would be dressed to kill in expensive designer clothing, totally inappropriate shoes, and her makeup expertly applied. Today, she was wearing clothing that looked like she had bought it off the rack at one of the big box stores. Save for a little lip-gloss, she was wearing no makeup.

  Rachel kept her hand upon the door, as if she expected the other woman to force her way in. Lara saw Rachel look over her shoulder, scanning the hallway to both sides. She glanced to her left out of the window and could just make out the taillights of the taxi disappearing around the corner of the next street.

  As Lara watched Rachel’s face, she realized the woman was probably looking for the men in the white coats, come to take her back. She was going to be very disappointed as Lara was most definitely alone, and now that the taxi had departed, without transportation.

  Rachel brought her gaze back to Lara and silently measured her.

  Lara recognized the look for what it was – distrust. Well, it’s not like you’ve given her any reason to trust you in the past!

  “Please? Just for a few minutes?” Lara pleaded once again. She glanced through the crack in the door, hoping to see Peter, but there was no one. Had Peter already left for work?

  Rachel looked at the woman standing on the front step with a disgusted look upon her face, "Lara you have the nerve to come here!?"

  "Rachel, please.” Lara hurried to find a reason for Rachel to let her into the house. Seeing Rachel’s eyes narrow, and fearing she was about to close the door, she quickly offered, "I came to apologize."

  Rachel raised her eyebrows in disbelief.

  Lara’s heart sank. Of course, she wouldn’t believe me. Why should she? Images of her past actions towards this woman crossed her mind. She blushed with shame once again. “Please. I am here to apologize to you and Peter.”

  Rachel let her inside reluctantly and said "Peter is in the bathroom. Wait right here." She gave her another measured glance and then reluctantly left her standing just inside the apartment, the front door slowly shutting behind her.

  Lara observed Rachel disappear down the hallway she knew led to the master bedroom and ensuite bathroom. She slowly walked into the front sitting room and lowered herself to the small couch.

  While she waited on Rachel and Peter to return, her mind drifted back to a day six months prior; that fateful day that had forever changed her life. She saw herself standing on top of an office building, ready to jump!

  Chapter 2

Six months earlier

  Lara was standing on the outside ledge that ran around the top of the building. There were small cutouts in the ledge and police officers stood on the inside of those openings on either side of her, trying to convince her to let them pull her back inside the retaining wall.

  She had taken the elevator up to the fifteenth floor and then the stairs to the roof before climbing over the small wall and onto the two-foot wide ledge.

  The wind had come up slightly in the last few minutes so she was leaning against the building and trying to get control of her thoughts. She’d awakened earlier this morning, her mind confused and her thoughts unorganized. For the very first time in her life, she hadn’t gotten what she wanted. Peter!

  The more she thought about that fact, the more she realized that from the moment Peter had broken up with her, her life had begun to fall apart. Everything had gone wrong. Totally wrong.

  She - Lara Bishop - the beautiful, intelligent, successful woman others envied, had transformed into a frantic fury. The green-eyed monster had taken over her life and her mind. She awakened this morning and realized that she didn’t like herself. At all!

  Shoot, if the authorities knew even half of what she’d done, she would have faced public humiliation and a lengthy prison sentence! And it was no less than she deserved!

  If her father, or his board of directors, ever found out, that dark secret would destroy her reputation. She’d never be able to look her father or her friends in the eyes again.

  The longer she thought about the consequences of her actions should anyone find out what she’d done, the more hopeless it seemed. She had mindlessly driven to the building and walked out on the roof, looking for an escape from the emotions roiling through her mind.

  She glanced down at the street below, unaffected by the offers and pleas to let them help her. Perhaps it was best to jump! She would spare herself the public humiliation. She would be able to get rid of those painful feelings of jealousy and guilt. Death seemed like a good idea.

  How could the only guy she ever really wanted love someone else? Peter was supposed to be with her!

  When Peter arrived, she had spewed all the unvented emotion inside her at him. “You!” Lara had shouted accusations at him, screaming hysterically, and crying at the same time.

  The sight of Peter leaning out the window cut into the retaining wall had caused something to snap inside her. She’d vented all of her frustrations and anger at him; telling him of the hurt he’d caused her and begging him through her tears to make it right.

  “Lara, I can’t understand you. Come back inside the wall so we can sit down and discuss this. Please?” Peter had extended his hand towards her, but she had shaken her head and backed away from him. She couldn’t trust him anymore. Could she?

  Lara pointed her finger at him and screamed again, “You ruined my life! I truly loved you and you threw everything away just to be with that bitch Rachel!”

  Lara watched as someone she couldn’t see spoke to Peter before he answered her. Then she heard Peter say, “Yes, Lara. I understand. Please come inside so we can talk about all the things I did wrong.”

  Finally, her drastic measures reached him. Did he accept that it was all his fault? Now that she had his attention she would convince him that they belonged together. She needed him.

  But what if it was only a trap? What if the minute she reached safety, he never wanted to speak to her again? Then this would all be for naught!

  She needed proof! Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself as she looked at him, challenging him to back up his words with action, “Promise to marry me, or I'll jump."

  Lara watched him carefully, the light of victory just beyond her fingertips. If he would only agree to her proposal, everything would be right once again. She wouldn’t have to face the embarrassment of her evil actions. There would be no disclosure to the police or her father. Life would be back to the way it was supposed to be!

  When Peter nodded his head, saying, “Yes. Everything you want,” Lara’s heart jumped for joy. He met her stare, even going so far as to hold out his hand in a silent plea for her to come back over the wall to a place of safety.

  Lara broke down in tears, the sadness, and despair of moments before slowly fading away. Peter wanted her! He had just promised to marry her with all these witnesses around! He must love me! He must!

  After calming herself slightly, she used her hands to feel behind her for the opening closest to her and then made her way back over the retaining wall. Peter was standing in the center of the roof; silently waiting for her to come to him, with his hand held out in welcome and a warm smile upon his face.

  Lara had eyes only for him. She met his gaze, the tears still continuing to run unchecked down her cheeks, but a spark of happiness was taking up residence in her heart. Peter wants me!

  She focused so much on getting to Peter’s side; she didn’t see the two policemen waiting in the wings. As soon as she was a safe distance from the protective wall, they jumped towards her, taking her to the rooftop as gently as possible and holding her in place.

  Lara looked at them in shock, putting up no resistance to being laid out on the roof of the building. She kept her eyes on Peter’s for a moment, and then the tension left her body in a rush. Her mind turned off as she broke completely down, shaking and sobbing incoherently.

  Chapter 3

  Lara slowly opened her eyes, waking up and having a moment of fear. She didn't recognize where she was. She calmed herself and searched for the things she did know and recognize. She was lying in a bed, although it was not hers.

  She scanned the room looking for clues as to where she was. This definitely wasn't her luxurious bedroom in her father’s house. It was too sterile. The walls were a faint green color and there was an odd smell…it seemed more like a hospital.

  At that same moment, the door to the room opened and in walked a young woman dressed in the typical uniform of a nurse. She wore a stethoscope around her neck, and was carrying a chart in her hands. She was in a hospital!

  Suddenly, Lara remembered what had happened. The roof. Peter. The policemen who had taken her down. All of it. They must have transferred her here after her breakdown.

  The nurse approached the bed and said "Oh you're awake, Ms. Bishop. You have been sleeping quite a long time. How do you feel?"

  Good question! How did she feel? Numb - yes. Empty - yes. Emotionless – well, not entirely. Stupid – most definitely. All these thoughts rushed through her head, but she couldn’t tell this woman any of them. Instead, she responded with a dry scratchy voice, "Okay. I'm thirsty, though."

  The nurse smiled at her, "I will get you some water right away. By the way, you have a visitor. May he come in?"

  Lara's heart jumped. Peter? Would he come to visit her after everything that had happened? She would apologize for everything and then maybe they’d be able to start over with their relationship.

  The door opened and she made a long face. It was her father – not Peter!

  Mr. Bishop smiled encouragingly at his only child as he approached her bedside, "Sweetie, how are you? I was so worried! I even called your mom; she'll be here tomorrow. She's traveling from France and there wasn’t a sooner flight available.”

  Her mom was coming to see her? Mrs. Bishop had never been very interested in her daughter and had preferred to live the jet set life. Mostly without her husband, who was dedicated to his work twenty-four-seven. Lara and her father used to count the days of the year when her mother “visited”. They’d made it a game and betted on how long she’d stay and how many weeks until she returned the next time.

  Lara gave her father a weak smile. She honestly didn't understand why her parents were still married. Her mother was traveling at least nine months of the year, while her father worked nonstop. She’d often wanted to ask that question, but never did, not sure if she really wanted to hear the answer. Sometimes ignorance was preferable to the truth.

  Lara swallow
ed before answering his question, "I’m fine. A bit thirsty."


  Mr. Bishop looked around for a drinking cup, silently taking the cup offered by the nurse who had just returned. Handing Lara the cup, he looked at his daughter and wondered if everything he had done was wrong.

  He had always loved her and given her everything she needed or wanted – without reserve. He had never objected to any of her actions and when she had crossed the line, he’d even covered up some of her greatest follies. His intentions were the best, but without his wife’s help, the whole burden of Lara’s education and upbringing had lain squarely upon his shoulders. And he was a workaholic.

  His wife always liked the jet set life, and it had become obvious by the time Lara was two, that raising a child was a burden to her and not something she would ever enjoy. He still loved his wife, but shortly after Lara’s second birthday, he had let her go her own path. It was the best for everyone. His wife would spend a few weeks per year with them and tell them excitedly about the thrilling life she had.

  It actually was very convenient to him as well, because he spent eighty-plus hours at work every week. No more rushing home to attend some charity function, or art exhibit with her. No bad conscience for working overtime and not being home with her. He had no one’s schedule but his own to be concerned with. The short times his wife spent in Santa Clara with him were actually great, but both of them gladly went their own ways again after one or two weeks spent together.

  He had hired the best nannies money could buy to care for Lara. During the little time he could spare for her, he fulfilled her every wish; always trying to assuage the feelings of guilt. Looking back in hindsight that probably hadn’t been what was best for his daughter. Or himself. He had spoiled her to such a degree, that she was now having major problems dealing with life on an adult level. She was having problems coming to terms with the fact that life consisted also of disappointments and failures.


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