Mark Of A Scarred Warrior (Iron Dogz MC Book 5)

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Mark Of A Scarred Warrior (Iron Dogz MC Book 5) Page 7

by René Van Dalen

  I frowned. “I don’t have a braai. I’ll have to buy one of those kettle jobbies”

  “Nope, don’t waste your money we’ll build one with the left over rocks and shit.”

  Every time he opened his mouth he gave me more and more and more. I have never felt so taken care of in my whole life.

  We stood looking around the empty space that would become my kitchen and I let Aunt B take over. She knew exactly what to do and discussed the layout with Jagger who took notes on his phone, something he had been doing the entire time we had been at the cottage.

  Turning to me he smiled and pulled me into his side. “Before we leave to look at Dizzy’s place there’re two more things. One is the stairs to the loft. They will be against this wall and will lead up to the loft and will be made out of reclaimed wood and wrought iron. Beast will be building it on site once we’re done with the thatching and the loft floor so I’m not sure what it’s going to look like. The second thing is the fireplace. I’m not a fan of burning wood or coal or anthracite so it’s going to be gas, not ideal but less pollution.”

  Dragging me back into the living area he looked at me as if I should know what he wanted.

  Drawing my shoulders up and throwing my hands palms up in question he shook his head and laughed.

  “Where do you want the fireplace, baby girl?”

  Twisting out of his arm I walked into the middle of the large space and did a slow turn. I took in the big hole in the wall that was going to be a window looking out over where I was going to have my stoep (veranda), turned and looked at the smaller hole in the wall in what would be the dining area. Biting my bottom lip I tried to imagine the space with furniture and where I would place the television that Jagger said he would be installing. Picturing it in my head I nodded as I made my decision.

  “Against the outer wall over there, I think.”

  “Good choice, Chris.” Aunt B nodded in agreement. “Now, can we go and have a look at Dizzy’s kitchen before we get out of here?”

  I wondered why she was suddenly in a rush but maybe she had remembered something she had to do that she’d forgotten about.

  Dizzy’s kitchen was a dream. I would never have thought that old floorboards, because that’s what Jagger said had been used, could look so good. I wanted my kitchen to look exactly like this one. Warm and inviting like a small farmhouse kitchen.

  Aunt B rushed me through looking over Dizzy’s new home and saying goodbye to an equally confused looking Jagger. I wanted one last look at the kitchen and ran back inside to take a photo while Jagger and Aunt B waited outside on the deck. When I came back outside they were smiling so I took that as a good sign.

  After a hug and a kiss on the forehead Jagger got on his bike and zoomed down the road. It took us a little longer to get moving because at first my little car didn’t want to start but after trying for the third time she roared to life.

  “Good girl, Dinky, you hold on for me girl and I’ll get you sorted, soon, very soon.” I promised as I patted the dashboard. I had bought the car from a student whose parents had bought him a new car and he was selling it cheap, dirt cheap. She needed some work but she was all mine.

  “Let’s get back to the clubhouse and while we have a cup of tea you can do some drawings for Jagger. He has some idea what you want but if you show him your drawings he’ll be able to design it exactly the way you want it.” She said as we zoomed back down the road to the back gate of the compound.

  I immediately agreed. I was over the moon happy about my gorgeous little cottage and couldn’t wait for it to be finished.

  A few days later

  I’d gone back to swimming in the regular pool every morning because it was bigger than the eco-pool. I’d been able to avoid Scar and Tori by getting there super early.

  Today, for some flippen reason, he walked through the gates as I started my swim. He was alone, no Tori today. It was seven in the morning, why the hell was he here? I allowed my anger to spur me into a sprint but I slowed after one length because it served no purpose.

  I swam every day instead of spending hours in the gym trying to work off the extra kilo’s I packed on because I no longer watched my diet. I ate what I wanted, when I wanted. Unfortunately a life time of eating healthy had become a habit that was very hard to break. Not that I wanted to. I enjoyed my salads and veggies. I just liked having a burger or pizza when I wanted. Plus I discovered I had a sweet tooth and I fed it cake and chocolate regularly. Hence the swimming every day.

  I flipped and swam back to the side of the pool where I knew he was getting ready for his swim. I was focused on swimming and ignored him but when I reached the side and was about to turn I noticed a shadow above me. With my hand against the wall of the pool I looked up. Scar was kneeling on the paving staring down at me. I hid my surprise, and lifted my swim goggles to look at him.

  “Good morning.” His eyes were intense as he greeted me. Why?

  “Morning.” My throat was a bit dry and my voice sounded forced. Pulling myself up I reached for my bottle of water that was at the side of the pool next to my towel. I sipped a couple of small mouthfuls, being careful not to drink too much.

  “Sorry to intrude on your swim but I have an appointment this morning and had to come earlier than usual.” He apologised, to me?

  I shook my head. “You’re not intruding and the pool is here for everyone’s use.”

  He gave a mirthless smile. “Jagger gave me strict instructions on the times I was allowed to use the pool and he was adamant that early mornings were yours.”

  “Shit.” I shook my head and pulled my goggles back down. “He’s just a little bit over protective; you using the pool at the same time doesn’t bother me.” Not much, anyway. The sooner I finished the sooner I could get out and leave.

  I dropped back into the water, submerged, came back up, gave him a little nod and swam away.

  For the rest of my swim I ignored him. I focused on the swim and nothing else.

  When I got out he was standing in the shallow end and I couldn’t resist a look.

  I shouldn’t have. He was looking right at me with his usual pissed off look. Asshole. But holy heavens that body was to die for. He didn’t have a lot of tattoos like most of the other brothers. Just miles of wet golden skin. With that wet golden skin glittering in the early morning sun he looked like a water god rising up out of the depths.

  I needed to start reading something other than sexy paranormal romance novels because they made me see water gods in the pool. I snorted. Lies, it was all me.

  I quickly dried off, pulled on my yoga pants and hoodie, gathered all my stuff and left.

  I felt his eyes burning a hole into my back as I left, but I refused to look back.

  Next time I would be more careful. I couldn’t assume he wouldn’t appear while I was swimming. Today proved he might.

  For the next few days I was super cautious and waited in the shadows if he got there before me.

  As suddenly as he had started using the pool in the early hours of the morning he stopped. I once again had the pool to myself. And if I felt a little bit like a bitch I shook it off. I tried to ignore it.

  The same way I tried to ignore the grumpy asshole when he appeared at the bar. Or the way he always had a smile for the club girls but never for me. So what? It’s not like I wanted him to smile at me instead. Was it?

  I was so flippen confused.

  I would have been even more confused if I had known he was watching when I got out of the pool every day, that he watched as I dried off and pulled my clothes on to leave. I had a silent watcher and didn’t even know it or feel it.



  After their one conversation at the pool Chris had taken avoidance to another level. It was frustrating to look for someone and they were never in the places you always used to see them.

  He should have spoken to her at the pool but he hadn’t been ready
then. He was now.

  He had been coming to the clubhouse after his work outs to try and catch her alone but she no longer seemed to hang out in the common room. And when she was working he didn’t want to get into their shit with everyone watching and listening.

  Apologising for being a dick wasn’t something he had ever done before because he had never treated a woman the way he had her. He had thought to catch her at the pool but he quickly realised it was her escape and quiet time and didn’t want to intrude. And her retreat was partly his fault.

  He was damned pissed at himself.

  Sitting at the bar sipping the beer the prospect had given him he frowned and wondered why she wasn’t at the bar tonight. It was Friday, one of the busiest nights at the bar with everyone congregating for their usual party.

  Clearing his throat he beckoned the prospect over. He couldn’t remember the kid’s name but he thought it was something starting with a D.

  “Anything else I can get you?”

  Scar shook his head. “No, not right now, thanks. I was just wondering where Chris was? It’s Friday night, isn’t she supposed to be working?”

  The kid grinned. “She’s been running in and out for the last couple of days getting shit ready to move into the cottage. She’ll be in later tonight.”

  Frowning he tilted his head to the side. “A cottage? Is she moving off the compound?”

  “No, not exactly.” The kid pointed vaguely over his shoulder. “There are cottages on the property next door. I think it belongs to the Iron Dogz as well. It’s a fucking sweet little cottage Jagger and the guys are fixing up for her. I wouldn’t mind moving over there once I’ve earned my patch.”

  “That sounds like a good deal.” Scar nodded as he sipped his beer.

  The prospect nodded before moving off to hand beers to the brothers descending on the bar now that their day was done. Scar sat quietly watching as the guys settled in to enjoy their Friday night. All he wanted to do was finish his beer in peace before he headed out. He wasn’t interested in hanging out with the younger patches and the club sluts who were crawling all over them. Sighing he turned his back to the shit going on behind him and sipped his beer.

  “Hey, brother.”

  Scar turned and grinned as Sin sat down next to him.

  “Hey, man, what are you doing here? This shit isn’t your usual scene.”

  Sin laughed as he accepted a beer from the prospect.

  “Definitely not my scene. I saw you as I came downstairs and came over to ask if you want to come out with me tonight. I’ve been invited to a house party by this hot babe I met today and as the boss doesn’t like us going out alone I was hoping you’d come with me.”

  Scar shook his head. “Sorry man, I still can’t ride, so if I go it has to be in a cage.”

  “No sweat.” Sin shrugged. “We go in your cage. Maybe we can persuade Jagger and Boots to come with us. Those two bastards almost never go out. They need some party time.”

  Laughing and shaking his head Scar finished his beer and pushed the empty bottle away from him.

  “What time do you want to leave?”

  Sin grinned. “I’ll give you an hour to get pretty then we hit the road.”

  Scar laughed as he grabbed his stick and carefully stood, ignoring the pinch of pain. “I’ll be here to pick you up in an hour, be ready.”

  A night out with his brothers was exactly what he needed. He would be able to unwind but still have the safety of his brothers around him.

  Sin and Boots stood waiting for him when he pulled up to the clubhouse an hour later.

  The party was at a massive house in some fancy suburb in Johannesburg. They hadn’t been there for an hour and Scar was already bored. Leaning against the wall he watched the rich little bastards hanging out in the lounge and around the pool. Why Sin had thought they could hang out with this lot he didn’t know. They were too fucking young. Scar sipped on his first and only beer to hide his grin when he spotted Sin leading a red headed busty babe towards the stairs. His brother was obviously looking for some privacy. Meeting his eyes he grinned and lifted his beer in a salute. Sin grinned and winked as he disappeared up the stairs.

  Scar hoped like hell they wouldn’t be staying too long. These were definitely not people he would have ever hung out with. Looking around he tried to spot Boots but he had disappeared almost as soon as they had walked in the door. He was still searching the crowd when a hand closed over his forearm and he instantly tensed. Looking down he wiped the frown from his face when he realised it was a woman. A pretty woman with a nice smile.

  He had been introduced when they arrived but for the life of him he couldn’t remember her name. He was about to gloss over it by calling her babe when she reintroduced herself.

  “We were introduced earlier. I’m Brenna and you’re Scar, right?”

  He tipped his chin in acknowledgement. “I am.”

  “Would you like to go somewhere not so loud to sit and talk?”

  What? Did he look like he wanted to chat?

  “I’m good over here.”

  “You’ve been standing here all night. We can go outside and sit down next to the pool. It’s nice outside and not so loud or crowded.”

  It would be great to rest his ass in a chair for a bit. Shrugging Scar pushed away from the wall and let her lead him outside. They passed knots of laughing and very loud party goers to a darker corner on the patio where a group of unoccupied chairs and loungers were.

  He gave a little grunt of pain as he lowered himself into the chair and by her sudden frown of concern he knew she had heard him.

  “So, Brenna, how do you fit into all this?” Scar waved at the people with the hand in which he still held his almost full beer.

  “It’s actually my sister’s party.” She smiled when she saw he had no fucking clue who she was talking about. “The red head with your friend is my sister.”

  Nodding he had to ask. “What’s the occasion?”

  “No occasion, just Britt being the party diva that she is. And of course my parents are on a cruise, so.” She waved her hand at the house.

  Scar grinned. “I’m not sure your parents gave permission for their home to be party central while they’re away.”

  “Definitely not. But I don’t want to talk about that, that’s boring. I want to know about you.” She shifted in her chair and Scar let his eyes run over her pretty face with her wide blue eyes and pale red hair. Not his type. Since when did he have a type? He silently asked himself.

  It was obvious she was interested in him but he wasn’t going to go there, so he let her know it in no uncertain terms.

  “I’m not looking to get involved with anyone, babe. I’m here with my brothers to relax and maybe have some fun, nothing more.”

  The girl smiled wide, licked her lips and slid out of her chair, gently opened his knees and knelt between them.

  “I’m not looking for a relationship either. Just mutual pleasure for the night.”

  Putting his beer down and clasping his hands around her face he gave it to her straight, no embellishments.

  “I’ve recently been in an accident and I’m still recovering. I can’t give you what you want. Doctors’ orders, no strain on my back which means no sex. Sorry, babe.”

  She reached for his belt and he watched as she pulled it open, unbuttoned his jeans, pulled the zip down and pushed the sides away to reveal his soft dick in his dark grey boxer briefs. Not even a little bit aroused because everything she did was done with practised ease. He wondered how often she did this kind of shit.

  “We don’t have to have sex. I can make you feel good with my mouth. Would you like that?” She whisper-breathed over his dick and the fucker perked up a little.

  The heat of the breaths she blew over him made him even harder and he tensed as she continued.

  “Once I’ve made you come, you can get me off with your mouth. I can already feel those rough long f
ingers of yours in my pussy and your mouth on me, all hot and wet. I’m so turned on my pussy juices are running down my legs.”

  And bloody hell, his dick was now rock hard. Leaning his head back against the chair he let her take over. Her warm, wet mouth felt like heaven around his cock and he groaned, grabbing her hair in one hand to help her move on him. In his mind she became someone else. Someone with soft brown eyes. She pulled against his hand and he looked down as his hard dick popped out of her mouth, her hand taking over, sliding up and down his wet cock. Her full lips were red and wet as she puffed hot breaths over the head of his dick. It shattered his fantasy and he was about to end it when she spoke.

  “Let’s move to the enclosed lounger over there.” She whispered against the head of his dick and he shuddered. “It will be easier to get your hands and mouth on me.”

  Now completely focused on getting off he allowed her to help him up and lead him to the lounger. Semi reclining against the cushions he shook his head when she tried to remove his pants, realising why she had wanted them to move to the lounger. “No, it’s going to be a blow job and nothing else.”

  She gave him a disappointed little pout before dropping her head over his crotch and swallowing him down. All. The. Fucking. Way. Down.

  He hadn’t had a mouth or a pussy around his dick in so long he had to force himself to lie back and not buck his hips up and shove his dick down her throat. Grabbing her hips he shoved her tight skirt up. He almost got up and walked away when he was faced by her bare wet pussy. The bitch wasn’t wearing any panties. She had come prepared to be fucked tonight, exactly like a fucking club slut.

  He should have pulled her off him, but her mouth felt so fucking good and he hadn’t had anything but his hand in so long that he put it out of his mind and shoved two then three fingers into her weeping pussy. She took it easily, much too easily. He knew right then that he would not be putting his mouth anywhere near her snatch. No matter how good she made him feel.

  It didn’t take long for both of them to come. She swallowed his come like a pro.


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