Mary’s Virgin: Vampire Romance

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Mary’s Virgin: Vampire Romance Page 8

by Iva Britt

  While having their hair curled and their fingernails and toenails painted to match their dresses for the party/fundraiser, the girls settled in for a gab session. Emily was excited about a trip to England with her husband for their tenth anniversary. She liked to joke that her husband would buy Buckingham Palace for a vacation home if she asked him. "He would buy it for me just so we could have sex in every room," she stated laughingly.

  "What's up in your world, Aida? One minute you look sad and in another you have a sly, secret smile. Come on girl, spill the goods."

  Aida started with the doctor's appointment saying, "The fertility specialist was no help once again and Kenneth was a no show. That explains the sad face. I might not feel so bad about it if Kenneth actually acted like he cared. I miss the old days when we had sex just for fun. Maybe it would be best to give up on the idea of a baby before we lose each other completely." Emily felt so bad about Aida's longing for a baby even though she didn't quite understand it. A child was never something Emily dreamed of.

  "I'm so sorry that nothing has changed in the baby pursuit, but you don't really need to completely give up. How about you just have sex for fun without protection and just let whatever happens be okay? Maybe taking the pressure off will help."

  "It's not just the baby. Kenneth and I are both bored with our sex life. I guess that's normal after several years of marriage and the lifestyle changes that money brought. That brings me to the secret smile you caught on my face. Let me tell you about the boutique this morning." Aida went on to explain about the sexy dress and her encounter with the handsome stranger.

  She expected Emily to be shocked that she would consider having sex in a changing room with a man she didn't know, but Emily smiled and said, "You should have gone for it. I would have."

  "No way Emily, your husband would kill you."

  "Actually, he wouldn't. We've been going to sex parties and swinger's clubs for a couple of years now. It's fun and keeps us excited to be with each other. I think our marriage is stronger because of it. Y’all should try it. It'll put some zip in your life." Emily waited for the shock to wear off of Aida's face. When Aida remained silent, Emily decided to let her mull it over while she ordered some champagne and snacks, another perk at this salon.

  As they were leaving the salon, Aida whispered, "I think we might want to try it. Maybe just me seeing it the first time before I try to talk Kenneth into it."

  "No problem. We'll pick a night and give you a call. Don't look so worried. It's fun and you learn all kinds of new things. Even if you just watch, you'll get ideas for you and Kenneth at home. See you tonight," Emily called as she climbed into her Mercedes.

  Chapter 3

  Aida was nervous. Tonight was the big night. She would be attending her first sex party as the guest of Emily and her husband. She kept reminding herself that it would just be a trial run, no action necessary. Kenneth was in Dallas taking over a ranch that was in foreclosure. Kenneth was ruthless in business. He kept his feelings for the poor souls losing their ranches out of the equation. He believed this ranch was riddled with pockets of oil and that he stood to add millions to his bank account. Sometimes Aida missed the poor, compassionate Kenneth she used to know, but there was a big part of her that was proud of the intelligent business man he had become. She certainly enjoyed the money.

  The decision of what to wear was difficult. Aida looked at the tiny, sexy black dress she had bought at the boutique, but decided against it. For her first time at one of these functions, she didn't want to draw the attention that dress would bring. Emily had told her the party would begin as a regular dinner party so she chose a simple blue dress with a key hole back and a skirt that swung loosely well above her knees. Aida left her dark hair flowing about her shoulders and used makeup to bring out her large eyes.

  The result was a restrained sexiness that she felt was a good compromise.

  When Aida entered the party, her nerves calmed a bit upon seeing a normal looking group having cocktails. The men wore suits and most of the women were dressed as she was. There were a few overtly sexy dresses, with low necklines, cutouts in strategic places and sheer fabrics.

  Dinner was delicious. The food ranked right up there with any five-star restaurant and the wine loosened Aida up a little so that she could look around without panicking. As dinner came to an end, the servers cleared the table, closed the curtains over the panoramic windows and lowered the lights. Aida was surprised to see a wall slide open, revealing curtained cubicles. Even more surprising were the sterling silver bowls being set around the room. Many contained condoms in a variety of styles while others contained sex toys and even mink-covered handcuffs. The guests lost no time with small talk. People were pairing off and heading for the cubicles.

  Emily was being led from the room by an older gentleman who stopped briefly to pick up some condoms and a pair of the mink handcuffs. Her husband was entering another cubicle with two young women that were already half undressed and in the process of removing his clothing as well. Aida felt herself blushing and her hands were shaking a little. As she continued looking around she caught glimpses inside some of the cubicles. One contained a netted swing hanging from the ceiling with a nude woman climbing into it. Another revealed a man being tied to the headboard by what appeared to be a string of pearls. Looking away from the curtains, Aida realized that not everyone felt the need for privacy. In a corner of the room, she saw a couple clearly fondling each other's privates without regard of who might see. There was also a topless woman lying on the long dinner table allowing men to drink expensive champagne from the hollow spot beneath her bare breasts.

  Aida decided she needed another drink before she began to panic again. As she reached for a glass on the closest tray, her hand came into contact with a larger one reaching for the same glass. "So sorry ma'am," she heard a deep voice drawl. "You take this one. I will find another," he continued. Aida looked up to see gray eyes and a stunning smile on the face of an Adonis. His smile brought a matching one to her face. "A little overwhelming, isn't it? I certainly didn't expect it to be quite like this." His Southern drawl was somehow comforting to Aida. It reminded her of rodeos and friends from long ago. "I'm Stanley Warner," he stated as he reached to shake her hand. "Why darlin' you're shaking. Let me find us a place to sit and calm your nerves. Maybe somewhere off to the side so the happenings aren't quite as noticeable."

  Aida allowed him to guide her through the darkened room with a hand on her back. The first touch of his hand on the bare skin revealed by the key hole opening in the back of the dress sent tingles down her spine. Wow, she hadn't expected to be attracted to anyone in her nervous state, but Stanley's nearness was a turn on. "My name is Aida," she managed to stammer as he seated her on a settee and joined her there. "What brought you here? Or should I ask who brought you here?"

  Stanley replied, "No one brought me. I was invited by the hosts after a rodeo. It seems that they are the owners of the bull I was riding as well as the arena used for the rodeo. I asked them what entertainment there was in this town and was invited for this little get together."

  "You're a bull rider! How I miss the days when I used to follow the rodeo circuit. It was hard at times, with little money, but so exciting and fun. I would do it all again in a heartbeat." Aida couldn't believe she had found a genuine cowboy. Her heart was beating so fast it felt like it would jump right out of her chest.

  "Yes ma'am, I do enjoy the adventure. I've even competed in rodeos around the world. The more dangerous, the happier I am. At the moment I'm healing from a torn muscle in my thigh so I decided some time in Houston where I had a few friends could be my next adventure. Seems I was right. I've found you and with a body like that, you're bound to be dangerous," Stanley whispered as he ran the back of his fingers down Aida's neck.

  Aida whispered back, "Adventure and danger were exactly what I was looking for tonight. It sounds like we were meant to find each other in this odd crowd." Aida couldn't resist opening a
few buttons on Stanley's shirt and running her fingers over his hard. muscular chest. Stanley reciprocated by drawing a finger down her cleavage causing Aida to shiver and feel a moistness gather between her legs. Stanley leaned in and gently touched his lips to hers. The kiss deepened when Aida responded avidly. Aida found her hand was rubbing up and down his thigh, but when Stanley's hand started to wander slowly up her leg under her dress, she pulled back. "Stanley, I'm just not ready to go that far yet."

  Stanley kissed her again and said, "That's okay darlin'. I'm not going anywhere soon and someone like you is worth waiting for."

  Chapter 4

  Aida was still excited and turned on from the party the previous night. Her dreams were so vivid, she climaxed in her sleep. The encounter with Stanley had definitely put some zing into her life. Aida couldn't wait to go back and take Kenneth with her. Maybe she could use the attraction between her and Stanley to make Kenneth jealous enough to up his game. The idea started another tingle to race through her body causing Aida to run for the phone so she could ask Emily the when and where of the next party.

  Kenneth returned from Dallas triumphant. He had gotten the ranch and surveys showed there was indeed oil on the property. The rich would get richer still. He gave Aida a huge hug and kiss, complimented her on the way she looked in her cut offs and tank top, handed her a long box from Tiffany's and went to pour himself a whiskey. Nothing ever changed. This was the usual routine after a business trip. Jewelry was always the consolation prize for being left behind. She knew that Kenneth meant the gift to say 'I love you', but after so many times, it just felt routine. Today's present was a lovely sapphire necklace that matched her eyes. Aida made sure he knew how much she loved the necklace with a kiss and a caress of his crotch, shocking Kenneth into choking on his whiskey. If he was shocked at that, she couldn't imagine what would happen when she made her proposal after dinner.

  Kenneth headed for a shower and more comfortable clothes while Aida took hors d'oeuvres and wine out to the pool. She stripped out of the shorts and tank top to reveal a tiny bikini. If she was going to convince Kenneth to go with her to a sex party, she needed all the ammunition she could get. The look on his face when he found Aida lounging by the pool in a barely-there swimsuit was priceless. "What's the occasion?" he managed to choke out.

  "Just a little welcome home party for my favorite cowboy. I thought it might inspire us to do bad things to each other," purred Aida. Kenneth scowled and replied, " I'm not a cowboy anymore or have you forgotten my career ending spinal fracture?" He grabbed his glass of wine and sat in a patio chair with a growl. Aida wrapped her arms around his neck from behind, kissed the top of his head and said, "I love you no matter what. Don't ever forget that."

  Dinner by the pool was subdued. Aida poured wine liberally because she was still determined to bring up the party. When Kenneth seemed more relaxed she asked, "Do you ever feel that our lives are just an endless circle? Like we're stuck in a routine without end? I do and I would love to change that for both of us."

  Kenneth was quiet for a moment, but then agreed, "Yes, our lives are routine. Very different from what they were when we got married, but that seems to be the norm for most couples. How do you expect to change it?"

  "I heard about some parties that can bring zip back into a marriage and I honestly would like us to try one. We could just watch and not participate if you would be willing to go."

  "Aida, are you talking about sex parties? The ones where people trade partners? You have no idea how many times I've been invited to those on my business trips. Don't worry, I always say no. Now you want us to go to one together. I see Emily's influence in this. You would never come up with this on your own. Is she sneaking around behind her husband's back?"

  Aida didn't want to rat out her friend, but desperate times called for desperate measures. "Of course the idea came from Emily, but she would never do anything behind her husband's back. They have been going to these parties for a couple of years and it has made their marriage stronger. They're happily married and definitely not in a rut. Please Kenneth, I don't want us to grow apart."

  Kenneth had finally agreed to the sex party with two rules. There would be no switching partners and Aida was not to try and force him into sex on the premises. Aida jumped to agree, hoping the atmosphere at the party would get to Kenneth as it had her.

  This time the only shaking she was doing was caused by excitement. It was Kenneth who looked scared. He seemed better after the dinner portion of the party, but when the lights went down and he caught sight of couples in every corner the shock set in. She plied him with champagne as he watched couples, trios and even foursomes wander into the cubicles. She knew Kenneth was getting turned on when his breath became heavy and he couldn't stand still. Obviously, the threesome on the divan had his full attention. That was probably a good thing. It kept him from hearing her gasp as she felt Stanley's hand on her ass. She knew that cologne scent anywhere. It had haunted her dreams for days. Before Stanley could get too handsy, she turned and introduced him to Kenneth.

  "Kenneth, I want you to meet Stanley. We met at luncheon to raise money for the care of retired rodeo horses. I can't believe he is actually here. Stanley, this is my husband." Aida knew she was stammering but she prayed that Stanley would go along with her story.

  "Nice to meet you Kenneth. Your wife is the hottest woman here, but I'm guessing you already know that. Must be nice to know that she's going home with you." Stanley's Southern drawl was extremely exaggerated tonight. He must be doing it to get under Kenneth's skin. Aida was red faced and hot all over. Kenneth was fully aware of the sexual tension between Stanley and Aida. She was deeply attracted to the man. Sadly, Kenneth could see why. With blonde hair, gray eyes, a shirt stretched tight across a muscular chest, pants so tight his junk was prominent, and a deep Southern drawl, he was every woman's wet dream. Except for the hair color, he was the man Kenneth used to be. Kenneth took Aida by the hand and said, "You are correct and I'm taking her home right now."

  Kenneth far exceeded the speed limit returning home. He continued to pull Aida by the hand through the house to their bedroom. He only paused long enough to grab a bottle of champagne and some whipped cream. Kenneth was quite creative with the whipped cream, licking it off Aida's breasts and from between her legs causing her to climax repeatedly. He even covered his member with it and let Aida bring him pleasure, something he had not allowed for years. The champagne came into play for a second round after a brief nap. Aida enjoyed every minute and yet she felt something was missing, leaving her feeling lonely.

  The next morning, Aida explained her feelings to Kenneth and pleaded with him to continue taking her to the parties. She begged him to try the partner exchange next time. Kenneth feared he was losing Aida, so he reluctantly agreed.

  Chapter 5

  Kenneth was called away due to an emergency with oil rigs on a property in Oklahoma. Aida took the opportunity to find out if Stanley would be competing in the National Rodeo scheduled for that weekend. Her sources confirmed that he would be. She eagerly called Emily and asked, "Please come with me to the rodeo. I'm dying to see Stanley compete and to see if he is still interested now that he knows I'm married."

  Emily wasn't so sure if it was a good idea and replied, "Do you really think it's okay to do this? Does Kenneth know? "

  Aida was too into the idea of going to worry about it being a good or bad idea. "If it turns out there could be something between Stanley and me, I will deal with Kenneth then. Why bring it up if nothing happens? Please go with me. I need my best friend." Emily couldn't let down her friend so she agreed to go.

  Aida felt right at home in her boots and jeans, but Emily was extremely uncomfortable and self conscience. Rodeos had never been a part of her life, but she was willing to try anything once. The dust being kicked up by the animals was another matter and Emily protested as they got closer to the pens, " Aida, I'm choking on dust! Do we have to go back here where the animals are?"
r />   Aida sighed and said, "You'll live. We will only be back here for a minute. I just want Stanley to know we're here, otherwise, this is a waste of time."

  At that moment she caught sight of Stanley in a group of other cowboys and ran ahead of Emily. One of the cowboys turned and saw her, shouting, "Look at that! We've got ourselves another groupie. And damn this one’s hot!" The group turned as one, but Stanley stopped them before they all went after Aida by clearly stating, "This one belongs to me. Hands off!"

  Aida and Stanley met just a few feet from the group who couldn't stop their shouts of "Yeehaw, sugar!" and," I wouldn't mind a piece of that." Stanley had to agree. In her skin tight jeans and low cut tank top, Aida was a sight to behold. Right behind her came a red-haired beauty who looked like sin in boots. The boys were getting an eyeful for sure. Stanley pulled Aida to his side and asked, "Darlin', what are you doing back here? Not that I'm complaining, but this can be a dangerous place."

  Aida grinned from ear to ear as she explained, "Honey, I traveled with the rodeo circuit for years. I brushed and saddled the horses, fed those big bulls, and even tried my hand at a few competitions. This is like old times for me. Kenneth was once a poor cowboy. We did what we could to stay with the circuit, until he was hurt too bad to continue. I came back here so that you would be aware that I came to cheer you on."

  "Hot damn, a real cowgirl, not a groupie! Your presence should bring me luck, but you better find your seats. The animals are about to be wandering around and your friend looks a little freaked. See you on the other side, babe." Aida gave him a smack on the lips for luck, grabbed Emily by the hand and headed for their front row seats.

  The rodeo was as exciting as Aida remembered. She screamed and cheered along with the crowd. Even Emily got into the action, cheering the cowboys and booing when the bulls won. A few beers didn't hurt either. Emily could see why Aida missed this. It was pure excitement without having to mind your manners or worry about your looks. When Stanley won the bull riding contest, he climbed the railing, grabbed Aida for the hottest kiss on record and gave her ass a squeeze for good measure. He also slipped a small piece of paper into her hand which contained his cell number.


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