Mary’s Virgin: Vampire Romance

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Mary’s Virgin: Vampire Romance Page 65

by Iva Britt

  After some time, the two of us were taken to a room unknown to me and locked inside. Maurice was bound, but I was left alone and given a robe to cover myself with. I supposed they hadn’t bothered to tie me up because I would be of no threat. I could not hope to stand up against a vampire while I was still human.

  I curled up into a ball on the floor and hugged myself close, beginning to sob. What had I done and how was I going to get us out of this?

  But as I lay there, my distress turned to anger. In anger, I knew there was power. I was going to figure this out for me and for Maurice, even if it meant killing Lawrence.

  Chapter 8


  Every time I saw Lawrence, I felt a pull like no other. Because I had been a vampire so long, I knew what was going on. He was making me a slave to him sexually just like he was to her. He was making my body respond to the both of them, when they were in the same room, and it was the most sick and twisted thing I had known a clan leader to do. I had once thought of Lawrence as mild in comparison to some of the vampires I had come across in my more than one hundred years, but now I knew there was something dark and broken inside of him.

  Vampires were not good with time. So, the only way I could determine how long we might have been subject to his games was by the number of times he had forced us into a mind-blowing and confusing threesome. It had been enough times that even my strong and perfect body was getting exhausted and extremely hungry. I needed to get out and feed if I was going to continue, but I had qualms about the idea of leaving Rhea alone there to do that. I had no guarantee that she would survive if I left or if I would ever be allowed to be with her again if I asked to go hunt.

  The situation was more hopeless than even I expected, and I often watched helplessly as Rhea cried herself to sleep. My only hope for her now was that Lawrence would tire of playing with his food and actually turn her so she wouldn’t be in so much pain anymore. Vampires could easily let go of human feelings of both physical and mental pain. It was the best thing for her right now.

  I looked over at her now and wanted to pull her into my arms. At some point, they had realized I was weakening and no longer tied me up, so it was something I was capable of, but if Lawrence came in there to find the woman I loved which he coveted in my arms, I wasn’t sure how he would react.

  "Why do you not touch me anymore unless he makes you?" she whimpered with her back turned to me. She had the voice of someone who had cried so long that everything in them had just dried up. "Are you disgusted by me because I have been with the both of you now?" I couldn’t bare the bitterness in her tone or the thought that she believed I no longer felt anything for her. It was the exact opposite. As awful as the situation was, I lived for those moments when I was allowed to have my hands on her beautiful, womanly body, when I was allowed to be intoxicated by her scent. Those times were the only thing keeping me going. How did she not know that?

  I decided it was worth the risk, and I crawled my way to her, enveloping her in my arms. My red hair fell against the skin on her chest as she sighed with all the emotion she must have been holding in for me this whole time. She was the bravest human I had ever met, which at the moment, was worth so much more than her beauty and the fact that she was utterly unique. "I love you. You keep me feeling like my heart is beating in my chest even though that has not happened naturally in over one hundred years, Rhea. I would do anything to keep you with me, and that is exactly what I am doing. I know that you fight so hard and have no control over what he makes you feel and do. I feel your love for me in every touch and ever sigh you save just for my movements within you."

  I kissed down her back greedily, never wanting to be made to stop. If this was possibly the final moment I would get to do this before she was ripped away from me or me from her, I was going to make it count. "I love you," I said over and over each time I kissed a new precious piece of skin on her body.

  "Maurice,” she said quietly after some time, stopping me in my tracks.

  "Yes, my love?"

  "We can’t keep doing this," she told me flatly. I knew she was right, but I was powerless to think of a way to get out. We were both bound by his glamour and me especially by the blood pact of the clan. I could not just walk out even if I had the strength to. "We have to do something about this."

  "Other than die, I don’t know what we could do," I admitted to her with deep sadness.

  "Only one of us has to die," she told me, turning around with a new fire burning behind her grey eyes. I could tell by the way she looked that she did not mean a permanent death. She wanted me to turn her, though I didn’t know what strength I had in me to do that at the moment.

  "I am weak. I do not know if that would even work, or if I could continue to survive much longer after that. Besides, how could that get us out of here?" I had no idea what was in that mind of hers.

  "If you turn me and not him, I will not be part of the clan, he cannot order me around." In theory, she was right, but usually, new vampires did not have their own will to resist being glamoured by an older vampire until they were at least a couple of decades. The blood lust and new senses were too strong for a young vampire.

  "You are right, but he might still be able to glamour you because you would be brand new."

  "It’s our only way," she told me with a new determination in her body. Rhea had transformed from a shaking, crying and broken woman to someone who was ready to fight. She was right, it was all we had. "I will kill him. If I succeed, you will go and feed and no longer be weak."

  I nodded, not wanting to say the things that were scratching at my throat. Goodbyes weren’t something we needed right now. We needed hope. So, we exchanged blood right there on the floor in each other’s arms, and I held her as the light went from her grey eyes so that she could reawake as one of the undead.

  I was stunned as I watched her transform, becoming even more beautiful as she became one of us. I had never known such beauty from anything other than a painting of a goddess. She would be the ultimate predator, luring unsuspecting men of all races to their death with just a toss of her golden hair. Somehow, I knew to look on her now would center me, even under the influence of Lawrence’s sick seduction. She was my muse and my savior.

  Chapter 9


  I looked in the mirror that stood in the room where Maurice and I were being kept, looking over myself in awe. Every flaw that my body had was gone. All my pain was gone. My hair was strong and vibrant, and I had two fangs that I could make protrude form my mouth at any time. I was perfect and incredibly strong. I could feel it with every fiber of my being. I was going to be able to kill Lawrence.

  I was about to turn around and tell Maurice this; tell him that I knew now I could do it, but that was when I heard the footsteps. I couldn’t believe I could hear a vampire coming.

  I got back in my little corner, trying to still appear pitiful and disheveled, though I didn’t know how well I would play that part. Maurice had gone back to his spot as well, looking weaker than ever. I could only hope I would pull off the plot in time to save my love because immortal life meant nothing without him there.

  Lawrence burst into the room, and I could tell by the scent that he had already been drinking from another human. He was drunk with blood. So, why he wanted me at that moment I had no clue. What I did know is that he was trying to push his influence on me, but it flowed around and over me as if I had an invisible barrier around me. Still, for this to work I had to pretend that it was still working.

  I stood up and came over to him, immediately disrobing. I knew that he would see that my bruises and scratches, even the bite marks were gone. But maybe he was blood drunk enough to overlook it just long enough for me to get the opening I needed.

  He began snaking his hands all over my body like always before lazily looking over to Maurice. "You are too weak to pleasure her tonight," he barked, looking over Maurice like he was a bug he wanted to squash. I tried to ignore it and co
mply, but I felt anger well up in me like nothing I felt when I was a human. Emotions were so heightened, and I didn’t know how long I could wait before I struck. But I needed to have the right moment in order to make sure I succeeded. There was no room for errors here.

  Lawrence leaned down with his fangs out, ready to take more blood from me. I began kissing his collar bone and gripping his member, stroking it until I knew he would succumb to me more easily. I silently let my fangs extend, getting the feel for them before I spread my mouth wide and grabbed onto his head, forcing him still as I bit into his neck. I pulled flesh with my teeth, ripping him apart piece by piece. I didn’t want to leave any of him to heal. I ravaged his body until there was nothing left but splatter and his head. I closed my eyes and savored the flavor of his blood. It was the best thing that had ever assailed my tongue.

  I went straight to Maurice and began kissing him, giving him the blood that drenched my mouth and then letting him take some from my wrist. I needed him to make it for just a little while longer.

  I picked him up and bore some of his weight on me as we left the room. I had him lead me to where I would find the rest of the clan. We came out into a common room of sorts where dozens of vampires were feeding and joking around. But the moment I walked in there with their leader's head, the room went dead silent.

  "I have killed your leader," I seethed, holding his head high so they could all see the truth. "You will all either pledge your blood to me and the husband I will take, or you need to leave now."

  Chapter 10


  I looked over at the man I was about to join with my blood forever and felt a warmth of gratefulness come over me. We had gone all out, buying me a black lace wedding dress and him a tux with a red vest to match his hair. He had tied it back away from his beautiful face, and here we were, standing before the clan that had stayed behind to pledge their allegiance to me, ready to say our vows.

  Getting married as a vampire was different in one aspect from getting married as a human. There was no ‘til death do us part. All we had stretched in front of us was forever.

  The crowd cheered as we were pronounced husband and wife, and instead of a kiss, we each partook of each other’s life blood. When we drank from one another, it felt like we were sharing each other’s souls; something I was certain we still had even as the undead.

  "I love you," I told him with a smile, my fangs still bared.

  "I love you even more, until the ends of the Earth and back," he whispered into my ear, kissing just below the lobe. I felt my body respond with a burning desire. I still had not gotten to have him all to myself, and I couldn’t wait to retire to our room and make love until we got bored of it, which I was certain would be never.

  Maurice led me through the crowd and into our chambers, and I called for two of my clan members to bolt and guard the doors. Everyone had their orders and assignments, and one of those was to leave us be until we were through with each other. I didn’t know when that would be, but I knew I would have fun finding out.

  I approached Maurice with a sinister grin, turning around and moving my hair out of the way so that he could reach the zipper at my back. He grasped the zipper with perfect precision and began sliding it down as slowly as possible. I knew it had to be painful to be so controlled with his movements. He could easily get this whole thing off of me in less than a second if he wanted to. But he was doing this on purpose.

  His fingernails tickled at my skin all the way down, and I giggled happily until I was finally able to hop out of the confining dress.

  Underneath I had worn a blood red corset just for him, and he made me turn in circles so he could admire it, licking his lips at my delicious appearance.

  "Finally," he growled, closing the small gap between up by pulling me into his arms by the small of my back. "I get to have you all to myself." His authority was enough to make me melt into him, and he trailed his fingertips delectably down my throat, paying special attention to my hardened veins where he would be able to tap in and suck out the succulent blood that kept my body going even in death.

  "Yes," I told him as his hand settled on my groin. "I am all yours."

  "Say it again," he told me with a stronger tone.

  "I’m all yours. I am your queen, your lover, your wife," I told him. He snarled at me, and I found myself aching for him, wanting him to explore every inch of my new body with his.

  Maurice tore away at the corset, popping each hook with his solid fingers. I found myself completely bare in front of him, and I hissed at him playfully before running him into the wall, leaving a circular dent where his head hit. I began to remove his clothing piece by piece, savoring this moment where we would come together as husband and wife for the first time. There would be no drunken influence and no third person to get in our way.

  Finally, I got to look at his bare body with new eyes. There was no way I could keep my hands off of him now. But as I went in for a kiss, he disappeared out from under my grasp, landing on the bed with his swiftness. He wanted to play games.

  I grinned mischievously at him before chasing him, landing in a crouch on the bed. But he already flew to the window, wrapping himself up in the black curtains.

  I growled angrily at him, letting him know I was none too happy about this wild goose chase. I wanted to feel him inside of me. I was a greedy queen, and I needed him to fulfill my desires.

  Then, before I could go for him, he came at me, crashing us both down onto the bed. I could feel the springs collapsing below me, but I didn’t have a care in the world at that moment. The two of us wrestled, each of us wanting the dominant position on top before he pinned me down and plunged his hard shaft deep inside my wanting center. I gasped in ecstasy, getting all of the best sensations and none of the pain. My body was made for these moments now; ideal for sinful pleasures behind closed doors with my new forever husband.

  We continued our struggle of sorts, sometimes with me working my hips on top of his and others with him holding me down against the failing mattress. We exchanged blood over and over, mixing our essences just as we had our lives.

  My orgasms and my screams shook the whole room as I quivered to completion all night and then all morning long. I didn’t know how long we had gone without rest, but I didn’t think I needed it. I didn’t want to close my eyes and find that it had all been one amazing dream or delusion.

  But Maurice coaxed me after the millionth time into the sweetness and complete darkness of a vampire's sleep; much like being dead. But I found that I often dreamed; dreamed of his touch and his lips, until we awoke the next night to discover each other all over again.


  Bonus 21 of 30

  The Princes of Draconia


  For the shifter MFM idea: Two male dragon shifters, Rowan and Griffin live in the land of Draconia, the capital of the dragon world, removed from the human world into another dimension in ancient history. Rowan is meant to be king, but first he needs to find the perfect mate. It has been a long time since a true female dragon shifter has come to be. They are often too powerful and too overwhelmed by it to survive, and so many of the dragon shifter men have married humans. Rowan lucks out when he finds Dahlia, a woman about to turn 21 and come of age. She has visions and shows signs of being a female dragon shifter but does not know it. The only problem is that she and Griffin have been dreaming of each other for years. They are in love before they even meet. They feel they will die without each other, but Griffin will not step on his best friend’s toes and become king himself. It is not something he wants or thinks is alright. But how will they deny their destinies together so that she can belong to Rowan?

  Chapter 1

  Rowan of Draconia sits atop the highest mountain peak watching over what is to become his kingdom. He breathes in the fresh smell of the ocean below. This ancient kingdom is ruled by the dragon shifters of Rowan’s family line. He is ready to be king except for the most important asp
ect. Rowan needs a mate. A human female can be his for the asking, but Rowan wants a female dragon shifter. His hunt continues because such females are rare. The powers of shifting prove to be too much for most women and few complete the process.

  Griffin, also in dragon form, flies to Rowan’s side. He informs Rowan, “There is a group of strangers approaching the southern mountain pass. All soldiers must be present to greet them in case of trouble. As the leader, you are needed.”

  Rowan turns to look at the large red dragon that is Griffin and states, “There is no hurry. It will be hours before they arrive. Tell me friend, is there still a woman haunting your dreams? How I wish for one in mine.”

  Griffin is reluctant to confide in the powerful tan and teal dragon at his side. His dreams of the beautiful, blonde female are becoming clearer and more dramatic. He is afraid of their meaning and doesn’t want Griffin to know of that fear, so he replies, “Women are the best dreams. I will always welcome sleeping with such beauty on my mind. Come, swim the ocean with me before we must answer the call of duty.”

  The two magnificent dragons soar into the air and swoop down toward the shoreline. They dive into the ocean almost to the bottom, then back up to the sky These young shifters are the future of their kingdom.

  Rowan and Griffin enter the city in human form. They join the other soldiers to greet the incoming strangers. The dragon shifters have few enemies, but the soldiers always greet strangers just in case. The group crosses the long bridge over the deep canyon that protects their capital. They see the strangers approaching and they sense that most are human.

  Rowan greets the leading male with questions, “Do you bring trouble or goodness to our shores? Are we to be friends or foes?” The human male drops to his knees and replies, “We bring goodness and the hope of friendship. Our village is gone and we seek a new home. We are loyal to Draconia.” Rowan sees the truth in the man’s statement and Griffin nods in agreement. He, too, sees the truth.


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