Mary’s Virgin: Vampire Romance

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Mary’s Virgin: Vampire Romance Page 69

by Iva Britt

  “What are you talking about?” I asked.

  “What I’m asking for is a proposal. I want to learn more about you. I want to study you. What I’m saying, is will you be our mate?” the man said.

  I looked at him like he had three heads.

  “Are you for real?” I asked.

  I realized they were serious. Okay, what the hell? I took a deep breath, unsure of where to begin, but I knew that there was no way, no way in hell, I was going to become their mate.


  Boy, was I damn wrong.

  Chapter 2

  I took a good minute or two to process everything I just heard. I stared at them, seeing their expression hadn’t changed.

  “You’re serious?” I asked.

  “Yes. We are,” the one in the robe said.

  “We wouldn’t have mentioned a proposal for you to be our mate if not otherwise,” the other said.

  I looked at them, shaking my head as I took a good minute or two to process all of this.

  “No. That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works. Do you two realize what you’ve asked me. You’ve asked a human, who’s never had anything like this happen to her before, to mate with her. To make… babies and shit. I mean, I don’t even know if that’s even possible between a human and an alien. I’m sorry, but I don’t know a damn thing about you, or even your names, so that’s not happening,” I said to them.

  “But miss, you seem so—”

  “I don’t seem like anything! I don’t get why you’re asking me this. For one, I don’t even know who the hell you two are, and the fact that you just up and asked me something like this is… strange,” I said.

  I was about to turn around, to get off this crazy train, when a part of me wanted to learn about this for scientific reasons. Of course, they couldn’t stay around forever, and I don’t know if they’d be cool with being in a lab. However, I then heard the one in the robe speak.

  “I’m Xandra. The man there is Nanel. We’re aliens from a planet called Genbu,” he said to me.

  So Xandra and Nanel. Definitely not the kind of names I was expecting from two humanoid aliens.

  “Well, I’m Maya as said before. So why are you here?” I asked.

  “We’ve come to retrieve a human to help us with an… issue that’s been besieging our home,” Xandra said.

  Oh God. What kind of issue would this be? I was scared to ask. I took a deep breath, steeling myself for whatever was about to happen next before speaking.

  “What… kind of issue?” I asked.

  They stared at each another, and then at me.

  “I’m the head of one of the biggest companies on my planet. I’m a billionaire, and my father, who still presides over the company, wants me to find a suitable mate. Problem is, he doesn’t like any of the alien mates that we’ve found so far. Simply put, none of them have the intellect and mental capacity humans share. We did some research on this, personal research at that, and because of that, we’ve concluded a young human woman would be the best fit for our desires,” Nanel said.

  “So that’s where this came in. We managed to get to Earth, but due to control issues, we crash landed here. Because of this, we’re basically trapped here until we can get a signal out to our people,” Xandra said.

  “Yes, which might be a few days,” Nanel said.

  I listened to them, humoring their tale. On the one hand, there was no way in hell I could believe this. I mean, I didn’t want to be their mate, that’s for sure. I’m kind of a college kid, who’s been hitting the books far too much, and who’s been looking more at my scholarships and future over anything else. Plus, it’s not like I had support from my family to rely on. I was all alone for the most part.

  “You do realize I’m a college student, right?” I asked.

  “What is college?” Xandra said.

  Holy shit. They don’t have colleges on their planet.

  “You know like school? Where you go to learn things? That sort of thing,” I explained to them. I needed to learn to be less rude, but that’s way easier said than done. I’m bad with new people, especially ones who basically said they want me as a mate in the future.

  They look at one another, and then at me.

  “I see, so like the academy. We have one like that. It trains people to be leaders or whatever job you’re assigned,” Xandra said.

  Wait, they’re assigned jobs? Oh boy.

  “Yeah. I’m studying to be a biologist,” I said.

  “What is that?” Nanel asked.

  “Someone who studies life. Such as animals and plants. Even you guys classify as that because you are living. There are some scientists who study nonliving things, and that’s different,” I said. I started to sound almost scholarly when discussing this with them.

  “I see. We would like to stay here. To learn a bit more about your people. And perhaps each other,” Xandra said.

  I paused, unsure of how this would work out. I mean, I did have the space I used for experiments, but would it house two large aliens? Plus, once break was over I’ll be gone, and they might end up using that place for something else. Not to mention, if someone discovered they were there, I don’t know how they could take it. Plus, if this whole marriage bullshit was real, I don’t really know how to take it. I mean, I’m still young, kind of unsure about my life, but also a bit curious about this too. I mean, they were rich aliens stranded on a planet like this. It probably wasn’t easy, and I guess I should be hospitable. They don’t seem to know much about human culture.

  “Well, I think I can make it work. My parents are out of town until Monday. That means they’re not here. I can use the shed they gave me to house you guys, if that’s fine,” I offered. There was that part of me that didn’t want to do this, but I was curious. It might have been a morbid curiosity, but I was also lonely as well.

  They nodded, listening to me.

  “Thank you for your generosity. In the past, we’ve heard some humans were scared of us, and there are some stories of humans even hurting us. I feared this would happen when we did get stranded. No Genbu lifeform has ever made it back from here due to how humans are. But you’re kind,” Xandra said.

  I paused. They really didn’t know anything about this place. I mean, they were scaly, definitely not something to show the average person, but I guess, maybe It’s because I’m a scientist that I want to study them.

  “I understand. Well, I hope to make your time here that much more fulfilling and fun,” I told them with a beaming grin.

  They smiled, thanking me.

  “We can move our ship out of the way,” Xandra said. He nodded to Nanel, who used some sort of telekinesis to move it. I was shocked, but at the same time, curious.

  “It’s a technique that all Genbu lifeforms possess,” Xandra explained.

  “I see. Very interesting,” I replied. It truly was interesting. After we finished up there, I led them to the shed. Then, I paused. My parents wouldn’t be back until Monday. I’m sure that I could let them into my home without any problems.

  “Actually, why don’t you come into the house tonight? Nobody is around,” I mused.

  They looked at me with complete surprise, but they did accept the gesture, heading inside. I made them a makeshift bed in the living room, looking at them.

  “I hope this is okay,” I said.

  “It is. Thank you, Maya,” Xandra said.

  I blushed, seeing the man’s eyes as he gazed upon mine. I motioned for them to use the area before heading upstairs.

  There was no way I could ever fall for an alien. If anything, I was morbidly curious about who they were, what they stood for, their values and such. I mean, that interested me far more than anything else, and deep down, I began to wonder just what it might be like. What were these aliens like? Were they nice? Or were they hostile? I wanted to learn more, and while I knew that as a scientist learning could sometimes give you the bitter truth, I had a good feeling about both of these m
en, and about what they stood for, for I knew there wouldn’t be any harm coming to me.

  Chapter 3

  I woke up the next morning almost forgetting that I had two aliens sleeping in my living room. I about nearly cried out when I saw them, but then, reality hit me as soon as I saw them once more. I looked, and I noticed that they seemed almost lifeless when they slept. Were all people like this to a degree? I began to wonder as I looked at them. I mean, I was curious, but sometimes I grew too curious.

  I got a bit excited, heading closer to where they were, lightly touching their arm. It was then I saw Xandra’s eyes flutter open, and for a moment, I began to realize that we weren’t all that different, especially when waking up. Aliens and humans did act similar in many ways, and while I did find the concept of mating with them a bit weird, I still wanted to get to know them.

  “Good morning,” I said.

  “How do you know the morning is good already?” he asked.

  I was about to grow upset, but then I realized that he didn’t mean harm. He’s an alien, he didn’t know any better. I chuckled hearing this, realizing that we were much different from one another.

  “It’s an expression humans use when we wake up. That’s all,” I explained.

  “I see. Well, good morning to you as well,” he said awkwardly. In a sense, I felt like it was kind of cute watching him act awkwardly. He didn’t understand human traditions, and I guess it’s my job to show him the way. I mean, that’s what a scientist who was studying these aliens would do, right? I mean, I’m still an amateur, but I also wanted to get to know them in this fashion.

  There was another rustling next to him, and when I looked over, I saw that Nanel had woken up too. His mouth was hanging open, a sign that he probably was out cold until our discourse.

  “Hello,” I said softly.

  “Hi. This is your home,” he said.

  “Yes. Humans reside here. I mean, if you two want, we can take a look around. I mean, I know that it’s probably weird, but I’ll stay with both of you as we go through this,” I said.

  They looked at each another, trying their hardest to figure out what exactly I meant by that. They then understood.

  “I see. I’m sorry we intruded on your home then,” Nanel said.

  “No, it’s fine. I mean, I invited you two in, so I don’t see the problem. I can’t have you stay in here forever though. My parents come home on Monday. They probably don’t want to see two aliens, that’s for sure. They already find me weird,” I said.

  They understood my predicament. “I see. Well, let’s get the day started. We want to see what it’s like here,” Xandra said.

  I nodded. “It’s a small town. Not that great. but there is one problem,” I told them.

  They looked at me, and then, I motioned to their skin.

  “People will look at you weirdly if you’re dressed like that,” I said.

  “Oh yes, we need to blend in with the human race,” Xandra said.

  “Indeed. Let’s do that before we leave,” Nanel replied.

  They stepped forward, pressing a button on their wrist. Suddenly, their skin changed into that of normal human skin, with the scales long gone. I looked at this with complete bewilderment. I didn’t expect this, that’s for sure. They had full heads of hair, with Nanel possessing black hair that went all the way down to his backside, and Xandra having soft, brown hair. I wasn’t going to lie, in this form, they were pretty sexy, that’s for sure.

  “Oh wow,” I said.

  “Is it too much?” Xandra asked.

  “Not at all. Sorry, I’m a bit distracted,” I replied. In truth, I felt my body grow slightly hot. I shouldn’t think aliens were sexy. I’m supposed to be studying, to understand them, and to create a bond between them and humans. However, I couldn’t stop ogling them, that’s for sure.

  “Let’s head out,” Xandra finally said, jarring me from my thoughts.

  “Oh yes. Give me just a second,” I said. I ran upstairs, changing into something a bit more comfortable, and soon, we headed to my car. I was happy my parents gave me something to drive, even if it was a bit of a jalopy. After the car started, the aliens watched in curiosity as I drove to the first place I felt we should go to.

  “Probably the biggest highlight of this place is the mall,” I said.

  “What’s a mall?” Xandra said.

  They didn’t know? Wow, they must have a totally different lifestyle than humans do.

  “It’s a place where you can get clothing. See this bag? I got it at the mall there,” I told them.

  They listened, very interested. I then pulled up to the parking space. The car stopped, and they looked at me funny.

  “This is so bizarre,” Nanel said.

  “Yeah. It’s not like anything on our planet. You know the ship you saw? It’s actually the kind that people drive,” Xandra told me.

  I was slightly jealous that they already had flying cars, but in a sense, it seemed all right.

  “I wish we had flying cars. I mean, traveling is fine period with cars, it would be cool though,” I said.

  “Indeed. But of course, our land isn’t as vibrant as it is here. It’s certainly different. But I’ve heard you humans have a lot of problems with people in power,” Nanel said.

  “Yeah. I try not to pay too much mind to it. But it can be overwhelming. People get more offended over things than anything else. It’s nice though, being able to talk with you two about things like this. It’s interesting to see the difference this all plays,” I said.

  The three of us walked into the mall. The two aliens were overwhelmed by the sheer number of items in this place.

  “How does a store hold this much?” Xandra said.

  “It’s a collection of stores. You want to check a few places out?” I asked them.

  They nodded, and I led the way. They seemed legitimately interested in what I showed them, and in a sense, this was almost like a date. They seemed to really want to know the difference between humans and their species, and while there were some key ones, including the fact that it seemed like they had the technology part down, we weren’t all that different.

  I brought them over to one of the bookstores, and soon, they went inside. They pored over the classic literature, and I watched with a smile on my face as they continued to gaze upon this.

  “Wow, this is amazing,” Nanel said.

  “Indeed. I never expected to find such great works here,” Xandra said.

  I was amazed by how much they knew about classic literature. Apparently, that’s something that you learn on their planet at a young age. We spent the rest of the day exploring the town, and while there wasn’t much else to really do besides go to the mall, I figured showing them the lake would be nice. I mean, that’s another major highlight of this place I guess. We went there, sitting on the benches and looking out. I sighed, feeling happy to at least have someone here this time around, but also a bit sad.

  “What’s wrong?” Nanel asked.

  “Oh nothing. It’s just... it feels weird. Like I expected us to be different, and in all honesty, I didn’t expect us to get along either. I’ve always been a bit of a science buff, always trying to find the various reasons for things, including why life is the way it is. I always thought if I ever did meet an alien, I’d just put on my logical facade, and not really connect with them on a deeper level. But when I’m around you two… it’s different. I don’t feel like I always have to play scientist,” I told them. A part of me thought about maybe exploring their own world, seeing what it was like there.

  “I get that. I feel happy as well. Humans are nice,” Nanel said.

  “Indeed. We were told that this place would be a final death knell if we came here and got stuck. But with you, it’s different. We like you a lot,” Xandra said.

  I blushed. I mean, I know they probably meant it in just a comrade sort of way, but this felt so nice. Even hearing that they liked me made me feel better.

  “I like you gu
ys a lot too,” I said.

  “Have you thought about perhaps joining us on our journey back? We’re going to try to signal for a ship tomorrow, and hopefully, within a few days, we’ll be able to head back to where we belong,” Nanel said.

  That’s right. They would need to go back to where they belonged. I might never see them again. However, there were still many questions.

  “Right. I mean, I’ll miss you two. A lot,” I said.

  “The offer is still open if you want,” Xandra said.

  “I know you brought forward the offer, but honestly, I have a few questions,” I said.

  They looked at me with slight concern.

  “What is it?” Xandra asked.

  There were a few puzzling things that ate at me, especially with the threesome copulating. I don’t know how I could be a mate to both of them.

  “Well for starters, how the hell could I be a mate to both of you? Why do you desire a threesome coupling?” I asked.

  They paused, trying to figure out how to express this.

  “Both of us are stepbrothers, and we often share everything. We’ve heard some humans like to share more than one person, and on our planet, it’s a sign of wealth and intelligence to share a female mate between two males. I know it’s strange, but hopefully it doesn’t turn you off,” Nanel said.

  That was fucking weird. But I guess, that’s the way things are.

  “Yeah. Here we have something similar which isn’t for everyone. But maybe, there is a way to like two aliens,” I said. I mean, I did enjoy them both. I liked learning about who they were.

  “Indeed. Just remember Maya, if you so choose to be a part of our life, we’ll make sure that you’re gladly rewarded. We’ll take care of your education, show you the way of life on another planet, everything,” Nanel said.

  It was a tempting offer.

  “I do want to consider that. It’s just… I’m afraid. I’ve never felt strongly for another being before. It’s a very new thought. I’m a scientist. I’ve always focused on chemicals and the bodily process of how things come to be. I mean, I’m in school, so I’m still hesitant about even falling for another person. But when I think about it, with both of you, I do want that. It’s very strange,” I said.


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