Mary’s Virgin: Vampire Romance

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Mary’s Virgin: Vampire Romance Page 80

by Iva Britt

  “I’ll think about telling you. Just give me time,” I said.

  I left the tutoring session, not going to them or class for about three days. I did get calls from Robert, but I felt the fear racing through my body as I saw his number. I wanted to tell him, I really did, but I always feared the worst. I didn’t know what he would do if he knew the truth? Would he hate me? Would he report me? Would I lose everything? I doubted it. I knew that I’d have to face the music sooner rather than later.

  On the third day, I got a call once again. I wanted to ignore it, more than I’ve ever wanted to ignore a call before, but I picked it up on instinct, holding it up to my ear.

  “Hello?” I said.

  “Hey, it’s Robert. Can we talk? You haven’t been to class in about three days,” he said.

  I paused. Do I tell him the truth? Or should I continue to play this off? I could pretend I’m sick or something?

  “It’s nothing. Just…there is something that I want to tell you. like really badly,” I said to him.

  There was a pause on the other end, and I began to wonder if he already knew. “Do you want to say it in person or over the phone?”

  “In person. I can’t here,” I admitted. I didn’t because I feared the worst honestly. I was already bracing myself for the obvious rejection incoming. There was another pause, and I hoped that he wouldn’t hang up on me. finally, he spoke.

  “Meet me at the room in about thirty minutes. We’ll talk there,” he said.

  I thought about it. as much as I didn’t want to tell them at school, I felt like it was now or never, especially with the way everything was going.

  “Fine. I’ll see you then,” I said.

  I hung up the phone, my breath coming out in ragged gasps. I couldn’t believe I was doing this. Why did I fear it so much? Probably because this was all novel to me, but still. I began to feel the fear racing through my body, but I knew it was time to face the music.

  I got ready, putting on a cute black sweater dress and some stockings, pulling my black hair back into a ponytail. I would do this. I’ll face it all, and I’ll make sure that the true feelings that resided within me would come out and show themselves.

  Chapter 7

  “So what do we do?” Caleb said.

  Robert sat in his office, head in his hands. He knew he couldn’t hide this anymore, and the fact that a meeting was called this late seemed suspicious.

  “I don’t know Caleb. I can’t pretend anymore,” he said.

  “I honestly can’t either. But what about the school? What about our jobs?” Caleb said. He feared starting a romance would be the nail on the coffin for them, and so did Robert.

  Robert knew he’d put up too many walls for far too long. All of this time, all of this strain and worry, it was eating him alive. He couldn’t play pretend with his feelings anymore.

  “I’ve deluded myself far too long Caleb. I have a feeling if we’re quiet about it, everything will be okay,” he said.

  “Even with the risk?”

  “Yes Caleb, even with all the risk in the world. You want this. I want this. I’ve never fallen for a woman like this before. I’m not letting this get away. If she says what she’ll say, I already know my feelings on the matter. You can sort out your own,” Robert said. It was the first time Robert actually knew what he felt, and when Caleb looked at him, he sighed.

  “I feel the same way. Even though I don’t want to admit it, you’re right,” he said.

  “Good. Now embrace them, and if she says it, you know what to do,” Robert explained.

  They knew the risks were there, but they’ve pretended for far too long. They knew what they felt, and if they didn’t’ get these feelings out, they may never have another chance.

  I walked over to the room quickly, ignoring the feeling in my gut. I needed to be honest. I couldn’t keep hiding these feelings forevermore. When I got to the door, I knocked, and soon, I saw both Robert and Caleb there. They were dressed to the nines in gorgeous suits, and when I looked at them, I felt a lingering desire in my body.

  “Hello there,” I said.

  “Hello to you as well. Come on in,” he said.

  I gladly did so, feeling my heart beating fast. When the door was closed, Caleb locked it, which eased my mind slightly. They then turned to me, looking at me directly before speaking.

  “So spill. What the hell is going on?” Robert said.

  “Yeah, you haven’t been to class, and you sounded weird over the phone,” Caleb added.

  It was so obvious what was going on. I knew hiding my feelings would only prove to hurt me. I sighed, knowing the only way out was through it.

  “It’s about both of you. I’m honestly terrified to admit this, but I can’t hold back. I know that what I feel is real, especially for the both of you,” I said.

  They listened to me, almost understanding on instinct what was going on.

  “Just tell us. I swear, we won’t hate you for what you’re about to say,” Caleb said.

  I knew they wouldn’t, but I was also scared of rejection.

  “Fine, if you say so. It’s just… I like you two. A lot. At first, I thought this was a simple crush, something stupid that would go away after a while. But when I’m around you, I feel happier. I know it’s wrong for a teacher to see a student, but I can’t hold these feelings back any longer. I’ve felt this way for a long ass time, and honestly, if I keep ignoring the feeling in my heart, I’m only going to hurt myself,” I said.

  They listened to me, understanding the issue at hand. Finally, Caleb spoke, looking directly into my eyes.

  “You serious?” Robert asked.

  I nodded, turning red once again. “Yeah. Dead serious. I’ve felt this way for a while. I normally don’t fall for guys. I’ve always been the type who kept my feelings away from my studies, and my overall demeanor. But when I look at both of you, when you’re there to encourage me, when you do all of this, I feel happy. It’s a strange level of happiness that I’ve never experienced before and I want to experience it with both of you,” I said.

  They listened to this, and I really hoped I didn’t sound totally stupid. However, instead of being told to leave, instead, I saw smiles on their faces.

  “You should’ve said something sooner. It was obvious, but I wanted to hear it from you. Honestly, we’ve felt the same way, battled with the same feelings, but it is mutual,” Robert said.

  “Yeah. To hell with the risk, we both like you,” Caleb said.

  I looked at them with agape faces, unsure of what to say. “For real?” I asked.

  “Correct. We both really enjoy you Casey. Sure, you’re rough around the edges, but at the very bottom of it all is a nice, caring soul. I mean, we can keep this our dirty little secret. Plus, you’re passing my class this time around, so it’s not like I’m actually doing something with a student directly. I mean, we can keep this our little thing, and even though some might be against it, I know this is indeed what you want, isn’t it,” he said to me.

  I knew this was the right decision. I smiled at them, simply grinning from ear-to-ear.

  “Yeah. I want you two more than anything,” I said, blushing at my words.

  “Then your wish is our command. If you want this, then allow us to show you what it is you’ve been missing. Let us give you the pleasure you’ve so desired for a long time,” Robert said.

  “Just remember to keep this a secret, and we’ll make sure to cater to your desires whenever,” Caleb added with a smile

  Before I could respond, Robert grasped me, pulling me closer and looking at me directly. I blushed, realizing the closeness of our bodies, but at the same time, I enjoyed the feeling. He then tilted my chin up, pressing his lips to my own in a hot, passionate kiss. I began to kiss him back, loving the way that it felt, and as time began to become still, I realized right then and there that I made the correct decision, and while I was scared of what could happen, at the same time, I knew that the beating in my heart, the
fluttering that happened, was totally real, and I’m finally facing these fears, along with embracing the future with both of these men.

  Chapter 8

  Robert’s kisses were almost intoxicating. He took his time, letting his lips move against my own in the subtlest of ways. I embraced this, feeling a groan emerge from my mouth. He captured the sound in a kiss, and that’s when I felt his tongue snake out. I began to tense up, unsure of what to do at this point.

  I never had a boyfriend. Like I said, I was always focused on studies, or just being a dick to Robert when needed. I also spent most of my time drinking alone, so I never had companionship. But now, even with this gentle kiss, I felt excited, ready for more, and craving this from the other man. He began to let his lips move against my own, and his tongue started to explore after I opened up. I moaned, excitement and need obvious in my body. He began to press his tongue to mine, causing shivers of arousal to pass through my body. I loved it, I truly did, and with every single touch, every single lick, every single caress, I felt like I was losing my mind with this.

  As he did it, he pulled away, and soon, Caleb pressed his lips to my own. His kiss was vastly different, in that he seemed to almost move in a haphazard way, causing me to groan in excitement as he did this. The two of us exchanged kisses, letting our tongues move and collide with one another in a way that befit both of us. I moaned against him, and when he pushed his tongue harder and harder against my own, rubbing the appendage, I began to let out a small cry for more. I wanted more, and I could tell that tonight was going to change me.

  I was pushed down on the desk, the hard surface hitting my back with a thud. Already, the dress was hiked up, exposing the upper half of my thigh, and the stockings I adorned were already loosely hanging against my knees. Both of these men looked at me, the desires obvious in their eyes.

  “You’ve never done this, have you?” Robert said.

  “No. Please be gentle,” I said, blushing as I heard my voice. God, I sounded like such a wanton whore, but that’s honestly what I enjoyed about this. He leaned in closer, giving me a chaste kiss against my lips.

  “Don’t you worry, you’re going to love this,” he said.

  I braced myself, feeling their lips move down my body. At first, I didn’t really know what to think when I felt Robert’s hot lips against my neck, but there was almost a ticklish sensation that came with this, and I began to let out a small cry of need as he continued to tease there. I felt Caleb do the same, except on the other side. However, he found a spot on there, right near where my neck met shoulder, and when he teased it, I felt my hips buck almost on instinct, a guttural sound of need emitting from my lips.

  God I wanted more. My entire body was lost in the passion of it all, and I knew for a fact that it was only going to drive me insane. With every single touch of their lips, every single motion, I felt whole. However, I felt their hands near the hem of my dress, touching it for a second before looking at me.

  I simply nodded, and soon, the dress was pulled off my body. I blushed when they looked at my underwear-clad boy, my need increasing in my bones as they looked me over. It was then when I felt Robert touch the tip of my breasts, squeezing them and smiling.

  “You have gorgeous breasts,” he said.

  I blushed, feeling his hands tease my nipples through the garment. I did admit, I had some nice hooters, that’s for sure. It’s kind of a nice blessing, especially since people obviously enjoyed them. Caleb moved his hands over to the edge of the clasp, taking it off without any second thoughts.

  I let out a small squeak, shocked that this was even happening. Soon, the garment was off my body, exposing my luscious breasts for them to see. I felt nervous, especially since I’ve never let a person see me like this before, however, instead of seeing looks of derisiveness, I saw looks of rapturous need, almost as if they wanted more.

  “Holy shit,” Caleb said, his hands teasing the edge and corner of my breasts. I began to blush, feeling his hands softly pinch the nipples. He leaned in, capturing my lips with a soft kiss before Robert leaned against my ear.

  “Should I teach you real pleasure tonight with my assistant?” he said, licking the shell there. I simply moaned in response, the aching need in my body almost overtaking everything by this point.

  Both of them wasted no time after they heard the sounds I uttered. They moved their lips down to where my nipples were, kissing the very edges and the tip of it with the slightest touch before the captured the bud between their lips. I felt the differences in pressure immediately. Robert seemed to know the perfect pressure to use, teasing the erect bud without any second thoughts. He used his lips to suck, his tongue to tease the tip of the nipple and the sides, and as he licked and flicked I could feel a bubbling in my stomach, a hearty need for more. Caleb on the other and as much gentler, almost as if he was learning what I liked. That was fine, and in truth, I enjoyed the difference each of the pressures made within my body. I began to shiver with every single touch, every single caress, and with every moment as it went on. I felt them both continue to tease and arouse me, making me feel even more turned on from all of this.

  For a moment, I felt like time had stopped, and I knew I was so close, just from the teasing they did there. However, they pulled away, looking at me, who started to involuntarily push my hips up. I wanted more, and it was obvious from the way Robert looked at me, that would be the wish that I’d grant.

  “Of course. But we don’t want you to cum right away. We’re saving that. However, that doesn’t mean we won’t tease you along the way,” he said. He moved his hips down my body, teasing the edge of my hipbone before moving against the edge of my underwear. I felt him rub against that spot, causing me to let out a small gasping moan of desire. I wanted him to continue touching me there, and soon, I was pushing against his own hand, the friction obvious. He chuckled, seeing the way my body was practically rutting against his digit. He then moved it to the side, grasping my panties and then slipping them down my body.

  I felt the cold air hit them almost immediately, inciting a blush on my face. I’ve never been so exposed, and in public mind you. I felt him move his hands over to my clit, touching the tip of it. he then looked at Caleb, who moved towards the tip of that same area. However, instead of using his fingers, I felt something pink and wet touch there instead.

  Holy crap. It was his tongue. At first, I didn’t know what was going on, and soon, I began to cry out with desire and need. He began to tease the area there, and I knew that this was something that made me scream out in need for more. He started to press his tongue there, swirling it about and making me moan out loud in need and desire. While he did this, Robert pressed the first digit into me, which honestly wasn’t too terrible. It was probably because of the teasing against my other area courtesy of Caleb, but I was soon able to get two fingers into there no problem. I felt them fill me up, tightening against me, and soon, he started to press in deep. I began to let out a moan of excitement and need, the amazing feeling almost too much for me. for both of them, they enjoyed seeing me lose my mind like this, and soon, I felt Robert press a third finger into there, curling up slightly to hit something that changed me completely. When he touched there, I screamed out loud. I was so close. I nearly lost it right then and there, but then, he pulled back, licking the digit and smiling at me.

  “Not just yet. Now the fun begins,” he said.

  I was slightly annoyed that I didn’t get to cum yet, but soon, I was flipped over onto my hands and knees. I looked at him as he positioned himself behind me, tearing open a condom wrapper and sliding it onto his shaft. Holy crap, he was huge. I began to wonder if I could take this, but then, he slid inside of me.

  I began to groan, feeling excited about it all. He pressed all the way in, making me moan out loud and in need. He began to push himself all the way in, and that’s when I felt it. The sting of him breaking my virginity caused me to cry slightly, tears stinging my face as he did this. I knew it would hurt, but god
damn. However, I was soon distracted by something in front of me. I looked, and it was Caleb.

  “Let me see how your pretty mouth is,” he said.

  I felt the cock touch the tip of my tongue, causing me to shudder at the slightly bitter liquid. However, I got used to it, sliding the member against the edge of my mouth. I took about half of it into my mouth, causing me to feel it fill me up, and in time, it actually helped with the full feeling I felt behind me. it wasn’t too bad after a while, and the pain subsided. Soon, I felt them both thrust into me, causing me to cry out with every waking thrust. Each thrust drove me wild, causing me to get insane. I felt the cock go down my throat a bit further, each time making me almost gag on it. I loved it though, and soon, I felt Robert touch that spot, hitting it directly and making me cry out loud.

  I began to shiver, feeling every single movement start to press through my body. I felt completely enraptured by everything, and as I tensed up, I began to cry out loud, feeling the effects of my orgasm as I came hard. It was then when I felt his cock press against that spot once more, making me tighten up, and soon, he let out a low groan. I could feel the heat from the condom he wore start to flow through my pussy, making me feel like I was going mad every single time. everything felt so good, so amazing, and with every passing second, I was enraptured by it all.

  For a brief moment, I felt like time had stopped when I came. Then, I felt two hands against my head, pushing down on the member in front of me. I continued to take it, knowing that he was close. When Caleb finally came, he then started to cry out loud, filling my mouth up with his hot seed. Holy shit, it was a lot. I swallowed it, grimacing slightly at the taste.

  “Damn that’s bitter,” I said.

  “Sorry. I should eat more fruit then,” he told me.

  Yeah, that might be a good idea. I began to feel a bit shocked by it all, completely enthralled by everything that was going on. It was then when I looked at both of them, who pulled back for a second.


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