Storm - Dominant Protectors Book Two

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Storm - Dominant Protectors Book Two Page 4

by Jack Ellison

  “How the hell do you sleep at night? Did you become a cop because you were too much of a pussy to become a gangster? I hope you enjoy spending the dirty money you get on strip clubs and hookers, and holidays for your family who think you’re a fucking hero.”

  “Whatever you say, Charlie. You ain’t got a clue how things work. Just be careful you don’t end up getting yourself in shit you can’t handle. Keep running your mouth off, and me and my boys will see you don’t cause any more trouble. Understand?”

  He had stepped closer to me, menacingly.

  I laughed heartily in his face. Then I grabbed his shirt and put my face inches from his.

  “Where are your boys now?” I gestured around me.

  “Can’t see them anywhere. You threaten me again, I will fucking destroy you. You think you got something on me, doing my damn job? ‘Cause you ain’t. All you got is empty threats, old man.”

  His eyes widened as I spat my words menacingly in his face.

  “You and your boys better leave me the fuck alone from now on. You do that, and I’ll leave you alone. Lets just all do our own thing, right?” I glared at him. He raised his hands pleadingly.

  “Look, Charlie. Do what you want, OK. I’m just sayin’ there’s another way. If you change your mind, I’m all ears. Otherwise, we’ll stay out of your way. Sure.”

  “Good.” I let go of his collar and headed into the building. I wasn’t sure of the consequences, if any, of what I’d just done. But I wasn’t gonna end up like one of his boys.

  Hell no. They get in my way, I’ll take them down too.

  I reached the Lieutenant's office a short walk later. I knocked gently, seeing he was on the phone. He smiled and waved me in.

  “... yeah, I know Marlene. Right. Ok.” He paused, making a talking gesture at me with his hand.

  “Alright. Dinner is booked for 7, be home by 6. No, I don’t want to piss your parents off. Ok darlin’, see you later. Love you too.” He hung up the phone. Marlene was his wife. She usually called him at least once per day to remind him of something. As if he didn’t have enough shit to deal with.

  “Sorry Charlie.” He gestured at the seat in front of his desk as he took a gulp of coffee.

  I sat down obligingly, leaning forward on my elbows.

  “No problem, sir. You got a minute?” I said, a serious expression on my face.

  “Sure thing. What you got for me? I’m guessing this ain’t a social visit?” He sighed, staring into the corner of the room wistfully. “Hell, if I didn’t have dinner with the wife’s parents later I’d suggest we have this conversation in a bar over a few ice cold beers.”

  “Well, I’m always down for a few beers. What about next Friday? Just tell your wife you got a police meeting or something.” He laughed, nodding.

  “Anyway, I got some info earlier this week. From my old pal Danny. Said he busted some young kid with biker meth. Which is almost identical to the meth the O’Neills used to push, before we took them down.” I waited for the Lieutenant to look up at me, concern in his eyes.

  “No shit. Not just an old batch? Or a new cook following the old recipe?”

  “Well, of course that’s always possible sir. But I took the liberty of obtaining two more samples, from different sides of town. Both look exactly the same as the stuff Danny brought me. He said there’s other cops finding the same stuff as well.” I took the three samples from my jacket, arraying them on the desk in front of the Lieutenant. All had the exact same yellowish hue, and they sparkled blue in the light as he studied them.

  “Amazing. Looks exactly the same.”

  “That ain’t all, sir. I got a name. From someone who was selling that meth.” I paused, leaning forward, my hand on the edge of the desk.

  “Mickey O’Neill.”

  The Lieutenant breathed in sharply through his teeth. “That fucking scum bag. If he’s back in town, he’s more of a moron than I thought.”

  The Lieutenant rose from his desk, and closed the blinds on his office windows. He paced thoughtfully.

  “Listen, Charlie. I know you got history with these O’Neills. Hell, it was that case that made me Lieutenant, after years of trying to get in this office. You were like an ice cold fucking spy infiltrating them the way you did.” He stopped pacing, turning to face me.

  “I guess the Captain was right about you after all. Just promise me one thing, if I let you look into this further.”

  I nodded at him seriously.

  “I know the things you had to do to get into the O’Neill gang. We all had to do stuff to make detective, stuff we ain’t proud of. I need you to make sure you’ve... taken care of all loose ends, right? Make sure the past don’t rear its ugly head. ‘Cause if it does, and shit gets pinned on’ll lose the case.”

  I nodded again. “Sir, I understand your concern. But I’ve taken care of it already, I promise. I’m clean, boss.”

  “Ok, good. Knew you weren’t gonna ruin your career by not covering your tracks. You’d be amazed how many don’t bother. I sure as shit did. Always good to have a friend down in evidence, you know...” He trailed off. It was well known the Lieutenant had had an affair with the pretty young officer in charge of the evidence room when he was detective.

  Man, I shoulda thought of that. Damn sight cheaper than the bribes I had to pay...

  “Right, tell you what. You take these three samples down for testing, now. Get the results sent straight to me. I want Danny to bring in anyone who’s heard so much as a whisper about this new gang.” He sat back down, fingers interlaced. His face serious.

  “These three samples come back within one percent of each other, that’s more than just coincidence. With that and what you and Danny have found already, we got a case. Your case.”

  He looked up at me, eyes searching mine.

  “I know your partner’s out of action. If the Captain gives the go ahead to get started Monday - which, between you and me, he will - you got this, Storm?”

  “Sir, I got this. You know me. I work better alone, means I ain’t gotta worry about anyone else.”

  And my fearlessness won’t put anyone else in danger this time. Only those who get in my way.

  I picked up the three samples, pocketed them. “I’ll get these tested, Sir. Thanks”

  The Lieutenant smiled at me. “Don’t mention it, Charlie. You done great already. Once you get the results emailed to me, take the rest of the afternoon off. Go get some beers. Enjoy the weekend. Hard work starts Monday.”

  I nodded gratefully, remembering Danny’s offer of a drink from earlier in the week. “Thankyou, Sir. I was gonna meet Danny for the beers, OK if I call him off his shift early?”

  The Lieutenant nodded. “Yeah, as long as he ain’t busy or busting someone.”

  I headed for the exit, turning back to the Lieutenant as I was half out the door. I pointed at him, frowning seriously.

  “Don’t forget, Sir. Gotta be home by 6!”

  I heard his laughter echoing from his office as I headed to the Lab.

  Chapter 3


  Halfway through my shift at the diner I’d had a phone call to see if I could start work at the bar early today. It was Friday, and the girl I’d covered for earlier in the week was still sick.

  I was due to work anyway, so an extra four hours plus tips would be a nice boost to an already good week. I’d persuaded the manager at the diner to let me leave a little early, which gave me enough time to head home and quickly dress, deciding to wear my newly purchased underwear.

  I decided on the red matching bra and panties, wearing a tight pencil skirt and a sleeveless blouse, a few buttons undone to show off the cleavage which my new bra gave me. A hint of red lace showed around the edge of my cleavage and shoulders. Red lipstick to match the colour of the underwear was bright on my lips. I’d quickly brushed my hair and let it hang down around my shoulders.

  I’d appraised myself in my bedroom mirror before heading to the bar, pouting at myself
as I studied my figure. I turned to study myself from the back, pleased with the way the tight skirt showed off my slim waist and curves of my hips and butt. I looked both smart and a little slutty at the same time.

  I’d arrived at the bar at around 3:30pm to find it relatively quiet, a few old locals sitting at the bar, and a couple business looking types who’d probably come for a liquid lunch and decided not to leave.

  I felt all eyes on me as I walked slowly to the staff entrance. I smiled, a little nervously, as I studied the faces in the room. My gaze settled on Cindy, the girl who I’d be working with for the afternoon and evening. We’d worked together occasionally when our shifts matched and overlapped, and we got on quite well.

  She wolf whistled at me as I approached. Two old guys at the bar laughed at her, their eyes still on me.

  I winked at her. “Calm down, Cindy. You’re not my type I’m afraid, babe.”

  She laughed warmly. “Damn, girl. Looking fine. Let’s hope some young stud comes in here, sees you all dolled up. All you’ll have to do is smile sweetly and he’ll be all yours.”

  “Well, I won’t be holding my breath. Ain’t happened so far, has it?” I sighed as I pushed the staff entrance door open, strutting towards Cindy.

  One of the guys’ drinks was almost empty.

  “Same again, Mike?” I said sweetly, smiling at him.

  “Yes please, darlin. And one for yourself, too. Seeing as you look so nice.” He winked at me, draining the remnants of beer in his glass. I poured him another, leaning over a little further than was necessary as I poured the beer.

  Mike was one of the locals, who was in most nights drinking now since his wife passed away a few months back. He was like a friendly old uncle, we never had any trouble out of him. He always tipped generously and usually bought one or two drinks for the girls every time he was in.

  I passed Mike his beer, adding two notches to the tally on his tab as I opened myself a small bottle of beer. I sipped the beer gingerly, enjoying the cold refreshment.

  We were allowed a few drinks over the course of a shift. Hell, it was needed when things were quiet. And even more so when things got busy.

  I chatted idly with Cindy as we took turns serving drinks to the few people in the bar. As it approached 4pm a few more guys entered the bar. A couple more locals, along with a few I didn’t recognise. Every man who came to the bar looked at me twice, some with wide eyes as they studied my figure and glanced at my cleavage when they thought I wasn’t looking.

  I smiled sweetly and engaged them in small talk as I poured the drinks.Only the trusted locals were allowed a tab, the rest having to pay in cash. The tips were building nicely already. Cindy and I would split them evenly at the end of the evening, and she was doing her part, flirting shamelessly with everyone she served.

  Most of the locals knew she had a long time boyfriend and a kid, but that didn’t stop them flirting back. I tried not to flirt too much, I didn’t like to give drunken men the wrong idea. And so far I hadn’t seen anyone worth flirting with, anyway.

  I smiled as a familiar face entered the bar, waving at my old friend Danny as he took his police hat off and approached the bar, surveying everyone in the bar. Some looked back nervously at the uniformed cop.

  “Hey, Danny. Been a while, hon. You looking for someone?” I said as he stepped to the bar.

  He grinned at me boyishly as he looked at me, the worry lines evaporating as he smiled. He instantly looked ten years younger.

  “Yeah, been a while Abi. Nice to see you.” He placed his hat on the bar, sliding a stool over to perch on.

  “Oh, nah I ain’t looking for anyone, don’t worry. I’m off duty as of...” He studied his watch. “Now.”

  I saw a few relieved faces turn back to their conversation and drinks.

  “Meeting a friend for a few drinks. You know Charlie? Charlie Storm?” he asked me, eyebrows raised. He was trying desperately not to check me out, but kept failing.

  I giggled at him. We’d known each other since we were kids, but had stopped hanging around years back when I’d got with Mickey.

  “Can’t say I’ve heard the name.” I paused, thoughtfully. “Is he hot?”

  Danny laughed, wagging a finger at my cleavage. “Ah I see what this is all for now!” He carried on laughing as I frowned at him, trying not to smile.

  “I guess so,” he continued. “I mean, I guess women would find him hot, yeah. But he’s ah... unique. Bit of a wild card sometimes.”

  “Hmm, ok. Well put a good word in, will you?” I said, winking. “What’ll it be Danny?”

  “I thought you’d never ask. I’m thirsty as hell. I’ll have a cold pale ale. Big. And get me a shot of tequila, too.”

  “Whoa, slow down, cowboy!” I said good naturedly, pouring him a beer. Cindy brought him over a glass of tequila, which he downed in one. He took a big mouthful of ale as I passed him the glass.

  “Keep the change,” he said, passing me a bill. He rose to study the bar, eyes fixing on a booth near the door. He approached the booth and took a seat, sighing as he sat down.

  The door swung open as Danny took his seat. A tall figure entered, wearing a leather trenchcoat, black jeans and black boots. Short blonde hair, clean shaven. Very handsome, tall, lean and well muscled. The trench coat sat casually back on his shoulders, accentuating his defined muscles. I could see his broad shoulders and biceps showing through the leather trench coat.

  This must be Danny’s hot friend, Charlie then. Wow.

  Charlie approached Danny, and they clasped hands as they clapped each other on the shoulder. They exchanged a few words I couldn’t quite work out. They both laughed raucously, and Charlie then turned to approach the bar.

  I brushed my hair back with a hand and adjusted my top, trying to look casual as I waited at the bar.

  Then I froze, recognition sparking at the back of my mind. My gut turned to ice. I racked my brain trying to remember where I’d seen the guy. It suddenly dawned on me where we’d met before.

  No. Can’t be. Fuck you, Mickey.

  The guy looked a hell of lot different, smartly dressed. Well groomed, not a mess like he did before. Clear, sharp eyes.

  He had been an associate of the O’Neills, working as an enforcer and dealer. He’d risen through the ranks pretty fast, so Mickey had told me, jealousy in his voice. I’d only met him once or twice, and he hadn’t paid me any attention at all. I remember his eyes. Focused and deadly looking. Cold. Never any fear.

  I guessed Mickey had contacted him upon his return to town, as Charlie seemed to have somehow avoided prison. I was suddenly convinced Mickey had sent him to watch or intimidate me.

  I was still frozen in shock as he approached me, my mind racing in fear at the figure in front of me.

  But something about him... seems different. What’s changed?

  I grimaced as his eyes roved my body hungrily, before snapping back to my face. His eyes narrowed for a second, then he grinned mischievously at me.

  “Hey. Hope I ain’t bothering you, miss. Can I get a beer?”

  Cindy walked over and elbowed me in the ribs.

  “Now ain't the time to act like a rabbit in the headlights!” she whispered in my ear, pushing me towards the bar where Charlie was standing.

  I forced a smile, looking up into his eyes.

  “Sure thing, hon. What’ll you have?”

  His gaze locked mine intently for a second. I felt something pass between us, but I wasn’t sure what. He ordered the same as Danny, but with a whiskey instead of a tequila, knocking the whiskey back, gasping gratefully as he did so.

  “And one for you and your friend, too.”

  I poured his beer out with a shaky hand. My heart sank at his words.

  Why does the hottest guy I’ve ever seen walk in here, hell, one of the hottest guys I’ve ever seen have to be a damn gangster? Just my fucking luck.

  I passed him his beer. “It’s ok. I got a drink already,” I lied, giving him his change. Cin
dy took another drink for herself from the fridge behind us.

  “Ok. Suit yourself. I’ll keep asking though, until you let me buy you one.” He winked at me as he turned to stride towards Danny in his booth.

  I felt Cindy approach me from behind, hand on my shoulder as she spoke into my ear.

  “What the hell are you doing? Look at him!” She was frowning as I turned to face her, starting to go a little red in the face. “Isn’t that what you’re all dressed up for? To meet someone just like him?”

  I opened my mouth to talk, not sure how to explain to Cindy that this guy was a nasty gangster.

  “He’s.... He’s. Uh, he’s a friend of my ex, Mickey. I think he might be involved in, you know. Dealing. Drugs. Not the sort of stuff I want to get involved in.”


  Cindy laughed at me, tears welling in her eyes as she shook her head.

  “What’s got into you, girl? That’s Charlie. Charlie Storm. He’s a cop, a fucking detective! The best in town, so my boyfriend tells me. Doesn’t take any shit. Brought down the O’Neills.”

  I stood, confused as my mind processed the information.

  Took down the O’Neills? Well, that means. Oh, fuck. He was undercover! He took them down, got Mickey away from me!

  I decided to be a lot nicer to him when he came to the bar next time.


  I WAS IN DAMN GOOD spirits as I left the precinct and made my way to the bar Danny and I had agreed to meet at. All three samples of meth had come back within less than 0.1% of each other, which meant the cook knew what he was doing, assuming they were from different batches. Either he didn’t quite have the recipe, materials or ingredients to get the quality higher than around 79%, or the gang were stretching their resources, but either way the three samples were from the same batch, or the same cook.

  Now, is this an old batch or are the O’Neills back in town? My gut is telling me Mickey is back in business. And business is good...


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