The Wandering Apprentice

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The Wandering Apprentice Page 4

by Matthew Mitchell

  One day some salamanders from the court of Histpant happened to hear the sounds made by Drophant and his relatives. They grabbed all the young salamanders and took them into custody. Accusations of treason were made. The argument was that the young salamanders were intentionally suppressing the fire essence. This was deemed to be treason to the entire idea of a single salamander tribe. The young salamanders were sentenced to be tossed into the fiery pit until their essences had become even once again. This was reasoned to be the easiest method to cause the fire essence and water essences to gain even hold again.

  What Histpant and his followers failed to realize was that while Drophant had learned how to be in touch with his water essence he had never turned his back on the fire essence within him. As the sentence was being carried out the heat and flames awakened a part of Drophant that had long lain dormant. His fire essence stirred and Drophant felt something that he had never experienced. He felt as if he could feel the fire much like the way he had felt the water. He felt as if the fire responded to his essence just as the way water had to him earlier. He felt the fire curl around him and slide against his skin. He realized that he could play with the fire much like the water.

  His anger at all the evil committed by Histpant and the fear of an unjust punishment caused Drophant to rage and lash out. The fire flowed around him like a fountain. It poured from his claws like slime. He faced his tormentors and threw the liquid fire at them. While normal fire only caressed salamanders, this fire was fueled by the emotions of Drophant. The fire burned the court salamanders until their very bones liquefied. Histpant himself was reduced to nothing but ash. All the gathered salamanders were silent, their fear making them as still as statues. Drophant stepped out of the fire, his body outlined in liquid fire. All gave way before him. That day he assumed leadership of all the salamanders. His first real action as king was to disperse the gathered salamanders back out into the world. All the salamanders were allowed to choose either to live near water or fire according to their desires. Slowly the damage that Hispant had caused was reduced, if not removed completely. To this day all salamanders remember that they should respect both of their essences.

  As far as everyone knows the king Drophant reigns to this day maintaining the delicate balance between the two natures of the salamander. If you look into the depths that the salamander inhabit you might be gifted with a peek into their world, but always remember. They may not welcome your invasion.


  The fire crackled after Stain had finished his story. My father sighed and leaned back, "Well Stain, that was an entertaining story. We must have you tell more of those, you have a flair for telling a story as if it really happened."

  "But my fine forester, it did happen." A strange voice interrupted our group. It seemed to hiss and bubble at the same time.

  "Ah, I had wondered if one of your ilk was keeping our fire company tonight." Stain seemed to be speaking to the fire, which is just odd. Then I looked at where he spoke and jumped. A pair of dark eyes were staring back. They were set in a face that reminded me slightly of Pat, but more liquid in its details. Like someone had blurred the edges of the face. Intelligence sparked in the depths of the eyes. Both I and my father jumped. The creature sat within the blazing fire on top of a glowing ember. It was black and had specks of color that seemed to shimmer.

  "My name is Stain. My companions are Ott, Lightfoot, Tag, and Pat. We are traveling to Sunnydale. Do you live around here or are you traveling also my friend?" Stain seemed quite comfortable talking to a creature who sat in a campfire, as if this happened to him all the time.

  "My name is Cracklecord and it is my pleasure to meet such a fine group of fellows. I am also traveling towards Sunnydale, I have business there and must continue on after it is done. I had hoped to find a group much like yours with who I can travel. My current situation does not allow for comfortable conditions." The creature continued to sit amongst the coals and watch each of us. I realized it wanted to travel with us, but I could not figure out why.

  "Ott you look slightly confused. Let me see if I can explain. Our new friend Cracklecord is a fire salamander. That means she enjoys heat and fire. Traveling through the woods would cause her to have trouble finding fires to rest in. I imagine that her current situation has left her relieved to find a hospitable fire that she might rest within." Stain had taken on the position of teacher again, something he seemed to enjoy and excel at.

  "Well Stain, you seem to be the more enlightened one of our group, what say you about adding this fiery lady to our band?" Lightfoot seemed a little stunned but also bemused.

  "Hm. I do not think I shall make that decision. I will let Ott make it for us. How does that sound Cracklecord?" The salamander looked at me appraisingly. "Ott put out your hand and allow Cracklecord to move from the fire to you. Do not worry, it will be fine."

  I put out my hand across from where Cracklecord crouched. I was worried, this creature that was in the fire seemed to glow. Would I burn? I guess I would trust Stain, so far he had not put me at risk. Cracklecord moved from the embers and to the end of a stick. A small flame danced between her feet. Claws gripped the burnt bark and she jumped. I flinched yet my hand held steady. I felt a warm, heavy pressure land in the palm of my hand and a light scratching along my fingers. I looked down and realized that Cracklecord was bigger than I thought. In the fire she looked about the size of a chipmunk but up close I realized that she was actually about the size of a rabbit. She looked up at me and stood on her back feet. A small tail hung down not quite touching my hand.

  "So Ott, do you think it would be acceptable for me to travel with your group." She seemed proud but strangely calm. How could I decide if she should accompany us? Why had Stain made this my responsibility? What could he want? I looked into Cracklecord's eyes and realized that I knew what to do. The feeling that she was a creature of good flowed from her.

  "Cracklecord, it would be a pleasure to have such a fine and noble lady travel with our lowly group. If fire is what makes you comfortable, then at night you will have more than enough embers to rest against. During the day I am not sure what we can do, but if you will tell us how to make you the most comfortable I will personally try to meet your needs." I lifted her to a height that allowed us to be eye to eye. Laughter and respect seemed to clash within her gaze.

  "Such an answer from a young man I have never received in all my years. I would have accepted a simple 'yes' for accepting my presence, but you have answered me in a way that is both humble yet authoritative. For that I shall not only travel with you to Sunnydale, but beyond if it seems possible without forgoing my previous commitment. As to my comfort during the day, most times the sun provides enough comfort. A shoulder to ride at times would not be turned down. A patch of leather will prevent most cloth from being charred from one of my more excited outburst." A smile played across her face, then she jumped back to the fire and curled against a patch of embers as if against a pile of pillows.

  "Well, Ott. I am surprised at your eloquence. Not many people would have responded to a creature of Cracklecord's nature in the manner you did. Makes me wonder.... Well, It is getting late my friends and at my age sleep is of major importance. I bid you goodnight." And with that odd goodnight, Stain curled against Tag's side and went to sleep.

  Pat walked to the fire and laid his head just outside the charred ground, "Dear lady, would you discuss with me some matters?" The dragonet seemed to be very polite to the salamander, even if she was a third his size. He was anxious, his tail was twitching.

  "I would more than love to my scaly friend." She continued in a language that reminded me of fire and water, moving and jumping at times. Slow and steady yet bubbly at others. The two continued long after I had laid down wrapped in my cloak with a blanket over me. I stared into the flames until sleep overtook me, watching my old and new friend talk into the depth of night.


  "So you see Ott, the salamanders maintain their distance fro
m most people. They are frightened of us and usually react badly when they see us." Cracklecord explained. She was sitting on my shoulder which I had reinforced with a small pad of leather.

  Her presence felt much like when I sat beside a small fire, a gentle warmth that ebbed and flowed across my face. Occasionally she would grab my ear or hair to keep her balance, but never causing any harm.

  "What I fail to understand is how people end up seeing one of you. I had never seen a salamander until I met you." I was confused about the things Cracklecord had told me. How could people be as cruel and narrow-minded as she described? I found her amazing.

  "Ott, you lived out in the woods most of your life. Not really many areas for salamanders unless a forest fire occurs. Those salamanders who prefer water like to live in an area where there are a few specific things. First a waterfall, second a large pond both above and below the waterfall. And finally a cave system that exists behind the water fall with entrances near each pond."

  The description she gave reminded me of the pond not far from the house. There was a decently sized waterfall, a pond both above and below the waterfall, and I remember seeing holes in the cliff behind the waterfall.

  "There was a place like that at home; I went there often but I never saw any salamanders."

  "I imagine that there might have been some salamanders residing there, but if you never saw them either they were very shy or careful." She seemed slightly pensive. "Perhaps there are not any there. I imagine they would have introduced themselves to you, Ott."

  "Why would they have introduced themselves to me? I am just me. I cannot think of any reason for a salamander to want to know me." I did not see anything special about me.

  "Well Ott, I can think of sev.."

  "OTT! Could you come up here please?" Stain called from in front of Tag. "I would like to talk to Cracklecord for a few minutes."

  I walked up to Stain and Cracklecord jumped from my shoulder to Stain's shoulder. It seemed as if Stain did not want to talk to Cracklecord while I could still hear, so I slowed down until I was once again following Tag. I could hear the mummer of both of their voices and occasionally heard Pat comment also. I did not have anyone to talk to now. It was a beautiful day and I was bored. I was walking along with no one to talk to and nothing to do. My dad was in the woods hunting. Stain, Cracklecord, and Pat were having a private conversation and Tag was not likely to start talking to me anytime soon.

  I looked around and realized that we had moved into an area that showed signs of people. Some trees had been cleared and there were stone walls built around the empty clearings. The crops had not been planted yet and the ground had a thin layer of weeds growing.

  We passed more areas while they slowly increased in size until we reached one that could be called a field, if you were generous.

  "Ott! I need to talk with you." Stain called to me again. I hurried back up in front of Tag.

  "What is up Stain? Is everything alright?" The tone of Stain's voice had sounded slightly strained.

  "Ott, Cracklecord tells me she explained to you about the dangers of her kind when villagers see them. I believe that if someone in Sunnydale sees her, there will be problems. She needs to see the blacksmith, Rusty Mabee. Could you make sure she gets there with no problem?" Stain seemed a little nervous about asking me to do this.

  "Sure Stain, I know Master Rusty. He has let me sit and watch him anytime I have come to Sunnydale. I know how to get there with the least amount of people seeing me or Cracklecord." I was excited! I would get to see Rusty! I loved sitting and watching the smith at his anvil. It seemed almost magical how he took raw metal and created objects from it.

  "I appreciate it Ott, I would have waited till dark if I was alone. If only to prevent too many people from seeing me." Cracklecord seemed relieved. She was truly scared of the villagers of Sunnydale."Ott, I am done talking with Stain. Could I ride your shoulder again?"

  "Sure! I have been stuck with my own thoughts for the last little bit. I would enjoy continuing our conversation." I walked close enough to Stain to allow her to jump to my shoulder. She did so with almost no effort. Stain looked at her, a look of mild concern on his face.

  "Madam Cracklecord, please observe my wishes in this matter. I would be aggrieved if they are not." His expression seemed calm yet held some level of danger in it.

  "I understand Master Stain, I will follow your wishes. I only ask that if it is possible, I might be allowed to continue traveling with you after Sunnydale." Cracklecord seemed nervous, yet excited.

  "We shall see how things occur. If it is possible, I would welcome your company as I travel." Stain seemed to calm down, the dangerous look fading.

  He continued walking ahead of Tag, I slowed down until Tag had passed me.

  "So, Cracklecord. What was all that about?" I asked the salamander. "What in the world is going on? And why did you seem scared of Stain?"

  "Stain is more than he seems Ott. He has asked that I deal with a matter of a sensitive nature and also that I not discuss it with anyone. I am sorry Ott, I cannot tell you anything else." She seemed to have calmed down, yet she still had a nervous twitch that caused her to look away from me.

  "I understand Cracklecord, you cannot tell me." I was disappointed. "Can you tell me why Sunnydale makes you so nervous? I thought you were traveling there in the first place."

  "I was traveling there Ott, but I knew I would have to be careful to stay out of sight so that none of the villagers saw me. If the wrong person saw me then they would think I was an evil spirit or creature and try to kill me or have me chased by a dog." She seemed sad when she said this. "It has happened to me quite a few times, in different places and different ways. My kind is not often welcome near the houses of man."

  "So if you are not welcome, why are you going to Rusty's workshop?" I was confused yet again.

  "My people have a treaty with the smith, Ott. I am going to talk to him and check on that treaty." She curled up on my shoulder, much like a cat would have. If a cat felt like a warm ball. With talons. Shortly she was snoring softly and sometimes a curl of smoke escaped from her nose. After about an hour more of walking the buildings of Sunnydale became visible. The smoke from multiple homes is what appeared first, then a line of roofs and smokestacks. Finally, the actual village came into sight. I could see people walking between the houses.

  "Well Ott, we made it." My father had slipped up behind me while I had been looking at Sunnydale. "Before too long we will be seeing your aunt and uncle. Let us make sure that we do not scare them too bad. I will tell them later what happened. For now let's just let them enjoy getting to see us unexpectedly." His face was troubled. A brace of rabbits hung from his belt, gutted and ready to be skinned. "Your aunt will be very happy to see you I think." Humor rumbled in his eyes.

  "Of course she will dad, she enjoys having someone else to boss around. Although sleeping in a house sounds great and getting to eat someone else's food other than yours is a blessing." I smiled knowing that both my father and I anticipated a good warm meal even if it was served with a heaping pile of attitude.

  "Is this aunt of yours truly that bad Ott?" Cracklecord seemed a little concerned, having awoken from her nap.

  Dad laughed, "My sister-in-law, Vicky, has specific ideas about how things should be done. She has a great heart, she just likes being in charge."

  "Oh, I have a few of those in my family. My sister is the worst. She likes to be in charge, even though she is the youngest." Cracklecord smirked, "We all agree she needs to get a mate, maybe that would settle her down."

  "I wish getting married had settled down Vicky. In reality it just gave her more people to boss around. She married the local healer and he has three apprentices; so she got four more people to boss around. I do not think she was ever happier than the day she became the one in charge of the entire household."

  "And now we will be part of that household, Oh what fun." I teasingly mocked my dad.

  We all laughed a
nd stated down towards the village.

  "Ott, go ahead and get Cracklecord to Rusty. Go around the outside of the village so you do not run into too many people. We will meet you at Vicky's before too long. Do not hurry, it will take a little time to get Tag settled." My dad instructed me. "Tell him that I want to talk to him later about a few things. I will stop by tomorrow."

  "Alright dad, Cracklecord let's get you to Rusty. I happen to know he has a very nice fire that you would like to sit in." I started down the path, taking the fork just before the village so that I could walk around the outside of the walls. I might see a few people, but more likely I would not see anyone.

  I finally made it around the end of the village, I could see the glow from Rusty's forge. His gate was open and he was hammering on what looked like a farmers plow. I waited for him to notice me, knowing not to interrupt a smith while he was handling hot work.

  "Welcome to the forge Ott." Rusty called out. I grinned. I have never been able to sneak up on Rusty. I did not know how he did it, but no matter how hard I have tried I have never caught him off guard. "I do not think that is Pat riding on your shoulder." He set his tools on the workbench and slowly walked out of the forge. Upon seeing Cracklecord he smiled. "Ah, my fine salamander. I had wondered when you would be arriving. It seems as if your travels might have become a little more interesting than last time."


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