The Wandering Apprentice

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The Wandering Apprentice Page 8

by Matthew Mitchell

  He gave me a look, full of smugness and humor. "Ott, in even the eyes of the merchants I would be considered rich. As far as where it came from, it relates to my service with the King. Now, to bed with you before you fall asleep where you stand." He pushed me to my bed and covered me. "Goodnight Ott. This will be the last time I wish you that in person. Remember that my heart goes with you and that your mother would be proud of you." He turned out the lights and I heard him settle into his bed. Soon the sound of him snoring softly could be heard. With everything that had happened tonight I figured I would not be able to settle, yet as soon as I rolled over I was asleep.


  "Wake up lumphead!" My dad was leaning over my bed. "If you do not get up then I will be forced to use the bucket of water." His smile had a slight mischievousness to it.

  "I am awake!" I slowly crawled out from the covers. It was still dark. "I guess it is about time to start packing."

  My dad started to laugh. "Everything is already packed. We have taken care of it. Everyone is waiting for us downstairs. If you want anything to eat I suggest you get yourself ready and get downstairs." He walked out.

  Well, time to get going. I got dressed and walked out of the room. Everything that had been piled up in the common room was gone. Guess dad was not joking about it being packed. There was one pile of equipment on the table. It looked like some of what Stain carried with him on the way to Sunnydale.

  "I figured you might need some help getting everything sorted out." Stain stood at the head of the stairs. "Your father said you were up and I figured it was as good a time as any to get started teaching you." He walked over to the table and sorted the equipment into two piles. "Please come over here Ott."

  I walked over to the table.

  "Now, this equipment is the main equipment you will use. I want you to get used to carrying it. I also will train you in its use as we travel." He picked up a piece of leather. "This is your vest, it serves various purposes. The main one is to provide pockets for various items. The unique thing about this vest is that not only does it have pockets but it also has hooks. These hooks are for hanging your tools where they are handy."

  I put the vest on. It fit perfectly.

  "Now, these are your gathering and harvesting tools. These will only be used to collect materials. They should always hang from your vest unless you are using them. That way you know where they are and do not lose them." He started to hang tools from the hooks built into the vest. "I once had an apprentice who kept losing her tools. She ended up spending all her money on tools. She also did not complete her training."

  The vest seemed to spread the weight of the tools out. I tried walking around a little and noticed that the tools were positioned in such a way that they did not move much.

  "Next you have your collection basket." He picked up a basket that was attached to two leather straps; one long, one short. "The long strap goes over your head, like a strap to hold a sword. The short strap goes around your waist. That way the weight is spread out and the basket will not move." He helped to adjust the straps and position the basket on the left side of my body. "By placing the basket here you can handle your tools right handed and whatever you are collecting with your left hand. Also the straps are adjustable since most people change shape." He smirked at that.

  "Finally, you have your last item." He picked up a belt that had an unusual sheath mounted to it. "Ott, this is the main tool for any gatherer of healing materials." He pulled out the unusual knife that Cracklecord had made. "This blade will allow you to gather materials even while walking at a decent pace. I actually perfected the design myself. You need to wear it like this." Stain proceeded to wrap the belt around me and sheathed the blade. "Now, to your first lesson. The knife is a named the Puller Knife. That is because of how you use it." He made a motion of pulling towards his stomach. "Do you know why the blade is not hanging from the vest?" He looked at me with a look I would soon label his 'waiting' look.

  "I imagine that it's because of the edge." I thought that made perfect sense.

  "Partly Ott, there are usually multiple reasons for why things are the way they are. Can you think of another reason?" Again with the waiting look.

  "I do not know Stain." It was way too early to be trying to figure out what he wanted.

  Stain sighed. "You must be willing to open your mind and think outside of the normal reasons for things to occur. It is a skill all healers need. Now, the other reasons for the pulling knife being in its own sheath. Firstly, as you pointed out it is sharp. It also needs to be accessible in a quick motion in case you see something in your path that you might want to harvest. If it was attached to your vest you would have to remove it before use. With it on the belt it is right next to your hand and a quick pull brings it to bear." He demonstrated with his knife. It pulled from its sheath smoothly and in one simple motion. I could see how that would be favorable while walking. "And a final reason, Ott, is that with the knife where it rides it will stay under your cloak. This will protect it from bad weather and thieves."

  Stain walked to the hooks by the stairs. My cloak, bow and quiver, and stave were there. "Now, you need to get your things. This is all that is left. The rest is packed." He handed me my things. I put on the cloak that Savay had given me. My bow and quiver went over that, hanging down my back. Finally I held my stave. I felt like I was ready to travel.

  "Ott, one last thing before we join the others. I intend on teaching everything I know. But, I cannot teach what will not be learned. You must be willing to ask questions, challenge your assumptions, and take chances with your answers. Otherwise I fear you will never gain a grasp of the things I wish to teach you." My cheeks turned red at his words. Did he have to make me mad? "Now I understand that what I have just said has upset you, but I do it to challenge you Ott. Not to anger you." He looked at me in the calmest way possible. My anger quickly cooled and turned into acceptance.

  "I understand Stain. You caught me off guard." I felt that was enough.

  "Well, now that we have that unpleasantness out of the way let's go show everyone what a traveling healer's apprentice should look like." He motioned me down the stairs.

  We walked in silence into the courtyard where Tag was loaded. The pile that covered him was much different than the pile he carried into Sunnydale. I stopped and looked.

  "The stuff to the right of Tag's head is your items." Stain pointed out. The pile had been split neatly into four parts. The two main parts were on either side of the shell. They seemed to go from front to back and from edge to about half-way up the shell. The third part covered the upper part of the shell from Tag's tail to two-thirds of the way to his head. The final part was just behind his head.

  "The area to the left of his head is my stuff. The one that follows his spine from his tail is the camp materials and food. And the one just behind his head is for Pat and Cracklecord. She will join us just after we are away from Sunnydale." He continued across the courtyard and stepped into the kitchen.

  "May I present my newest apprentice, Otter Willow Lightfoot." Stain called out loudly. I walked into the kitchen blushing. Everyone clapped and cheered.

  "Well Ott, I do believe you look like a traveling healer's apprentice." My uncle beamed.

  "I am glad that the basket fit. I have never made one in that style." My aunt walked up and checked the harvesting basket. I kissed her on the cheek. "Thank you, Aunt Vicky." She reddened but smiled.

  "That cloak fits you well." Savay grinned. "You almost look respectable in it."

  "Ok everyone! Let's get some food in our stomachs. Some of us have work to do and others places to go." My dad motioned me to the table. "Ott, do not forget you have a Master now. You must follow his lead." I did not understand what he meant until I noticed that the only place to sit was beside Stain. I normally sat with Peter.

  Stain looked up and smiled. "I think that in this house Ott may skip all that nonsense, Lightfoot." He got up and motioned to Peter. "Take my place y
oung man so that your cousin can share a meal with you." Stain sat between Savay and Smide. Savay looked confused and Smide seemed uncomfortable. Peter sat down and I joined him. We looked at each other and chuckled at the other apprentices' discomfort. "I believe Lightfoot had a point. Let's eat!" Stain passed the bowl in front of him to Smide. He also seemed to be enjoying their discomfort.

  Everyone started to eat and talk about the activities for the day. Lars started giving instructions to each apprentice while Aunt Vicky and dad discussed some deliveries that she needed done. I sat and listened to the noise knowing that I would not get to be here for quite a while. Most apprenticeships lasted seven years, at the least. If I was to truly learn everything Stain wanted me to learn then I had a feeling that mine might take longer. There was no telling when we would be back to Sunnydale.

  Once everyone was finished eating we all helped to clear the table. My aunt packed a basket with fresh bread and other goodies. We all walked out to the courtyard.

  "Ott, could you come here please?" Stain was standing beside Tag. I walked to his side. "Make your farewells Ott. But do not despair, I have a set schedule each year and we should find ourselves back here around the same time next year." He proceeded to double check some straps on Tag.

  I hugged everyone and told them I would see them next year. My aunt was crying gently while my uncle had his arm around her shoulders. Dad smiled sadly. I realized that I had never been away from him longer than a week. My eyes teared up. He hugged me and we both held on for a few moments.

  "Time to go Ott." My father’s voice was in my ear. "Make me proud and learn everything Stain tries to teach you." He held me at arm’s length. "Everything. I promise that we have discussed it and I approve." He smiled at my confusion. "Now is not the time. Stain is your master now. Follow him and do what he tells you." He walked me to Stain's side. "Stain, Ott is my only treasure. I entrust you with his safety and education. Do not make me regret it." My father spoke gently yet I could hear the metal in his voice. Stain looked at him. "Not many men have ever delivered such a phrase to me Lightfoot." There was metal in his voice also. But also humor. "I give you my word that I will not make you regret it." He smiled and slapped dad on the shoulder. "Ott, time to go. Let's make some dust. PATRICK MCFLAMEN! We are leaving. I suggest if you want to go with Ott that you get your blue hide down here."

  Pat flew from the roof. He must have been sunning himself. "I am not blue, I am mottled blue and green. You old piece of leather." He settled himself behind Tag's head. There seemed to be a leather seat made just for him. He curled up and murmured. Tag pushed himself up off the ground. He looked at Stain who motioned him out of the courtyard.

  I started to follow Tag, walking beside Stain. "When we reach the outer markings of the city Rusty will be waiting for us. He made sure Cracklecord was safe. Then we shall see where we go tonight." Stain set a pace that matched Tag's speed.

  Outside of town Rusty waited at an abandoned house. "About time you made it out here. Have trouble getting the apprentice out of bed?" He grinned at me letting me know he was teasing.

  "Nope, lady Vicky set such a spread that we took our time to fill our bellies. I mentioned that we might see you on the way out of town and she sent you something." Stain pulled out a small basket. Smells from breakfast drifted to my nose.

  Rusty took the basket and set it on the porch. "I thank you Master Stain. Cracklecord has some baskets of her own that she is taking with her." He lifted some wire baskets and placed them behind Pat. Cracklecord came out of the house. "Much thanks Master Rusty. I shall pass on your news to the guild and hope that your fire burns brightly." She walked to Tag and scratched him under the chin. She seemed to mummer to him before hopping onto his shell. Another leather seat was beside Pat's. "Hello Pat." She seemed perfectly content. "I am ready Master Stain. Shall we get going."

  "Goodbye Ott." Rusty waved. "Learn well my friend." He turned back towards Sunnydale.

  "Well, now we are truly off. Let's make some time." Stain motioned me to join him in front of Tag. "We will walk all of today, stopping for lunch before continuing on. I plan on spending a couple of days in Haver's Town. I need to refill some of my supplies and they are the best source for everything I need. Is that fine with you dear Cracklecord?"

  "That is fine Stain. I am at your disposal until such a time I am reassigned." She smiled and enjoyed Stain's startlement. "There are those who wish to provide support to you and your new apprentice." Her eyes danced with laughter. I could understand. Stain had stopped and his jaw seemed slightly slack.

  "Very well." An understanding seemed to pass between them. "I welcome your company." Stain started walking again.

  "Well, tonight we will have to camp. I will show you what we have and how to set it all up. I believe your aunt provided some fresh food that should provide us with lunch and dinner."

  I smiled. At least we would not have to cook.

  "So, Ott, I guess we need to get started on turning you into a traveling healer." Stain smiled.

  A time of revelations

  "So, now do you understand the reasoning behind the various tools you carry?" Stain asked. He had been explaining each and every tool and their various uses. My head had started to hurt. It seemed that each tool had multiple uses and that by using some together they gained even more uses.

  "I believe I do. Each tool has specific uses for the healer. By using them correctly a healer can make substances that contain healing properties. Each tool has a specific set of uses that should make each substance have the greatest potency. By having a greater potency the substance can provide greater healing." I was pretty sure I understood, but I had not had a chance to apply that knowledge.

  We had walked all morning and stopped for lunch. After lunch we had walked some more. It was now late afternoon. Stain had spent the entire day explaining about the various tools, methods of wielding them, and the proper care of them. I know understood why I had needed so many tools. There were so many ways to create a healing substance. Some things needed to be crushed, melted, cooked, dried, cut, and on and on. I had never realized that making healing substances was so complicated.

  "Well, you seem to understand the use of the tools. We will start making stuff before too long and you will truly understand. Now, it is getting later and we still need to find a camp. If memory serves me right there is a camp just off the trail ahead. We can camp there and I will give you your last gift." He smiled at me. I had totally forgotten that he had said anything about a gift. He did say he would give it to me tonight. "Why not get to the camp spot so I can show you how we will set up our camp. I do believe it will be a little different than when you camped with your father. A healer's camp often doubles as a work area. We will set up and have dinner. Then I will deal with the rest of your gift." He continued walking.

  I wondered what he had for me. Was it something that would allow me to be a better healer? More tools? Perhaps some scrolls or books. Whatever it was, since it came from Stain, it was more than likely something to do with healing.

  The campsite was right where Stain said. A stream bubbled down a rock lined channel and over a short waterfall, maybe a foot high. There was a rock fire pit and places to pitch tents. "This is a King's Site. They are made and maintained by the King's Men." Stain pointed at the site. "It is free to camp here for one night. It provides water, a place for a fire, and a place to pitch a tent. There are certain manners that are expected when using a King's Site. First, share the site if you are able. Second, make sure the site is maintained. Thirdly, leave the site like you found it. Many people do not take care of these sites. What they do not understand is that if no one does the sites will disappear. The final thing you need to know is about firewood. There is often a pile of firewood tucked just into the forest at a King's Site. There are various people who make sure there is some at all times. However you should use only what you need. Since it is warm tonight we only need a small fire. Just big enough for cooking and light. Let's
get the camping stuff unloaded and I will show you how we need to set it up." He walked Tag to a place that was obviously for packshells.

  "The first thing we do every night is make sure Tag is watered. He will eat throughout the day, but once he settles down for the night he needs plenty of water. Luckily we can do that without too much trouble." He pulled a long item from the camping materials. One end looked much like a bowl, the other looked like a smokers pipe. "This item was made by a friend. It allows us, at a King's Site at least, to provide water for Tag without having to carry buckets all night." He carried the item to the waterfall. "All King's Sites are set up the same. That is why this works." He placed the pipe end into the waterfall's path. Water entered it and I could hear it traveling down what must have been a hollow body. It slowly filled up the bowl. When it was almost to the edge of the bowl it started overflowing out the pipe end. Stain had positioned the bowl next to Tag's head. "By placing it in the waterfall it fills the bowl and allows Tag to drink till he sloshes if he wants. It stays fresh due to the constant overflow." Tag had lowered his mouth to the bowl, he sucked in so much water that for a moment the bowl seemed empty. It filled back up almost instantly.

  "That is ingenious. I would have never figured out that idea." I watched Tag drink deeply a few more times.

  "You say that, but the person who made it was once one of my apprentices. And he made it because he got tired of hauling water." He smirked. "He once said he was lazy and so he had to be creative to let him be lazy."

  I laughed. "How many apprentices have you had Stain?" I had wondered. Obviously he had some, which was good.

  "I have had a lot. Let's leave it at that. Now shall we get all the stuff unloaded? I am getting hungry." He started grabbing items from the camping section on Tag's back. I moved to help and we quickly unloaded all the camping supplies. "Now, let's get set up. I have a healer's tent. It identifies me as a healer and most people, even the ones more likely to rob me, will observe the common rules of not harming or stealing from a healer. Your tent needs to go between mine and the water. Right there." He pointed to a spot. "Mine always go nearest to the road. Do you know why?" He did not look at me as we moved the tents into place.


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