The Wandering Apprentice

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The Wandering Apprentice Page 19

by Matthew Mitchell

  I was shocked. This gargoyle was destined to guard me? Why? He did magic? How? He wanted something from me, what was it? "What do you need?" I asked, barely above a whisper.

  He stood up and stepped towards me, "Just to sit in your lap for a minute. Physical touch should confirm that you are what I am to guard." He stood at the edge of the table in front of me, mere inches from my knees.

  "Oh, well that is fine." I moved my arms out to give him room.

  He crouched and hopped forward, landing on my legs. He weighed less than a statue of the same size and closer to the weight of the dog he resembled. He curled up in my lap and sat down.

  "Well?" This was from Stain, excitement in his voice.

  Fiosrach looked at Stain and chuckled, this time sounding like a wagon of rocks racing down the road. "Oh yes. I am meant to guard Ott. I am where I belong." He stood up and hopped back to the table. "My search is over." He laid down on the table facing me and grinned, the relief evident on his face.

  "How long have you been looking?" Brooke again.

  "I have been searching for over five years." Fiosrach answered. "Five long years."

  "So you are twenty?" This question came from Raven.

  Fiosrach looked surprised and a little embarrassed. "Well, no. I did say most left around 15 winters." He ducked his head down, "I have only seen 17 winters. I left early. I could not wait."

  Stain started laughing. "Well, it seems like the you and Ott are going to make a good pair. He also is impatient, curious, and brave." He stood. "Ott, you have about two hours before your lessons with MaPaine. You and Fiosrach spend that time getting to know each other. Also, I believe the rest of us know some of what a Gargoyle is capable of doing. We all have things we must attend." He motioned to all of them, "Let us give these two fellows a chance to get to know one another." Everyone stood and went down the stairs, Mophor and Pat going down to spend time with Tag.

  I looked around and realized that Cracklecord was not around. I had not seen her all day.

  "Well Ott. Think you could answer a few questions for me?" Fiosrach asked. He had curled up on the table, much like the dog he resembled.

  I sighed. I guess if Stain wanted us to talk the best thing would be to ask questions. "Sure. What do you want to know?"

  He looked at me and smiled. "What are you?" His smile widened at my expression. "I mean I know you are human, but what are you? I can sense magic in you but in a different way than most people. Stain has the same feel."

  Oh, that. I took a deep breath. "I have the ability to use all four family's of magic."

  His tail stopped moving, his expression freezing. "You mean you can cast spells from all four?" His shock was evident.

  "Yes." I grabbed a glass, my throat was suddenly dry. "Why?"

  "I have never heard of anyone like that. All I have heard of is the normal thing, you know one or two affinities." He had hopped up and started to wander around the table, carefully avoiding the items on it. "Well, now we know what makes you special." He grinned. "Ok. Second question. Why were those men chasing you?" He sat back down in front of me.

  "I am not really sure. Stain seems to think someone is after me because of my magic. They attacked me and my dad back at home. Stain showed up and saved us. I have been with him since." I still struggled with the idea that someone was hunting me.

  Fiosrach looked bothered. "Seems like you need some protection. Good thing I am here." He grinned. "There is no mage better at protection than a gargoyle. Although I have never heard of one protecting a person."

  "Wait, you are a mage?" I had not thought about that.

  "Of course. How do you think I helped you escape?" He snickered. "But only earth magic." Suddenly a ball of dust floated up in front of him. "But I can do things most earth mages cannot do." He flew off the table and into Stain's bedroom. After a few seconds he flew out of my bedroom. Which should not have been possible, I did not hear the shutters open and there was no door connecting the two rooms.

  "How did you do that?" I asked as he settled back down to the table.

  He sat down. "Well, you see as a pure earth creature I have the ability to travel through almost any substance that is mostly earth or taken from the earth. Stone, rock, sand, gravel, that kind of thing. These walls are made from mud brick so I can go right through them." He smiled smugly.

  "Do you leave holes?" I thought of how upset Ing would be to find holes punched in his wall.

  "Nope, I travel through the very substance of the material. Although if there is too much wood or something else I can easily damage the wall and I could hurt myself if I am not careful." He picked a pebble off of the floor. "Now watch this." He put the pebble on top of his head. Suddenly it sank into his head and fell out his chin. "Does that illustrate it well enough?"

  "Yep." Sure did. He could travel through solid walls. "Can you carry anything with you? Or anyone?"

  He shook his head. "Just me. Although I can pull out a piece of the wall as I come through if I want." He looked around and grinned. "Watch this." Suddenly more balls of dust raced towards the table from all over the rooms. They each landed at his feet and collapsed into a pile until it was roughly his size. I had no idea there was this much dust in here. "I can also manipulate earth." Suddenly the dust pile shook and formed a pillar my height. Then it compressed down into one large ball. Finally it floated into the air and formed a dust bird. "Think you could open the shutters for a second?" I hopped up and opened the shutters as the dust bird flew across the room and out into the courtyard where it exploded into just a small dust cloud. I closed the shutter again and sat back down.

  "Ok, you can travel through solid earth, manipulate earth, fly, cast earth spells, anything else?" I was trying to keep up here.

  "Well, if I was sitting on a building it would be protected from harmful spells." He blinked. "But I am not sure if it will work with a person."

  "How does the protection work?" I wondered. "Is it like a shield?"

  "Not really." He scratched his chin. "It does not take any thought or energy like a shield does. I can be asleep and it still works. The magic just goes around the building. It works automatically."

  "Hmm. Well maybe we can check that later." I would have to get someone's help checking that one out. "Ok, how about you? What do you eat? Are there any special requirements that you need?" I figure I should find out now so I can make the right arrangements.

  He laughed. "I normally eat whatever I find on top of buildings. Birds, lizards, small animals. I do not mind fruit but dislike most sweets. I drink water only." His face lit up. "I do have one odd thing. I eat pebbles. They taste great!"

  Pebbles? That is odd. "Ok, do I need to get you food, water, or pebbles?" I wanted him to be happy.

  "Oh! No that is fine! I will go and get what I need." He seemed to find my offer funny yet he did not laugh at me.

  "What about people seeing you?" I did not know if that was a problem but I figured it would be.

  Now he did laugh. "Most people will not notice me. Plus I have a slight 'look away' ability. It prevents people from noticing me. All gargoyles have it. If anyone does see me they simply assume that I am a statue." He hopped down from the table and pressed up to my legs. "Now I think you have some lessons to attend while I plan on going up on the roof and taking a nap in this sun." He walked over to the window and walked right through the wall below it.

  I just sat there for a minute thinking. Another companion, one who was very interesting. Well, they were all interesting. If things kept going this way we would have a caravan to rival a Wonderer's.


  "Ott! There is a boy here for you!" Jek yelled up the stairs. "It's MaPaine's apprentice. Ya better hurry!"

  I stood up. "Be there in just a moment!" I moved to the head of the stairs. "Hey! Do I need to bring anything?"

  A different voice yelled up the stairs. "Naw! Just you!" The voice was full of humor.

  I looked around and realized there was nothing keeping m
e there. I rushed down the stairs. As I reached the bottom I saw a guy slightly older than me. He was slim but very fit.

  "Mack Pottus." He thrust his hand out. "But everyone calls me Pot." His hair was cut down to just a bristle.

  "Otter Lightfoot." I shook his hand. "But everyone calls me Ott."

  Jek started laughing. "Man that is great! Ott and Pot!" He walked out chuckling to himself.

  We just watched him go.

  "Something not quite right with that guy." Pot stated. He just shook his head. "Well! Ready to get beat by the mighty MaPaine?" His grin seemed to show that he was joking, if not completely.

  "Well, I guess. Will it really be that bad?" I was a little nervous now.

  "You are learning sword?" Pot was serious suddenly. " Ever use a sword before?"

  "Yes and no." Ok, now I was a lot nervous.

  "Well, how long you going to be taking lessons?" Pot headed out of the inn and in the opposite direction of where we went this morning.

  "Well, we leave at the end of the week." I had to walk faster to keep up with him.

  He looked over at me and grimaced. "Well, I guess you will be learning a lot in a short time. Not going to be easy but you should be fine."

  We walked through the Hospitality Quarter and through another gate into a quarter that had a very dangerous feel to it. Lots of people walked around carrying arms and many of the buildings seemed to be smithy's. We wove through all the people and finally stopped outside of a large building. The sound of fighting carried out of the open doors.

  "Welcome to the Pit! The greatest training arena in all the kingdom!" Pot proclaimed. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into the dark entrance. "Remember you are an invited guest of MaPaine. If someone challenges, you cannot accept. You are here for training, not fighting." We walked through a tunnel, the sounds of fighting growing louder. Suddenly we stepped out and were facing a sunken arena full of dirt. There were pairs of fighters all around the arena. All sorts of weapons were being used. Some I did not even recognize. Opposite of us there was a platform where some men stood. MaPaine was among them. He looked at us and nodded. He turned towards the man beside him and said something. The man looked up at me and nodded. MaPaine walked away from the railing and through a door.

  "Come on then. Let's get you to the private rooms. MaPaine reserved his for you." Pot grabbed me again and hauled me through a door and through a maze of corridors. He finally stopped outside a red door with a sword, shield, and a tree on the outside. Pot banged on the door. "Always knock. That way it is safe."

  MaPaine's voice sounded from the other side. "Enter Pot!"

  Pot shoved the door open. The room was much brighter than I expected. I followed Pot in.

  "Took you long enough Pot." MaPaine was beside a rack of swords. There were long, short, big, small, a little bit of every kind of sharp single bladed weapon. There were perhaps a hundred swords in all. Very intimidating.

  "Yeah, yeah. I got him here before you were even ready." He had walked over to a stool placed behind the sword rack.

  "You staying?" MaPaine asked.

  "Yep, figure I will be his sparring partner so might as well see what you do." Pot seemed to have little fear of MaPaine.

  "Fine." He turned to me. "Ott, I know you have never handled a sword. Let me ask you a few questions." He picked up a wooden sword. "What dances do you know?"

  Dances? What an odd question. I rattled off some of the country dances I had learned.

  "Good." He was swinging the wooden sword around. "What is the heaviest load you have carried for a long period of time?"

  " Probably a full pack for a day. Maybe four stone." These were unusual questions.

  "Ok. Now I want you to hold this wooden sword out at full extension." He handed me the sword.

  I held it out while he continued asking me questions. After a few minutes my arm started to shake.

  "Ott, switch hands." MaPaine continued to ask me questions.

  My arm started to shake. MaPaine told me to put my arms down.

  "Ok. I am going to show you some basic forms." He picked up another wood sword. "My understanding is that you will be leaving Haver's Town at the end of the week, so I am not going to try to make you into a swordsman. That is impossible. However I will give you the basic tools you need to handle a sword. You will not be able to fight a professional soldier but you should be able to defend yourself and maybe get a lucky hit. I will also give your master a list of what the next series of steps you need to learn so that as you travel you may continue to learn from various Masters. Most will recognize my seal and will follow my directions for your training." He motioned to me. "I want you to copy the position that I take. I am going to build off your current knowledge so we can go faster."

  I did not understand what he meant by current knowledge but things started to make sense as he took different poses. Most were ones that were used in the dances I knew. He modified some things making a point to explain the theory behind the changes. After a few hours of this we took a break. I had learned five forms for defense, two for offense, and a handful of exercises to gain the strength needed to fight with a sword.

  "Now for the fun part." MaPaine walked over to the sword rack. "Let's find you a sword." He motioned me to move towards the rack. "Each of these swords have never been fought with. They are untested, just like you. Some have been here for years waiting to be claimed, some were made yesterday. All are excellent weapons. They just wait for the right person to wield them." He moved down the rack, stopping at the end. "Go ahead and pick them up. Do not worry, I have plenty of swords."

  I approached the rack and looked at the swords. Some were as tall as me, others were barely larger than a knife. I picked up a medium length sword and took the first defensive position. The sword pulled my arm down making my shoulder hurt. It did not feel right for me so I put it back.

  "Too long and too heavy." MaPaine pronounced.

  "Yes." I was glad I was right.

  "I would suggest something shorter. About half the length." MaPaine motioned towards the shorter swords.

  I walked down the rack to the short swords. There were different types, some skinny, some wide. Some had leather hilts, some had metal. There were about twenty short swords. I walked down the rack looking at each, touching the hilts. I had reached the end of the short swords and was walking back to look at them again.

  "You will not be able to tell much if you fail to pick them up." MaPaine's voice was clear.

  I stopped and nodded. There was one sword that kept drawing my eye. It's handle was leather wrapped but the blade was what made it stand out. The blade was shaped like a leaf. I picked it up. It seemed to mold itself to my hand. I took my position. For the first time it felt natural, smooth. I moved into the second pose, again it was very smooth. I moved through each of the positions MaPaine had shown me without feeling any strain.

  "Looks like it has finally found its owner." MaPaine's voice was a harsh whisper. Pot's shocked intake was like an explosion in the room.

  "What did I do wrong?" I lowered the sword. Pot had paled. I looked at MaPaine. His face was stiff, like he was upset yet happy at the same time.

  "That sword has been here longer than I have and I was born in this town." MaPaine spoke stiffly. "Many have tried to wield it but they could never get it to meet another sword in contest." He picked up another short sword. "Let me show you." He turned to Pot, "Take the Finisher and let's show Ott what I mean."

  Pot approached me and held out his hand. "Let me borrow that blade for a moment would ya?"

  I handed the sword to Pot and stepped back. Suddenly Pot swung the sword at MaPaine's head. MaPaine whipped his sword up to block the strike. At the last moment Pot's sword moved away from MaPaine's and almost cut his shoulder. Only a quick dodge saved him from injury. Pot handed the sword back to me.

  "Why did you change direction at the last second? You could have hurt him!" I was upset, what was the point of this?

  "I d
id not, the sword did." Pot looked frustrated.

  "No matter who handles the sword it will not strike another sword, axe, or any other weapon. Shields it simply destroys." MaPaine was shaking his head. "Now Ott, try to strike my sword. Do not swing for me, just strike the sword." He held his sword out away from his body.

  I lifted the sword and started the downward stroke that would cause our two swords to clash. My sword whistled as it plummeted down. I felt it slow down as it connected with MaPaine's blade but it sheared straight through the blade. I had to struggle to control its downward slice before it cut my leg. I stared in shock at the length of blade that lay buried in the floor, almost half of MaPaine's blade had come off.

  MaPaine looked at the sword. "That was the strongest blade I had on the rack." He lifted hilt and broken blade. "And the Finisher cut through it like it was straw. I believe the Finisher has found its owner after all these years." His voice seemed troubled but resigned.

  "How did it do that?" I have heard of swords breaking but MaPaine had said none of these had been used. So they should not have broken. "Maybe that one was damaged?" I knew a weak point in the blade could have caused it to break the way it did.

  "Do I have to let you destroy all these swords just to prove the point?" MaPaine growled. He grabbed a random blade and swung it at my head. I ducked and raised my sword up automatically. His sword rang out as it hit mine. It too broke. He grabbed another blade and swung again. It also broke. This repeated until every sword except the one I held was shattered. MaPaine was breathing heavily, Pot was silent. "Now, I think the point has been made. You hold a unique sword. No other person has ever made it touch metal before and you have shattered almost a hundred swords in a matter of moments without causing even a scratch to itself. I believe you are the rightful bearer of that sword." He walked away from me and leaned on the rack, suddenly seeming to be upset. "That is your sword Otter Willow Lightfoot and no one else's. I will let your master know of this. Do not speak of this to anyone else, you either Pot. If I hear of it I will know that one of you is to blame and will punish you."


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