Making Scandal (The Essien Trilogy, #2)

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Making Scandal (The Essien Trilogy, #2) Page 17

by Kiru Taye

  "Thank you, Faith."

  "You’re welcome. So are you in?"

  "Of course, I’m in."

  "Great. Let’s get to the report, then."

  Stella walked her through the report she’d prepared. By the time Mrs. Duru called her back, she had a strong grasp of the future potential of City. She got the phone number of one of the people who could possibly finance her venture.

  That night, sleep didn’t come easily. Without the stress of preparing the proposal and worrying about raising finance, she remained with her thoughts of Mark. Each time she closed her eyes, an image of him loomed large.

  The memory of turning around and seeing him in that nightclub in Benin, and of the sweet, slow way he’d made love to her that night left her hot and needy. How could he be so thoughtful and gentle with her one minute and yet so ruthless another?

  Was it really so easy for him to keep a clear demarcation between his business priorities and personal relationships? Perhaps she hadn’t meant that much to him, after all. Perhaps he hopped on a flight to any girl in the middle of the night.

  She pounded her frustration into her pillows, vowing not to cry over the loss of their relationship. She would get over him. She had to focus on securing City. Once that was done, she would concentrate on preparing for the birth of her baby. If everything worked out, she would be able to pay for a nanny to take care of the child so she could get back to work quickly after her maternity break.

  This thought finally put her to sleep. In the morning, she was dressed and in the office even earlier than usual.

  At her scheduled time, she was in Mr. Okolo’s big, spacious air-conditioned office filled with dark wood and old books.

  "Faith, come in," he said when she greeted him. He ushered her towards the set of sofas on the other end of the office. "Would you like a drink?"

  "Water would be fine," she replied.

  Florence left to bring the drinks as Faith settled in the soft, tan leather sofa and crossed her legs at the ankles, pushing them to one side as she sat on the edge of her seat. She couldn’t afford to relax until she’d achieved her aim.

  Mr. O sat opposite her and spread himself. Florence returned with a bottle of cold water on an aluminium tray with two tall, clear glasses. She filled them and left.

  "I know yesterday’s news came as a surprise to you. When Florence said you wanted to see me, I asked her to book you in for the earliest spot. How are you coping with it?"

  Silently, she thanked God for his intuition. It would make things a little easier for her.

  "Thank you, sir. I’m doing okay, although I’m worried."

  "What exactly worries you, my dear?"

  "Well, sir, I’m worried this merger will mean job losses for a lot of staff and changes to the ethos at City."

  "We haven’t worked out the details yet as this is still early stages, but Mark assures me that any job losses will be a minimum."

  "Sir, think about the loyal people who have worked for this firm for years and have contributed in making it what it is. How do you think any one of them will feel to lose their job? I know that I wouldn’t like to be the one tossed out."

  "Oh, you don’t have to worry about that, my girl. Mark will be a fool to let someone as brilliant as you out of his grasp."

  Faith blushed under the double-edged meaning of his words although she didn’t think he realised its effect on her or that she and Mark had a relationship outside of business. Was that Mark’s plan through buying City? Trying to keep her within his grasp?

  Mentally, she shook her head and continued. "Over at Apex, they don’t have any women on their executive team. Have you considered that maybe I might be the first person to go with this new merger?"

  "Hmmm." Mr. Okolo scratched his clean-shaven chin. "I hadn’t thought about that. Look, I’ll get him to sign an undertaking that states he should keep you on the leadership team as part of the merger."

  "He might resent me for that. No, thanks, sir. I have a better idea." She paused, waiting for his response.

  "You do? Let’s hear it." He waved her on.

  She flipped open the file she had in her hand and handed it over to him as she brought up the proposal on her laptop.

  "I’ve been looking at the numbers and our future plans and I think I can come up with the finance to buy you out. That will leave your business intact and still allow you to retire early."

  He reared back, stared at her then at the folder in his hands, and then back at her, before beaming a wide smile.

  "I’m listening."

  Breathing a sigh of relief, she ran through the presentation, highlighting the key points and benefits for him and the company.

  "You did all this—" he stared at his gold wristwatch, "—in less than twenty four hours? I’m truly impressed."

  "Thank you, sir."

  "So, tell me, how are you going to get the finance to back up your plans?"

  "I have meetings set up with financiers, and I’m hoping to secure the finance in a few weeks. I just need you to hold off from signing anything with Apex until then."

  "That is a long time to keep my plans on hold for something that might not materialise. Mark made me a very good offer. It’ll be silly of me to turn him down."

  "Sir, please just give me some time to get this done."

  "Faith, I like you a lot. When I interviewed you for a job with my firm, I saw your potential as being a future Managing Director. I’m just not sure you are ready for it yet. On the other hand, if you can secure finance to buy me out by Friday, then I will reconsider."

  "Friday? That’s three days away."

  He nodded. "Exactly. If you want the role of an MD, you’ll need to learn the responsibilities of an MD. If you can secure the finance in time, you can have the job."

  He was giving her a chance. Crazy and risky, but she would take it.

  "Thank you, sir. I really appreciate you giving me this opportunity."

  She refrained from hugging him despite the impulse. Outside, a huge smile played on her lips all the way back to her office and for the rest of the day. She met with Kayode and Stella to update them. They both shared her optimism. For the first time since the board meeting the previous day, she felt like she could actually pull this off.

  Her phone rang as she was preparing to go out to meet one of the financiers that Mrs. Duru had set up for her. The caller ID said Mark. She debated whether to answer it as the call continued on. Eventually, she picked it.

  "Mark." Even saying his name proved difficult for her and she swallowed a lump in her throat to stop her voice from catching.

  "How are you doing? Are you okay?"

  His voice came out soft, husky, and nearly her undoing. Not good. This caring Mark could break down her walls so easily.

  "I’m well." She took another gulp of air and let it out slowly. "Pregnancy is not an illness, you know."

  She heard his soft sigh.

  "I know. But I’ve been reading up and it says some women experience sickness in the early months."

  That shocked her. Of all the things she’d been expecting to hear from him, it wasn’t this. A part of her hardened heart melted.

  "You’ve been reading up on pregnancy?"

  "Yes. I wanted to know what to expect so I can be ready."

  "But, I told you not to worry. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself and the baby."

  "I know you are capable." He heaved a frustrated sigh. "I don’t want to argue with you, Faith. Have dinner with me tonight."

  "I don’t think that’s a good idea."

  "We need to talk. Just the two of us, without angry words. Please. We can go out if you don’t want to come to mine."

  His voice thrummed with emotion and she couldn’t help caving in.

  "Okay. But I can’t do this week. There’s a lot on my plate. Maybe we can meet up for lunch on Saturday."

  A pause came on the line. For a moment, she thought he’d hung up. "Mark?"

that’s the earliest you can see me, then I’ll take it. I’ll send you a text message when I’ve made the arrangements. See you on Saturday."

  "No problem. See you then."

  The abrupt way the call ended became a sad reminder of how quickly things had deteriorated between them in the space of twenty-four hours. Even though her heart ached for his love and her body for his lovemaking, she couldn’t relent now when she hovered so close to her goal.

  By Saturday, she would be the one with the upper hand when it came to the future of their relationship.

  Chapter Fifteen

  By Wednesday night, Mark couldn’t stand being in the same town as Faith and not seeing her. He was having a hard time respecting her wishes and giving her space when all he wanted to do was to touch her.

  "I just want to see her," he said to his brother sitting next to him in the private lounge of their favourite haunt. He couldn't shake the depressing fear and resentment he'd felt as a child when he'd lived in the same city and couldn't see his father for weeks on end. Now, those same feelings blanketed him, slumping his shoulders.

  "See her?" Felix said, his tone loaded with amusement and innuendo.

  "Yes." He couldn't hide his frustration. "Is that too much to ask?"

  It wasn’t even about sex, although that would be great. He just wanted to hold the woman who carried his unborn child. They'd made a baby. He was going to be a father. Still coming to terms with the fact, he'd been floored by the news.

  But to be told in one breath he was going to be a father, and then in another breath, denied permanent access to said baby, rankled. Fear. Frustration. Rage. He'd run the gamut of emotions.

  He scrubbed his face and puffed out a deep breath. "Do you remember those days when we were still little and lived apart?"

  Felix's face puckered in a frown, his eyes going cold. Mark could imagine the memories flitting through his brother's mind. Dark, painful memories of betrayal and disappointments.

  "I hated not seeing Dad often enough." His jaw tightened as he remembered, his temples throbbing with pain. "I resented and blamed you for stealing my father. That was before you saved me from bully Bami Jones and knocked him out in the playground."

  Mark lowered his head into his hands. His brother's hand settled on his shoulder. Not a squeeze. Just his presence. Like he'd always been for as long as he could remember. Sedate and reassuring.

  "You know it's not your fault," Felix said. "We were both young and we both needed our father, albeit in different ways. We were both disappointed and betrayed by the adults in our lives."

  "I realised that much later. But I've always wondered how you could easily forgive me or Dad or my Mum? I mean, you lost the most and yet, you were able to forgive the most."

  "It's from my mother. She taught me that forgiveness doesn't mean acceptance of the offence. But when you forgive an offender, it frees to live the rest of your life fully. It's like a reset button in your mind."

  "That is so true. You know I've carried this resentment for years. But since I met Faith, it's like I'm finally letting go. I'm finally free. Now she wants to do the same thing to me. If she goes through with her plans of bringing up our child on her own, that will be another child going through the pain and disappointment of not having his or her father."

  His brother tilted his head and scratched the bristles on his chin as scrutinised him further.

  "You’re in love with her." Felix’s statement came loaded with surprise.

  He let out a ragged breath. "Yes."

  The realisation had come to him as he sat in his lonely hotel room overlooking Central Park missing Faith. The shock of it had sent him downstairs to the hotel bar seeking female company to disprove what he hadn’t wanted to accept. But nobody else had held a candle against her.

  "It took me a while to wrap my head around it, but I do. And she wants to break up with me, all because I made an offer for City Investments."

  "You should’ve told her about it. Instead of springing it on her with everyone else."

  "I would’ve, but she was the one who insisted we should never discuss business when we’re in private. She made the rule, damn it." And now, he was the one paying the price for keeping to her rules.

  "That’s women for you." His brother took as sip of his brandy. "If it’s any consolation, I’m still learning new things about Ebony everyday and we’re married."

  "Well, that’s the thing. I would like to marry Faith. But she said point blank no. Can you imagine that? She’s carrying my child, for goodness’ sake."

  Every time he remembered their conversation in the back of the car, his blood boiled. How could one woman be so adamant?

  "I feel your pain. But according to Ebony, that was hardly the most romantic proposal of the century."

  Mark let out a groan. "Between her slapping me, then telling me we were over before delivering the unexpected news of her pregnancy, I was hardly in the frame of mind to be romantic. I was simply grasping at straws, trying to hold on to the illusion of her."

  He shivered as the desperation he’d felt in that moment resurfaced. He’d flown back from New York with the intention of confessing his love for Faith, only to have her practically tell him to piss off. His response had been wrought with anger and despair at losing her and their child.

  He lowered his head, clutching it in his hands.

  "She slapped you?"

  Mark raised his head to find amusement in his brother’s eyes and his body shaking like he was trying to hold back his laughter. He wasn’t succeeding because Mark started laughing out loud as he nodded.

  "Yes, she did."

  Felix didn’t hold back his laughter and they both let it rip. Quite cathartic just letting go after the frustration of the past few days with Faith. He’d known hanging out with his older brother would help him to see things in perspective.

  "She is one hell of a babe. You’ve met your match, brother."

  "Don’t I just know it. And that’s not even the worse of it."

  "Dare I even ask?"

  "You won’t believe it. She’s putting in a counter bid for City."

  "She did what?"

  "I couldn’t believe it when a close source told me she’d been talking to financiers about raising funds to buy Mr. Okolo’s stake in the business. I called him up and he confirmed that he’d received a counter offer, although he didn’t say from whom."

  "You’ve got to marry her. A woman with the guts to stand up to you needs to be on our side, not playing against us. She’ll fit right in with us Essiens."

  "I absolutely agree. I just need to figure out how to get her to see that I’m not the enemy."

  "Seduction, my brother. Lay on the Essien charm."

  "I will have to get her in the same room for that to work. But at the moment, she’s avoiding me." He paused and scratched the stubble on his chin. "Of course, all it would take would be one phone call and the doors to her financiers will shut down and she will have to come back to talk to me. If she wants to play with the big boys, she should be prepared to get rough and dirty."

  "This is where I issue a disclaimer," Felix said in mock seriousness. "I value my marriage and Ebony will keep me in the spare room for a month if she found out I knew you were going to do that and I didn’t do anything to stop you. So this is me attempting to stop you. That tactic will work by putting City back in your hands but you might end up losing Faith for good. Don’t say I didn’t warn you."

  "What else am I supposed to do? The woman has me over a barrel—" Something caught his eye by the entrance of the bar. "Speaking of the little feminine devil."

  Faith stood by the entrance to the restaurant in a dark green, shift linen dress and diamante strappy stilettos with a matching clutch purse. She looked around as if she expected to see someone. Recognition dawned on her expression as she gave a little wave and sashayed over to a table.

  A bronze-skinned man stood in a flamboyantly embroidered navy suit. Mark’s blood ran cold as he rec
ognised the guy.

  "Isn’t that Faith with Kris Petersen?" his brother asked.

  "Yes. I can’t believe she’s talking to that slime ball."

  Petersen had a reputation for being a shark and for his unscrupulous business practices. He also had a reputation for his wild sex parties and the man must be in his fifties, for goodness’ sake. Not to mention that he had been involved in blackmailing Ebony and trying to oust Felix from his position as Head of Apex Private Bank.

  Now, seeing him sitting so close to Faith made Mark want to toss him out of the venue.

  Mark tossed back his drink, instead.

  "I’m not going to sit here and watch them all night," he said as he stood.

  "Don’t do anything stupid. We can go."

  Mark glared at his brother. "I don’t care about doing anything stupid. I just don’t want him anywhere near Faith."

  He headed for the stairs leading downstairs and to Faith. Behind him, he could hear Felix settling their bill.

  Downstairs, Petersen saw him first as Faith had her back to him.

  "Mark Essien. Fancy seeing you here."

  The fool of a man tried to play coy with him. Petersen knew very well this happened to be his favourite place to hang out. His brother, Tony, owned the bar and restaurant.

  Faith’s body stiffened as she turned her head to look at him.

  He placed his hand on the exposed skin of her back where her neck connected with her shoulders. A proprietary gesture. He no longer cared about keeping his relationship with her a secret.

  "Petersen, I need to speak with Faith."

  "Mark, we can talk later," Faith said. "We’re in the middle of something here."

  He looked down to find her glaring at him. "No. We can’t talk later. It’s urgent." He applied pressure to his hand on her back.

  "Kris, please excuse me. I won’t be long." Faith stood.

  "No problem." Petersen flashed his teeth like a shark. "I’ll order some wine for you."

  Mark kept his hand on her back as he directed her into the hallway leading to the back office. When she stiffened, refusing to move further, he backed her to the wall, his hands on either side of her face.


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