Starlight Starbright

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Starlight Starbright Page 2

by Jamieson Wolf

  He bit her bottom lip playfully and Adina moaned. When he started to explore her mouth with his tongue, she felt a flush coming to her skin; her body felt like it was on fire.

  She kissed him back, pressing her body against his, wrapping her arms around him. Adina angled her head, deepening the kiss, pulling him closer to her. She felt the hard plains of his body, the muscles underneath his skin moving. Adina had never felt so alive.

  She moaned deep in her throat. He grabbed on to her tightly, deepening the kiss more until she wasn’t sure where she started and he ended. She tangled her fingers in his thick hair. The stubble on his chin rubbed against her skin.

  He groaned and his cock pressed against her belly. It woke something in her, a passion that she hadn’t felt in a very long time. Adina wanted this man, this stranger; he filled her with a heat that burned her skin and filled her with longing.

  Stranger. The word was loud in her head. He was a stranger, she didn’t know him, didn’t know who he was. How could she have let this happen? With an anguished moan, she pushed him away, stood back from him. “No,” she said. “I can’t. I can’t do this.”

  Adina looked at him and saw sadness in his eyes. “Why are you denying what you know is true?” he asked her. “Why are you denying what you feel in here?” He touched her chest where her heart beat underneath her skin. He touched her face softly. “You shouldn’t have to feel such pain.”

  Adina stepped further away from him. It was then that she realized his skin was glowing. It seemed to pulse with a soft, subtle glow of silver light that made the room around them brighter.

  He was beautiful, standing there in front of her. She could see his erection straining against the fabric of the jeans, the glow pulsing from his skin; see the love for her in his eyes.

  She didn’t deserve love.

  She wiped a tear from her cheek and went to the hallway to grab her coat. “Let’s go shopping.” She said softly.

  Chapter Six

  They were walking towards the shops down the street from her apartment. The night was warm and there was a soft breeze that ruffled Jack’s hair. When he reached out and took her hand, she didn’t pull away.

  It felt right for some reason.

  “Who hurt you?” Jack asked. His voice was soft and sent shivers down her spine.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Who hurt you?” He asked again. “I want to know who it was that hurt you.”

  “No one hurt me.” Adina said. They walked past a couple sitting on a park bench. They were holding hands and Adina looked at them longingly.

  “Then why would you deny yourself love when it is right in front of you?”

  Adina laughed. “Love doesn’t exist.” She said. “Love is a myth.”

  Jack stopped walking, turned her to face him. “Surely you don’t believe that? How can you possibly believe that?” He ran a finger down her cheek.

  Adina was weakening, despite her wish to remain hardened against his questions. But she felt she could trust Jack with anything; she felt like she had known him all her life.

  “My parents died when I was young.” She said. “I had a foster mother when I was growing up. I had a sister, another foster child. Her name is Patsy. We didn’t have a very good life.”

  “What happened?” Jacks voice was soft, concerned. She felt her walls falling away, brick by brick.

  “Our foster mother, Lorraine, she didn’t really like kids. But she loved the pay check that she got for taking care of us. So Patsy and I had to look out for each other. It was us against the world.”

  “You must have loved each other?” Jack prodded.

  Adina nodded. “Of course we did, but no one really loved us, you know? It was her and I against the world for such a long time.” She was quiet for a moment, lost in thought. “I thought I found love once. His name was Euwan and he swept me off my feet. I gave my heart to him.”

  “What did he do to you?” Jack asked. “What did he do to you to make you so afraid of love?”

  Adina laughed harshly, remembering that day. She had come home to find her apartment cleared out. There was a note on the table. He had left her for her best friend. The betrayal stung even now. “I never saw him again. I loved him for a year, gave him my heart and he betrayed me.” She felt tears start to prick her eyes and she took a tissue out of her purse to wipe them up.

  “It took so long for me to get my heart back. I always swore that I would never give it to anyone else, that no one would ever trick me into loving them again.”

  “Oh, Adina,” Jack whispered. He pulled her to him softly, kissed her forehead. She felt safe so close to him, felt wonderful when he wrapped his arms around her. “Adina.”

  He didn’t tell her that he would protect her, didn’t utter any of the sympathies that others did. Instead he held her, comforted her.

  When she thought of it later, she realized that this moment was when she started loving him.

  Chapter Seven

  “So have you always been a star?”

  They had continued walking after Adina had pulled herself together. Her hand was in Jack’s again and once more she was shocked that it felt so right, that he felt right. Her heart thrummed at his touch.

  Jack laughed softly. “As long as you have wished on stars, I have been there.”

  “You make it sound like wishes create stars.”

  “Of course they do. Why do you think there are so many stars in the sky?” he motioned to the stars above them. “Millions of people make a wish every night and with every wish, a star is born.”

  Adina laughed, an honest to goodness laugh. It felt so good to laugh with someone. She hadn’t had anything to laugh about in so long. “Sorry,” she said. “That just reminded me of Barbara Streisand . You know, her movie A Star is Born?”

  Jack smiled. “I’m familiar with her work, yes.” He pointed to a woman walking her dog down the street. “Can you tell me anything about her?”

  Adina thought about it for a moment and the answer came to her: “Her husband is cheating on her with his secretary and she knows but stays because she loves him.”

  Adina froze. She had no way of knowing that, but knew it was true. She could feel it in her gut. It felt right. “There’s no way I could know that, not really.” She said.

  Jack smiled, pointed to another person. This time it was a man in a business suit, walking briskly, a briefcase swinging in his hand. “And him?” he asked. “What can you tell me about him?”

  Adina closes her eyes for a moment and it came to her instantly; she didn’t even have to think. “He’s gunning for a promotion he’ll never get because it will go to someone who is sleeping with the boss.”

  Jack nodded. Adina looked at him with wide-eyed wonder. “Jack? Jack how am I able to….”

  “One more,” he said. He pointed to a child walking with his parents. They were pushing a stroller in front of them and Adina could hear the cries of a newborn baby. She nodded, almost as if she were in a trance. “He’s jealous of the new baby; he thinks his parents have replaced him.”

  She put a hand to her mouth. “My God, Jack. I haven’t been able to see things for years. It’s been so long and I’ve never been able to see so clearly.” She looked at him, searched his eyes for some sort of answer. “How is this possible?”

  Jack smiled. “All in good time.” He grinned when he saw her frown. “I’ll tell you, don’t worry. But first, can I get some clothes?” He touched a hand to her face. “Or would you rather I walk around naked most of the time?”

  She laughed. “Well…” A blush reddened her cheeks.

  Jack laughed and pulled her close to him. “Ah, so the lady does have a wild streak.” He kissed her softly. “I’m glad to see there is hope after all.”

  He kissed her again and she let herself be kissed. She felt herself melt a little more, felt her resolve crumbling. She looked at his hands, at his face and saw the light glow coming from his skin.

  “How is
this possible?” She whispered.

  “Anything is possible,” he said. “If you believe in it.”

  “You’re asking me to believe in magic.” She said. “I don’t know if I can do that.”

  “Of course you can.” His voice was a caress against her skin. “You just have to let yourself believe.”

  His lips brushed hers softly, the light from the streetlamps flowing over them. She looked into his eyes, saw their silver blueness and knew comfort. She kissed him back, softly at first, felt him pull her closer to him. Felt his hard body press against her. She reached down and felt his cock; he was already hard for her.

  Adina deepened the kiss and her walls crumbled a little more. Jack moaned as she stroked his dick through the fabric of his jeans. She heard his breath catch. “Adina…” This whisper was hoarse, full of need.

  “Yes, Jack?”

  “If you keep that up, I’m going to make love to you right here. I wouldn’t mind too much but I’m sure others would.”

  “Others?” She looked around, realized they were still outside and blushed. “Sorry,” she said. “I got a little carried away.”

  “No apology needed.” Jack grinned, kissed her again. “Although I am wondering what you look like with your clothes off.” He laughed when her blush deepened. “You’re so cute when you do that.”

  “You drive me crazy.” She said, taking Jack’s hand. “I haven’t felt this way for so long and you’ve turned my world upside down in less than a day. How is that possible?”

  Jack laughed. “I guess it must be my animal magnetism.”

  Adina smacked him on the shoulder and smiled. “Lets get you some clothes.”

  Chapter Eight

  “What do you think?” Jack asked her.

  He was wearing worn jeans with a skintight white shirt. Black leather boots covered his feet and he had on a black leather jacket; it was unzipped and she could see the muscles of his chest through the tight shirt.

  They were outside the shop and it was growing dark. Jack had paid the flustered clerk with money that had appeared out of nowhere. He had stuck his hand in the pocket of her jeans and pulled out a black leather wallet thick with money. “One of my little tricks.” He whispered to her.

  Looking at him now, Adina thought she had never seen anyone so sexy. No one had thrilled her like this before and she longed to be with him, to have him touch her.

  She blushed. “I think you look amazing.” She said. She took a chance and held out her hand for him to take. He smiled at her and took it. She felt a shot of electricity run up her arm.

  They walked back to her apartment, the heat building between them. To distract herself from her reaction to him, Adina turned to Jack. “Are you able to tell me how I know things about people? Why is it I can see after so long?”

  He looked at her for a moment before responding and her blood began to heat. “You didn’t believe before…” he said. “No, that’s not quite right. But it’s the heart of it. That’s where all of it starts.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, when you were younger you believed in everything. Children and young adults are so much more open to things before they have been shaped by their families, their life. Slowly, you lost your belief.” He stopped and turned to face her. “Do you see what I’m saying?”

  She nodded because she did understand. Knew in her heart that what he said was true. “I was so lonely.” She told him. “Both my parents gone, no other family except my sister…”

  “And so you had to fend for yourself. It’s no wonder you forgot me.”

  She was startled by his words. “What do you mean?”

  “Do you remember when you used to wish on a star every single night? That you used to wish for a better life? Do you remember that?”

  Adina nodded. “Yes, I do.”

  “That star was me.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t understand, Jack, I don’t.”

  He put a finger to her lips. “When you stopped believing in the impossible, you stopped wishing. When you stopped wishing, you stopped being able to see. Do you understand?”

  At first Adina wanted to say no, she didn’t understand. How could that be possible? But she knew he was telling the truth, and that he meant every word. “Are you saying that stars give power? That I could see because of my connection to you?”

  Jack nodded. “Stars have more power than just wishes. They help you see into the unknown, just a little bit. They help fill you with wonder.”

  “But how can I believe now? Why now?”

  Jack laughed. “It’s pretty hard not to believe in the impossible after a star falls from the sky and into your living room.”

  Something occurred to Adina then, something that made her heart break just a little. “All this time, when I haven’t believed. When I’ve been cold inside, you’ve still been there, haven’t you?” She touched his skin, felt it warm instead of cool to the touch. “You’ve been waiting for me for all this time?” She whispered.

  The enormity of her feelings for him shocked her.

  “I have waited all of my life for you.” He said.

  With those words, a tidal wave of emotion broke lose inside Adina and, barely stopping to think, she crushed her mouth to Jack’s. “I need you naked,” she said. “Don’t ask me if I’m sure because I know I am.” She kissed him again, ran her teeth along his jaw. “I haven’t wanted anything more than I’ve wanted you right now.”

  Jack smiled at her, kissed her again. He ran his thumbs over the tips of her nipples; she felt them harden underneath her shirt. “How soon can you take me home?”

  “Not soon enough.” She said.

  She took his hand in hers and they all but ran back to her apartment, their feet flying over the pavement. A heat filled her, a sumptuous heat that made her feel more alive than she had felt in a long time.

  They tumbled into the foyer of the apartment building and Jack pulled her to him in the darkness. He pressed his hard cock against her and she felt it there, hot and waiting. Adina moaned and kissed Jack again.

  And the walls inside her crumbled completely.

  Chapter Nine

  Adina had never felt anything as wonderful as this.

  Heat poured from her as she kissed Jack. She gave into the passion she felt for him, and the emotions that she had denied herself for far too long. Jack’s skin seemed to glow a soft, pale silver in the darkness of the foyer.

  She broke the kiss and looked at him. He was glowing and so was she. “Where have you been all my life?” she whispered.

  “Waiting for you.”

  She crushed her mouth to his again. His tongue entered her mouth, tasting her as she explored and tasted him.

  They tumbled into the elevator and when the doors closed, she started pulling at his clothes, pulling at her own.

  “What are you doing?” he whispered into her ear. She shivered and wanted more of him. All of him.

  “I’ve waited so long for you.” She said. She was so hot, why was she so hot? “I can’t wait any longer.”

  “I can’t argue with that logic.”

  “Shut up,” she said. “Just make love to me. Love me. I want all of you.”

  “You already have all of me.” He said. “Every ounce I have to give.”

  She pressed the button on the elevator to stop it mid floor. She couldn’t wait until they got to her apartment. She wanted to give into everything she was feeling before she had a chance to think, before she had a chance to contemplate what she was doing.

  She pulled off his shirt and ran a tongue over his right nipple. Jack groaned and tangled his fingers in her hair. “Adina.” He said.

  “Say my name.” She said. “I love it when you say my name.”


  She pinched his other nipple and ran her hands over the rest of his chest, feeling the coarse hair, the muscles. She pulled at his belt, felt his pants fall away and cupped her hand around his hard dick.

  He groaned again, louder this time. He pulled her up so he could ravish her mouth. Jack pulled at her pants, letting them fall to the ground. She stepped out of them, and Jack pulled her shirt over her head. He quickly shed her of her bra and cupped her breasts, one in each hand, making the nipples hard with the ball of his thumb.

  She moaned and heat sizzled along her skin. She moaned and reached down to free his cock from his underwear. It was rock hard and felt so big in her hand, so big. She ran her hands along its length, felt the wetness at its tip.

  Adina pushed his hands away and went to her knees in front of him, cupped his balls and licked the tip of his penis. His breath caught and she took the head of his dick slowly into her mouth, savouring the softness of it, the size.

  Jack moaned and bucked slightly. “You’re killing me here.” He breathed out a sigh. “God you feel so good. Better than good.”

  She laughed and the sound freed her, made her feel alive. She stood up and pushed her panties to the floor so that they stood naked in front of each other. “I want to give you all of me.” She said. “It’s all I have to give you. It’s not enough.”

  “It’s enough,” he said. “It’s more than enough.”

  She thought she would faint when he grabbed her buttocks and lifted her up, when he teased her most sensitive opening with the head of his cock. He pressed against her softly, gently. She felt herself go hot and wet instantly.

  “I want you inside me,” she said. “ I don’t think I can wait any longer Jack…”

  The way she said his name was like a caress and he brought her down, letting his dick slide into her softly, gently, all in one push. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck and kissed him, hot, feverish kisses that made Jack feel as if he was going to explode.

  Adina felt as if her skin would burst into flame. He was so big, so huge; he filled her. She pushed down more onto his cock to take more of him in, all of him. He groaned and then began to lift her and lower her along his shaft.


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