Stella Maris (The Legendary Rosaries)

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Stella Maris (The Legendary Rosaries) Page 13

by Marita A. Hansen

  “For what my nonno did.”


  “My grandfather. And I shouldn’t have asked for a thank you, I’m just in a bad mood after having to deal with my famiglia. And I wouldn’t have had to help you if my nonno hadn’t…” I cut myself off again, realising I couldn’t say, ‘tried to kidnap and kill you’ in a class half full of students.

  “You’re not your grandfather, so there’s no need to apologise.” She lowered her voice. “Just make him back off.”

  “He said he will, but only if you agree to talk to him about—”

  “I’m not talking to him!”

  The other students went quiet. Catherine continued in her angry tone, seemingly not caring that she was attracting attention, her bite back in full swing. “So you can take a flying leap if you think I’ll ever go near him again,” she snapped, the tigress replacing the mouse. I wondered whether she was bipolar, because her mood swings were giving me whiplash.

  “Keep your voice down,” I said, glancing around the class. “Wrong place, wrong time. We can talk about this later.”

  “I have no interest in talking about him again, unless you say he’s jumped off a cliff.”

  I tensed. “He’s still my grandfather, so watch what you say.”

  “I don’t care who he is after what he did, so if you don’t want my fist in your mouth, stop talking about him.”

  I went to snap back at her, but was cut off by Mr. Stanton’s booming voice as he entered the room. More students followed him in, Stephen one of them. Maddened by the teacher’s ill-timed entrance, I threw a glare at Catherine, our conversation definitely not over. She was going to talk to my grandfather whether she liked it or not, because, no matter how annoying she was being right now, I didn’t want her dead. She had to prove her innocence and I had to help her do it.

  Chapter 16


  The bell echoed throughout the classroom with the most welcome of sounds. All I wanted to do was to get away from Christopher, his presence putting me on edge. Especially with the way he kept tensing beside me, looking like he didn’t know whether to yell at me or ask for my forgiveness. He pushed out of his seat, letting me out. Before he could open his mouth, I was heading for the door.

  Christopher followed me into the corridor, barking, “What’s the hurry?” obviously realising I was doing it to get away from him.

  “Got to get to my next class,” I said, zipping between other students, hoping to lose him in the crowd.

  “Slow down!” he snapped. “We’re going to the same place.”

  I continued through the throng of students, not interested in talking to him anymore. Yeah, I was grateful for what he’d done, but there was no way I was going to hang around out of gratitude, especially since I knew it would only end in an argument, and my head really wasn’t up for that.

  I darted out of the corridor and across another quad, entering the corridor that led to the small art room I used for free periods. I had no intention of going to my normal art class, since Christopher was going to be there. I glanced back just before entering the room, not spotting him anywhere. Relieved I’d lost him, I stepped inside and shut the door, flicking the lock just in case. I went to lock the other door, jumping backwards as it flung open. I banged into a chair, losing my footing in the process, sending me crashing to the floor. I yelped, my elbow connecting with the hardwood.

  The door slammed shut, recapturing my attention. I looked up as Christopher flicked the lock, then stepped over me and headed for the other door, flicking that one too, probably not realising he’d just unlocked it. He headed back to me and bobbed down to my level, his expression hard, his dark eyes angry as they landed on my chest. He reached out and yanked the top of my shirt down, revealing my rosary. It was glowing, a slight vibration coming from it, reminding me of what Reprebus had said about it sensing danger.

  I smacked Christopher’s hand away. “What are you doing?!”

  “Checking to see if you’re a liar.” He scowled at me. “And you are. How come you’re wearing the rosary, after you swore black and blue you didn’t want it, that you gave it back? Are you leading me on, playing me for a fool?”

  “No! I don’t even want to be around you, so fuck off!”

  His eyes turned black, a flicker of red dancing across them before extinguishing. “Why do you have to be such a bitch?” he spat. “Especially after I went against my own grandfather for you.”

  I grimaced, realising he was right. I was being a bitch to him, something he didn’t deserve.

  But it was better this way.

  We weren’t friends and never would be. And the attraction I felt for him, it wouldn’t lead to anything good with his grandfather hating me so much.

  “I just want you to leave me alone,” I said.

  “That’s not happening until I get answers.”

  “I don’t owe you a goddamned thing! You righted the wrong your grandfather did, so we’re even.”

  He leaned his face closer, those flames back in his eyes. “And what if I refuse to leave you alone?”

  “Move your face out of mine,” I growled, not willing to let him intimidate me, although it was working, his eyes freaking me out.

  “What will you do if I don’t?” He blew out a puff of smoke. My eyes widened as it took the shape of a hand, its smoky fingers reaching for my rosary.

  I whacked a hand over my rosary, dispelling the smoke. “What the hell?”

  He blew out another puff of smoke. “You’re literally playing with fire here,” he said, his voice low, threatening. “So answer me. Why are you wearing that rosary? Because I’m starting to wonder whether my grandfather’s right about you.”

  “He’s not!”

  “Then why are you avoiding me? And why did you lie about not having the rosary?”

  “I didn’t lie! I got it back so I could protect myself.” I leaned forward, so close I could feel his hot breath on my lips. “So back off, because unlike you, I don’t blow hot air. I punch.”

  He narrowed his eyes at me. “Do it, then.”

  I clenched my hand, but didn’t raise it, just glared back.

  He flicked his tongue out, running it over where his lip ring had been. “Is that why you Stellas lost the Angel and Demon War? You’re all talk and no follow through. Pussies who pretended to be extinct, hiding behind God while the demons fucked the rest of us angels over.” He sniffed derisively. “Sì, chicken-shit pussies.”

  Cold fury slammed into me at the insult. I shot forward, shoving him back. He grabbed me as he fell, pulling me on top of him. I yelled out as he rolled me over, his body now on top of mine.

  “Get off me!” I hollered.

  Instead of backing off, he planted his lips against mine, silencing me. I went still, expecting a fight, not a kiss. He grabbed my wrists, moving them above my head, pressing them against the floor, stretching me out beneath him. He continued to kiss me, his lips pressing hard against mine, urging me to kiss him back. And I did. I put every ounce of frustration and upset into that kiss, even biting his lip where his piercing had been. I wished it was still there, so I could pull on the ring with my teeth, flicking it with my tongue. But it didn’t stop me from ravaging his mouth, his taste pure heaven.

  He hissed at my bite, but didn’t stop kissing me, what I’d done seemingly spurring him on, his excitement more than evident. Letting go of my wrists, he ran his hands down my body, his touch warming me through my clothes, heating me up both literally and figuratively. I wrapped my arms around him and rolled him onto his back, wanting to take control, wanting him under me not the other way around. He groaned against my lips, his hands moving to my butt. I didn’t stop him, aching to have those hot hands all over me.

  The sound of a click broke the connection between us. I looked up, finding Christopher’s cousin standing in the doorway. Stephen was staring down at us with wide eyes and a look of disbelief on his dumb face.

  “Why’d you stop?”
Christopher asked, trying to pull my head back down. One of his hands pressed against the bump on my head, his touch making me hiss.

  “You bastard!” Stephen barked.

  Christopher tilted his head back, looking up at his cousin in surprise.

  Stephen’s angry gaze shifted to me. “So, he’s good enough for you, but I’m not?”

  “Jesus, Stephen,” Christopher said, his voice frustrated. “She’s already told you enough times she’s not interested in you, so get lost.”

  Stephen turned his glare on his cousin. “So you can go back to humping on the floor? Well, go for it, give her one for me, ’cause it looks like I’m never going to get anything out of that cock tease.”

  Christopher moved me off him and jumped to his feet, getting his face in Stephen’s grille. “Apologise to her,” he growled, looking so much like Michael in that moment it was scary. And like Michael had intimidated the younger Reprebus, Stephen took a step back. Although he was bulkier, his muscular body rugby hard, Christopher was taller and, right now, he looked much fiercer.

  Stephen glanced at me, then back at Christopher, his startled expression quickly changing back to one of annoyance. He puffed out his chest, going all He-Man on Christopher. “The only apology that should be made is from you, you traitor,” he snapped at his cousin. “I told you I liked Cathy, but as soon as she shows interest, you choose her over your own family. Grandpa Reb was right about you. You have no loyalty.”

  Christopher shoved Stephen into the wall. “He didn’t say that!”

  “He did!” Stephen clenched his hand, probably close to planting it in Christopher’s face. “He came over last night to talk to my dad. I heard a bit of what they were saying. He said he was disappointed in you, that you went against him for a girl. Guess I know who that girl is now.” His angry gaze returned to me.

  Christopher stuffed his hand into his pants pocket. “Leave,” he said low. “And don’t tell anyone about this.”

  Stephen’s expression went blank. Without another word, he turned and left the room. Christopher closed the door behind him and placed his back against it, his eyes pitch black.

  I pushed to my feet. “Why did Stephen leave like that? So suddenly.”

  “A simple order vibe can make stupid people leave without question.”

  “Like a Jedi mind trick?”

  The angry curve of his lips twitched, a slight smile breaking through, my comment obviously amusing him.

  “Is that what you did to make me kiss you?” I asked.

  He snorted out a laugh. “Are you saying you’re stupid?”


  “Then why ask? The vibe only works on stupid or gullible people.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “Then you’ve obviously used something else on me.”

  His smile grew. “I have no love spells, or incantations that forces a donna to roll me onto my back and devour my mouth. So admit it, you get wet for me.” His tongue flicked out, moistening his upper lip, the guy sex personified.

  A blush ran up my neck, lighting up my cheeks. He lowered his eyes down my body, sending more arousal through me as well as tripling my embarrassment. He took a step closer to me, the gleam in his wicked eyes not diminishing. He looked like he wanted to eat me alive, a lion ready to pounce on a cornered gazelle.

  I took a step back, bumping into the table. “I’m not interested in you. I don’t even like you, so back off.”

  He stopped a foot away from me. “Then why did you push me onto my back, taking control?”

  “Don’t mix lust with like.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “So, you’re admitting you lust after me?”

  “Do you really need me to answer that after what just happened?”

  His lips quirked up into a smirk. “Guess not.” The smile disappeared almost instantly. “So, why are you avoiding me?”

  “You were being a pain in my head and it didn’t look like you were going to back off anytime soon. I wasn’t interested in getting into an argument, especially since my head still hurts.”

  “Is that all?”

  “You also scare me,” I said softer, feeling embarrassed for admitting it.

  His brows pulled together. “Why do I scare you? Like I said, I’m the one who helped you, not hurt you.”

  “I didn’t mean it that way.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Look...” I paused, trying to find the right words to let him down gently, although I didn’t want to, because it was more than lust that I was feeling for him.

  And that was what scared me.

  For some strange reason, I actually did like him. I just didn’t want it to turn into anything more, which it could if I hung around him too much.

  I indicated to the both of us. “This thing we’ve started, it has to stop. I may sort of like you, but,” I exhaled, “it can’t continue.”

  “Why not?” he said, back to looking angry.

  “Your grandfather.” I pulled out my rosary. “I’m going to learn as much as I can about the beads, so that if he comes after me again, he’s going to be the one that goes flying.”

  Christopher scowled at me. “Don’t be stupid, you don’t have a chance in hell against him. You can’t even use that thing, let alone fight a simple body control incantation. If you want to be safe get rid of it, because if my grandfather sees it on you, I won’t be able to stop him next time. He already thinks you’re aging him.”

  “Aging him?”

  “He’s aging rapidly and thinks you’re responsible.”

  “Why would he think that? And how can he age rapidly?”

  Christopher indicated to my rosary. “That. He said it’s cursed.”

  I sneered at him, definitely agreeing with that. “If it’s my rosary causing it, I hope he withers up and dies fast.”

  Christopher’s eyes widened. “Watch what you say about my grandfather!”

  “Or you’ll do what, precisely?”

  He glared at me, but didn’t say a word.

  I indicated between us. “And that’s why this thing between you and me can’t work out. We’re also literally fire and water, opposites, conflicting elements. So, quit coming near me. Nothing will happen again.”

  He took a rapid step forward, making me back up into the table again.

  I shoved at his chest, snapping, “Stop it, Chris!”

  “No, you like me and I like you, so I’m not backing off. I have a right to find someone that I can be with as much as anyone else.”

  “Just because I returned your kisses doesn’t mean I want to be with you. Lust isn’t like.”

  “You said you sort of like me.”

  “Not enough to form a relationship,” I lied, just wanting him to leave. Hurt crossed his face, making me regret saying it. I didn’t want to hurt him, but he was just too thick-headed to listen to reason.

  “Why do you have to fight what we have?” he said. “Because I know you’re feeling the same way as I am. You’re aggressive when you kiss me, you can’t deny that. It’s passion, and I want more of it.”

  “I can’t give you more.”

  “Because you’re treating me like an enemy, and I’m not one.”

  “Your grandfather is.”

  “He doesn’t have to be if you’d just talk to him. Make him understand it’s not you causing his aging. I can be there as an intermediary.”

  “Hell, no! I’m not going anywhere near that psycho again.”

  “He’ll come after you if you don’t.”

  “Then, I’ll have to make sure I’m ready for him.” I stepped to the side and headed for the door, Christopher not following me this time.

  Chapter 17

  Christopher just wouldn’t give up. He bugged me all through lunch to the point where I had to hide in the girls’ toilets just to get away from him, his incessant need to get me to talk to his grandfather infuriating. And now he was kerb crawling, following me up the hill towards my home like some crazy stalker. I
’d skipped out on my last class to avoid him, but he’d found me. It made me wonder whether my rosary was some sort of homing beacon, or maybe I was, the boy locked onto me. Still, I was an idiot for leaving school. Sister Cecile had warned me not to be alone, that she would pick me up from school, but I’d had just about enough of Christopher getting in my face, the guy giving me one monstrous headache.

  He planted his hand on the horn, almost blasting me out of my runners. I spun around and stalked over to his car, yanking the passenger door open. I lowered my head and glared at him through the door. “Do you know what you are? An A-Grade stalker. I should report you to the police.”

  “Just get in the car,” he said, glaring back at me.

  “How many times do I have to tell you to leave me the hell alone?”

  “Too many, so get in the car.”

  “I threatened your grandfather—”

  “You’re in more danger of him than the other way around, so get in the fucking car! I want to make sure you get home safely.”

  My eyebrows quirked up. “So, this following me around is to protect me?” I said, not sure I believed him.

  “Sì, I don’t trust my grandfather. He’s the type that says things to get people off his back, then goes and does what he wants. So, last time, get in the damn car if you don’t want his black Beemer following you instead.”

  I exhaled and hopped in begrudgingly. “I don’t know why you’re so intent on helping me.”

  “I don’t want you dead. Isn’t that enough of a reason why?”

  I grunted and shut the door.

  “So, where’s your place?” he asked.

  I raised an eyebrow at him. “You don’t already know, stalker?”

  “I was just being polite.” A small smile broke through his grumpy expression. Even when grumpy he looked beautiful, making me want to stare. I forced my gaze away, having stared enough at him to fuel his ego for a lifetime.

  He continued, “And yeah, I do know where your house is, cara.”

  I kept my gaze straight ahead as he pulled away from the kerb. “I’m not your cara, but you’re definitely my stalker.”

  “Only because I like you.”


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