“Different? How?”
“Closer. Jolene told me how my mom and dad never left my side when I was in the coma, how they cried and prayed and talked to me. When I woke up, Slade was there, and they weren’t. And I’d thought… Well…it doesn’t matter what I’d thought. I was wrong—about that and about so many other things.”
She wrapped her arm around his back. “I love you, Hunter Coleburn.”
When he kissed her, she felt all of his love and let it fill her heart.
A few days later, Hunter came home from work early.
Since the night when he’d told Eve he loved her, she’d felt like a true bride. He’d taken off work the next day, and they’d stayed in bed very late, gone out for breakfast, then returned to the house and spent the rest of the day in bed! Over the weekend, they’d sat on the patio, made love, gone for long drives and walks, then made love some more.
Now she could tell by the gleam in Hunter’s eyes that he had something in mind for tonight.
“I have a surprise for you,” he said.
“What is it?”
“It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you. We have to be somewhere at nine o’clock. That’s all I’ll say. I’m going to wear my tux, so you dress accordingly.”
“And until nine o’clock?” she asked coyly.
He laughed and folded her into his arms. “Guess.”
After they made tender love to each other, Hunter kissed her and went downstairs. When he returned about fifteen minutes later, he brought a tray laden with sandwiches, strawberries and baby carrots. “I don’t want you to miss a meal.”
He’d always taken care of her. But now his care was so much more tender, so thoroughly open. As they sat on the bed naked, eating their light supper, he told her, “Mom called today. She and Dad want us to come over for dinner on Saturday night—a family dinner. I told her I’d ask you.”
“You know that’s fine with me.”
He kissed the tip of her nose and then studied her for a moment. “I’ve been thinking about something. I know how much the house in Savannah means to you. Do you want to keep it? We could spend some time there during the winter or whenever you’d like.”
Her throat tightened, and she realized what a wonderful gesture Hunter was making. “Thank you for asking. But this is our home now, Hunter. This is where we’ll celebrate holidays and spend time with your family. I’ll always have the memories of my childhood. I’ll always have treasures from my mother…and father.”
“You’re sure?”
She nodded. “Positive.”
“I want to put this house in both of our names.”
She knew that was an act of trust for him, a tangible sign that they were really husband and wife. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she gave him a long kiss until both of them realized it was time to get dressed.
Not exactly sure what Hunter had in mind for tonight, Eve chose an aqua chiffon dress from her closet. It had a dark underslip of deep aqua, and lighter chiffon floated on top of it. With it she wore a gold locket that her father had given her when she’d turned sixteen. She fastened her hair in a French twist.
When she came out of the dressing room, Hunter was waiting for her in his tux, looking magnificently handsome, absolutely masculine. His gaze drifted over her lovingly. “You’re beautiful.”
Crossing to him, she adjusted his tie, then gave him a sweet kiss on the lips.
Less than half an hour later, Hunter drove them toward his parents’ neighborhood.
“Are we going to John and Martha’s?” she asked, somewhat surprised.
Puzzled, she waited, noticing each turn until she realized they were headed for the church where they’d gotten married. There was a light glowing inside.
With no other cars around, Hunter parked in front, then came around to her door and offered her his hand. She took it, and they walked hand in hand up the steps and through the church doors. When she looked inside, her breath caught.
There were candles lit in black wrought-iron holders along the pews. A small table with one large white pillar candle and two lit tapers stood in front of the altar.
She turned to Hunter.
Taking her hand, he drew her up the aisle with him, then stood with her before the altar. “I talked to the minister about what I wanted to do tonight. At first I asked him to officiate, but he said we didn’t need him. And I think he’s right. What I’d like to do is renew our wedding vows.”
He took a small black velvet box out of his pocket. Then he opened it and took out a diamond that looked like a starburst. There was one large stone in the center and smaller ones circling it. Lifting her hand, he slipped it onto her finger with her wedding band. “I want to recommit myself to you, Eve.”
“Oh, Hunter.” She couldn’t keep her tears from spilling over.
He gently wiped them away. Then standing before the altar, he took both of her hands in his. “You’re my life, Eve. You’re everything I’ve never had, and everything I’ve always wanted all rolled into one. You complete me and fill me and give me so much joy that I’m afraid sometimes. I want to ask you again to be my life partner, my lover, my friend. I promise I will love you every day as well as I possibly can. I will cherish you and always let you know I do.”
He paused for a moment, then added, “And I will protect you and our baby for all of my days. I vow to be the best father that I can learn how to be, and to consult with you and support you as you mother our child. I will be faithful to you and share whatever I have with you as long as I live.”
Brushing away more tears, Eve smiled up at him. “Yes, I’ll be your life partner.” She stopped to steady her voice. “I will love you and hold you and listen to you. I’ve always loved you, and now I’m not afraid of loving you. I want to take care of you and our child and bring you joy and peace and all the happiness I can. You are my life, Hunter, and you are my home. I belong with you. And I promise to be faithful, to love you the best that I know how for all the rest of my life. I can’t wait to mother your child, to hold your baby in my arms and know we created that life together. I vow to walk beside you through whatever life brings, to share everything I am with you, and to love you forever.”
She could see the emotion in Hunter’s eyes as his arms encircled her, and he kissed her with all the promise and commitment that had filled their vows. Then he motioned to the small table. “If we light the one large candle with our two smaller tapers, it will symbolize the two of us becoming one.”
She reached up and stroked his face. “We are one now.”
They each took a single taper in their hands and together they held them to the one large candle.
It flamed high and bright, filled with the promise and hope in both of their hearts.
Hunter put his arm around her as they stared at the flame, and then he kissed her again.
They were one in love forever…for all eternity.
ISBN: 978-1-4592-1801-7
Copyright © 2000 by Karen Rose Smith
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*Darling Daddies
†The Best Men
‡ Do You Take This Stranger?
Just the Husband She Chose Page 15