Twin Embers (Rainbow Cove Book 2)

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Twin Embers (Rainbow Cove Book 2) Page 1

by Jet MacLeod

  Also by Jet MacLeod

  Rainbow Cove

  Trial by Fire

  Twin Embers

  Morgan’s Treasure

  Junction City Cowboy

  Twin Embers

  JET MacLeod

  Copyright © 2013, Jet MacLeod

  All rights reserved

  Printed in the USA

  Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the copyright owner and author of this book.

  This is a work of Fiction. names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used factiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  D edicated to:

  Mae Beth and Commie, for never letting me forget where I came from and who I could be….thanks!!!

  Anne and Iris for always pushing me, even when you weren’t teaching me anymore, and making me write, even when I thought it was all crap and a waste of time,

  And, as always to Stephanie, for never letting me give up.


  Chapter One

  It was a Grey morning like many are in the fall. Grace awoke to Reagan at her side. She was a small wonder. Grace couldn’t help but feel blessed in Reagan’s arms. Grace was still in disbelief that she and Reagan were together, but Reagan still found ways to surprise her every day.

  Grace rolled over and watched Reagan sleep. Her heart skipped a beat at the peacefulness that she saw on Reagan’s face. Grace was glad that the demons weren’t bothering her as much anymore. She couldn’t help but think that Reagan was too beautiful for words. She didn’t want to wake Reagan, but Grace found she always had a need to touch Reagan.

  Grace reached over and brushed Reagan’s hair further out of Reagan’s face. She nestled down further next to Reagan in the bed. She lightly, ever-so-gently, kissed Reagan’s forehead, still trying to not wake Reagan. Grace lay there watching her for a second before she actually woke up.

  “Morning,” Reagan said, sleepily.

  “Morning, Beautiful,” Grace stated.

  “What’s with that smile?”

  “Just because you’re beautiful,” Grace replied.

  “You can’t say things like that to me this early in the morning.

  “Why not? It’s true. You’re beautiful,” Grace said.

  “Just stop,” Reagan replied, snuggling closer to Grace.

  Grace kissed Reagan’s forehead again. Reagan turned her head a little upwards. Reagan kissed Grace’s lips. It was sweet and innocent. She was still sleepy, but she wanted to kiss Grace, “Good Morning!” Reagan moved against Grace, aligning herself with Grace’s body. Reagan sunk into the warmth.

  Grace let Reagan snuggle into her. She loved the feeling of Reagan next to her. Grace held her, face to face. She looked into Reagan’s hazel eyes. She saw her love reflected back.

  Reagan kissed Grace, again. Grace kissed her back. They melted into each other. Reagan ran her hands up Grace’s back. They were both relishing in the face they were both naked, together, and in love.

  Grace ran her hands down Reagan’s back to her butt. She used Reagan’s butt to pull Reagan up and into her body. Reagan allowed Grace to move her around for better access. Grace held her as close as she could and Reagan melted into her. Grace deepened the kiss, and she was rewarded with a moan from Reagan. It was enough to push Grace onward, but she didn’t have the chance.

  Reagan pulled away from their kiss. Her hazel eyes burning into Grace’s cobalt blue eyes. Reagan dug her hands into Grace’s back as her lips found purchase of Grace’s neck. Grace leaned her head to allow Reagan better access. Reagan watched Grace’s eyes flutter shut from the pleasure she was giving Grace.


  “What?” she muttered, moving and continuing to kiss Grace’s throat and further down to her shoulders.

  “You don’t think it’s a little early?”

  “Nope,” Reagan replied, not stopping.

  She accentuated her statement with a deep and thorough kiss on Grace’s lips. Grace parted her lips in response. Reagan took the opportunity to sneak her tongue in. They warred for control, but Reagan wasn’t going to back down. Not today, Reagan was going to pleasure Grace before work. She wanted Grace to have a goofy grin all day and she wanted to be the cause.

  Reagan pushed Grace back, again. She kissed Grace, again, thoroughly. Grace moaned. Reagan deepened the kiss as she moved her hands down Grace’s chest. Reagan mounted Grace’s lap. Grace smiled up at Reagan, who had started teasing her breasts. Grace moaned, again.

  Reagan bent over and began to nibble on Grace’s lush breasts. She teased her nipples. Grace writhed and moved beneath Reagan’s expert hands. Reagan held Grace to the bed. Reagan knew that if she didn’t take control of Grace, Grace would roll her over and have her own way with Reagan. Reagan wasn’t about to let Grace take control, at least not until she was done.

  Reagan ran her hands down the length of Grace’s body. They were both enjoying their nakedness, again. Grace moaned as Reagan continued to touch Grace as she continued to suckle her nipples. The sensation was driving Grace nuts.

  “Reagan,” Grace managed to whisper between gasps for breath.

  “Yes, darling?”

  “Please don’t tease me.”

  “Don’t tease you?” Reagan asked.


  “Yes, tease you?” Reagan asked, teasing and pulling on Grace’s nipples.

  “Please no more,” she begged.

  “You want me to stop?”

  “Dear God, no, don’t stop,” Grace gasped as Reagan took a nipple in her mouth again.

  “My, my, Gracie, you are a woman full of contradictions this morning,” Reagan replied.

  “Reagan!” Grace managed to say as carnally as she could.


  “I want more. Please stop teasing me and give me more. Please, Reagan.”

  “You want more? What more do you want? What is it you want, Gracie?”

  “You know what I want,” Grace replied.

  Reagan sat back on her haunches, with her legs around Grace’s hips. She ran her hands down Grace’s chest and rested them, palms down on Grace’s stomach. Reagan stared down into Grace’s cobalt sapphire eyes. Grace was completely lost in love. Reagan was enjoying herself.

  “Reagan, darling, please,” Grace begged.

  Reagan just scooted back enough to kneel between Grace’s parted legs. Reagan smiled down at Grace, again. Grace was lost and was trying to seek her release. Reagan ran her hands down Grace’s stomach and placed them on Grace’s thighs. Reagan was poised to attack but she still wanted Grace to beg, some more. It made her feel wanted, needed, loved.

  “Little Bit, please,” Grace begged.

  “Please what?” Reagan asked.

  “Please make me come, baby.”

  Reagan needed no further direction. She knew when Grace begged for release it was time. She bent over and kissed her between the valley of Grace’s breasts. Reagan kissed her way down to the apex of Grace’s thighs.

  “Grace…pure grace,” Reagan stated.

  Instead of descending down upon her mound, Reagan pulled back a little more. Grace was more than ready. Reagan knew it, but she wanted something different. Instead of using her mouth on Grace first, she decided to use her fingers. Grace didn’t seem to mind, she moaned in the pleasure of it.

  Grace took every bit that Reagan gave h
er. Her body clamped down on Reagan’s hand as she neared her climax. The world was drifting away, but Grace held on to Reagan and her touch. Grace grounded herself in Reagan, trying not to plunge over the edge before she was ready. She knew it was up to Reagan and Reagan’s touch, but Grace still tried to will herself to wait. She failed, wonderfully.

  “REAGAN!” she called out as she came.

  Reagan didn’t stop touching her. She buried herself inside of Grace as deep as she could. Grace’s body took it all and begged for more. Grace bucked and writhed. Reagan held on to her and kept her grounded.

  “Reagan!!!” Grace called out, again, as she came, again.

  “Yes, baby?” Reagan asked.

  Grace fell against the bed, spent. Her chest heaved as she tried to regain her breath. The world started to focus, again. Grace still used Reagan to ground herself.

  “Dear God,” Grace stated.

  “Don’t think He’s here, baby.”

  “How do you do that to me every time?” Grace asked.

  “Do what?”

  “Make me come that hard,” Grace stated.

  “Talent,” Reagan answered, smugly.

  “I’ll say,” Grace replied.

  Grace was starting to regain her composure. She was thoroughly used and spent. Grace knew that Reagan would be ready and willing. Reagan was always ready after she loved on Grace, and Grace loved it. Sometimes, she knew that Reagan didn’t want foreplay. She wanted Grace then, she would want Grace Right then. Grace could only wonder if today was one of those days.

  Grace decided to test her theory. She quickly grabbed Reagan and rolled her on her back. Reagan gasped but made no sound of protest. Reagan smiled up at Grace. Reagan’s hazel eyes locked with Grace’s sapphire eyes. Grace smiled, carnally, down at Reagan. Grace aligned herself along Reagan’s body. Reagan held Grace against herself, snuggling. Grace wasn’t sure how to proceed because Reagan wasn’t giving her clear signals.

  “Reagan?” Grace asked as Reagan began to knead Grace’s ass.

  “Yes, baby?” Reagan answered, deepening her massage of Grace’s ass.

  “Mmm, baby, that feels good.”

  “I love your ass,” Reagan replied.

  “That all?” Grace teased.

  “No,” Reagan answered, squeezing Grace’s ass as hard as she could.

  “Well, good. I had hoped not, Little Bit,” Grace replied.

  “I love you so much, Gracie Lynn O’Shea,” Reagan stated, suddenly serious.

  “I love you too, baby,” Grace replied.

  “Now shut up and kiss me,” Reagan demanded.

  Grace immediately obliged. She didn’t need Reagan to tell her twice. Grace started the kiss, softly, sweetly. She allowed Reagan to deepen the kiss slightly before she took control back. Reagan submitted to her kiss, knowing that pleasure was all she was going to feel, earn, receive, beg for and enjoy. Grace thrust her tongue in Reagan’s mouth and Reagan parted her lips in response. Grace pressed her mouth against hers and Reagan moaned, urging Grace for more.

  Grace wanted more. Reagan was letting her know that she wanted more, too. Grace took the hints. She began to touch Reagan. She could feel Reagan’s skin warming to her touch. She felt Reagan’s skin begin to goose bump. Reagan moaned and whimpered as Grace ran her hands down her body.

  Grace started by caressing Reagan’s face. Reagan nuzzled into her hands. Grace continued downward. She came to Reagan’s chest and Grace let her hands rest on Reagan’s breasts, softly. They both sighed as their skin connected.

  “You are so soft,” Grace told her.

  “You are beautiful,” Reagan replied.

  Reagan’s comment made her stop and stare. Grace’s carnal stare softened when she met Reagan’s eyes. They held each other in their eyes. The need and desire softened between them, but it didn’t dampen their want. They were both burning with want.

  Grace could no longer take the insatiable want that was burning inside her. Grace bent down and began to worship Reagan’s breasts. Grace let her hands kneed Reagan’s breasts. She thoroughly kissed Reagan’s breasts, the valley between them and Reagan’s nipples. Reagan writhed beneath her as they both moaned.

  Suddenly, Grace’s phone rang. Grace sat up and stared at the offending object. Grace didn’t want to stop loving on Reagan, but she knew that she had to check to see who was calling. It was her duty as a deputy sheriff.

  “Answer it,” Reagan told her.

  “I don’t want to,” Grace stated.

  “We both know that playtime is over. Just answer it. If you don’t, you’ll still be thinking about it while you’re loving on me. No offense, babe, you’re a great lover, but when you’re distracted, I can’t focus. If I can’t focus and you’re loving on me, it’s pointless. Now, answer your damn phone,” Reagan explained.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Grace replied, as she sat back on her haunches surrounding Reagan’s hips and picked up her phone.

  Grace looked at the caller ID. It was Danica. Grace knew it was important. Reagan watched as Grace’s entire mood changed. Reagan knew that Grace had just turned into Sheriff’s Deputy Lieutenant Detective O’Shea in the fraction of a second. Grace held the phone in her hands as it rang and stared at Reagan. Reagan pushed Grace off and rolled out of the bed.

  “Answer it,” Reagan told Grace, again, as she headed to the bathroom.

  “Fine,” Grace resigned and then answered her cell, “O’Shea.”

  Grace watched Reagan go into the bathroom and the spell broke. Her heart was breaking because she wasn’t near enough to being done with Reagan. Grace knew the call was important, but so was her lover. She reminded herself to be grateful that Reagan understood that she was a cop and damn it, sometimes that meant the job came first.

  “Yeah, Cap, what is it? ... Yeah, I was busy, but what can I say? Got to answer the call….Reagan’s here with me, why? … You can’t be serious….When? ... Okay and Frenchy? ... Good….I dunno. I guess around twenty minutes….I understand that, Cap…. Okay...Yeah, I just have to get dressed….Let French know I’m on the way….It’s on the west side, right….You’ve got to be joking….That close? … Yeah…yeah…I’m on the way….Tell Frenchy ten minutes,” Grace said and then rang off.

  “Danica?” Reagan questioned, coming out of the bathroom dressed, knowing full well who it was.

  “Yeah, I gotta go,” Grace said, scrambling into clothes.

  “Big case?”


  “Can you tell me anything else?” Reagan asked.

  “Yeah, I love you.”

  “I love you too, Gracie, but I meant about the case.”

  “Yeah, he’s back.”

  “He’s back?” Reagan questioned, looking confused.

  “Yeah, your rapist. He’s back after six months. Or, at least, that is what it looks like.”

  “Great. Just fucking great. And, I was just starting to feel good…normal, again.”

  Chapter Two

  Grace pulled up to the address that Danica had given her in her supped up F150. She saw French’s patrol car. It was unmarked, but it was French’s. She saw the CSU van, too. She wondered if Cormack was on scene this morning.

  She crossed the yard and headed for the house. She noted that this was the ritziest neighborhood that had been hit. She was studying the house when her thoughts were interrupted by Samantha Wannamaker.

  “Hey, Lieutenant,” Sam started.

  “Sam? What are you doing here? Where is Frenchy?” Grace questioned.

  “He’s inside waiting for you. I’m here studying. Mom got me reassigned to SVU.”

  “So, you’re with me, now?”

  “Yup, I’m your new partner and French’s. Mom said that each division needed a computer expert and she asked for me. I have to take the detective’s exam to stay, but for now, I’m with y’all,” Sam answered.

  “Guess we are trying to be a little more up-to-date. First things first, Rookie, don’t let Gregor or Smith run all over you. Trust
me they are gonna try,” Grace told her.

  “So, I’ve noticed,” Sam replied, as they both signed in with the patrol man at the door.

  Grace and Sam walked in the house. Grace let Sam lead her to the back bedroom. As they entered, Grace could see the carnage. It was everywhere. Grace was almost shocked at the amount of blood that was everywhere. She shook her head.

  “He’s escalating, again,” Grace said, as French looked up at them.

  “Escalation is the least of our worries this morning. There is so much blood in here. I don’t even know where to begin. She is dead. That is the only thing that is obvious,” French explained.

  “Stabbed?” Grace asked.

  “Multiple times, I lost count. The ME will have to decide which ones are the fatal ones and which ones are postmortem. I sure as hell can’t tell,” French stated.

  “At least he hasn’t changed his MO.”

  “But, why wait six months?” Sam asked.

  “You think that he got caught for something?” French asked Grace.

  “I dunno, but it could be a possibility we need to check.”

  “I’ll write that down,” Sam stated.

  French and Grace, both, looked at her. Sam looked up at them after she had written down the note. French and Grace both smiled. Sam stared at them, unsure of what she had done.

  “What?” Sam asked.

  “You going to write down everything?” French asked her.

  “Anything I deem important,” Sam answered.

  “Remember what I said about Gregor and Smith?” Grace asked.


  “Don’t let them near you, ever or all you’ll be doing in taking notes.”


  “Frenchy, Cormack here?” Grace questioned.

  “Out back. With the other two victims. You can deal with them if you want,” French told her, getting back down with the corpse on the floor, “And, take the rookie.”


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