Twin Embers (Rainbow Cove Book 2)

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Twin Embers (Rainbow Cove Book 2) Page 9

by Jet MacLeod

  “Walked into that one, didn’t I?”

  “Yup,” Tabitha replied.

  “Some big bad-ass cop I am,” Grace stated.

  “I think you are,” Reagan said, joining them.

  “As do I,” Sam added.

  Their statements made Tabitha laugh even harder. Reagan and Sam couldn’t help but join in the laughter once they saw the look on Grace’s face. Grace just smiled at them all stupidly. Grace hated it when people made her blush and they all just did.

  “Okay, let’s move on. We have things to do. People to catch. Crimes to solve.”

  “Calm down, Gracie. I didn’t mean anything by it. There isn’t anyone in this room that doesn’t think you’re a good cop. We all know you are. We also know you’re under a lot of stress. We are just trying to help you relax. Let go a little bit. That’s all we are saying,” Reagan explained.

  The mood of the room was serious, but light. Grace was right and they all knew it. But, Grace knew they were right as well. She did need to relax.

  “Alright, so what’s the big to do with the program?” Tabitha questioned.

  “We want to test a theory. I understand that the computer and you are having trouble with the composites. I know that the more information we have the better the composite could be,” Reagan said.

  “Yeah, that’s true,” Tabitha answered.

  “The biggest thing is that Catie looks just like me. Trust me, I know. I’ve seen the composites. She could be my twin,” Reagan stated.

  “Tell me something I don’t already know,” Tabitha stated, sarcastically.

  “What if we entered a data set from my parents. It would give us more data to use. It might even pull more of me out of her.”

  “It might,” Tabitha agreed.

  “Do you think that’ll work?” Grace asked them.

  “We won’t know until we try. What could it hurt to try it, anyway? More data means more results, good or bad. We have to try.”

  “Okay, then let’s do it,” Sam said.

  “Reagan, Baby, did you bring pictures of your parents?” Grace asked as she crossed the room to hug Reagan.

  “Yes, I brought them for Tabitha to use. I think that Sam wanted to work on the program more with Tabitha. I wanted them to be able to use them if they were ready for them,” Reagan replied.

  “Good, we can start now,” Tabitha stated.

  “I’ll go get my laptop and the program,” Sam said, walking away.

  “Tabby, did Cormack say when she would be here?” Grace asked.

  “Check your phone. She has probably texted you, again. But, she did say that she was going to head this direction after she added to her notes at the lab. So, I guessed around an hour, but I don’t really know,” Tabitha said.

  “Hmm,” Gracie voiced as she pulled out her phone, “She did.”


  “She’ll be here in about twenty.”

  “Okay,” Tabby replied as she nodded at Grace and then Reagan.

  Grace caught Tabitha’s meaning.

  “Why don’t we go in the other room and talk for a while?” Grace asked Reagan.

  “Okay, Baby,” Reagan answered.

  Reagan and Grace left Tabitha and Sam alone in the studio. Reagan knew that they had a lot to discuss. There were things that they both needed to get off their chests. It was the case and they both knew it.

  Tabitha waited until Reagan and Grace were out of ear shot, before she asked Sam, “Have you thought about my proposal?”

  “Proposal?” Sam questioned back, puzzled.

  “I would like for you to pose for me.”

  “Oh, that. To be honest, I haven’t given it much thought. I’ve been to worried about Grace, Reagan and the case. It’s getting to both of them. I know they don’t want to admit it, but it is. I know it’s affecting them as a couple as well. I know you can see it,” Sam replied.

  “I see it. I can feel it, too. I told Grace as much. I think that is why they are going to talk. Grace is worried that this case will be her career ender. She has already lost French, but she gained you. I think she is putting too much pressure on herself. I believe that she fears if she doesn’t nail this guy soon that Reagan will leave her. If Reagan left her, I think that Grace would break completely,” Tabitha explained.

  “Reagan feels the same way.”

  “She’s afraid that this case will destroy Grace?”

  “Yeah, she realized that she needed to let Grace know that their relationship didn’t hinge on the capture of her rapist. Reagan also know that they need to decompress sometimes together. I think they have enough to deal with together without having to deal with the case on top of it.”

  “You’re right, Sam. But, I also know, that she needs our support, too. I know we are doing the best we can with what we have, but Grace needs our full backing and support. I just wish there was more that I could do.”

  “What do you mean?” Sam asked.

  “She didn’t tell you?”

  “Tell me what?” Sam questioned.

  “I just thought because you were her partner she would have told you by now. Especially since your captain is your mother. Wow, she hasn’t said anything to you about it?” Tabitha asked.

  “Told me anything about what? What are you talking about? And, what does this have to do with my mother?”

  “She asked Grace to give up the case,” Tabitha replied.

  “SHE WHAT?!?”

  Reagan and Grace came back into the studio. They ran in and found Tabitha and Sam in front of the computer. It was obvious that they had been working at the program before Sam’s outburst.

  Grace stared at Tabitha. Tabitha gave her no reaction. Grace could see the anger and pain on Sam’s face. When no one wanted to fess up to what caused the outburst, Grace decided to ask.

  “Want to tell me what that was about?”

  Sam glared at Grace. The anger was apparent. Reagan took a step back.

  “You want to tell me something, partner?” Sam inquired, angrily.

  “What about?” Grace asked back, but was looking at Tabitha for some sort of clarification.

  Tabitha gave her none. Reagan was getting worried. Grace was still confused. Sam looked like stone in her anger.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Sam accused.

  “Why didn’t I tell you what?” Grace replied.

  “That Mom asked you to turn the case over. I am your fucking partner. I don’t care that our captain is my mother. You should have told me,” Sam stated.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t deem it important. I know that everyone is worried about my mental stability, but I’m fine. If I had even entertained the thought of turning the case over, I would have insisted that it become your case, Sam. I don’t want Gregor or Smith anywhere near it,” Grace explained.

  “I don’t care, Grace. You are my partner. You should have told me.”

  “Now, Sam, don’t get all hasty about it. Don’t go to your mother, either. She was doing her job as captain. It took a lot of balls for her to even ask me about it. She could have just reassigned the case,” Grace explained.

  “I wouldn’t have let her,” Sam replied.

  “She may be your mom, Sergeant, but she has the last call. She was giving me an out if I needed it. I actually thanked her,” Grace said.

  Sam stood there in disbelief. She was angry and Grace understood. Reagan looked equally upset. Grace crossed the room to be at Sam’s side.

  “Look, Sam, I appreciate your feelings. I’m not giving up the case. Your mom was testing my objectivity. I knew it and she knew that I knew. We both needed the test,” Grace told them.

  “Well, you’d better tell me next time,” Sam replied.

  “I will, Sam. I will. I promise. I had to deal with that issue on my own.”

  “NO. You didn’t. And, no, you don’t,” Reagan added, joining the grouping.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. No, shut up, Gracie
, and let me finish. You have two partners. Don’t even. You have your lover, me, and your work partner, Sam. You internalize so much and most of it has been about this damn case and me. No, ma’am, it isn’t your turn yet. Sit down! I am tired of walking on damn eggshells. I love you and I know this case means protecting me and Catie, but I’m not going anywhere. Maybe, I don’t tell you that enough. I love you, Gracie Lynn O’Shea. I love you! Catie loves you. We aren’t going anywhere. I want you to solve the case, don’t get me wrong. This case isn’t a hinging point for us, though. So, either calm the fuck down and talk to us, or I swear you won’t like the consequences,” Reagan told her.

  Grace sat there and didn’t say anything. Reagan didn’t look as upset as she had before. Sam noticed how the mood had finally lifted somewhat in the room. Grace looked from one to the other and realized that she needed to say something. She stood up, gathered Reagan in a hug and kissed her.

  “I love you, too, Reagan. I’m sorry. You’re right. You BOTH are. I should have talked with you both. I understand that I have alienated you both to a degree, but I needed to do it alone. But, I promise I will discuss things that affect me both at work and at home with y’all before I do anything rash or stupid,” Grace stated.

  “You’d better,” Reagan replied.

  “I can’t have your back, Grace, if you won’t let me. You aren’t alone on the cases. I’m not alone in the field. We got each other, got it?” Sam asked.

  “Yeah, gotcha. Sorry, partner. We good?” Grace asked.


  Grace looked at her watch. Cormack still wasn’t there. Grace was beginning to get worried. Sam looked at her watch and then at Grace. They mirrored in their worry.

  “Want me to radio her?” Sam asked.

  “Let’s give her—“ Grace started when there was a knock at the door.

  Tabitha left them to go check the door. Grace hoped it was Cormack. Sam shared in her worry. Reagan just hugged Grace, tighter.

  Tabitha came back with Cormack in tow. Grace and Sam, both, let out a sigh of relief. Reagan sat down, because she knew that they were going to work on the case now, and she couldn’t help them until they had a new composite for her to look at.

  “Sorry, it took so long. The ME got long winded. I got here as soon as I could. I probably should have texted but I didn’t want to text and drive.”

  “It’s okay,” Grace lied.

  “So, what did the ME tell you?” Sam questioned, changing the subject.

  “Way too much. It seems he likes Sam and was trying to convince me that they needed to go out. I had to keep stirring him back to the case and the information that I needed,” Cormack told them.

  “Ugh. That’s disgusting. I never gave him any reason to believe that I liked him. He’s clueless and, ugh, nasty,” Sam stated.

  “At least, you don’t have to deal with him on an almost daily occurrence.”

  “True, Cormack, and thanks for trying to deflect for me.”

  “I don’t know if it worked. He is a very odd individual. I wouldn’t put anything past him,” Cormack replied and then clarified, “I don’t think that he’s our guy. If it was him, I’m sure there would have been more celebration in the autopsies.”

  “Dear God,” Reagan said.

  “Great, now, I’m going to have to clear him,” Grace added.

  “Already did.”

  “How?” Sam questioned.

  “By your boot print.”

  “Meaning?” Grace asked.

  “The guy who made that print had to be around six feet and two hundred pounds. The ME is only five foot seven and weighs one seventy. Our perp has a size fourteen shoe. The ME is only a ten,” Cormack explained.

  “He is still creepy,” Sam added.

  “I guess I would be too if I dealt with dead people every day,” Tabitha stated.

  They all looked at her. She had an obvious point. Sam still shook her head, trying to clear the thoughts of him away. Tabitha smiled at Sam. The look was lost on Sam, but not on Reagan.

  “Anyway,” Sam stated and then asked, “Anything else?”

  “Yeah, our mystery couple. They did die in the yard, however the fight started on the boat. He must have carried them to the yard and delivered the fatal and final blow there. That is why there was very little blood.”

  Grace looked at Tabitha and Reagan. She watched Reagan blanche. Grace knew that Reagan didn’t need to hear any more graphic details about the case.

  “Tabby, why don’t you and Reagan go get some dinner?” Grace questioned.

  Everyone turned their attention to Grace. Reagan nodded in affirmation. Grace started to go for her wallet.

  “I got it, Baby. It is the least I can do. What do y’all want?” Reagan asked.

  “Pizza or pasta,” Grace suggested.

  “Sounds good,” Sam and Cormack both answered.

  Reagan gave Grace a kiss. She walked towards the front door, before she turned to wait for Tabitha. Tabitha looked slightly confused but she understood that she was being asked to go with Reagan. Tabitha set her tablet and pencils down and left with Reagan.

  Grace waited until she heard the door click before she continued on about the case, “What else did the ME say about the couple?”

  “The male was a relative of the main vic. Probably a brother or cousin but there weren’t any hits on his fingerprints. I have another agent getting with the family to try to identify him. We are assuming that by the rings, the second female is the male’s wife. It looks like it was a family dinner that got crashed, bashed and bloodied,” Cormack told them.

  “Are we assuming he knew the vic?” Sam asked

  “Seems logical, but I think it is more likely that he knew the male and tagged along. Some kind of double date scenario, that went horribly wrong. Have we confirmed the sexual orientation of the vic, yet?”

  “Not from our canvases. I’ll see if I can post something in Reagan’s bar. Maybe someone will come forward and tell us more about Jessica Reilly,” Grace said.

  “It would fit the MO. Could that be what set him off? Relative brings his wife over for dinner. Asks male friend to accompany as double date. Date gets rejected. They go to leave. Date kills male and female couple. Then kills victim, slowly,” Sam suggested.

  “But, what about Jessica’s blood disorder?” Cormack asked.

  “Maybe he is a friend of the family?” Grace suggested.

  “Once we release the bodies, we should tape the funerals. He might just be dumb enough to show up. We will need the family’s permission.”

  “True, Sam. If they won’t let us tape, we’ll still go. It might give us some leads on our six foot two, two hundred pound big foot. If we have a good composite by then, we’ll have something to compare this guy to.”

  “I’ll let Mom know so she can contact the families,” Sam stated.

  “Good idea, she’ll be able to convince them to let us tape. I only hope that he’ll be there. I want to put a face to our Boogey Man,” Grace replied.

  Chapter Twelve

  Tabitha looked over at Sam. Tabitha was washing up, now that everyone was gone. Sam was still working on the laptop.

  “Why don’t you take a break?”

  “I dunno,” Sam replied.

  “You’re going to go cross-eyed, if you don’t,” Tabitha told her.

  “Fine, I’ll take a break,” Sam stated.

  “Good. You need one in more than one way. The case is driving everyone mad. I think we need to all just go out and have a night out,” Tabitha suggested.

  “That could be fun, but what would we do?”

  “I don’t know. We could ask Gracie and Reagan what they want to do. I am sure that they would go for it. I know Reagan wants Grace to relax. It would be interesting.”

  “Interesting? Why you say that? Is Grace a partier?” Sam inquired.

  “Not anymore, but I’ve seen her throw down with the best of them.”

  “Now, that would be interesting. I’ve n
ever seen the LT relax. She is always uptight and directionally oriented when we are working. I have only seen her somewhat loose around Catie,” Sam stated.

  “She is really different around Catie, but it a good way,” Tabitha added.

  “It is. It amazes me how fast she took to them. The first time I saw them together was when I started to do the composites in the computer. Catie was a little scared. Reagan and Grace put her at ease with me. It was nice to see that amount of concern and love coming from both of them for Catie. She is a precious little girl. She deserves every bit of love she gets from them. Once you spend time with Catie, you can’t help but love her.”

  “I know. She’s lovely girl. She’s smart and beautiful.”

  “She really is. Do you think they’ll bring her with them? If they go?” Sam asked.

  “Doubt it. I’m sure that it would be an adult only adventure. Could you see us all at Chuck E. Cheese’s or something? I don’t think they will let all of us in with just one youngster,” Tabitha answered.

  “That would be interesting. I’m not sure that Grace and Reagan would even agree to go with us in the first place. They do have Catie to worry about. They would have to find a babysitter. But, you’re right, we all do need to get out and relax. It is the only way we are going to stay sane,” Sam stated.

  “Well, I know that Reagan’s grandmother has been taking care of Catie. But, you’re right. They may not want to trouble anyone with Catie. Not that she would be any trouble, she is a very well behaved child. I think that after today Reagan and Grace are just going to want some alone time.”

  “I know what you mean,” Sam replied.

  “You don’t have to stay here.”

  “That isn’t want I meant.”

  “Then, what did you mean?” Tabitha asked.

  “I was just thinking that we could go out.”


  “Yes, together. We could go do something together. Right?” Sam asked her.

  “Like a date?” Tabitha questioned.

  “I guess,” Sam replied.

  Tabitha smiled. She watched Sam blush. She couldn’t believe how cute Sam was. Tabby had to fight her feelings to reach out and touch Sam. She still wasn’t sure how Sam would react if she did.


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