Twin Embers (Rainbow Cove Book 2)

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Twin Embers (Rainbow Cove Book 2) Page 11

by Jet MacLeod

  Sam sat there, still and patient. Sam almost didn’t blink for fear that it would break Tabitha’s concentration. Sam had never seen her so determined. Sam watched her expressions as Tabitha laid out the portrait before her. She knew how important this was for Tabitha. It was her livelihood. Sam didn’t want to muck any of it up.

  “Got it.”

  “You’re done already?” Sam inquired.

  “With that one, yes. We can stop if you want. I can go for hours.”

  “If you’re not ready to stop, I’m not. I don’t want you to stop while the creative juices are flowing. I know that art can’t start and stop at any given moment. You’re in the zone. I can do some more,” Sam replied.

  “You’re sure? I don’t want you doing this for my sake. I want you to do it because you want to do it. If you don’t, I can go ahead and begin working on these other two,” Tabitha told her.

  “I’ll leave it to you, then.”

  “Fine, take the easy way out,” Tabitha replied, laughing.

  “I don’t like confrontation, so I will.”

  Tabitha got up from the stool and walked over to the mattress and Sam. She wanted to muss Sam’s hair a bit for the next scene. It would make for a sexier pose. Plus, it would help push the series along to the finale Tabitha had in mind.

  She stood in front of Sam. The thought of tearing away the sheet from around Sam made Tabitha shiver with want and desire. Sam saw the slight tremor in Tabitha’s body but said nothing. Sam sat completely still as Tabitha mussed up her hair, giving it a more tousled look. Tabitha took a step back and admired her work. Sam looked at Tabby. The look made Tabitha shiver, again.

  “You okay?” Sam asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” Tabitha replied.

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, must have been a cold spot or something,” Tabitha lied.

  “Okay, if you say so. How do you want me this time? And, why did you just mess up my hair?”

  “Just gonna make you a little sexier for the next pose.” “Sexier, huh?”

  “Yeah,” Tabitha answered quickly, taking another step back.

  “Do you wanna tell me what this series is about?”

  “Satisfaction,” Tabby answered, plainly.

  A grin came across Sam’s face. Tabitha took another step back. She wasn’t prepared for Sam’s complete abandonment.

  “This better?” Sam asked.

  “Absolutely,” Tabitha answered.

  Tabby stood there. Sam continued to smile at her. Neither moved. Sam was amazed at her unnatural brazenness. Tabitha was amazed at her own unnatural shyness.

  “Tabby, are you sure you’re okay?” Sam asked.

  “I’m…I’m fine.”

  Sam spun around, bringing the sheet with her, until she was in a kneeling position. Kneeling on the mattress, she met Tabitha face to face. Tabitha still hadn’t moved back to behind the canvass. She looked slightly down at Sam. Sam looked up into Tabitha’s honey-colored eyes, waiting, wondering, wanting.

  “I’m fine,” Tabitha said, again.

  “Okay,” Sam replied, as they still didn’t move.

  “Samantha,” Tabitha started, but her desire took control.

  Their eyes locked. Sam was questioning Tabitha’s expression. Tabby shook her head and finally got control of herself. She lifted her hand to Sam’s face and cupped her cheek. Sam purred and leaned into Tabitha’s hand.

  The sensation that ran between them made their eyes light up. Sam couldn’t believe how soft Tabitha’s hand was, or how warm. Tabitha couldn’t believe what she was doing. Sam turned her eyes back to Tabitha’s. The question was still there, but neither of them wanted to think about it. The sensation was building between them and they both liked it.

  Sam stared deeper into Tabitha’s honey-colored eyes. Tabitha started deeper into Sam’s caramel eyes, as they softened. They were both lost in the moment. Tabitha recovered first and decided to pursue the one thought that was running through her desired filled head. She moved her fingers from Sam’s cheek to Sam’s neck and held Sam where she wanted Sam to be so she could kiss Sam.

  Tabitha didn’t have to bend far before her lips met Sam’s. She was amazed at how wonderful Sam’s mouth felt against hers. Tabitha didn’t push. She wanted the kiss to last and she didn’t want her desire or her lust for Sam to ruin the moment. She kept the kiss soft and sweet.

  Tabitha broke the kiss and leaned slightly back. She searched Sam’s eyes. Tabitha didn’t know what she was looking for but she found her answer staring back at her.

  Sam stayed on her knees. She knew that she must be a sight, kneeling there on the end of the mattress, wrapped in a clean white sheet, hair tousled, eyes burning with desire and her mouth thoroughly kissed and slightly parted. She looked at Tabitha wondering if the kiss was to get an effect for the portraits or if there was actually any feeling behind it.

  “Ah, ballocks,” Tabitha stated, turning around.

  “What?” Sam whispered, the disappointment evident.

  Tabitha turned back around. She wasn’t prepared for the pain in Sam’s eyes. She didn’t mean to hurt Sam by her actions. She surprised herself with the kiss. She was even more surprised by the want and the desire in Samantha’s eyes, mirroring her own.

  “Bloody Hell, woman, I didn’t mean anything by it.” “Then, what did you mean?” Sam questioned.

  “I didn’t want to kiss you…I mean I shouldn’t have kissed you. You’re my model. There are so many clichés here. I don’t know where to begin.”

  “Okay,” Sam replied, moving away from the mattress.

  Tabitha knew that she hadn’t explained herself well. She knew that she was effectively pushing Sam away without meaning to. She reached out and grabbed Sam’s arm, stopping Sam from going back to the bathroom. Sam turned back to Tabitha’s gaze.

  “Don’t,” Sam started.

  Tabitha didn’t let Sam go. She pulled Sam closer to her and enveloped her in an embrace. Tabitha rested her head against Sam’s. Her slight height advantage allowed her such a luxury. Tabitha didn’t let Sam go, instead she leaned back just enough that she could tip Sam’s head back with the tip of her finger. Tabby stared deeply into Sam’s questioning eyes.

  The emotions that Tabitha saw running through Sam’s eyes almost broke her heart. Tabitha wanted to make sure that Sam knew what the kiss meant to her. She didn’t mean to make Sam question her motives. She also didn’t mean to let her desire overwhelm her.

  “Sam, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I didn’t mean to kiss you, either.”

  “Okay,” Sam replied, trying to pull away.

  “Wait, let me explain. I didn’t mean to kiss you. I wanted to kiss you.’

  Sam relaxed in Tabitha’s grip. Tabitha pulled Sam back into her. Sam didn’t resist. She let Tabitha move her back to the mattress. Tabitha sat down on the bed next to Sam. Sam turned and faced Tabitha.

  Tabitha held one of Sam’s hands in her own. She touched Sam’s face with her other hand. She caressed Sam’s cheek. Sam leaned into Tabitha’s touch. Tabby took the opportunity to pull Sam closer. She felt Sam melt into her and mold to her body. Tabitha turned Sam towards her again. Sam looked into Tabitha’s eyes and her own softened.

  “Sam,” Tabitha started.

  Sam cut her off. She leaned in and kissed Tabitha. It caught Tabitha off guard, but she didn’t care. Tabitha let Sam kiss her and she enjoyed it. Sam used her kiss to make Tabitha understand what the first kiss between them meant.

  Tabitha pulled Sam further into her. Never once breaking the kiss. Tabitha turned slightly. She fell backwards on the mattress, pulling Sam down on top of her. Tabitha didn’t break the kiss, but sought to continue it as Sam repositioned on top of Tabitha. Sam felt Tabitha smile through their kiss when neither of them broke it.

  Sam admired the feel of Tabitha’s hands on her bare back. It was a quick reminder that she was naked on top of Tabitha. It was just enough to break her concentration and end their kiss. She l
eaned up just enough to look down into Tabitha’s eyes. Sam’s caramel met Tabitha’s honey.

  “Something wrong?”

  “What are we doing?” Sam asked.

  “Well, I thought we were kissing.”

  “I meant what are we doing? We work together. What are we doing?”

  “Well, I was enjoying the moment.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to spoil the moment. I’m just wondering if this is going to be weird for us in the morning or whenever,” Sam stated.

  “Stop analyzing everything, Sam. Ballocks, woman. Doesn’t your bloody brain ever turn off for just a little while. Bloody Hell, Sam, stop thinking for once and feel,” Tabitha said, letting Sam go.

  She lay there underneath Sam, waiting for Sam to make a decision. Tabitha could see the desire in Sam’s eyes. She could feel it in Sam’s body. Sam didn’t try to move. She stayed there on top of Tabitha, her mind racing.

  Sam knew that Tabitha had a point. Tabitha had a very good point, but Sam also wasn’t sure how she felt about Tabitha beyond the moment they were sharing. Tabitha watched as Sam warred within herself.



  “Don’t be sorry. I rushed you. I shouldn’t have kissed you to begin with.”

  “Tabitha,” Sam started.

  “What?” Tabitha asked, as she pushed Sam off of her and stood up, “It’s my fault.”

  This time Sam reached out for Tabitha and grabbed her arm. She stood up beside Tabitha. She could see the pain in Tabby’s eyes. She reached out and touched Tabitha’s cheek, cupping it. She watched the pain ease just a little in Tabitha’s eyes. And, for the first time in a very long time, Sam shut down her brain and let her emotions dictate her next move.

  Samantha held Tabitha’s cheek and kissed her. Neither of them seemed to care anymore and let their emotions run wild. Tabitha was going to make Sam know exactly how much she wanted Sam. Sam actually let her desire free and let herself enjoy kissing Tabitha. Sam was enjoying the kiss, so much so that she decided to deepen it. Sam parted her lips. It was enough for Tabitha to know that Sam had thrown caution to the wind and go for it.

  Tabitha seized the opportunity. She pulled Sam closer, both of them not caring that the sheet had gone missing. The only thing that Tabitha was worried about was feeling Sam next to her. She held Sam against her as they melded together.

  Sam molded to Tabitha. She continued to deepen the kiss, bruising Tabitha’s now already swollen lips. Tabitha didn’t care. She didn’t stop Sam’s kiss. In fact Tabitha deepened the kiss as well, parting her lips. Sam used the opportunity to suck on Tabitha’s bottom lip.

  Tabitha moaned softly from the slight surprise and pain that Sam’s teeth caused to her lip. Sam let go of Tabitha’s mouth. Tabitha sought Sam’s mouth when she broke the kiss. She was rewarded quickly with Sam’s mouth, again, and Sam’s tongue diving into the mix. Tabitha moaned, again, and sucked Sam’s tongue deeper. Sam was amazed at her brazenness and Tabitha’s wantonness. Neither of them showed any signs of stopping or slowing down. Sam had to admit to herself that she didn’t want it to end.

  Tabitha began to kiss Sam back. She realized that Sam wasn’t going to run, for a while. She let Sam suck on her tongue for a little while longer before she joined Sam in the kiss. Tabitha began to dance her tongue along with Sam’s tongue. Tabitha could hear Sam’s soft moan and she could feel it against her lips. It was the urging that Tabitha needed.

  Tabitha took a step backward, pulling Sam along with her. Sam didn’t protest. She came along, kissing all the way. Tabitha took another step backward and found the mattress, again. Sam felt Tabitha stop short, but she couldn’t stop herself. She pushed Tabitha backwards and on top of the mattress, again. Sam landed on Tabitha and finally realized that Tabitha was overdressed for their party.


  “Yes, m’lady,” Tabitha replied.

  “I do believe that you are slightly overdressed.”

  Tabitha laughed. Sam moved off of her just enough to lie beside her. She was allowing Tabitha enough room to discard her clothing without having to get up. Tabitha took the suggestion, understanding the sudden need to feel skin on skin.

  Tabitha must have not been moving fast enough for Sam, because before she knew it, Sam had her t-shirt over her head. Tabitha laughed, again. Sam loved the sound, but she wanted to feel Tabitha against her more. Sam’s hands were everywhere trying to help Tabitha get all her clothing off. Tabitha laughed a little harder.

  “Sam, slow down or you’ll rip it,” Tabitha said.

  “Sorry. You have me at a disadvantage. I wanted to feel you,” Sam stated.

  “I know, Love, but slow down. You’ll get to feel me. I promise,” Tabitha replied.


  “Very soon, Love.”

  Sam seemed happy by this response. She lay back down on the mattress and let out a contented sigh. Tabitha laughed as she finished shedding the last of the clothing. She couldn’t help herself because of the way Sam was smiling. She returned Sam’s smile and rejoined Sam on the mattress. When Tabitha got settled, Sam let out her own laugh.

  “What’s so funny?” Tabby asked.

  “We are.”

  “How so?”

  “Did you think this would happen?” Sam asked.


  “That we would be like this?”

  “Honestly, no. I did however want you like this. Wow, that sounded worse than I meant. I mean that I wanted to paint you since I met you.”

  “You did?”

  “Yes, Sam, I did. I do. I still do. I’ve told you as much.”

  “Yeah, you have.”

  “What does that have to do with right now, Sam?” Tabitha asked.

  “Nothing,” Sam replied, as she rolled over on top of Tabitha.

  Tabitha sucked in her breath and then let out a very soft moan from their contact. Tabitha put her hands firmly on Sam’s backside. Sam melted further into Tabitha. Tabitha slowly moved her hands upward, up Sam’s back.


  “Yes, Love,” Tabitha replied.

  “I want you.”

  “I want you, too,” Tabitha answered, fixing her gaze on Sam’s face.

  “I don’t want to stop.”

  “I know, Love, but?”

  “Shit. I never said this before. But, this is too fast.”

  “Alright, Love.”

  “Alright, that’s it?” Sam questioned.

  “You want me to yell at you?”

  “Well, yes, but no. It would make me feel better. I know that you are as turned on as I am. It has to be painful.”

  “Painful, eh, that is all relative. I don’t want to hurt you. If you want to stop, we’ll stop. It’s that easy,” Tabitha stated.

  “Will you hold me?”

  “Will you come back to me?” Tabitha questioned.


  “Will you still pose for me?”

  “Yes,” Sam answered, as Tabitha pulled the sheet over them and snuggled.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Grace couldn’t sleep. Lately, she was worried about Reagan. She watched Reagan sleep more than she, herself, slept. Some night Reagan would find her in front of her computer still pouring over the case. Reagan would coax her back to bed, where Grace would stare at the ceiling mentally going over her notes while Reagan forced her to cuddle. It was the only way that Reagan could keep her in bed.

  Tonight was different. There was something in the air. It was electric. Grace couldn’t put a name to it. She felt it. It was pushing her, to what end, she was unsure. It made her restless. So restless, that she waited for Reagan to roll over, and she got out of bed.

  She quickly dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans. She kissed Reagan on the forehead. Reagan murmured something and smiled as she snuggled deeper into her pillow. Grace smiled and left an impromptu note she’d written. She’d lied and said that she gotten a call and would check in later. She knew that Reagan woul
dn’t question it. She just needed to get out and drive.

  The next thing that Grace knew she was in Irmo, driving. She’d crossed the dam. She thought she was driving aimlessly, when she realized she was heading towards Alex’s apartment. Grace shook her head. She didn’t need to wake anyone else up just because she couldn’t sleep. Besides, she knew that Alex was in Paris with her Grandmother.

  It was then that she knew she should go home. She should just crawl in bed with Reagan and force herself to sleep. She knew it wouldn’t happen but she should try anyway.

  She turned the truck back towards the dam, back towards the Cove and her house. She was just passing the complex that Tabitha lived in when her cell rang. She glanced at the caller ID as she answered it.

  “Yeah, Cap…I’m awake, no problem….Where is it?... Is it him?... I don’t care that tomorrow is my day off. It’s my case….I don’t care….No, let Frenchy sleep….I’ll call Sam. The Rookie needs practice….Is Cormack on rotation?...I’ll call her, too….No, worries, Cap, I’ve got it….Tell dispatch and Gregor I’m on my way….Yeah, I’m good….Cap, I’m fine. Gotta go,” Grace said.

  She immediately started scrolling through her contact list. She hit Cormack’s number first. She knew that Cormack would be ready to go. She hit the send button and waited for Cormack to answer.

  “Hey, Gracie, what’s up?” Cormack asked, groggily.

  “Get up. Get dressed and be ready. We got another one.”

  “Where?” Cormack asked suddenly awake.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll be by to get you.”

  “How long?” she asked.

  “Gonna pick Sam up first. I know where your apartment is. Make sure that your crew is on site. You’re on the way,” Grace told her.

  “Got it. I’ll see you in a few. I’ll call to make sure David’s in route.”

  “Good,” Grace answered, ringing off.

  She began scrolling through her contacts again. She found Sam’s number and called. It rang a few times before Sam picked up.


  “Hope you have a crash kit, Kiddo.”


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