Twin Embers (Rainbow Cove Book 2)

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Twin Embers (Rainbow Cove Book 2) Page 14

by Jet MacLeod

  “Now, Mister Fazik, before you test my already shot patience, tell me one thing: Is Wellington in the area?”

  “Define area,” Fazik stated.

  “Is he in the Columbia Metro area?” Grace asked thru clinched teeth.

  “Yes,” he answered with a shaky voice.


  “Mister Fazik, I would answer and quickly,” Sam suggested.

  “He’s in Lexington.”

  “Where?” Grace asked, a little more calmly.

  “The Windgate Hotel off exit 61, Highway 378, off I 20.”

  “Thank you,” Grace answered.

  “Shall we call a unit to come get him?” Sam questioned.

  “Absolutely,” Grace answered.

  “What?” Fazik yelled, “You told me if I got out of the car—“

  “You’re right, Mister Fazik, I did. I’m not impounding your vehicle. But, you are going downtown until I deal with your employer. Have a nice afternoon,” Grace said.

  “I’ve got him, Gracie. Go check on Wendy. I’ll meet you there once I’ve got him in a patrol car.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, I got this,” Sam answered.

  Grace walked towards Wendy’s house. She knew that Sam sent her so she could calm down and not hurt Fazik. She knew that Sam would take care of Fazik and make sure that no one would let him talk to Wellington until she had. But for now, she was going to deal with Wendy.

  Grace walked up to the front door and knocked. She waited for a spell before she knocked again. She figured that Wendy was upset and probably freaking out since Wendy saw them going after Fazik in the car. Grace couldn’t really fault her for not answering the door.

  “Wendy!” Grace yelled, knocking again, “Lexington County Sheriff.”

  This time Wendy opened the door. She looked at Grace. She didn’t look too pleased to find her at the door.

  “Look, I’m not trying to push you. I already got the basics of what happened to you in Greenville. I want to help you, but I can only do that if you let me,” Grace told her.

  “I got divorced and left Greenville. I’m fine. I don’t’ need your help.”

  “Wendy, look, I know you’re scared of him. I can help you. We just arrested his PI. Damien is in the area. We are going to get him. Until I make sure he is going to leave you alone, I’m going to post an officer on the street, for your protection,” Grace explained.

  “Do what you got to do,” Wendy answered.

  Grace looked at her quizzically. Wendy’s facial expressions didn’t match her words. Grace drew her Glock, again, and pointed at the door. It was a silent question of whether Damien was inside.

  “Is there anything else, officer?” she asked, nodded at the door.”

  “Did you know that your ex hired a PI to follow you?”

  “No, I didn’t,” Wendy answered.

  It was the first time that Grace heard the real Wendy.

  “Okay, ma’am. Have a good morning,” Grace stated.

  She took a step back. She saw Sam out of the corner of her eye, her side arm drawn. Grace nodded at Wendy who started to shut the door, but was moving out of the way. Grace silently counted out one-two-three-and then she rushed the door before Wendy got it shut. She felt Sam right behind her.

  She hit the door so hard that she had Damien pinned behind it. He was cussing profusely. Grace stayed on the door as Sam came around to handcuff him. Grace pointed for Wendy to go outside and wait. She nodded and walked out the door.

  “Got him, Sam?”

  “Got half of him.”

  “Damien, I’m going to release the door. You are under arrest. Give me a reason and I’ll shoot. Understand? You’re going to jail and you know why,” Grace told him.

  “She’s MINE!” he yelled.

  “Not anymore,” Grace replied, as she and Sam pulled him out from behind the door.

  Sam pulled him back, never releasing her grasp of him or her cuffs. Grace let go of the door enough for Sam to pull him out. They both executed a flawless takedown. Damien was on his belly before he realized the other cuff was clicked in place. Sam had her knee in his back to keep him on the floor.

  Grace helped Sam pick him up. They each took an arm and walked him out the door. As they walked, Sam read him his rights. Grace nodded at Wendy, who was in her front yard in tears. They got to the curb just as another cruiser pulled up.

  “Called it in after I got Fazik in the car,” Sam said before Grace could ask, “I could tell by your body language something was wrong. Figured a little back up could help.”

  “Good job, Rookie.”

  “I’ll take him for you, detective,” the officer stated.

  Grace and Sam handed him over to the uniform. They watched as Damien was put in the squad car. Once he was secured, the officer came back to them.

  “What do you want me to charge him with?”

  “For starters?”

  “Sure,” the officer replied.

  “We’ll start with Trespassing, failure to comply with a court order, assault and battery, B and E, CDV of a high and aggravated nature, stalking and we’ll finish once I get with the solicitor and victim,” Grace answered.

  “Sounds good,” the officer said and then left.

  “Think she’s ready?” Sam asked.

  “To actually go through it this time?”

  “Yeah,” Sam replied.

  “Dear God, I hope so. I don’t want to have to investigate her murder. I hope now that she isn’t married to him, she’ll actually press charges.”

  “Me, too. Should we go talk to her? We need her statement, right?”

  “Yeah, we do,” Grace answered.


  “She may need time. I don’t know if she is ready. She is terrified of him.”


  “She has us to help her.”


  “Come on,” Grace said as they crossed the yard to Wendy.

  “Thank you,” Wendy stated, barely louder than a whisper.

  “It’s our job,” Sam replied, and Wendy smiled.

  “Wendy, will you testify this time?” Grace asked, bluntly.


  “You promise?”

  “Yes. I divorced him. I am stronger, now. I’m not afraid anymore.”

  “Even if you didn’t, I still have charges against him. He won’t face as much jail time, but he’d still get some. We’ll be with you every step of the way.”

  “I understand. You need my statement, don’t you?” Wendy replied.

  “Yeah, we do,” Sam stated.

  “We’ll have the information from Greenville, too. We’ve got him this time, Wendy. We don’t need you. But, this will help you, too,” Grace told her.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Grace walked into her kitchen. She got home just in time to see Reagan give Catie her breakfast. She was tired and Reagan could tell. Not only by her walk and body, Reagan could see it in her eyes.

  “You want breakfast?” Reagan asked her.

  “Sure,” Grace said, lowering herself into a seat.

  “Catie, finish your cereal, baby,” Reagan told her.

  “Okay, Momma,” Catie answered around a spoonful.

  “What would you like, Sweetheart?”

  “Anything will be fine, Reagan. I’m not going to be picky right now. I am not in the mood, but I am hungry.”

  “How hungry?” Reagan asked.

  “Raging,” Grace replied.

  “Not a problem, Gracie. Just sit there and relax. I’ll take care of everything.”

  Reagan went back into the cooking area of the kitchen. She began to whip up some eggs. She grabbed the phone off the wall and dialed work.

  “KnightTech, how can I help you?” Mrs. Bentley asked on the other end of the line.

  “Hello, Mrs. Bentley, this is Reagan.”

  “Yes, ma’am, what can I do for you?”

  “Please let the others managers know that I
won’t be in today. I have a pressing family matter to attend to this afternoon. If for some reason they do need me, they can text me. Absolutely, no calls.”

  “Yes, ma’am, I understand. I’m turning off your forwarded calls as we speak. I’ll make sure that Russo and Keller understand.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Bentley.”

  “No problem. I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t worry about anything but you, Gracie and Catie, today.”

  Reagan hung up the phone and plated the meal she prepared for Grace. She put the plate in front of Grace but had to nudge her to eat. Grace looked up at Reagan and smiled.

  “You called out of work?” Gracie asked.

  “I did.”

  “Why?” Gracie questioned.

  “Because you need me more than they do today.”

  “Thank you,” Grace replied.

  “I’ll be right back. Catie, finish your cereal. Grace, finish your plate.”

  Catie and Grace both agreed. Catie ate another spoonful. Grace ate forkful after forkful of her eggs and sausage.

  When Reagan came back into the kitchen, they had both finished their breakfasts. Reagan grabbed both Catie’s empty bowl and Grace’s empty plate. She put them in the dishwasher.

  “Catie, get ready for play school. Mrs. Rita will be here to get you shortly. She is going to take you and pick you up, today, Sweetie.”

  “Okay, Momma,” Catie replied, very enthusiastically.

  Reagan smiled at her daughter. She watched as Grace smiled at Catie, too. It made Regan happy to see them together. It was another reason that Reagan fell in love with Grace.

  Reagan helped Catie get ready for playschool, while Grace cleaned up the kitchen somewhat. Reagan found Grace leaning over the sink, staring out into the yard and at the lake. Reagan had gotten Catie off to school and now it was time to take care of Grace.

  “Gracie, forget about it and come to bed.”


  “Come on. You’re dead on your feet. Don’t even try to fight me on this. We both know you didn’t sleep last night. I know you haven’t in days. So, I’m putting you to bed,” Reagan told her.

  “Okay,” Gracie answered, taking Reagan offered hand.

  Reagan led them upstairs and to their bed. Reagan practically undressed Grace. Grace didn’t bother to put up a fight. She knew better. She let Reagan undress her and put her to bed. She was surprised when Reagan joined her in the bed. Grace actually waited for Reagan to settle in and then she smuggled up against Reagan to cuddle and fell asleep almost immediately. Reagan didn’t complain she lay there holding Grace knowing that Grace needed it. Not too long after, Reagan fell asleep, too.

  Grace awoke, groggy and sore, in the arms of Reagan. She smiled at Reagan. She felt slightly rested and she knew that she’d actually slept. She had slept better than she had in months.

  Reagan began to stir beside her. Grace didn’t make a move. She was happy where she was. Reagan smiled at Grace.

  “Feel better?” Reagan asked.


  “Good. Now, you can tell me what was so damn important that you have to leave me at two AM, alone. And, it better be a good story.”

  “I’m sorry,” Grace replied.

  “Not going to work, Gracie. An apology and a sexy smile aren’t going to work this time. What’s going on? Talk to me, Baby.”

  “I’ve been thinking too much about the case. I get up some nights and go for a drive. I did that last night. Only thing was that I actually got a call while I was out.”

  “So you lied to me in your note?” Reagan questioned.

  “Yes,” Grace admitted.


  “I didn’t want you to worry about me,” Grace answered.

  “Of all the pig-headed, stubborn, selfish things to do, Gracie Lynn. I worry about you every day. I love you and worrying is not the only part of loving anyone. Besides, it’s my prerogative to worry. But, anyway, you were saying,” Reagan stated.

  “So, I was out driving when I got a call. So, I called Sam and Cormack. I picked them up and we investigated the scene. When Cormack decided there was nothing else for Sam or me to do, she kicked us out of the crime scene,” Grace explained.

  “So, you went to the station to do your paperwork?”

  “Not exactly,” Grace replied.

  “What do you mean not exactly?”

  “We went to Waffle House.”

  “You went to Waffle House? For what? To talk?” Reagan inquired.


  “Okay…so what else?”

  “Coffee,” Grace answered.



  “No food?”

  “Nope, just coffee,” Grace replied.

  “And, then?” Reagan probed.

  “I kinda ran into another case.”

  “And, how did that happen?”

  “My waitress clued us in,” Grace said.


  “Sam and I.”

  “Quick case?” Reagan asked.

  “You could say that.”

  “Care to elaborate on that?”

  “I don’t know how much I can actually tell you, but…The waitress knows me and that I work for the sheriff’s office. She gave me a head’s up about a possible case. So, I checked it out. Turned out to be a good tip and we got our guy,” Gracie explained.

  “So, then what did you do?”

  “I dropped Sam off at Tabitha’s and came home.”

  “Do me a favor?”

  “Anything, Baby,” Grace stated.

  “Don’t lie. If you can’t sleep, just tell me. Don’t make me worry more. Just tell me the truth. I’m a big girl and I can handle it,” Reagan told her.

  “I know, Baby Girl. I’m sorry. I promise I won’t do it again.”

  “You’re damn right, you won’t,” Reagan stated.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Grace replied.

  “I’m serious, Grace. I can take a lot of shit, but I will not tolerate lies. I don’t care if it is about the case or not. Got it?”



  “Reagan, Baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you worry. It is just that the case has gotten to me more than I wanted to admit. That was part of the reason that Sam and I went to Waffle House,” Grace told her.

  “To talk?”

  “Yeah, but it was more of an intervention on my part. Sam and I are going to talk to Danica later. I am going to step down as lead investigator. Sam will be taking over the case. It was a combination of tonight’s case and Sam’s objectiveness that made me concede. She made me realize how I was not only hurting myself but you as well with my stubborn determinedness in solving the case. I’m sorry,” Grace explained.

  “So, you’re stepping down completely?”

  “On this case, yeah, but not as an investigator. I’m giving Sam the lead on your case. She told me to stay on the case, but not be lead. I think she is right. It will help us be us. I know I haven’t been the type of lover that you needed lately. I’m sorry for that, too,” Grace explained.

  “If you think that is for the best, Sweetie,” Reagan replied.

  “I do. I’ve been neglecting us. I need to do this for us.”

  “I don’t feel neglected, Gracie. I know you love me. I love you, too. I do know that this case has caused you to lose sleep. If I could have spared you, I would have,” Reagan told her.

  “Don’t. Reagan, this isn’t your fault. This will never be your fault. I know I need to be here for you and Catie more. Now, I will be,” Grace replied.

  “Okay, Baby.”

  “Did you want to do anything today, since we are both off now?” Grace asked.

  “Up to you, Gracie,” Reagan answered, “Just remember that Catie will be home soon. So, it’ll have to be family oriented.”

  “When has that even been a problem?” Grace questioned.

  “I know. I was just reminding you. She’
ll be home soon and we should eat.”

  “Wow, you’re right. I’m starving. Whatcha want? I’ll order it.”

  “Doesn’t matter,” Reagan said as they doorbell rang, “Wonder who that could be? You expecting anyone?”

  “Not that I can think of,” Gracie answered.

  They both went down the stairs. Reagan went to the front door. Grace hung around watching Reagan. She grabbed her cell phone and called the local Chinese delivery and ordered their usual. She was still watching Reagan the entire time. Reagan didn’t really convey anything and it was making Grace nervous, so Grace went closer to the door.

  Reagan, unconsciously and naturally, leaned back into Grace, when Grace circled her waist. Grace was glad for her height because she didn’t have to move around Reagan to see what was going on. Grace could see the man at the door and she recognized him.

  “Hello, Grace,” he said, noting her arrival.

  “Hello, Ryder.”

  “I need a favor.”


  “We are getting deployed.”


  “Cort is, too,” he told her.


  “Cort doesn’t know I’m here. Look, I want you to review my paperwork. And…”

  “And, what?” Grace questioned.

  “Promise to look after Laney for us.”

  “Laney hates me.”

  “I know.”

  “You’re asking a lot,” Grace stated.

  “I have a bad feeling about all of this, Grace. I wouldn’t have come otherwise. You are the only one I know I can trust completely. You know why. I wouldn’t have come if it wasn’t important, Colonel,” he stated.

  “Tomorrow,” Grace answered, flatly.

  “Okay. Call me. The number is the same,” he replied and left.

  Reagan didn’t say anything. She stood there waiting for Grace to explain what just happened. Grace offered nothing as she shut the door. Reagan followed Grace back upstairs as Grace got her wallet. Reagan leaned on the door jamb as Grace fished through her pants.

  “You wanna tell me what that was about?” Reagan finally asked.

  “What what was about?”

  “Seriously, Grace, who was that at the door?”

  “Ryder is an old Army buddy. I have no idea what he needs or why he came here. It is probably top secret and that is about all I can say about it. If I can tell you anything besides he is being deployed, I will tell you. But for right now, I am sorry,” Grace stated.


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