Twin Embers (Rainbow Cove Book 2)

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Twin Embers (Rainbow Cove Book 2) Page 17

by Jet MacLeod

  “Dunno. Don’t care right now. I just want to see what we can find out right now and if I need Cormack and David to come check their lab.”

  “Oh. Okay. Should I ask him when he comes back?”

  “If you want,” Grace said, cutting open the box in front of her on the table.

  “You sure?”

  “You’re in charge of this case, remember?”

  “Yeah,” Sam answered.

  “So, it’s your call, Detective,” Grace said, pulling out the case files.

  Sam looked at Grace, dismayed. She has asked and she got her answer. She knew that it was all her fault. Sam shook her head at Grace, knowing that Grace was only going to help her so much. Sam would have to step up sometime. Now was as good as any.

  “I’m not going to let you fail, Sam,” Grace added.

  Sam continued to stare at Grace as Grace thumbed through the files.

  “Sam, you may be the lead and all, but I’m not going to let you…us fail. We are still going to get this guy. That hasn’t changed. You get to make the big decisions now. You’re steering the investigation, but I’m not going to let you do it alone. We’re partners. If we fail, we fail together.”

  “Wow. Nice pep talk, LT. You’ve been saving that one?” Sam asked sarcastically.

  “Nope. I’ve kept that one safe. It comes in handy often.”



  Sam didn’t say anything. She was trying to imagine Grace in the Army. Grace finally looked up and stared back across the table at Sam.



  “Uh-uh, Rookie, what?” Grace asked.

  “Army? As in Army officer? What does that mean?”

  “Yeah, I was an officer. It was a lifetime ago. Some of the speeches and pep talks still work on the civilian side. That a problem?”

  “No, ma’am, not at all.”

  Grace laughed at Sam.


  “No one has called me ‘ma’am’ in ages. It sounds strange coming from you. Don’t do it, again.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Sam promptly answered.

  Grace just stared at her across the table. It only took a few seconds and then they both burst into a fit of laughter. It was their laughter that brought Bubba back into the room.

  “You ladies need anything?” he asked, obviously upset by their laughter.

  “No, Bubba, we’re good,” Grace replied.

  “Alright then, ladies,” Bubba responded as he turned to leave.

  “Bubba, there is one thing,” Sam stated.


  “Are you giving us the case?”

  Grace watched and nodded at Sam for taking control. Sam waited for his response. Bubba looked from Sam to Grace, then back to Sam, before he answered.

  “Yeah, you can have it. We ain’t got much to go on. Y’all have more than two cases and a better chance of nailing ‘em. I’ve already talked with the solicitor. They’re in agreement with us,” Bubba told her.

  “Sounds good,” Sam answered.

  “Labs,” Grace said only loud enough for Sam.

  “Sounds like we all win on this one,” Bubba replied.

  “One more thing, Bubba.”

  “Sure thing, whatcha got?” he asked.

  “The labs, and all the lab work.”

  “What about it?” he asked.

  “Will you send them and give my techs access to your labs?” Sam inquired.

  “Of course, they’ll…you’ll get whatever you need from us. I told you: ‘It’s your case, now.’ They are at your disposal. Just give us a call, first.”

  “I think we can handle that,” Sam replied.

  “Figured you could,” Bubba answered.

  “If another case happens –“ Grace started.

  “Don’t worry, O’Shea, alright. You two will be the first ones I call. If I don’t have a process another bloody mess case from this psycho, I’ll be happy. He is all yours, ladies. Don’t even want any credit for that case. It’s all yours,” he told them.

  “Thanks,” Grace answered, “We’ll be in touch.”

  “Good day, then, ladies,” Bubba replied, leaving them along, again.

  Grace and Sam stared at each other. They weren’t sure if they should continue to pour over the case in Fairfield or take it home to Lexington. Grace wanted to compare notes against their existing files. She also knew that Cormack and David would want to see the labs and what data was in the files as soon as they could.

  “We should go,” Grace said, breaking the silence.

  “Cormack and David will want to see this,” Sam replied.


  “Let’s go. I think I want to try to hash some things out. Can we get a marker board or something?”

  “You’d have to ask your mom, but I’m sure it can be arranged.”

  “Good, I have an idea,” Sam stated, as she packed her box, making sure to reseal everything.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Reagan sat in Tabitha’s studio studying the artwork, cup of coffee in hand. She walked through the various canvasses, stopping at some, pausing and enjoying. Then, she would continue on to the next. She was searching for something in the paintings.

  Tabitha was at the computer, again. She was pouring over the newest specs that Sam has written into the program. Tabitha was trying for one last time to see if Reagan would recognize the perp. It was the one thing that they could do while Sam and Grace were in Fairfield.

  Reagan stopped in front of the canvasses of Tabitha’s “Sleep” series.

  “Now this is amazing!”

  Tabitha turned to find Reagan in front of them. The one that Reagan was studying was a full back pose. Tabitha turned to find Reagan analyzing the canvas. Reagan turned to find Tabitha studying her as Tabby turned a lovely shade of crimson.

  “Really, Tabitha?”

  “I paint what I know? What can I say? I know Sam.”

  “I see that. But, besides that, this is awesome. I feel like I should be able to touch her and feel her react to my touch.”

  “Well, I’ll have to talk to Sam about that.”

  “Has she seen these?” Reagan asked.

  “Yeah,” Tabitha replied.

  “What did she say?”

  “She was amazed as well.”

  Reagan just smiled at Tabitha.

  “It was an interesting reaction for us both. She realized how beautiful I think she is and she knows I want to share my gift. Unfortunately, she has consumed my brain beyond this case. I learned how much I express my emotions with my art rather than words or gestures.”

  “Art can be a gesture,” Reagan stated.

  “Sam would agree with you. She was amazed at how well my emotion came thru my art. I’m sure that Penny would agree with her. Penny has always been on me to not be so reserved with my emotions, but I never learned to be as open as she is. Art was and is my outlet.”

  “There is nothing wrong with that, Tabitha, and who is Penny?”

  “Oh, nothing,” Tabitha quickly answered.

  Reagan just stood there. She knew when someone shut down and she could tell that Tabitha has just shut down. Reagan didn’t want to push Tabitha any more than was needed. She knew that Tabitha and Sam were together and she knew that Grace and Tabitha were good friends. She didn’t need there to be a breakdown. The case and everyone’s friendships and relationships needed to remain happy. Reagan didn’t want to be the one that upset things.

  “Are you planning on showing that series?” Reagan asked.

  “Not sure yet. Part of me wants to show, you know? Pare of me wants to keep it private. I am not sure that I want to share that part of my life or that part of Sam with the world. I mean it is very personal,” Tabitha replied.

  “I can see that, but I’m sure that no one would really see Sam.”

  “You did,” Tabitha stated.

  “That I did.”

  “So, why would no
one else see it?”

  “Who else knows Sam like we do?” Reagan questioned.

  “Good point.”

  “So?” Reagan probed, pushing the point.

  “I’m still not sure. I’ll think about it. Is that better?”

  “I just wish I had something like that of Grace,” Reagan stated.

  Tabitha just stared at Reagan and laughed. Tabitha walked over to Reagan and handed her the printouts from the program. Reagan took the photos but stared at Tabitha. Tabitha never stopped laughing or explained why she was laughing at Reagan.

  “What is that all about?”

  “Ask your wife,” Tabitha stated.

  “I don’t have a wife.”

  “Come on, Reagan. Just ask Gracie Lynn. She’ll explain it to you, I’m sure. Besides you two are married. Maybe it’s not legal and maybe, you haven’t had a ceremony yet, but you two are a married couple and are completely off the market,” Tabitha answered.

  “But, we aren’t married,” Reagan stated.

  “Give it time.”

  “You know something. What is it? Tell me.”

  “I don’t know any more than you do,” Tabby told her.

  “Come on now, Tabitha. Tell me what it is. She has said something to you, hasn’t she? Maybe it was just something in passing, but she told you something.”

  “No, she hasn’t said anything about anything, except the case to me. We both know that Gracie is a private person. But, I know she loves you more than anything.”

  “What aren’t you telling me, Tabitha Grey?” Reagan asked in her “mom” voice.

  “Nothing, I swear. You’d be the first to know trust me. Grace isn’t one to be open about something like that. Asking you to move in, maybe, propose marriage, no. I wouldn’t be the one that she’d be talking to about it anyway.

  “Why not? You’re her best friend. Who else would she tell?”

  “You forgot about Alex.”

  “So, you’re saying that I should go hit up Alex. She would know, huh?” Reagan mused.

  “I’m not saying anything. I don’t know anything. Forget I said anything about it. If she is going to propose, she is going to propose. Do you want to be surprised or not? That is the only question you should be asking yourself. Just let your relationship grow as it will. Don’t rush things,” Tabitha answered.

  “I’m not trying to rush things. I guess I’m just a little scared. I don’t think I’m ready. What if I’m not ready?”

  “That, my dear, is a question that only you can answer.”

  “Sorry about the heaviness. I guess I haven’t put that much thought into our relationship. I don’t want Gracie to think that I don’t love her, ‘cause I do, but I have more to worry about than myself. I have to consider Catherine, too, in all my decisions. I would hope that Grace understands that.”

  “I think she does, more than you know,” Tabitha replied.

  “She does more than I know, I’m sure. She is always so patient and kind with Catherine. And, she is doubly patient and loving with me.”

  “So, stop doubting whatever it is that you are doubting. If you need time, let Gracie know. She loves you enough to let go. She’ll wait for you, if she needs to. She’ll give you whatever you need, whatever she can.”

  “I know that. Trust me, I know that. Did you know that she gave the lead to Sam for the case? She did that for my well-being. She thought that she was giving too much to the case and not enough to me,” Reagan told her.

  “I heard. Sam told me. She kinda pushed Grace into it. She knows how much Grace means to you and you to Grace. She could also see how close Grace was to cracking. This case is a little too close to home for both of them, but they aren’t going to give it up. They want justice for you and all the others,” Tabitha explained.

  “I know. I do, too. I don’t want anyone suffering for me, though.”

  “Trust me, they aren’t suffering. They would be like this for any other case. I just think they are pushing it because you’re involved. I know that sounds bad, but it is what is driving them on this case. Each case if different and each case has its own driving forces,” Tabitha explained.

  “That doesn’t mean that it doesn’t affect me, too.”

  “No one doubts that, Reagan. We all know that the you have been affected the most and that it continues to affect you. That is why everyone is working so hard on the case, including you.”

  “I know.”

  “So why don’t we move onto something else?”

  “Sounds good to me, Tabitha. What do you have in mind? More art?”

  “In a manner of speaking,” Tabitha stated.

  She reached out to Reagan’s hands. She pushed Reagan’s hands up and made Reagan look at the photos in her hands. Reagan looked down at her hands and then into Tabitha’s questioning eyes.

  “It’s okay, Reagan. I’m here for you. You aren’t alone, anymore,” Tabitha told her to reassure her.

  “I know,” Reagan answered.

  “Just take a look at them. If you don’t know, don’t worry. We’ll keep trying. Don’t push yourself to much about it, okay?”

  “I know. But, I feel like I should know. I feel like I should remember more than I do, but I can’t. It isn’t something I care to remember,” Reagan stated.

  “I understand. Just try. That’s all I’m asking.”

  “I know that. I understand the importance of this. Give me a few minutes and I’ll let you know what I think. But, don’t think that this will let you off the hook for earlier,” Reagan replied.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it, Love,” Tabitha answered.

  Reagan sat at Tabitha’s table and spread out the pictures. She had a tingling every time she looked at the pictures, but she couldn’t figure out why. Tabitha left her alone to study the pictures, but hesitated when she saw the look on Reagan’s face. She decided that she better hang around for Reagan’s sake. Reagan looked up and saw that Tabitha was still around.

  Reagan relaxed and reminded herself to “breathe, it’s just a picture.” She picked up each of the pictures and studied them. She was trying to pick out the familiar points of each picture. If she could do that, then maybe Tabitha could make another picture or a sketch. If that could happen, then maybe, just maybe, she would recognize the person staring back at her. If she recognized the picture or sketch, then Gracie would have possible lead, name, or something to go on and they would catch the bastard.

  “Anything standing out?” Tabitha asked.

  “A few on this one, a few on that one.”

  “That’s understandable. Just take your time. We’ll figure it out,” Tabitha told her.

  “I know. You’re going to make a compilation sketch of them, aren’t you? Do you think that will work?” Reagan questioned.

  “It can’t hurt. Here use this,” Tabitha said, handing Reagan a grease pencil, “Mark them with that. Circle the things that seem the most familiar to you.”

  “You want me to mark these?”

  “It’s okay, Reagan. I can always reprint them if needed. No worries, Love. Just do what you can. And, if you need a break, we’ll take one.”

  “Not yet,” Reagan replied.

  “Don’t push yourself so hard.”

  “I’m trying not to, Tabby. I just want this all to be over. I’m guess I am just scared for Catie more than myself.”

  “Reagan, I can’t begin to understand what you’ve been through, so I won’t pretend that I can. But, I can tell you one thing. Sam and Gracie aren’t going to let anything happen to Catie. They would both die first,” Tabitha replied.

  “They would have to get in line.”

  “I’m sure they would, Love,” Tabitha said.

  Reagan looked up from Tabitha’s artist table. She had been marking Tabitha’s sketches during the conversation. She looked down at the sketches and her markings, and then back up at Tabitha. She handed Tabitha the sketches and waited.

  “You want me to make another batch?” Tabitha asked her


  “You want to wait?”


  “You’re sure, Reagan?”


  “I don’t want you to push so hard if you aren’t ready.”

  “I know, but I need to do this,” Reagan replied.

  “Why?” Tabitha asked her.

  “For the rest of the victims.”

  “They aren’t your responsibility.”

  “Aren’t they?”


  “Why not, Tabitha? Can you tell me that? Why not?”

  “Because you aren’t at fault here.”

  “Aren’t I?”

  “No, Love.”

  “But, it is my fault.”

  “How is that Reagan?”

  “If I had been strong enough, maybe they would all still be alive.”

  Tabitha dropped the sketches on her table. She immediately gathered Reagan in her arms. As soon as she had Reagan in her embrace, Reagan broke down. Tabitha could feel her body racking with the sobs and tears.

  “Reagan, Love, no one blames you.”

  “I do,” Reagan replied, but was muffled by Tabitha’s chest.

  “Reagan, none of it is your fault.”

  “But, it is.”

  “No, Love, no,” Tabitha stated.

  Grace and Sam both came into the room. Tabitha gave them a desperate look. Grace just smiled at Tabitha as she pulled Reagan into her own arms. Sam immediately grabbed Tabitha into a hug. Not one of them said anything for a good five minutes.

  “Sorry, we’re late,” Sam stated.

  “It’s okay. We were just working on the sketches. I was about to update them for another round. But, now, I’m thinking, we’ll wait. Dinner sounds good though,” Tabitha told them.

  “Dinner? Who said anything about dinner?” Sam asked.

  “I was just bringing it up,” Tabitha teased, “I’m famished.”

  Reagan and Grace were lost in each other’s arms and not paying Sam or Tabitha any attention. Grace smiled at Tabitha and nodded at Sam. Grace then realized that Sam and Tabitha were waiting for something.

  “Sorry. Did you ask me something? I wasn’t really listening,” Gracie told them as Reagan turned in her arms.

  “I was just suggesting dinner, that’s all,” Tabitha replied.


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