My Kinda Forever (Summer Sisters Book 6)

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My Kinda Forever (Summer Sisters Book 6) Page 17

by Black, Lacey

  “Well, it appears that Abby and Levi are engaged, but she didn’t want to tell anyone.” I answer.


  “Because she didn’t want to ruin AJ’s night or make it about her,” I say, casually shrugging my shoulder. It actually doesn’t surprise me at all. Abby always takes everyone else’s feelings into account, and this is definitely something she would do. It’s AJ’s night, after all, so she wouldn’t want to steal any of the attention.

  “Ahh,” Nick says, his hand coming up and resting on my hip. The action makes my body start to tingle and warmth flood to the apex of my legs. He looks so damn sexy tonight. When I saw him walk in, it took every ounce of control I could find to act all casual and not go jump on him.

  I really want to jump on him.

  “Wait, but Abby said Payton was the biggest secret keeper of them all,” Lexi chimes in, leaving the insinuation out there.

  “She’s right. Someone else has a secret,” AJ adds. Everyone turns their attention to Payton. Dean comes over looking a little bit like a perp in an interrogation room, under the harsh lights.

  “This is AJ’s night,” Payton counters.

  “Nope, you’re not getting out of this one,” AJ replies.

  “And unless you’re jumping on a plane and getting remarried without telling any of us, we know it’s not that,” Lexi says, referring to the time they hopped on a plane, flew to Vegas, got hitched on the strip, and flew home without any one of us being the wiser.

  Payton just stares us down, determined to not say anything. We’re at a standoff, a battle of wills, and between Payton and Lexi, I’m not sure either of them will ever give in. “Oh, come on,” Jaime argues, but it gets no response from the oldest Summer sister.

  “Just tell them the bun is finally baking in the oven, Payters,” Grandma says, waving her drink around and sloshing it over the side.

  Everyone stands completely still. No one moves. No one breathes.

  “You’re pregnant?” I whisper, afraid that she’ll deny the claims. We all know how much Payton wants a baby, but with her PCOS, the likelihood of that happening is very slim. They’ve been going through rounds of Clomid, but the results weren’t successful. I know they’ve been talking about trying in vitro and have even checked out an adoption agency, but I didn’t think they had decided on anything.

  Payton looks over at Dean, whose eyes seem to light up. When she looks back at us, her own green eyes are filled with tears. “I’m pregnant.”

  Chaos ensues next. I’m pulled into a hug by someone of my size, squeezed to death by someone with a big belly, as we all scream and cry together. My heart is so full for the happiness and love each of my sisters have in their lives. We have three babies on the way, two that should arrive within the next month, and two weddings on the horizon.

  “Wait,” Jaime says, wiping tears from her cheeks as she looks at Payton. “You took a shot.”

  “It was water,” Grandma says, somehow managing to wiggle herself into the middle of our group hug. Payton gives her a look. “I overheard her order it,” Grandma adds with a shrug.

  “Overheard,” Payton snips with an eye roll.

  “It was a total accident,” Grandma insists. “And besides, Abby heard too!”

  Abby blushes. “It was an accident for me. I was coming up behind you to order another drink. I saw Grandma crouching behind a guy who was standing next to you, and before I could ask her what she was doing, you placed the shot order.”

  “I was not…crouching, I was…inspecting. Did you know Devin Montgomery has developed into a fine specimen of man-being?” Grandma says, her eyes lighting up with delight. “I thought about setting him up with Meggy Pie, but seeing that she can’t keep her eyes off the dentist all night, I decided to just let their sexual attraction play out. I wish I had popcorn. This one is proving to be way more exciting,” she says, and all eyes fall on me. And Nick, who clears his throat behind me.

  “Anyway, so congratulations to you all,” I say quickly, trying to (unsuccessfully) draw the attention away from me.

  “Can I just say that I’m very proud and happy to be your dad?” My dad stands off to the side, a wide smile on his face. “Weddings and grandbabies, my heart is overflowing.” His eyes fill with unshed tears. “I wish your mother could be here to join in the celebration. She truly would have been on cloud nine tonight. And even though the Summer name is slowly dying one by one, I’ve never been more honored to be a Summer as I am now.”

  My eyes fill with tears, not only at his touching words, but also at the fact that our last name is slowly disappearing. After Abby and Levi get married, I’ll be the final Summer. For years I thought I’d be a Harrison by now, but sometimes fate doesn’t work out the way you plan. Fate is a cruel bitch, isn’t she? She sneaks in when you least expect it and robs you blind, stripping away your hopes and dreams and forcing you to rebuild from the ground up.

  Nick grips my hip, giving it a gentle squeeze of support. It’s as if he always knows when I need a friend the most, and he never disappoints at offering me a shoulder to cry on or a hand to hold. He stands close enough now that I can feel his body heat against my back. Maybe it’s the bit of alcohol I’ve consumed, or maybe the fact that I feel connected to him in a way I haven’t felt in so very long, but I wouldn’t mind if I felt that heat…everywhere.

  Preferably without clothes.

  While his hard body is pressing me into the mattress.

  Is it hot in here?

  “I don’t want to take any of the credit here, but I’m pretty sure it was the book that ensured proper egg fertilization,” Grandma says loudly, pulling me away from my despondent thoughts.

  “Are you really going to try to take credit for our baby?” Payton asks, her mouth gaping open.

  “Well, I’m not saying I was there, watching in the corner and whispering words of encouragement, but I did buy the book, you know. And I know you tried chapter seven.”

  “We did n-” Payton starts.

  “Chapter seven wasn’t nearly as good as chapter ten,” Dean interrupts with a shrug and a wink aimed directly at the elderly woman in the group.

  “Oh, don’t I know it,” she replies with her own wink and smile. “Let’s celebrate! Oh, I wish I had something sweet,” Grandma adds, glancing around as if on the hunt for something to satisfy her sweet tooth.

  “I had brownies,” Grandpa says, turning and glaring at Linkin.

  “What’s that look for?” I whisper to Nick, who snickers behind me.

  “I’ll tell you later.”

  * * *

  When the party winds down and everyone is heading out, I gravitate toward the man over with my dad. I’ve found them together, quietly talking a few times since their arrival at Lucky’s, which makes me both nervous and happy. What could they possibly be talking about?

  Reaching the duo, I offer a smile as all talking halts. “What are you two talking about?”

  “The weather,” Dad replies with a grin. “I’m going to take Sawyer and AJ home. Are you guys okay?”

  “We’re good,” Nick answers. “I stopped drinking a while ago. I’ll make sure Meghan gets home safely.” The way he says it warms my blood and causes dirty images to parade through my mind.

  “Good,” Dad replies, slapping Nick on the back. “Good to see you again, Nick.” Then he steps forward and kisses me on the cheek. “Love you, Meg.”

  “Love you, Dad.”

  When he collects the future Mr. and Mrs. and escorts them to the front door, Nick steps closer, his hand touching the small of my back. His fingers dip low, grazing over my ass and lighting a fire deep in my belly. Yearning starts to spread through my body, and I know I’m ready to see what happens tonight.

  I already know what I hope happens tonight.


  “Ready,” I answer as he leads me out the front door. “Do you have your car?”

  “No, I had planned to drive you home in yours.”

n how will you get home?” I ask when we reach my car. I turn to face him, leaning back against the passenger door.

  “I may have to take your car,” he answers.

  “Or…” I whisper, resting my hands against his chest and slowly sliding down until they’re resting on his abdomen. The slight buzz I had earlier is completely gone, replaced with a different kind of buzz.

  “Or…” he trails off. His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows, and I can tell he wants to say something, but maybe doesn’t quite know if he should.

  I should help him.

  “Or, I could go back to your place with you, and you can take me home tomorrow,” I suggest, my fingers flexing against his six-pack.

  Wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me into his body, his eyes seem to darken. “That sounds like an amazing idea.”

  “A great one.”

  “The fucking best.”

  I hold my breath, hoping that he’ll kiss me, but he doesn’t. Instead, he opens the passenger door and helps me inside, before practically running around the front of the car to the driver’s side. When he slides into the seat, Nick hits his knees on the bottom of the steering column. He’s not that much taller than me, but I like to make sure I have complete control in my car with my seat close to the wheel.

  The drive to Nick’s house is charged – sexually. He’s holding my hand and making slow circles on my palm with his pointer finger. The touch makes my heart beat faster and my underwear useless. I never knew one little graze like that could pack such a punch to the libido.

  When we pull into his driveway a few minutes later, he opens the garage door. As soon as the car is shut off and the door closing, Nick jumps out and meets me at the passenger door. Stepping out onto the concrete, I’m immediately pulled into his arms.

  “I’ve been thinking about kissing you for a week.”

  “I’ve been wanting you to kiss me for a week,” I confess, a bit breathlessly, as his mouth moves to claim mine.

  The kiss isn’t gentle, nor slow. It’s consuming and powerful. He takes the lead, threading his hands through my hair and gripping my head. My head tilts, allowing him the perfect angle to plunder my mouth with his tongue. My own hands reach around and grip the back of his shirt, holding on tight and refusing to let go. I can feel his very hard cock pressed against my stomach, practically begging to be taken out of his shorts.

  And my word, do I want to.

  After a few minutes, he rips his lips from mine. “I’m sorry. I’m not sure what came over me,” he pants against my lips.

  “I kinda like what came over you, actually. I was thinking,” I start, gazing up into his lust-hazed eyes.


  “Maybe we can continue this inside.” Deep breath. “With less clothes.”

  His eyes turn to lava, and his breathing hitches. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m pretty sure I’ve never been so certain about anything in my life,” I reply honestly.

  Nick watches me for a few moments, as if reading me like a book, before he brings his hands down to cup my ass, picking me up and bringing me into his body. My legs wrap around him as he slowly makes his way into the house, his lips kissing a blazing path down my neck as we go. I hear the door shut behind us, but pay no attention to anything other than the feel of him against me, his lips on my skin.

  When we reach his bedroom, we fall together onto the mattress, my arms wrapping tightly around him as his lips meet mine. His hand moves down to my shirt, slowly pushing it upward and grazing his fingers across my abdomen. His touch is like fire dancing across my skin and seeping into my pores. It’s too much, and not enough, all at the same time.

  His hands slide up and wrap around my heavy breasts. My nipples are hard as he gently glides a finger over each one, making me cry out. It feels so good.

  “Does it?” he whispers, kissing along my jaw. At first, I don’t realize what he’s talking about, but then it hits me. I must have said it aloud.

  “Yes. So fucking good,” I gasp as he does it again. This time, he pinches each nipple through the material of my bra, and I almost come off the bed. It’s been so long since I’ve felt this raw, this alive.

  “Can I remove your shirt?” he asks, his eyes connecting with mine.

  “I’d be a little sad if you didn’t,” I reply with a hint of a smile.

  I help him shed my shirt, but I don’t stop there. I go ahead and unsnap my shorts, letting him know that they should go as well. His eyes are glued to my waist as I shimmy the denim down my legs and toss them aside. In one swift (and probably well practiced) move, his shirt is over his head and discarded.

  I almost swallow my tongue.

  This man is a work of art. He’s hard and toned and makes me want to trace each and every ridge of his incredible body with my tongue. Yes, definitely my tongue. And maybe my lips. Absolutely my fingers.

  I watch as he unfastens his shorts, the fly hanging open and the material riding low on his hips. There’s no mistaking the material of his boxer briefs stretched tautly over the head of his cock. I can actually see it through the opening of his pants, and the prospect makes my mouth water even more.

  Lying back on his bed in just my bra and panties, he pushes his shorts down his tree-trunk legs, letting them fall to the floor. My eyes are riveted on his incredible physique, taking in the perfection and committing it to memory.

  Nick climbs over me, covering my body with his own and pressing me into the bed. The weight of his body only seems to add fuel to an already raging inferno inside me. My legs wrap around his waist, his hard cock pressed firmly into the place I need him the most. I can feel the wetness through my panties as he gently slides up and down, teasing my clit and making me see stars.

  His lips find mine once more as he continues to tease and torture me. My hands grasp his back, reveling in the strong definition of his muscles. With each squeeze of my hands, he seems to come that much more undone. His hips go from a gentle glide to a thrust. “You’re driving me crazy,” he whispers, panting against my lips.

  “I want you so badly,” I confess, sliding my hands down and grabbing his ass.

  His eyes meet mine. “Are you sure?”


  Nick sits up on his haunches and unsnaps my bra. My breasts tingle and burn with desire as he gapes openly. His hands move down my body until they reach the wet panties covering me. With his fingers hooked under the lace, he slowly (and I’m talking painfully slow) glides them down my thighs. He hops up and slips them the rest of the way down my legs before throwing them somewhere in the room. Then his hands reach for the waistband of his boxer briefs and he pushes them down his body.

  I’m pretty sure I actually gasp when I finally catch sight of the magnificent cock that has been torturing me for the last several minutes. It’s large, straight, and hard as steel. I’m overcome with the desire to wrap my hands around it, glide my tongue along it, and feel it thrust inside me.

  He reaches into the nightstand and grabs a condom. I watch as he rips the small foil package and covers his impressive erection. Warmth floods my pussy so much that I can feel it. I should be embarrassed by how wet I am – how turned on I am – but I’m not. Instead, I focus on the man who has made me into this sex-crazed feline, hell-bent on riding his cock like a prized rodeo cowboy.

  When he joins me back on the bed, he doesn’t lie on top of me like I expect. Nick sits between my legs and gazes hungrily at the apex of my legs. With gentle fingers, he pushes two fingers through my folds, gliding them over my pulsing clit. I quickly realize that I’m three seconds away from exploding like a bomb, which would be the definition of embarrassing.

  With a single finger, he slowly slides it into my pussy. I feel my body contracting around him, and I fight off the orgasm. I don’t want this to end so soon. But when he adds the second finger and swipes his thumb over my clit, I’m unable to hold back. My body detonates as the most intense orgasm sweeps through me. I’m floating on the clouds,
blinded by white light, as euphoria washes over me.

  As soon as my body starts to loosen, I feel him remove his fingers and move over me into position. “I’m sorry,” I whisper, closing my eyes.

  “Why are you sorry?” he asks, going completely still above me.

  “I’ve already gotten off. I wanted to wait until we could do that…together.” My cheeks burn with mortification.

  “You think you’re done, sweetheart? We’re just getting started,” he whispers sweetly, coming down to place a kiss on my lips. “I’m nowhere near done with you.”

  And then he lines up his cock at my entrance, his eyes locked on mine, and slowly pushes inside me. It stretches as he enters my body, almost to the point of pain. With just one thrust, he fills me so completely that I’m not sure where he ends and I begin.

  “Are you okay?” he asks, his eyes searching my face for an answer.

  “So okay,” I gasp as he flexes his hips before stilling completely.

  Nick reaches for my cheek, brushing a lone tear off my skin that I didn’t even realize had escaped. I’m crying? Why am I crying? There’s no crying in…sex!

  But this isn’t just sex. I know it. He knows it. This is something greater. This is the coming together of two friends as lovers. This is me ripping off the scab, revealing the deep wound beneath. This is him cradling that wound in his hands and vowing to help it heal.

  This is the moment I let go of the past and take a step toward the unknown future.

  “Please, keep going,” I beg, my body gripping his erection like a vice.

  “Jesus, don’t do that or this’ll be over in about two seconds,” he grunts, closing his eyes and digging deep for his control. But frankly, I kinda like the idea of seeing out-of-control Nick. I bet he’s just as sexy as in-control Nick.

  Let’s test that theory.

  I place my hand over his pounding heart and slowly slide it up to his shoulders. His shoulders are freaking killer. He’s starting to sweat a bit, probably because he’s trying to keep hold of any piece of power he can over his body. That’s not going to work for me. When I wrap my hand around the back of his neck, I rock my hips and give my internal muscles a squeeze.


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