My Kinda Forever (Summer Sisters Book 6)

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My Kinda Forever (Summer Sisters Book 6) Page 20

by Black, Lacey

  “No, I think we’ve come to an understanding. He keeps all of his fluids inside his body and I’ll hold him for a bit.”

  Again, I can’t help but laugh. “Let me know how that works out for you, buddy,” I sass Nick as I place more kisses on Hemi’s face. I could kiss these babies all day long. When I glance back up, Nick is watching, a subtle smile on his handsome face. “What?”

  He catches me off guard by stepping forward into my personal space. I close my eyes as he slowly bends down and kisses me on the lips. It’s a quick, no-tongue kiss, but still packs a powerful punch. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispers, his lips still grazing against mine.

  “Are we going to have to talk about the birds and the bees? You know how these two cuties got here, right? I could do a demonstration,” Grandma offers as she returns from Jaime’s room, her face practically pressed between Nick’s and my face.

  Rolling my eyes, I glance her way. “Butt out,” I tease my grandma.

  “If you two would like to go practice for a bit, you just let me know. There’s a storage room down the hall that wasn’t locked last time we were here, and I’d be happy to watch the boys for a bit.” Of course, she practically yells this so that the entire waiting room hears.

  “We’re okay,” I mumble, my face similar to that of a strawberry.

  “Actually,” Nick starts, leaving the insinuation door wide open, a wide grin on his face as he waggles his eyebrows.

  “Doc, I think I like you,” Grandma says with a laugh, wrapping her arms around him for a hug. She makes it look like she’s only doing it to shower the baby with attention, but the moment I see Nick jump, I know that’s not the case.

  “Leave his ass alone,” I chastise my elderly grandma.

  When she turns back my way, her eyes are wide with delight and she wears a devilish grin on her face. “That was an accident. I was hugging the baby.”

  “Hey everyone, she’s definitely in labor,” Linkin says as he rushes into the waiting room. “They hooked her up to a fetal monitor, and the baby looks good. Heart rate’s strong and running one-fifty. Doc is on her way, and the nurse says it shouldn’t be too long. My mom is coming to grab the boys, and she offered to take Bri with her too.” Linkin glances at Dean and Payton before coming over and kissing both of his boys on the crowns of their heads.

  “We’ve got them until she gets here,” I assure him, rocking little Hemi in my arms. When we glance over at Nick, he’s struggling to keep hold of Hudson, who looks like he wants to get down and crawl.

  “Not yet, buddy. You can get down and move when you get to Grandma’s house,” Linkin says to the boy in Nick’s arms.

  “I’ll just go keep Lexi Lou company until you’re ready to go back in,” Grandma offers. Before Linkin can even formulate a reply, Grandma is already hustling out of the room and toward our youngest sister.

  “She shouldn’t be left alone with an emotional, pregnant Lexi,” Dad says, turning and following in her wake, making Grandpa snort.

  “I’m going to regret letting her go in there, aren’t I?” Linkin says, taking Hudson from Nick.

  “Definitely,” Abby chimes in.

  About ten minutes later, Linkin’s mom, Karen, along with Linkin’s ten-year-old twin brothers, Jackson and Jefferson, enter the waiting room at a high rate of speed. “How is she?”

  “She’s doing well, but I don’t want to leave her in there too much longer, Mom.”

  “How about I pop in and say hello for a minute, and then I’ll come out and take the boys home with me,” Karen says. “I’m more than happy to take Brielle with me for a while so you both can stay here,” she adds to Payton and Dean.

  “That would be appreciated,” Dean says.

  Payton looks over at her daughter. “Do you want to go with Karen and the boys and play with them this afternoon?”

  “Can we have a tea party?” Brielle asks the older twin boys.

  “Can we bring our swords?” one of the twins (I can’t tell them apart) asks, giving Brielle a look.

  “Sure,” Brielle says, shrugging her shoulders.

  “Okay, but do we have to drink tea? I think tea tastes like rotten feet,” the other twin adds.

  “Yeah, I want root beer!” a boy hollers.

  While the kids all discuss different beverage options, Karen heads to Lexi’s room to say hello. Grandma comes out of Lexi’s room and heads across the hall to Jaime’s. It doesn’t take long before Ryan practically runs from the room, looking a little frustrated.

  “She kicked me out. That old woman just walked in and told me to leave.”

  “She tried that shit with me last time, and I had to get stern with her,” Linkin adds with a smile.

  “Don’t let her be the boss of you,” Nick says, earning a laugh from Linkin.

  “You’re the man, Elson,” Levi chimes in as he joins the group after handing Abby a bottle of water.

  “Fuck off,” Ryan mumbles, quiet enough that none of the kids should hear. He rubs his forehead and glances around the room. “Are you all staying?”

  “I think so. At least for a while,” I answer, still holding Hemi.

  “Is that okay?” Abby asks.

  “Of course. Just as long as you can help distract the old woman and keep her occupied so she doesn’t come in and assist the doc,” Ryan says, rubbing his hands over the back of his neck.

  “Good luck with that,” Levi replies with a laugh.

  “Ryan? Your wife is asking for you,” the nurse says, standing in the waiting room doorway.

  “Gotta go.” Ryan says, slapping Linkin on the back and bolting for his wife’s delivery room.

  “She’s getting closer,” Karen says as she enters the room. “Her contractions are only four minutes apart now. You should probably head back in.”

  “Okay,” Linkin says to his mom, placing a kiss on Hudson’s forehead and squeezing him tight. “I gotta go, buddy. It’s time for you to become a big brother.” He walks over to where I stand with Hemi and does the same thing. “Mommy and Daddy love you, boys,” he says as he helps his mom put the twins in their car seats.

  “We’ll be fine. Go be with Lexi and don’t worry about us,” Karen says as she hugs her son and pulls him down for a kiss on his scruffy cheek.

  “I’ll call you as soon as I know,” Linkin tells his mom before kissing both boys again and heading off to Lexi’s room.

  “We’ll help you take them down,” Dean says, grabbing one of the carriers off the table. Levi quickly takes the other, while Karen rounds up Brielle and her twin sons, who just so happen to be killing each other in the hallway (with fake swords).

  Sawyer and Nick follow, grabbing diaper bags and a bag for Brielle as they head out. “Good thing she has a minivan,” I mumble to AJ.

  “No shit.”

  Taking a seat next to my sister, I exhale loudly. “Well, we might as well get comfy. We might be here a while.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  “So neither of them get the name Henry?” I ask sleepily, smiling into the phone in my hand.

  “Nope! Isn’t that hilarious? They’ve been arguing for months about who gets to name their son Henry, and they both had girls!” Considering it’s about two in the morning, she sounds like she’s wired to stay up all night long.

  At seven o’clock last night, she sent me home to get a bit of my Sunday chores done. Even though I was perfectly content sitting in that waiting room with Meghan and her family, I conceded since my pile of laundry was overflowing and my dirty dishes were ready for the washer. So, I spent the evening catching up on my chores and wishing I were at the hospital with everyone else. That feeling of longing to be with her got worse as darkness fell and I was off to bed.


  “Everyone is doing fine?” I ask with a yawn.

  “They’re all perfect. Lexi had Stella right after you left, after only an hour of pushing, while Jaime just delivered little Amelia almost an hour ago. Everyone is comple
tely over the moon for these two babies, including their daddies. Ryan won’t let anyone else hold her yet, and when I left, Linkin was curled up to Lexi’s side in the hospital bed while she fed the baby. Grandma tried to worm her way into Jaime’s room for the delivery, but was pushed out. No one wants an eighty-two-year-old woman looking on while you’re trying to push a watermelon out of a grapefruit.”

  I can’t help it; I cringe. “I’m glad everyone is doing well,” I tell her. After a few passing seconds, I add, “I miss you.”

  “I miss you too.” Her confession puts a smile on my face.

  “My bed is lonely tonight.”

  “Mine too. If it wasn’t so late, I’d come over.”

  “Your car is still here,” I remind her.

  “Oh yeah. That’ll make getting to work difficult,” she says with a loud yawn.

  “I’ll come get you. I’ll even bring fancy coffee.”

  “That would be amazing. I can’t believe I have to get up in like four hours. I’m not even tired,” she says with another yawn.

  “That’s the adrenaline, but I think it’s starting to wear off.”

  “It is,” she concedes. “I’m suddenly really tired.”

  “I’ll let you go to sleep, honey. I’ll be there at seven thirty, okay?”

  “Thank you,” she says softly, the sound going straight to my cock. Not good, considering I’m home alone tonight.

  “Good night, Meggy Pie.”

  “Good night, Nicholas Adams, D.D.S.”

  I hang up, chuckling, and set my phone down on the nightstand. I reach for the pillow, and I’m not talking about mine. I’m referring to the one that cradled Meghan’s head just twenty-four short hours ago. Like a weirdo, I inhale, the scent of her shampoo filling my senses and not helping my hard-on any.

  It’s definitely going to be a long five hours until I see her again.

  * * *

  “I have a surprise for you,” I tell Meghan as I enter her room.

  “A surprise?” she asks, turning and offering me a full-watt smile.

  Meghan is wrapping up her day, even though it’s only one o’clock. Since Tuesdays are our late appointments nights, we try not to schedule many afternoon appointments on Mondays, except post-weekend emergencies. Today we are lucky and our last patient was at noon. Patty and Erika left a few minutes ago, which means it’s just me and my dental hygienist left in the empty building.


  And to say I’m craving her is an understatement.

  “I brought lunch,” I tell her, pulling the bag out from behind my back.

  Her eyes twinkle as she says, “I’m starving.”

  “Me too,” I reply. But not for food.

  Unable to resist any longer, I set the bag on the chair and pull her into my arms. She goes willingly, wrapping her hands around my waist and holding on tight. When she’s finally against me, I grasp the sides of her face with my hands and lower my lips to hers. Her breathing hitches moments before I feel her against me. She tastes like honey and cinnamon, like sexy woman. I coax her mouth open with my tongue and dive inside. I can feel her fingers dig into my lower back, and the burn only fuels my already raging fire for her. I’m hard as stone, ready to devour her with my mouth, my hands, my cock.

  But it’ll have to wait.

  First lunch.

  Then, if I’m a good boy, sex.

  It practically takes an act of Congress to pry my lips from hers, but I do it. Her eyes are all glossy and her lips are pink and swollen (a look I fucking love on her), so I place one more chaste kiss on her lips and begrudgingly pull away. “That’ll tide me over for a few minutes. First, we eat,” I tell her, reaching for the bag and pulling out the contents.

  There are two deli sandwiches that I had sent over, plus a few homemade sides. I take the containers out and set them on the counter. The deli included plastic utensils with my order, so I shoved the two forks in the salads and called it lunch.

  “This looks good,” she says as I hand her a ham and cheese on wheat – hold the mayo.

  “I took a chance that you didn’t have lunch plans,” I tell her, unwrapping my own sandwich and taking a bite.

  “No, not today. I’m going to the hospital around three to see the babies. They’re both supposed to be released later, so I wanted to go see them both together before they head home.”

  “They’re sending them home today? They just had babies. Is that safe?” I ask, completely shocked by this news. I mean, I know I’m a smart man and have had my share of schooling to become a dentist, but I’ve never really been around babies. Never deliveries. So I’m a little shocked that mere hours after delivery, they send them home.

  “It’s completely safe, as long as the deliveries were normal. I know if a woman has a C-section, she’ll be in the hospital a little longer, but with most vaginal deliveries, a woman is usually released the next day.”

  “Wow, that just seems so soon,” I reply, taking the fork from the macaroni salad and offering her a bite.

  Her lips wrap around the fork, making my cock twitch in my trousers. “That’s delicious,” she replies, licking away the trace of salad from the corner of her mouth. “It does seem soon, but I’ve learned that most parents just want to get home where they can rest more comfortably in their own space,” she adds.

  “Makes sense. Hospitals are definitely not everyone’s cup of tea,” I reply and watch as her eyes darken and slowly turn misty. Something tells me she was remembering the exact reason why she’s not a fan of hospitals.

  “Anyway,” I start, trying to pull her attention away from whatever memory she’s trapped in, “if you’re interested, I thought we could spend a little time together this afternoon.” Now, I’m not so sure my plan is the best deal – especially since she’s probably thinking about Josh right now.

  She gives me her full attention and a smile. The storm clouds seem to dissipate, even if for a little while. “Sounds great,” she says between bites. “And if you want, you can go with me to the hospital to see the babies?” It comes out a question, like she’s a bit uncertain that I’d want to go with her.

  “Absolutely. I’d love to go meet your new nieces,” I tell her, placing a soft kiss on the tip of her nose.

  I’m rewarded with another grin before she reaches into the container of fruit and grabs a grape. Instead of bringing it to her own mouth, she moves it to mine. Our eyes connect as I slowly move toward the fruit she holds. The fruit is sweet, but not nearly as delicious as the fingers I wrap my lips around. Those sexy green eyes widen as my tongue swirls around the tips of her fingers before sucking the fruit from her grasp and pulling back to chew.

  As soon as I swallow, I move. She’s in my arms, my lips claiming hers in a bruising kiss. I’m starving, but not for the food. I need her. My body craves her touch.

  Forgetting lunch, I devour her mouth with my own, savoring the hearty taste of fruit and Meghan. Sliding my hands up her sides, feeling the burn of her hot skin as I push her scrubs out of the way. She tugs on my dress shirt and undershirt, stripping them from my waistband, and scores her nails against my side. Shivers rack my body and my cock swells unbelievably hard. So hard I’m afraid I might suffer some sort of permanent damage if I don’t rectify this situation.


  “Jesus, I can’t believe how bad I want you,” I groan as I push her top over her head and toss it somewhere into the room. Her breasts are wrapped in lace, a delicate pink color that reminds me of those rosebud little nipples inside.

  Instead of feasting on that particular prize, I focus on her neck. The smooth, creamy, slender column of her delectable neck. My tongue teases and my teeth nip just enough to cause her to gasp in pleasure. The sound is like a tornado to my soul, reckless and wild, yet surprisingly soothing.

  “This is crazy,” she says as her hands slide down and grip my ass.

  “Definitely crazy.”

  “We shouldn’t do this here,” she adds, her slender fingers finding my be
lt and working on the closure.

  “Definitely not,” I reply, continuing to shower open-mouthed kisses down her neck and collarbone.

  The sound of my belt unbuckling, followed by the unmistakable release of zipper teeth has me on edge and gritting my teeth. Jesus, I’m ready to explode and she hasn’t even touched me yet. She pushes my pants down, my boxer briefs stretched tightly across my throbbing cock.

  “It feels kinda good to be bad,” she whispers just as her hand slips into my underwear and wraps around my cock. When she slowly strokes from root to tip, my eyes cross and all ability to breathe ceases to exist.

  “Sooooo good,” I groan, forgetting all about her neck. I have to place my hands on the counter just to keep myself upright.

  Suddenly, she drops to her knees and grabs the waist of my boxer briefs. With one quick swoop, she pulls them down to my ankles, my hard cock practically slapping her in the face. The tip is wet, my body taut with need and alive with desire. She gazes up at me, her own yearning written all over her face, and slowly brings her mouth to where I need her most.

  “Fuck,” I groan as her lips wrap around my shaft. She sucks, hard and fast, bringing my entire cock into her warm mouth. I can’t breathe. There’s not enough air in the room, in the building, in the world.

  Meghan places her hands on my ass and with nothing but her sweet mouth, starts to work me over like a fucking porn star. I’ve never experienced anything like this before in my life, and considering how amazing our weekend was, that’s saying something.

  I focus on my breathing, which becomes increasingly difficult, as she bobs up and down, using only her mouth and wicked tongue. She takes me straight from horny to crazy in about ten seconds. Any other time, I might be a little embarrassed by how quickly I’m about to come, but not today. Not with her.

  It’s because I want her so fucking much.

  “I’m going to come,” I warn her, gazing down and watching as she takes my cock in and out of her mouth. Her eyes connect with mine and she doesn’t let go. Instead, it only fuels her further. She practically swallows me, my dick disappearing into her mouth and the head of my cock sliding down her throat. I lose it. Yes, I come harder than I’ve ever come before, but it’s more than that. It’s that moment that I realize I’m in jeopardy of losing so much more.


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