by John Douglas
Franks, Bobby, 365
Fredd, Willie, murder of, 31-36
profile in, 33-35
Freeman, Jeff, 200-06, 209, 210, 228
Freemen, 25
French, Donna, 57, 58, 76
French, Doug, 57, 58, 76
French, Kristen Dawn, abduction and murder of, 56-58, 60-64, 68, 71-72, 74-77
see also Schoolgirl Murders
Frost, Brent, 88
Frykowski, Voytek, murder of, 361
Fuhrman, Mark, 350, 353-54
Gacy, John Wayne, 92
Gein, Ed, 25
of abductors, 149-60
of child molestors, 149
of infant abductors, 156
of serial killers, 27-28
of victims, 89, 103, 125, 134
Genovese, Kitty, 98, 178
Goldman, Ronald, murder of, 333-56
profile in, 336-56
Gonzowski, Greg “Gonzo,” 214-15, 217, 229, 230
Grant, Dan, 283
Greenfield, Hank 115, 118
Green Ribbon, Operation, 62-76
Green River murders, 11, 14, 332
Griggs, John, 225
habeas corpus, writ of, 257-64, 269
Hagerman, Amber, abduction and murder of, 144
Hagmaier, Bill 25, 88, 335
Hamm, Carolyn, rape and murder of, 296-301, 302-03, 305, 313, 317-21, 329-31
profile in, 298-99
Hand, Mrs., 218, 229
Hand, Susan, 212-18, 220-21, 229-31, 274
Hansen, Cassandra Lynn “Cassie,” abduction and murder of, 86-103
profile in, 88-84
Hansen, Ellen, 86-87, 102-03
Hansen, Robert, 277
Hansen, Vanessa, 86-87, 103
Hansen, William, 103
Harding, Della T., murder of, 132-33
Harrington, Jim, 103-05, 107
Harris, Thomas, 25
Harris v. Nelson, 257
Hatch, Orrin, 263
Hawkins, Frank, 298
Hayes, Charles, 42
Hayes, Harold, 9, 239
Hazelwood, Roy, 9, 69-70, 73, 240, 299-300, 335
Hazzard, Ernie, 311
Heck, Debbie, 283, 284, 290
Heidnick, Gary, 25
Hellams, Susan, rape and murder of, 307-08, 313, 329
profile in, 310-11
Helmick, Debra, murder of, 99
“Helter Skelter,” 24, 343
Heng, Deliana, sexual assault and murder of, 43, 125, 291
Hester, Maize D., 156
Hill, Mike, 314, 316, 322-25
Hillside Strangler, 65
Hinckley case, 278
Hitchcock, Alfred. 26
Holton, Tim, 256, 259, 266
homicidal triad, 23
assassination-style, 33, 34
classification of, 342
lust, 9, 240-42
stranger vs. nonstranger, 55, 63, 79, 105, 281, 338, 342
Homolka, Karla Leanne, 71-77, 320
relationship with Bernardo of, 74-75, 76
Homolka, Tammy Lyn, rape and murder of, 72-73, 75
homosexual pedophilia, 117
Hoover, J. Edgar, 12, 77
Horgas, Joe, 298-99, 302-06, 309, 313-31
Horn, Jim, 247-48
Hoverter, Norman, 148
Howard, Greg, 287
Howard, Michael, 224-25
hypnosis, as forensic examination tool, 236
I-40 Killer, 26, 51-52
Ikerd, Charles Neil, 156-58
Ikerd, Heather Louise, abduction of, 156-58
Ikerd, Terra Ann, murder of, 156-58
incest, 138-40
In Contempt (Darden), 350
infant abductors, 149-60
age of, 150
gender of, 156
media coverage of, 152, 154, 155, 159
MO of, 152
profile of, 150-52, 160-61
protection against, 160-61
race of victim of, 152
relative risk for, 152
reporting of, 150, 159
Stressors in, 151
violence in, 152, 157
see also child molesters
Ingaldson, William H., 287-92
insanity defense, 116-20, 237-38, 244-46
Inside the Criminal Mind (Samenow), 265
International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety, 149
In the Belly of the Beast (Abbott), 166
Investigative Support Unit, 6, 11, 16, 88, 277, 287, 294, 317, 335, 342
isolation from society, 257, 360
Izquierdo, Elisa, murder of, 180-84
Izquierdo, Gustavo, 181-83
Jacobs, Greg, 144
Jessop, Christine Marion, sexual assault and murder of, 49,78-84
profile in, 80-83
Jessop, Janet, 79, 83
Jessop, Kenneth, 79, 84
Jessop, Robert, 79, 83
Johnson, Mina Ethel, rape and murder of, 271-72
Jones, Jim, 25
Jones, Patricia, 101
Jones, Robert, 234-35, 247, 259, 267
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 43
Judicial Reform Foundation, 262
Justice Department, U.S., 17-18, 122, 261, 262
Kaczynski, Theodore, 319
Kaiser, Kevin, murder of, 32-36
Kanka, Megan, murder of, 163-64
Keller, Elissa, murder of, 39
Kelley, Thomas, 328
Kemper, Clarnell, murder of, 22
Kemper, Ed, prison interview with, 22, 366
“Kids & Company: Together for Safety,” 171, 174
King, Rodney, case of, 355
Klaas, Polly, kidnapping and murder of, 142-44, 147
Knowlton, Stuart W., 93-103, 118
trial of, 101-02
Kohl, Linda, 97
Koresh, David, 25
Krenwinkel, Patricia, 361
LaBath, Robert, 88, 92
LaBianca, Leno, murder of, 241, 343, 361
LaBianca, Rosemary, murder of, 24, 343, 361
Lafferty, L. T., 268
Lake, Leonard, 16, 22, 125
Lamborn, Dan, 39, 41
Lange, Thomas, 349
Lanning, Ken, 123-24, 126-27, 134, 138, 140, 145-46
Laurenzi, Lawrence, 228
Lawson, James Clayton, Jr., 65
prison interview with, 241-42
Leopold, Nathan, 365
Lewis, Charta, 38
Lietz, Dannelle, sexual assault and murder of, 128-34
profile in, 128-33
Lietz, Melody, 131-32
Limb, Tony, murder of, 39
Loeb, Richard, 365
Long, Louise, 272
Lopez, Awilda, 180-83
Lopez, Carlos, 181-82
Los Angeles Police Department, 353-55
Luke, James, 17
lust murder, 9, 240-42
disorganized asocial, 240
organized nonsocial, 240
“Lust Murderer, The” (Douglas and Hazelwood), 9, 240-41
Lynch, James M., 101-02
McCarry, Charles, 19
McCarthy, Dana, 101
McClure, Jason Ray, abduction of, 154
McClure, Renee, 154
McCrary, Gregg, 63-69, 72, 75-76, 77, 126, 335, 358
McCue, Rich, 304
McCutcheon, William, 97
McDonald, Larry, 88
McGinty, Tim, 36
McLean, Dan, 67, 68
McMullen, Don, 277-78
McSpadden, Don, 134
McWherter, Ned, 270
McWilliams, Ron, 272
Mahaffy, Debbie, 59, 60, 76
Mahaffy, Leslie Erin, sexual assault and murder of, 58-64, 71-73, 76
see also Schoolgirl Murders
Mahaffy, Robert “Dan,” 59, 76
Mallard, Jack, 239
Mandel, Loren, 42
manipulation, serial killers’ need for, 9, 20, 24, 53, 66, 75, 1
35, 140, 167, 168, 242
Manson, Charles, prison interview with, 24, 361
Man’s Search for Meaning (Frankl), xiii
Mardigian, Stephen, 317-22, 325, 330-31, 335, 364, 367
Marine Corps, Collins in, 209-19
Marshall, Thurgood, 256
Marshall, Willis, 235, 237, 244
Martin, Eric, 274
Martinas, Mamie Johanna Hotze, 190-91
Martinus, Thomas, 190-91
Maury Povich show, 264
media, police cooperation with, 62, 67-68, 70, 90, 108, 118
Megan’s Law (1996), 164-65,167
“Megan’s Place,” 167
Metts, Jim, 99
Meyers, Don, 100
Michael, Prince of Greece, 181, 183-84
Millington police department, 223-25
Mindhunter (Douglas and Olshaker), 16, 278, 335, 361
missing children, 121-61
Missing Children Act (1984), 122
Missing Children Web Page, 161
modus operandi (MO), 25-26
signature vs., 26, 36-42, 318
molestation of children, see child molesters
Mones, Paul, 323, 326, 331
Monroe, Jana, 335
Moore, Bruce, 103-04, 107
Moore, Sharon, 105, 107-08
Moore, Shawn, abduction and murder of, 103-12,116,118
profile in, 105-09
Morin, Guy Paul, 82-83
Mosely, Winston, 98
motive, 9, 15, 23, 29-46, 239, 243, 247
multiple personality disorder (MPD), 9, 235-38, 245-46
Murder Mac, 15
Myers, Kenneth, abduction and murder of, 114-15, 118
narcissists, 75, 117, 351
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), 121-23, 139, 149, 159-60, 161, 168, 171-72, 177, 184
National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse, 123
National Crime Information Center, 132
National Organization for Victim Assistance, 261
Naval Investigative Service (NIS), 6, 9, 223-24, 226, 228, 241-43
NCMEC (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children), 121-23, 139, 149, 159-60, 161, 168, 171-72, 177, 184
Needham, Roger, 88
Neighbours, Gordon, 232
Newman, Angie, sexual assault and murder of, 276-95
Newman, John, 276, 282, 283, 284,292
Newman, Melissa, sexual assault and murder of, 276-95
Newman, Nancy, sexual assault and murder of, 276-95
profile in, 278-82
Newton, Paul, 221
New York Police Department, 17
New York Times, 183
Ng, Charles, 16, 22, 125
Nobles, Brenda Joyce, 154-55
Noga, Dorothy, 94-96, 97-98, 100,102
Nolan, Cheri, 261
Nordby, Jack, 101
Norris, Roy, 15, 22, 65-66, 125, 330
Northcutt, Anna, 226
Nowag, Captain, 217, 220-21
O’Connor, Bart, 182
O’Connor, Sandra Day, 262
Odom, James Russell, 65
Odom, Richard, 271-72
Office for Liaison Services, 261
Office for Victims of Crime. 265
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 122
Operation Green Ribbon, 62-76
organized offenders, 51, 63, 68, 147, 318, 337
Orne, Martin, 237
O’Toole, Mary Ellen, 66
Outrage (Bugliosi), 354
Parade, 183
paranoid personalities, 34
paranoid schizophrenics, 34, 90
paraphilia, 125
Parent, Steven, murder of, 361
parents, children murdered by, 105, 147, 277
parole, 19, 144, 252
Parrott, Alison, abduction, sexual assault and murder of, 49-56, 80
profile in, 50-54
Parrott, Lesley, 50
partners in crime, 63, 65-66, 77
see also Vasquez, David
Pavloski, Victoria, 218
Pearson, Albert, murder of, 31-36
pedophiles, pedophilia, 124-27
homosexual, 117
see also child molesters
Pennell, Steven, 26-27, 51-52
Pennsylvania, University of School of Nursing, 149
PERK (Physical Evidence Recovery Kit), 303
Petrick, Ed, 39
Phillips, Ron, 350
Physical Evidence Recovery Kit (PERK), 303
Pierce, Darci Kayleen, 158-59
Poch, Thomas, 101
Polanski, Roman, 24
police buffs, serial killers as, 23,82
police cooperation with media, 54, 62, 67-68, 70, 90-92, 108, 118
polygraphs, 349
pornography, 299
pornography, child, 124-25, 127, 137, 145
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 119, 160
Powell, Lewis F., Jr., 258
President’s Task Force on the Victims of Crime, 261
press coverage, 68, 76, 90, 313
of infant abductions, 152, 154, 155, 159
Prince, Cleophus, Jr., 38-39,367
trial of, 17, 42-43
prison interviews, 5, 20-25
with Berkowitz, 21, 241
with Bittaker, 66
with child molesters, 89, 166
with Lawson, 241-42
with Manson, 24-25, 361
with repeat violent child molesters, 166
with Speck, 21
proactive strategies, 13, 53-54, 69, 77, 82, 87, 99, 100, 108, 159
profilers, 16-20, 293
judgment of, 17-18
stress of, 11-16
training of, 16
of burglars, 339
of child abductors, 160-61
of child molesters, 123-28
in Clairemont murders, 36-39
in Collins murder, 1-5, 239-43
in Dinkel-Lietz murders, 128-33
in Fredd et al. murders, 33-36
in Haram rape and murder, 298-300
in Hansen abduction and murder, 88-93
in Hellams rape and murder, 210-11
of infant abductors, 150-52, 160-61
in Jessop sexual assault and murder, 80-83
in Moore abduction and murder, 105-09
in Newman murders, 278-83
in Parrott abduction and murder, 50-54
of rapist, 69-70
of rapist-murderer, 30-31
in Schoolgirl Murders, 56-68
of sexual sadist, 73-74
of Shawcross, 64
in Simpson-Goldman murders, 336-56
profiling, 293-95
of child abductors, 160-61
of child murderers, 147
and computers, 18, 41
seven steps of, 12-13
subjectivity of, 17-18
techniques of, 20-22,36-37,41
of victim, 15, 368; see also victimology; victims
Project Head Start, 360
prosecutorial strategy, 9, 45, 239, 243, 288-91, 352-54
protection of children, see children, protection of
psychics, 131
Psycho (Bloch), 26
psycholinguistics, 319
psychological stress evaluation (PSE), 93
psychopathic serial killers, 147
punishment, 19, 357, 361-64
capital, see death penalty
Quinn, Art, 256, 259, 266
Rabun, John, 159-60
race, serial killers and, 34, 299, 311, 313, 321
Rains, Donald, 32-36
rape-murder, 30-31, 305
profile of, 30-31
rapist, black masked, see black masked rapist
Rapist Files, The 44
rapist, 65, 123, 124, 136, 162
profile of, 69-70
see also Scarborough Rapist
Ray, Cindy Lynn, abduction and murder of, 158
Ray, Jud, 132, 277-95,
310-11, 317-22, 329, 330, 335, 342, 349
Reager, William Thomas, 131-34
Red Dragon (Harris), 25
redemption, 19, 165
Reese, Jim, 247
rehabilitation, 19, 144, 167, 254-55, 365
of serial killers and sexual predators, 255-56
Rehnquist, William H., 256-58
remorse, serial killers and, 22, 54, 66, 130, 132, 243, 267, 286
Reno, Janet, 18
of child molestation, 139-40, 170
of infant abduction, 150, 159
Ressler, Robert, 20
retribution, 363-64
Rettman, Janice, 96-99, 101
return to crime scenes, 22, 54, 91, 109-10, 349
Richardson, Deborah, 245
risk, relative, 41, 63, 105, 129, 133, 137, 143-44, 152, 303, 307, 313, 320
Robillard, Al, 101
Rogers, Glen, 344-45
Rogers, Richard, 225
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 63
Rummel, Chuck, 132
Run of His Life, The (Toobin), 350
Russell, George, Jr., 311
sadists, sexual, see sexual sadists
St. Paul Dispatch, 95, 97
Salemi, John, 287
Salp, Tom, 310, 335
Samenow, Stanton, 265
Sampson, Jack, 226
Scarborough Rapist, 71-72, 77
schizophrenics, 34, 90, 117
Schmidt, Darrell, 88
Schoembs, Rick, 302-03
Schoolgirl Murders, 56-76
profile in, 63-68
Schultz, Tiffany, murder of, 36-37, 41
Sebring, Jay, murder of, 361
Selected Neighborhood Apprehension Program, (SNAP), 309
Senate Judiciary Committee, 263-64
Serial Killer and Child Abduction Unit, 88
serial killers:
age of, 34, 88-89, 107. 130
control by, see control, serial killers’ need for
cruelty to animals of, 23
disorganized, 63, 81, 129, 147, 158, 279, 280, 282, 337, 343
domination by, see domination, serial killers’ need for
dysfunctional childhoods of, 23, 36, 102, 142, 144
enuresis of, 23
fantasies of, see fantasies of serial killers
fire-starting of, 21, 23, 323, 326
gender of, 27
manipulation by, see manipulation, serial killers’ need for
motives of, 9, 15, 23, 29-46, 239, 241, 247
organized, 57, 63, 68, 147, 318, 337
as partners, 63-66, 68, 77; see also Vasquez, David
as police buffs, 22-23, 82
pornography and, 299-300
press coverage followed by, 68, 76, 90, 313
psychopathic, 147
racial lines rarely crossed by, 34, 299, 310-11, 313, 321
rehabilitation of, 358-61
relative risk and, 41, 63, 105, 129, 134, 137, 143-44, 152, 303, 307, 313, 320
remorse and, 22, 53, 54, 66, 130, 132, 243, 267, 286
return to crime scenes by, 21-23, 54, 91, 110, 349
sexual sadists, 45, 51, 53, 66, 77, 117, 124, 136, 318
stranger, nonstranger vs., 55, 63,79,105-06,281,339,343
stressors of, 67, 69, 81, 91, 95-96, 107, 109, 130, 136, 145, 241, 243, 282